The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 748 Ms. Carter (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking subscription) 5000 words

Soon Captain America was half-fudged and half-forced to leave. Maybe it would go to which military base, but it didn't matter to him, Kai didn't care anyway.

definitely, so far, only Kay thinks so. Less than fifteen minutes after Captain America left, the fifteenth game was surrounded by reporters again.

Some idiot must have sold the news of Captain America's resurrection. It's nothing, it's normal in big cities. Except for those extremely bad cases, where a death order is not allowed to be leaked, many times the police will use selling news as a means to make extra money. There is no good way for Kay. He himself doesn't like to do this, but the problem is that the New York police, or the police in all big cities (only the news from New York and Los Angeles is more valuable) are of this virtue.

Even an underground industrial chain has emerged from this. In short, this kind of thing has been established by convention, and the police officers below are also distinguished, knowing that those who cannot be disclosed, those who can sell the news. So even if Kay was upset, he didn't say much, after all, he couldn't fight against human nature.

Ever since, the news of Captain America's resurrection was sold out in a short period of time. One of the fastest first-hand news, is said to have sold more than 100,000 US dollars, because that news not only contains Captain America's own confession, but also a photo of him!

After that, I don’t know how many times this news has been sold. In short, all the news media in New York City, including TV stations and newspapers, have gathered outside the police station, and even many online platforms have also rushed over.

This is a huge amount of explosion!

Kay definitely wouldn't participate in this kind of trouble, and George had no choice but to stand in front of the stage again.

"Yes, Captain America is back!" After George asked Kay for instructions, he learned that the news of Captain America's resurrection does not need to be specially hidden, only S.H.I.E.L.D needs to be concealed. Anyway, Kay will not give them the credit of Captain America's return. The other George played casually.

George's statement made everyone boil all at once! Captain America is really back!

"Excuse me, Deputy Chief George. Can you tell me how Captain America was resurrected? Could it be that the government used some secret experiment? Or is it just a fake? A puppet used to attract the public's attention?"

"About how Captain America was resurrected, I can tell you. That was because the Federation found the frozen Captain America in the Arctic Circle. You also know that the large-scale loss of the Arctic ice cap due to environmental issues over the years is also because In this way, we can discover Captain America. After that we lifted the ice seal, and that's it. As for what you said... I can only say that you think too much. If you really want those things, the government has long established a super The army of soldiers! Anyway, Captain America is back. It's a fact!"

George originally wanted to give credit to the Federation, but as he spoke, he became ‘us’. It is not clear that the New York police rescued Captain America. Definitely, this kind of thing, no one will be true to George.

"Then where is Captain America now? Is it still in the police station?" Another reporter raised his hand and asked."What do you think?" George asked back.

The reporter also cooperated and expressed his own guess: "It is absolutely impossible to stay in the police station. The Federation will not let such a hero out."

"Look, you have thought of it, do you think the Federation can't think of it?"

"Then can we know where Captain America is?"

"You should ask the White House about this question. You don't think the White House will tell me this little policeman?" George said wittyly.

George was actually not very good at dealing with the media before, but the director of Kai Kai is completely a hand-off shopkeeper, and George has been trained. Definitely, it's not bad. The higher the police, the more they resemble politicians. If they can’t handle the relationship with the media, their future will be limited. Like Kai, he is a typical boy who doesn't know how to manage himself, and he can only play in the frontline for a lifetime, and he is destined to not enter the political arena.

Because George often appears in the news media on behalf of the 15th Precinct, the exposure rate is quite high. The high exposure rate is equivalent to being deeply impressed by voters. If he runs to run, he will definitely have a lot of votes.

"Then when do you think the federal government will announce the comeback of Captain America? Or will it continue to conceal the existence of Captain America." In the eyes of many reporters, the federal government is the biggest villain because they have a lot of secrets, but they just don't want to. share. What could be more hated by reporters than this?

Don't wait for George to speak.

Eddie Bullock squeezed into the crowd, he arrived late. Because there was a group of robbery punks in the middle of the way. So it's late, but don't be afraid, he has a very good relationship with the 15th game, and he can even get in and out of the 15th game at will.

No way, who called the name Venom has already started?

Perhaps because of the admiration of superhero, Eddie also embarked on the road of volunteer police, but unlike those wild foxes, he is a partner of the 15th Precinct and is considered a voluntary policeman. Eddie was indeed a little proud during this time, because the presence of the venom allowed him to catch first-hand news. He even got into the circle of New York Volunteers by virtue of his identity, and had many sources of information. And the newspaper he was in was also very prestigious because of the appearance of a superhero in his own newspaper.

Before, there were newspapers criticizing the venom, but before Eddie took it, his colleagues and superiors started to fight with people like crazy dogs, spraying each other in the newspapers.

definitely this is not necessarily out of real support for Eddie, but for their own benefit, after all, more people will buy their newspapers.

