The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 651 Blacksmith (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) 4600 words

"It's me." After Kay made a few calls and asked someone to check Samantha, he picked up his personal phone and called Frank. "Are you still looking for trouble with the Irish?"

Frank definitely gave an affirmative answer.

"Then stop for a while. You scared others, and everyone has called the police. That Grotto shouldn't bother him anymore, he is just a small character. By the way, you don't just remember to catch People? Have you asked me something?"

Kay has no interest in a gangster of Grotto's level. Frank may be interested, but now that people are in the hands of the police, even if he looks at Kay's face, Frank will endure it. It won't be too late to kill anyway. .

"I did find something."

"Tell me."

Kay picked up the coffee that Misty had brought and took a sip, shit, it's cold and bitter. Kay has never liked coffee very much, but Lao Mei likes it very much, and she wants to drink it anytime, anywhere. I don't know what's wrong.

"They were able to catch me because they got the news in advance. The news came from a supplier."


"I don't know..." Frank said depressed. "You started too quickly that day, and you killed their boss directly. The rest are the little ones, and I don't know much."

"That's it..." Kay was also a little embarrassed, really didn't think so much at the time. "It's okay, look for those gangs who buy fans. Since it is a supplier, there is no reason to only do business with one family. You can always find that guy."

In the business of buying fans, there are not many suppliers, and there is no such supplier who only trades with one next buyer, because the risk is too great. Therefore, it is not difficult to find a supplier, and you will be able to find it if you look for more fans.

"I see."

"By the way, don't make a big move, let me stop for two days."

"Got it." Frank hung up, not wanting to hear Kai beep.

"Tsk... it's rude."

Kai curled his lips and put down the phone. Called in his secretary.

"Misty, whoever will I go first, don't wake me up if I'm okay later."

"I know!" Misty is still full of vitality. The girl was injured before, but it was not serious, but she was bruised by a bullet. There was a shortage of staff in the game, and the girl went back to work directly with injuries. Although I can only do a clerical job, I help everyone share some work.

Kay picked up a blanket, wrapped himself up, then put down his backrest, lay down on the office chair and fell asleep.

At the moment, 175 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, is located in a triangular block at the intersection of 23rd Street, Broadway Avenue and Fifth Avenue, which is called the Flatiron District. A car parked nearby, and a well-dressed handsome man walked out of it. He carried an old leather suitcase in his hand, plus a hat and overcoat, which was a bit like an American gentleman during Prohibition.

The man carried the suitcase and walked into the Continental Hotel located here.

The Continental Hotel is a historic hotel. About 110 years ago, this hotel was located here. But surprisingly, in such a highly commercialized society, this hotel still adheres to a very old style. They never use computers and other high-tech, and check-in procedures are all handwritten. Even they are reluctant to advertise. In their words, they will use the best service attitude to make every guest feel at home!

But this society is always so strange, and the more different it is, the more people will follow it.

In short, this stylish hotel always attracts some respected guests.

"Welcome to the Continental Hotel, sir. Is there an appointment?"

The shape of this hotel is very interesting. It is a triangle, so after entering from the gate, the reception hall inside is not big. There was only one person at the reception desk. It was a tall and thin black man. His suit was meticulously taken care of, with eyes, giving people an extremely professional and rigorous feeling."Make an appointment?" The man tilted his head, looking a little puzzled.

"I'm sorry, sir." The black man spoke a little bit of tongue. I don't know which accent it is. Maybe it's a French accent? "Our hotel is a membership system. If there is no advance reservation or membership qualification, we will not accept it."

"That's it." The man nodded thoughtfully, but the voice changed: "Then what will happen if I have to move in?"

The expression of the black man did not change at all, but he still said very politely: "I'm sorry, this doesn't meet our rules."

"My name is Hannibal." The man said softly, "Definitely, my original name is not called this, but other people call me that. I think it sounds pretty good, so I called it this name."

The moment the man said his name, the already quiet reception hall became quieter.

The face of the black man, who had always appeared to be very professional, also changed drastically.


This name may not appear frequently, but there is no doubt that his name is definitely famous. And he is a lunatic! Extremely dangerous lunatic!

The black man swallowed, then calmly said, "Mr. Hannibal... what do you... need service?"

Hannibal didn't answer his words anxiously, but took a few steps back and took a deep breath.


