The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 689: The Devil Is Dead! (Seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) S

However, the United States has one advantage, and that is the prosecution and defense bargaining! This kind of judicial system is extremely irresponsible in Kay's view. The so-called "prosecution and defense bargaining", the official legal term is "guilty plea bargaining agreement", which usually refers to the suspect's admission of the crime in exchange for a lighter criminal punishment. Common plea agreements include three types: the defendant reduces the number of charges he pleads guilty, the prosecutor recommends a lighter sentence to the judge, and the suspect agrees to admit certain facts.

The original intention of prosecution and defense transactions was to save judicial costs. As we all know, judicial costs in the United States have always been very high. It is too common for a homicide case to be tried for several years. Remember that this is just the time for the trial. If you add some other messes Time, that's even longer.

And this just requires huge amounts of cost! Therefore, the plea bargaining system has emerged. It is undeniable that this system has its positive significance. It can effectively save litigation costs, improve judicial efficiency, and alleviate the backlog of a large number of cases. In the United States, more than 90% of criminal cases are resolved through plea bargaining.

But there are also negative meanings, and they are great. For example, many serious offenders can plead guilty to several lesser crimes through this transaction and get a reduced sentence.

This does take into account the cost of justice, but it does not take into account the real justice, not the kind of procedural justice, but the real justice that the victim deserves!

So Kay has never liked this kind of transaction, and has never done it.

But this time, Kay felt he could make an exception. The reason is simple. Hope is not a real criminal. She has been controlled from start to finish. Her experience and injuries are already serious. If she goes to jail again... it will be a nightmare.

Kay then called Shaliz and Hope’s lawyers and asked them to negotiate directly with Harvey.

Harvey also sympathizes with Hope, but for Harvey, procedural justice is far more important than the individual justice he originally thought. Because only by adhering to procedural justice can the city of New York get back on track. Individual justice may be exciting, but it can never replace judicial justice, because justice is the cornerstone of maintaining social stability and maintaining civilized development! If everyone is to be a righteous policeman, then it is just a kind of poison for this society!

Harvey doesn't like righteous police, it has always been the case.

Definitely, he has no opinion on the righteous police originally, on the contrary, he still thinks that these righteous police are the people who really have justice in their hearts. It is a pity that the justice that the public needs is not justice that abuses lynching by the righteous police, but an upright judicial system!

It has nothing to do with personal feelings, but a different position.

Negotiations went well. First of all, Shaliz had no opinion on the civil lawsuits of the victims’ family members, and even willing to settle with them in court. It didn’t matter how much money was, neither Hope’s father nor Shaliz originally lacked money.

Secondly, criminal proceedings should be kept as low-key as possible. Neither Hope nor Shaliz hoped that public opinion would participate too much. No matter where you are, as long as there are more people involved, bad things are easy to happen. If it arouses public discussion, then... it would be a disaster for Hope and Shaliz.

Especially Shaliz, she is a public figure. Once in contact with this, what awaits her will be the destruction of her career.

Just like Judy Foster back then, because Reagan was assassinated, she was shot down (the murderer confessed that he did it to get Judy’s attention), which resulted in a huge setback in her career and wasted her best years. When she returns to public view again, she can only play the role of mother.

Harvey has no opinion on this. Anyway, the deal is concluded and there is no need for a jury. High-profile and low-profile are in the hands of the judge. You only need to make a good move, Roar, and this thing can be done silently. The only thing to consider is the emotions of the victim’s family.

But... Although it’s not a good idea to say that, the victims’ family members are willing to keep it secret after learning about the incident and the large amount of compensation, which is just a large amount of hush money.

This is the money society.

At least here, no one feels this shameful.

In short, after a long and fierce negotiation, the final conclusion was finally reached.

Hope must plead guilty. This is undisputed.

Secondly, Hope must be admitted to a mental hospital. There is no compromise. As a concession, the New York prosecutors and courts can let Hope’s family designate a psychiatric hospital or a place with a qualification certificate for the treatment of mental illness, such as a good environment. Nursing home.

