The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 673 Copyright fee (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) 4600 wo

Erica was fancyed by the hand and will become the black sky, but the old man did not expect it. The fact is... the damn fate can only be blamed.

"Enough!" Matt didn't believe these so-called legends at all, or didn't want to believe it. "If you still want me to help you deal with hands and meetings, don't pull other people in!"

"Matt... Erica must..."

"I said enough!" Matt grabbed the water glass on the table and threw it to the ground, interrupting the old man's words.

There was silence in the room. Neither Gunman nor Matt spoke. The two blind men'looked' at each other. From their expressions, neither of them had any intention of changing their minds.

About three minutes later, the old man sighed long: "Matt... you are so naive."

After speaking, he stood up with his guide stick, and walked to the door step by step: "Your time is running out, if... I will complete the mission in my own way."

Matt turned his head to look at the old man, but the old man had already disappeared from there.

He knew that that was the last chance that the old man gave him, to find Erica and defeat the hand and meeting. Otherwise, true innocence will definitely kill Erica!

By the way, there is Daniel. Although Matt doesn't understand the meaning of iron fist, you can see the meaning of the old man, iron fist is the key to dealing with hand and meeting.

It seemed that the old man had backed down, but the pressure on Matt did not abate at all. This one thing was pressed on Matt's body like a mountain. Whether it is finding Erica or persuading the police to let Daniel go, it is not a simple matter. Even finding Erica, the simplest thing, Matt has no confidence to handle.

The tired Matt threw himself on the sofa, he felt so tired.

After a while, Matt bounced off the sofa. He can't rest yet, time is running out now. He has no time to blame himself. He must find a way. Although the hands and the meeting fell silent, Matt had a deep anxiety. He felt that it was the tranquility before the storm, and they must be planning something.

At this time, Matt felt so lonely, he was too tired to be alone.

Alone... Alone?

Matt felt as if he had grasped something.

I really can't fight against the hands and the meeting by myself, but what if I look for some allies?

Matt immediately cheered up.

The opponent's hand and the ability to be alone are not enough, so why not seek help?

Like... Batman!


Batman is hot recently!

For the superhero who transferred to New York, New York unreservedly gave a hundred thousand points of enthusiasm to the superhero, and various media have overwhelmed the publicity of Batman's arrival in New York. It seems like Batman is an NBA superstar transfer, and even Nicks in New York ran out to catch the heat. This NBA club actually launched the Batman joint jersey immediately.

It is said that after the launch of the joint jersey that day, Nicks was immediately sued, saying that they offended the portrait rights. Definitely, Batman couldn't be so boring to fight this lawsuit. It was Batman's fans who really initiated this lawsuit. Nicks suddenly begged for a hammer, and immediately caught the heat.Nicks held a press conference before the start of the game that evening, and they declared that fan behavior cannot rise to idols. Definitely Nick was not completely shameless. They said that Nick was willing to pay corresponding fees for the use of portrait rights, and even willing to open a big contract to reach an agreement with Batman, provided that Batman is willing to talk with them.

Although this trick is very rogue, it has to be said that this trick allows many businesses to see business opportunities.

Yes, Batman is such a good publicity stunt, how they didn't expect it.

If the traffic is larger than those celebrities, I don’t know how much, the key is not to use money.

So overnight, various products linked to Batman were put on the shelves, as if New York had become the city of Batman overnight.

The Batman fans were incompetent and furious. They were offended, but it happened... Batman himself was indifferent to it, and they did nothing. They have no ownership of Batman's portrait rights. They can only watch... Uh, not just watch, they definitely want to buy it.

It’s not a big deal, and it’s even more shameless. Someone actually went to register the Batman logo and the name Batman, and declared that he owns the naming rights and trademarks of Batman. In other words, if Batman wants to use it This name or logo must be given to him!

As a result, this product was besieged by a group of Batman fans that day. Fortunately, these fans knew that Batman is the superhero of justice, so it was not extreme.

Just shouting vigorously around him: "Shame!"

Well, the stalk of ice and fire was actually played out in advance.

This made that guy extremely embarrassed, but he still didn't feel that he was wrong, he only felt that he had found a business opportunity. Not only that, he became so angry that he registered all the trademarks of Chicago Three Heroines, The Flash, and Hannibal in one go! He hasn't registered the trademarks of Iron Man and Steel Patriot, after all, those two have always shown their true colors. Besides, neither of those two are easy to mess with.