He seemed to enjoy it, but this posture made everyone present feel a chill. You know, this is a lunatic.

"You know, human souls have a taste. The devil's favorite is human souls, but their preferences are completely different." With that, Kay turned and walked towards the door, he gently closed the door of the hotel, and then Locked. "Some demons like pure souls, because purity is like sweetness, no one can refuse sweetness, and so are demons. Some souls are full of sin, and that kind of soul is like a hot pepper, which makes it hard to speak. But some demons can't stop this stimulus."

At this time, the people present already felt bad.

Many people have already pulled out their guns.

The Continental Hotel does not allow the use of force.

But no one felt that Hannibal, a lunatic, would abide by this rule.

"The Continental Hotel does not allow the use of force! Mr. Hannibal, there is no conflict between us. I don't want unnecessary misunderstandings between us!"


The last lock of the door was closed by Kai.

"Misunderstanding? No, no, no. No misunderstanding. I came to you." Hannibal put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked to the front desk: "Have you never heard of my legend? My hunting targets are only for those People full of sin. As I just said, some demons like souls full of sin."

Seeing this scene, the black man knew that he couldn't do anything good, so he drew his gun directly at Hannibal, and pulled the trigger.

Other guests shot at the same time!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The raindrops of bullets hit Hannibal, and Hannibal was beaten into a sieve almost instantly.

In about three minutes, the people present probably fired more than thousands of bullets.

When the gunfire gradually extinguished, everyone recovered.

Looking at Hannibal who is still standing, everyone still feels a little unreal. This... is it over?

But just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly Hannibal's body moved.

"Oh... this suit is very expensive... I like it a lot."

Hannibal's magnetic voice seemed to be a reminder of the evil spirits of hell in other people's ears.

"This, this... what kind of monster is this?!!!"

"It's impolite to call Roar someone else's monster..." Hannibal glanced at the person who yelled that sentence, and then laughed again: "But, it's okay, now there are two real monsters coming to fight with you. Roar!"

Following Hannibal's words, puffs of black smoke floated from the bullet holes under his body.

The pitch-black fog gathered to form a huge, thick black mass, which was constantly surging.


The blood-red eyes opened from the black mass!

"Go, be good and eat clean. Otherwise it will be troublesome to clean up."

Roar! ! ! !

Two tyrannical roars responded to Hannibal!

Then... The Continental Hotel became a hell. The roar and wailing sounded throughout the night, but surprisingly, the people outside didn't feel the slightest sense of it.

All night, no one left the hotel.


Kay slept for a few hours. Was woken up.

"Director!" Misty smiled and reported the situation to Kai: "Fudge is so courageous. Even the people in the District Prosecutor's Office dare to call the federal prosecutor for consultation, haha. Saman Sha's face is about to become a black face."

Kay had a question mark on his face: "Isn't she black?"

"Oh, I'm just describing it, besides, she is not a purebred black, she is a mixed race, and she is still relatively white." Misty suddenly crooked the floor.

This is how things are. In the beginning, Fergie intended to give Samantha a good impression. After all, for lawyers, if they can have a good relationship with the prosecutor, it would be extremely helpful to the original cause. In the American judiciary. If you want to develop, personal connections are very, very important, don’t you see, the inheritance of federal justices is full of taste?

In short, Fergie was definitely kind at first.

But facing Fergie with a smiling face, Samantha was not interested in listening to his self-introduction. After interrupting his self-introduction, she asked her assistant to take Grote away. Yes, she told her assistant, not to Fudge. She seemed certain that the young lawyer would never object to her.

As a result... she was beaten in the face.

Fergie realized that the other party wanted to bypass him directly, take Grote away, and immediately rebounded strongly.

He took out the legal provisions that the local prosecutor did not have the right to intervene in witness protection operations, threatening Samantha and stabbing her to the federal prosecutor for such illegal operations. Samantha's expression at the time was extremely wonderful, and her face was dark. All doubts and puzzles.

She didn't expect that the young lawyer would dare to fight against herself. Her approach is definitely an illegal operation, but most young lawyers dare not confront the chief inspector, otherwise they will be tossed out by the inspectorate's office. American lawyers, local prosecutors, and police departments are more of a cooperative relationship than a confrontational relationship. Many big lawyers do not simply have a high level of defense, but have a deep relationship between the two parties, and they can easily do things that other lawyers can't do.