Moreover, the court allowed that with the certification of three or even multi-party medical institutions, if Hope recovered, she could be discharged from the hospital to restore her freedom.After contacting Bob, Shaliz finally reached an agreement on such conditions.

Bob does not want to admit that his daughter has a mental illness, but this is already the best result, and he can only agree.

Although not everyone is happy, but now it is also a result that everyone accepts.


Kay followed Shaliz and Harley to the hospital to visit Hope, who is about to be transferred to a top nursing home in New York.

Hope's mental state is much better than before, but she is still a bit dull. Seeing Shaliz, she just glanced at it and continued to look out the window.

"She is in a much better state now, at least the previous suicidal tendencies are gone. She is only in a closed phase." The attending doctor has been replaced by a psychologist at the hospital, and the effect is naturally immediate.

"Then when can she recover the same as before?" Shaliz hoped that her niece would be able to regain her former cheerfulness.

The attending doctor looked at Shaliz helplessly, this was the helplessness of the psychologist. They are not ordinary medicine, and if the disease is cured, it will be completely healed. Psychological problems are too subjective, and it is not the doctors who say that they can be cured if they can be cured.

"Ms. Theron, psychological medicine is different from other medicines. Psychology is more subjective. The role of doctors is to guide. It takes the patient's own efforts to really recover. In general, even if the body is injured, even if it is cured, it will leave scars. Things like that, not to mention psychologically, people are products shaped by the environment. After experiencing those things, Miss Hope’s life has changed and it is impossible to return to the past. What we can do is to get her out of those things. Influence, to welcome the rest of life with a positive or normal attitude."

The meaning is almost that things have happened, they can't change, so they can only look forward to everything.

Shaliz opened her mouth. In fact, she originally had the most say in this kind of thing, after all, she saw her mother kill her dad with her own eyes. This kind of influence has changed her life, even now, it still has an influence that cannot be forgotten.

"Then when can she be discharged?" Shaliz asked again.

"'s hard to tell. It mainly depends on the recovery." This kind of psychological subjective thing is not much better than metaphysics, and it is impossible to predict. Maybe Hope will figure it out tomorrow, maybe it will not come out for a lifetime.

"Can we talk to her?" Kai pointed to the ward.

The doctor thought about it, and finally nodded: "Yes, but it's better not to stimulate her too much. Because the result is hard to predict."

As the attending doctor, he knew the case and the murderer. But out of caution, he still didn't want to stimulate Hope.

Kay didn't listen to what the attending doctor said.

In Kay's view, Hope's biggest problem now is probably the fear of Kilgrave. If you can know that the bastard has belched, maybe that would be the best medicine.

Almost ten minutes passed.

Kay was kicked out of the ward by the angry attending doctor and Rage's Bob together.

Because Hope collapsed...

When seeing Kilgrave's headshot, the girl didn't know if she was stimulated or simply frightened. The reaction was quite violent. Molly, who had been a little dazed, reacted violently, crying and laughing, yelling and beating, kneeling and sobbing and tossing for a while.

Several nurses added tranquilizers to calm her down again.

Bob was even more angrily about to sue Kay.

Shaliz could only let Kay go first, and slowly calm everyone's emotions by herself. Harley was gloating.

Harley is a PhD in serious psychology, and she didn't recommend Kay to do this before. It's a pity that Kay, who is not even a half-hearted guy, feels that human adaptability is very strong, which will help Hope's recovery.

I don't know where he learned what stimulation therapy, but the stimulation was enough. As for the result... it's really hard to say.


In the early morning of the next day, there was a rare sunny day in New York, and faint sunlight appeared on the horizon early in the morning. On the fourth floor of an old apartment building in the Clint district, Jessica got up from the bed in the apartment, her eyes blank, her hands scratching her scattered black hair.

After a while, she recovered.

She had already left the team, and she felt that she could not face her companions. Obviously it was her own business, and they were all helping her. As a result... not only did her weakness fail to help other people, it also became a burden.

This made Jessica depressed again.

Then it changed back to the previous decadence.

Looking at the golden light slanting in on the gray glass, she murmured: "It's dawn, I actually slept until dawn?"

As if something was destined to happen, Jessica felt inexplicably that the whole world today was different.