This time, this product has become the enemy of all superhero fans.

Then the next day, someone on the White House's official website initiated a signature requesting the White House to make a ruling on the matter.

Two hours later, the number of signers exceeded 100,000, and by the next day, more than one million people signed. The White House had to pay attention to this and began consultations. In the evening, the White House spokesperson talked about this issue at a regular press conference and said that the president had discussed with the federal justices to see if the matter could be resolved from a legal perspective.

It is said that the nine federal justices also have different opinions on this. For this reason, the nine justices rarely debated and voted for such a trivial matter.

The consequence of this news is that on the third day, the number of signatories on the White House's official website continued to increase, surpassing six million at once, and it is still increasing at a rapid rate. Suddenly, the popularity of several superhero suddenly exploded.

Many people who didn't pay much attention to these at all also participated consciously or unconsciously, and it suddenly became a popular topic among the people.

On the fourth day, the number of signatories exceeded 12 million, and the influence spread again and began to play a role in the hearts of the public. Many people who did not care about this topic at all were also involved in some way. In the afternoon, the White House official website officially went down. collapse!

For this reason, the White House had to announce the formal suspension of this signature, and said that the president has felt the surging public opinion, and he is urging the federal justices to give an explanation.

Originally, in accordance with the efficiency of the American judicial system, it was impossible to reach a conclusion within a few months. In the United States, the efficiency of the judicial system has always been anxious. For a very common murder case, they have been trying for a few years. You can say that they are responsible for the case, but such inefficiency and waste of resources are an indisputable fact.

But on this matter, the nine high-ranking justices were surprisingly efficient and gave an accurate statement on the sixth day.

"The name of superhero was originally established by convention. Before the party concerned made any response, these things should originally belong to everyone." So he declared that the man's magical operation was invalid.

This is an unconventional precedent, and it even violates the US Constitution to some extent.

But surprisingly no one came up with this matter, after all, it really has to be calculated strictly, all these superheroes are illegal!

Definitely, this may also be a concession to capital, because on the day the Federal Justice announced this decision, countless large companies began to make fuss about the name of superhero unscrupulously, and various derivatives appeared endlessly.

Even Hollywood got involved, and many film companies set up projects and decided to start making superhero movies.

Kay couldn't describe how he felt when he saw these news.

So he felt that things were a little out of control, so he directly found Stark, and the two of them summed up, and directly authorized the Stark Group in the name of all superhero. In the future, the copyrights of superhero are handed over to Stark Group for operation.

After that, Natalie and Pepper held a press conference to announce that the Stark Group was authorized by the superhero. Stark Group will be responsible for all copyright issues related to superhero in the future!

Well, strictly speaking, this is still illegal and invalid. Because no superhero will actually leave his real name on the authorization file. But this kind of thing... right, it was not normal at first.

So in order to avoid some trouble, Stark Group announced that they will not be held accountable for all copyright infringements before the moment they held the press conference.

But then you must pay a certain amount of copyright fees. This copyright fee needs to be negotiated with a copyright company specially established by the Stark Group.

At the same time, Stark Group guarantees that all related income will be collected into a special fund, which will be used for charity in all superhero cities. Regarding the charity fund, the financial department of Stark Group has begun preparations and will be launched next month.

The content of this charity foundation is very large, including relief and employment training for the poor, protection and education of minors, subsidies and assistance to the police, construction and investment in poor areas, and so on.

In this way, the trend gradually receded.

But it is precisely because of this that the names of Batman and others are really popular all over the world.

But this also caused Matt a certain amount of trouble, because he had no idea where to find Batman.

Matt actually has an easier way, which is to ask Kay directly.

Everyone who should know by now knows that Kay is in contact with Batman. As for how to contact, no one knows. Anyway, HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D did not find out.

But since last time because of the punisher's matter, Matt has parted ways with Kay. It's not that even friends have to do it, but... Regarding the righteous police, Matt doesn't feel that he and Kay have a basis for cooperation. He and the punisher are the same kind of people.

On the contrary, Batman is very close to his appetite, because Batman upholds the principle of not killing.

Even for those ninjas with hands-on ability, Batman still didn't kill a single person.