For example, those who cannot be released on bail by the junior lawyer can be released by the barrister. If the junior lawyer cannot conclude a prosecution and defense transaction with the local prosecutor, the barrister can do it. As long as enough money is given, the barrister can let the client easily get away from the police station and the police station, and this is completely legal. On the contrary, if the lawyer offends the senior management of the District Prosecution Office, the other party only needs to put him on the blacklist of the District Prosecution Office, and the lawyer will exhaust all his efforts in every subsequent lawsuit. Not to mention that most of the local prosecutors are closely related to the police. Whoever asks them to catch a suspect and convict them, the police officers transfer to the local prosecutors even more.

It was really irrational for Fergie to do this.

Samantha is going crazy, so Kay will forget it. Others have a great background, and the president knows her, and she can't fight back at all. But who is Fergie? In fact, Samantha doesn't even know who he is! But by the way, this kid really caught a handle that was not big or small."Heh! This kid has a kind." Kay's impression of Fergie has always been good. Although Fergie looks happy, he is also happy to talk and do things, but he is also a good person with a bottom line and a sense of justice. And now, he is more optimistic about him.

Misty nodded in agreement. Misty always remembered Samantha's rudeness to her before, but she was not Kay. When facing Samantha, she would still be short of breath subconsciously, even if Kay supported her. How dare you really do to Samantha, now seeing what Fergie has done, I immediately have a great affection for Fergie.

After being stunned, Samantha "allowed" Fudge to participate in the case very frustrated.

She can settle accounts after the autumn, but now she really has no guts. She is going to be a big shot person, and she doesn't want to die with Fergie's dumbfoundedness here. In fact, for this matter, there have been too many accidents, and she really does not want to add more variables.

"how is it now?"

Misty shrugged and said, "The case was handed over to the 22nd Precinct."

"That's it... That's it. You go and say, whatever they do, but don't make trouble in my jurisdiction. If something goes wrong... Hmph, that woman should be able to know that the consequence of my anger is not that she can Acceptable."

Misty nodded very excitedly, and said cheerfully: "I see, I'll call now!"

Kai shook his head, and then stopped paying attention to it.

He was even more curious about the relationship between Samantha and Frank.

But it was so unfortunate. Just as he put it down, Bright knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, this is Grotto's interrogation record."

"Oh." Kay took it casually, and threw it aside. He is really not interested in this kind of little guy.

Bright thought that Kay was not interested in these things, so he wanted to leave, but there was something he felt he needed to talk about.

"Something else?" Kay watched Bright twitching there, knowing that something was wrong with this appointment.

"Yes." Bright organized the language, and then said: "During the interrogation, Grotto said one thing, and I think I need to report it."

"Oh? What about it?" I was idle and idle, and it was easy to listen to it.

"Yes! Grotto confessed that their Irish had been buying goods with a dealer before."

"Huh?" Kay was immediately interested. He was still checking the supplier behind the Irishman. Is there news now?

"Grotto has never seen this bookmaker, but Grotto has heard their boss say that the background of this bookmaker is very strong. Not to mention the large volume of shipments, and the source of goods is also very diverse, and there are all kinds of goods, but most They are all from Afghanistan."

Everyone is familiar with the world's three major sources of poison. Golden Triangle, Golden Crescent, Silver Triangle. Due to geographical reasons, the supply channels in these three places are relatively fixed. The Golden Triangle focuses on Asia, the Golden Crescent is mainly for Europe, and the Silver Triangle is for North America.

Can large quantities of gold crescents be supplied to the United States?

Regardless of the cost issue, there are too many hurdles to pass in the middle, and it is not worthwhile.

This is a problem.

"What is the name of that dealer?"

"Grotto doesn't know the name, only the code name. Blacksmith, his code name is Blacksmith!"


This name, Kay has heard, is in Los Angeles.

Kay immediately picked up the phone and called the Los Angeles side: "Hi, Troy. It's me, Kay. Help me go to prison. Gradually, the boss of the Irish helper, I have something to understand. Well, the sooner the better, um, you just Ask him for information about the blacksmith. You tell him, tell me the information about the blacksmith, and I promise that he can live safely after he is released from prison. The one who drove him to Los Angeles

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