According to her own habit, she must be drunk every night and use alcohol to paralyze her mind in order to fall asleep in the muddle. Because of this, she always goes to bed very late, but always wakes up very early. Her extraordinary ability is not completely immune to the side effects of alcohol, but it makes her have to drink the strongest vodka, and the feeling of a hangover is not less. But this morning, she did not have the faint pain in her head after a hangover, nor did she have the dry mouth and tongue after waking up in the past.

A peaceful and stable sleep put her body in a comfortable and lazy state. She lay down again, watching the sun shine into the apartment, thinking nothing.

There are no nightmares, no worldly trivia.

Boom boom boom!

Just when Jessica thought she would be able to salt fish for a day, the door was knocked.

Jessica didn't like it when someone disturbed herself. It was a rare quiet time.

It's a pity that the knock on the door perseveres.

In the end Jessica could only open the door.

It was Matt and Luke who opened the door.

These two people have also looked for themselves in the past few days, but Jessica did not want to listen to them. Jessica knew that they were doing it for her own good. It would be a pity that this kind of thing would be fine if she said a few words. It's like a bird.

"Are you okay? I said, I don't want to listen to that. That's useless."

"Kilgrave is dead."

Jessica lost her voice "What?"

She didn't expect that these two people would bring this kind of news to herself, but immediately asked, "Kilgrave is dead?"

The horse's head "has been dead for more than half a month. The body is in the morgue on the side of the 15th inning. It will be taken to the public cemetery for burial in a while."

S.H.I.E.L.D took Kilgrave's body, but the New York case is about to be closed. What if there is no body? So S.H.I.E.L.D sent the body back without waiting for the police to go crazy.

It's exactly the same anyway, as to whether it was the original one, the police didn't find it wrong anyway. So I didn't care.

Jessica still couldn't believe "How could it be! How did he die?"

Speaking of this, Matt said weirdly: "This guy controlled the chief of the police and shot himself in the head..."


Jessica opened her mouth wide and didn't know how to digest the news for a while. Kilgrave, just died like this? That monster that was lingering like a devil and terrifying, just died like this?

In Jessica's eyes, Kilgrave is an extremely powerful big demon, and she herself is a weak and feeble little rookie, not the kind of Novice Village. But it was such a big devil who actually committed suicide?

"He really committed suicide?"

"Ahem... The answer given by the police is like this." Matt definitely knew it was impossible, but the answer from the police was this, you believe it or not.

No one will call this guy wrong anyway.

After a long pause, she grabbed Matt's hand. "Where is Kilgrave's body?"

At this time, Luke pretended to take Jessica's hand from Matt as if nothing had happened, and then said warmly: "I will accompany you to the police morgue."

Taking over, Jessica didn't pay attention to his warm masculinity at all, but stood up abruptly, flung Luke away, leaped softly, fell to the third floor with a bang, and ran away.

After Matt and Luke looked at each other, they could only quickly follow.


"I said... Are you okay? You want to see the corpse in the middle of the night?" Kay looked at Matt a little frantically. As for Luke and Jessica behind him, Kay pretended not to know each other. After all, as the chief of police, he had never seen two of them. Kai's acting skills have always been very good!

The acting awkwardly in front of S.H.I.E.L.D that day was because of deliberately wanting to piss S.H.I.E.L.D. It has nothing to do with the strength of Kay originally!

Matt also felt that this request...something.

But there is no way that Jessica can no longer control it. He really has no other choice but to ask for Kai. Otherwise, he really isn't necessarily willing to face Kay.

It was Kay who didn't care about Matt's small emotions at all. See it or not, that's it. Matt is not his lover, can he guilty of wasting his brain cells just because Matt doesn't want to see him?

"Don't you do weird things with the corpse? You know it's illegal, and you don't want me to arrest you, right?"

Matt was shocked, don't say anything. Look at Jessica like that... They had guessed what must have happened to Jessica and Kilgrave, and it seemed that Jessica had a lot of psychological shadow. If something really happens, then they...

In the end, Luke was more righteous: "I will watch her!"

This was actually addressed to Matt, who nodded and believed Luke.

"We can control the situation."


"I promise!"

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