This is something Matt himself didn't expect. Thinking of what those ninjas did, Matt couldn't help but kill a few ninjas, because those guys were all monsters! It's not a human being at all. But Batman did not kill!

In the eyes of others, this is a fool's approach. But in Matt's opinion... this is simply an idol! ! !

But the problem is, he really can't find Batman.

In fact, no one in this world can find Batman. Except Kay!

But it was a coincidence.

Aren’t those messy things making a lot of noise lately?

Kay felt that Batman still had to walk around more, shit, the group of people just watched Batman seldom go out, so the unscrupulous Batman's name was joking. Really are!

So Kay felt that he should let his duplication go out to do more activities, so as to let those idiots calm down a little bit.

The ability of duplication, Kai didn’t think this thing was useful at first, but at most it was a deception, but as Gold Finger collected more and more energy, after Kai spent the energy points on the ability of duplication, he discovered this The gadgets are so easy to use!

The duplication ability becomes stronger as the energy points received, the role of the original becomes stronger.Although it is still weaker than the ontology, it can last longer and longer, which also leads to the fact that duplication can be far away from the ontology.

This is also the confidence that Kay can wander around with a few vests.

To be honest, other abilities don’t actually bring much strength bonus to Kai. Whether it’s a must-play ability or a vibration ability, at best, it makes Kai look a little more fancy, but it’s a duplication. It can indeed bring a lot of benefits to Kai.

So some time ago, Kay sent Batman duplication to Los Angeles to brush up on a wave of presence. Then Hannibal followed, harvesting a wave of souls. After appearing twice in Los Angeles, it was New York's turn!


Clint district, the old nest of the Viper Gang.

The Viper Gang is an emerging gang. Although the activity is not too long, it is expanding very quickly. They were originally active in Harlem’s gangs, doing some illegal transactions, but due to the strong rule of the Golden Union, the Viper Gang could only shrink in the Harlem area, until the Viper Gang caught up with government officials, I don’t know how. It opened up the joints of Jin Bin, allowing the expansion of the territory.

When Jinhe disappeared, the Viper Gang was completely released and began to expand rapidly!

No, now they have come to the holy ground of gangsters-Hell's Kitchen!

Standing here is equivalent to being on the list of New York gangsters.

Mike Owen, a leader of the Viper Gang. He is now in charge of the base in Hell's Kitchen. Owen is a native of Clint and has some connections in the local area. At the same time, this guy is also a drug addict. He is a kind of brain watt. He gets nervous from time to time. When he gets crazy, everyone dares to kill. It is said that his dead ghost dad was caused by him. Time to kill.

So many people are afraid of him.

Owen knew, but he didn't care, on the contrary he enjoyed it. When he was a child, because of his father’s abuse, he was autistic and timid since he was young. Until he was exposed to drugs and let him be completely released, he was inextricable from then on. Perhaps he wanted to make up for what he lacked. He was weak since he was young. , Just like everyone is afraid of him.

Today is the day of bulk cargo, and Owen brought a lot of drugs to the hawker gangs and settled the bill by the way. These small street gangs are street salesmen of gangsters. They get the goods from here and are protected by the gangs and can sell the goods on their territory, but in addition to the drug money, these people have to pay an extra monthly protection fee.

Gang members really end up selling goods. In fact, it is rare. Most bulk sellers are these small gangs. Many of them are not gangsters, they are just forced by life.

Many gangs rely on this to make money. The Viper Gang is no exception.

The original thing went well, but when it was about to end, the thick iron door made three clear clangs, and then stopped.

The two bandits guarding the gate raised their guns vigilantly. This rhythm was not a signal from the guards outside.

Owen immediately looked at the bulk sellers, and he suspected that this group of people had betrayed him.

But the bulk sellers turned pale in fright, and they didn't look like they had the courage to be two or five boys.

After a short pause, three clanging knocks on the door again sounded.

It's still not hurried, and the rhythm is moderate, just as polite as a very polite person goes to a stranger's door to ask for directions.

Owen waved his hand, indicating that all the guards in the hall pulled out their guns, increased their vigilance, and were ready to fire at any time.

Seeing that his men were ready, he gestured to the gangster at the door and asked him to open the small window on the door to observe who was coming.

Then he was stunned...


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