In short, Venom is obviously so ugly, but he is the best superhero, because surprisingly, no one will harass him! Whether it is the police, the federal government or any other messy organization, they turn a blind eye to it. This can be considered extremely rare.

"George! Do you have a picture of Captain America? I mean the exclusive one?" Eddie is also not welcome, and it's about the news.Other reporters were very upset with Eddie's behavior, but George didn't mean to refuse it: "We will talk privately later."

"That's great!"

Jealousy envy hate ah.

In the eyes of all reporters, Eddie is a proper winner in life.

The next is some inquiries about details. George is able to grasp the rhythm very well. Never say what should not be said. What should be said, just play it by himself.


So the news exploded the next day. In fact, the entire public opinion field exploded that day without waiting for the next day. It's just Eddie's revelation that completely detonated public opinion.

He uploaded the video of Captain America on his personal website!

This is not the point, the point is that Captain America in the video still carries the handcuffs...

There were rumors at that time.

The New York police are so powerful that they arrested Captain America...

There are more scoldings definitely.

Many people are surprised that the New York police do not even know Captain America!

Many people began to wonder how the New York Police Elementary School graduated. definitely this is mostly ridicule. After all, who could have guessed that it was Captain America before? Everyone knows that Captain America and Red Skull died together.

In short, the entire United States has become agitated because of the appearance of Captain America.

At the regular press conference of the White House that day, reporters were crazy about wanting to learn about Captain America.

But the White House spokesperson also didn't know much.

I can only say repeatedly: "Now the captain has just awakened, and it takes time to recover. We must wait until authoritative experts confirm that there is no problem before we can release his information."

In short, the United States has become lively again.

At the same time, Ms. Carter, known as the widow of Captain America, returned to the United States in secret. But the first person she saw was not the man who made her dream, she first came to New York.

"Tony." Ms. Carter looked at the man in front of her, lost in memory.

Tony knew Carter a long time ago and called Roar her Aunt Peggy. After Tony's parents died that year, Carter also took care of Tony as an elder for a long time. Their relationship can be said to be very close, but because of S.H.I.E.L.D, Carter did not stay in the United States, but settled in London. But even so, Tony visits Carter every year.

But now, everything seems to be different.

In Tony's eyes looking at Carter, there was no kind of affection, some only indifferent.

"Aunt Peggy." Tony didn't say anything against the aunt who took care of him. It's just that the tone is different.

" have changed a lot." Tony is definitely not the kind of person who would act like a baby to Carter, but Carter can feel the alienation.

Tony smiled: "The same is true for you. I always thought you were just an ordinary civil servant. But I didn't expect you to be the first director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Tony, Howard is not that simple..."

"Definitely, Bucky Barnes! A good friend of Captain America, if someone knows that Mr. Barnes is treason, it will affect the status of Steve Rogers. I understand." There was nothing in Tony's eyes. understand. "But I don't understand, Aunt Peggy. My father is also your friend. He even founded S.H.I.E.L.D with you! Why do you even hide his death? Just to protect the Captain America in the ice?"

Carter knew that Tony couldn't hear the explanation anymore. But from Carter's position, she had to persuade.

"No, Tony, things are not what you think. Bucky is innocent! He is manipulated!" If S.H.I.E.L.D's Ability can't find something, it's really hell. But the only thing that was found was this. This is also Carter's heart disease over the years. "He was brainwashed and manipulated by the Soviets! Trust me!"

"The Soviet Union is gone! Don't tell me that it is Russia who controls him now!" After Tony learned that Barnes had killed his parents, he never gave up on the whereabouts of Barnes. He has checked all countries in the world with Ability. Among them, Russia is naturally the focus. The feedback is that Barnes disappeared long before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Even if Barnes was controlled by the Soviets, now the Soviet Union is gone! Tony doesn't look for Barnes, who will he look for?

"Barnes is innocent!" Carter made his last effort.

"Hehe, do you think so? His hands are stained with my parents' blood, or is he innocent?"

Barnes killed Tony's parents, which really didn't have to be washed away.

It's not this that definitely makes Tony really angry, but Carter's attitude!

His father is Carter's comrade-in-arms and close friend! S.H.I.E.L.D was originally created by his father!

But Carter's attitude... as if his father's death was not worth mentioning!

"I've been looking for the man behind the scenes! Tony. I have been working hard."

"Is it really so?" Tony's face was completely cold, and even the polite smile he had previously disappeared! Tony was not a person who was good at hiding his emotions, after all, few people in this world needed him to conceal his emotions. "You have checked for decades, and I checked it out in a few months... Is S.H.I.E.L.D really serious about it?"

Carter was choked.

She has been blaming herself for Howard's death all these years, after all, she was in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, her investigations over the years have always failed for various reasons, as if some forces were preventing herself. She thought it was the Soviet Union, but after the Soviet Union disappeared, this force still existed.

In fact, she herself is not sure if there is such a force.

Later, Carter had gradually lost control of S.H.I.E.L.D. This is normal. After all, the new generation has grown up, and no one will allow Carter to permanently control SHIELD. After all, no one wants to have another Hoover. Hoover has been the FBI director for 48 years, and all previous presidents have nothing to do with it. Method.

If S.H.I.E.L.D is such a person again... I can hardly imagine it.

But even so, Carter has been in office for a long time. But after all, he had to face the reality. After realizing that he had lost control of S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter left the United States and returned to the United Kingdom. (Carter is British)

This is to give all parties peace of mind.

So the investigation was entrusted to her successor, Alexander Pierce...

But now it seems that the investigation still hasn't made the slightest progress, and there may even be no one to investigate at all.

Thinking of this, Carter really didn't know what to say.

"Aunt Peggy...I understand you, you love the captain. But you can't spread your love for him to everyone connected to him!" Tony's eyes were red: "You failed my father! And Steve Rogers Same! My father is so helpful to you, but you only think of yourself! You never even thought about him at all! You are not worthy to call Roar my father a friend!"

This is an extremely severe accusation.

Carter wanted to explain that this is not the case.

But Tony turned around and left.

Carter wanted to hold him, but Tony seemed to have had enough, and shook Carter away.

Carter was unstable and fell to the ground.

Then Carter felt the world spin, his eyes turned black, and there was sharp pain in his chest.

Tony heard the sound and turned around and saw Carter fall to the ground with his eyes closed, and immediately felt bad!


"So... you want me to come here to save her?" Kay looked at the old lady lying on the hospital bed through the glass, frowning and looking at Tony: "I'm not a doctor!"

Tony's complexion looked at the medical staff where Carter was giving first aid."I know... I also know that she is no longer good enough, even if it hadn't been this time... she wouldn't live long."

"By the way, who is she? It made you so nervous, and gave her first aid at your own home." Kai didn't know the old woman.

"She... is Peggy Carter. Captain America's widow." Tony said quietly. He originally wanted to say that it was his Aunt Peggy. But thinking that they are destined to stand on the opposite side in the future, he still used another identity to introduce her.

"Tsk..." Kay felt a toothache.

Kay still knows the relationship between Peggy Carter and Tony. Especially after the resurrection of Captain America, their relationship is bound to usher in some twists and turns... a lively family ethics drama!

"Do you want to use the keel?" Kay probably guessed Tony's plan.

"Well, please." Tony's thought was that he owed Carter all this time!

"Then have you figured out how to explain it?" Kai was not stingy about the keel or something. Tony had said so, and there was no problem at all. But... after that?

The small bones of the keel are not obvious in young people. For example, Tony, he looks only a few years younger. Outsiders looked at it and only said that he would take care of it. But for the elderly, the effect is very outstanding, when the time comes, the growth will be reversed, how can you explain it.

Ninety-year-old, he is still growing backward...who is fooling!

Tony hadn't considered that much before.

He was a bit distressed now. After all, rejuvenation and longevity... this kind of thing, as long as it is an individual, it will be eager.

By the time the trouble will be big!

"Or, just say it's my new invention?"

"Haha." Kay declined to comment. Even if Tony is full of iron, how many nails can Tony hit?

This thing is needed by people all over the world!

"Tsk... really troublesome!"

Tony rolled his eyes and came up with a bad idea: "Or, let Batman take the blame? He is so mysterious anyway."

"You are not afraid of him looking for you, just say that." Kay shrugged and pretended to be indifferent.

"Then what to do?" This kind of thing is a big trouble to anyone. Even Batman is no exception.

"Why... let Hannibal take the blame?" Tony thought for a while and wanted to propose someone again. "He always fiddles with all kinds of things...should be okay?"

"Are you afraid that Hannibal will find you?"

"Well...I should be able to carry it. You just need to be sure, will he come out to clarify?"

"He's not that idle." Kay thought for a while. Hannibal's reputation is bad anyway, so he doesn't mind being more noticeable.

"That's it!" Tony waved his hand boldly and agreed. But the next second he whispered: "Are you sure Hannibal won't kill me, right?"

"Probably." Kai curled his lips.


When Carter opened her eyes again, she found that her body was more relaxed than ever before, and the forgetfulness and confusion that had always plagued her in the past were wiped out.

It feels...returning to a young age.

But she sat up from the bed. When I turned my head to get a glass of water, I suddenly saw the mirror next to the bed.

The water glass broke to the ground.

In the mirror is a beautiful girl who is about twenty years old!

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