Albania, in this weird world, it is still the most peculiar style of painting. This country is small, so small that if you don't deliberately pay attention to it, no one will know the country's status. The population is also very small, less than three million.

Why is it said that it has a peculiar style of painting?

Because of his humanities and scenery.

First of all, the scenery is not to say that Albania has a splendid history and beautiful natural scenery. It is the ubiquitous bunkers in Little Albany. There are as many as 700,000 bunkers in the small Albania. (The more generally accepted version, there is another 360,000). There are only 3 million people in Albania, and on average every 4 people have a bunker!

Bunkers all over the country are the biggest feature of Albania.

This is a product of a special period. If you are interested, you can go to Baidu to check out Hoxha, a very good person, known as the pioneer of Zuan diplomacy, and Gaddafi was embarrassed in front of him. The most famous deed of this uncle is to offend all countries that can be offended and cut off the connection with all countries in the world. He feels that Albania is the purest country in the world, and other countries are evil.

In short, he completely isolated his country and made Albania forget the whole world while making the world forget Albania.

After talking about landscape, we must talk about humanities.

Apart from the bunker, Albania is most famous for its humanities and customs.

After Hoxha hiccups, Albania has undergone drastic changes like other countries in Eastern Europe. This was nothing originally, but the weirdness is amazing. The new leadership is not much better than Hoxha, or even worse. It directly ruined the entire country. A huge amounts of Ponzi scheme (you can search online, very wow) The country became worthless, and the Afghan government not only ignored it but was even willing to participate. In the end, it was natural that the economy collapsed and the people of the whole country went bankrupt, which eventually triggered a civil war.

This sad experience gave birth to the most famous humanistic landscape in Albania.


Albania has no money in the country because of messing with its own leaders, but there are scary weapons and ammunition. The aforementioned Hoxha had serious persecution delusions because he felt that the whole world was a badass. He repaired bunkers crazy and hoarded weapons and ammunition during his reign. After the country collapsed, no one was in charge of the arsenal. Who It was whoever got it, which caused the entire country's military ethics to burst, and a large number of weapons were scattered among the people.

It is naturally not difficult to guess what those extremely poor Albanians would do with a large number of weapons in their hands.

So Albanian bandits appeared.

Why is it a gang? Instead of the gangster?

Because these Albanian bandits, who are holding weapons for life, basically do everything except not doing human affairs.

The most heinous of these are human trafficking and drug trafficking. These Albanian bandits are armed with heavy weapons to grab territory throughout Europe and monopolize a huge part of human trafficking and low-cost drug networks! (If you are interested, you can still check it. The content is extremely uncomfortable and very inhuman, so I won't write it out to avoid problems)

With so many years of development, Albanian gangs have new ways to play. In the past, they were all from Eastern Europe, such as Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries. They would lie that they could provide nanny, maid, model and other jobs. Opportunity, abduct girls to developed countries in Western Europe. Once the smuggling is successful, they will let those girls get drug addiction while manipulating them... Needless to say the next thing.

But now they find that they don’t have to be so troublesome. They only need to target the girls who travel, and they can save a fortune, especially in the big cities, where there are thousands of female tourists every year, and the missing girls are simply missing. It can be said that it is not worth mentioning, and there will not be too many people paying attention.

"We have 96 hours at most, otherwise..." Stewart said.

"What about otherwise?" Lois asked grimly."She can't be found anymore, even the scumbags themselves can't figure out where the girls are going." Stewart can only say truthfully.

"NO!!!" Mills couldn't listen anymore.

She covered her face and burst into tears.

"Mills?" Stewart heard Mills on the side.

"I'm driving the speakerphone, and Kay is here."

Stewart was silent before speaking: "Hi, Kay."

"Hi, old ghost." Kay replied.

"Please," Stewart said.

"Trust me, I am the best." Kay knew what Stewart meant.

Harvey's phone rang at this time, and after a while, Harvey came back: "My friend found the video of Kim. I think there is a man who fits the person you mentioned before."

In the final call between Kim Jae and Bu Lois, he mentioned a boy named Peter. They took a taxi from the airport to their temporary apartment. That Peter is probably the guy that the gang used to confirm the target and step on it.

Then Harvey sent the picture of Peter to the phones of Lois and Kay.

"We must set off now," Bu Lois said, and then looked at Mills' husband.

But at this time Harvey said again: "I can arrange a plane. Take the diplomatic route. I will be able to set off soon."

Kay looked at Harvey, but he didn't expect this guy to have such a wide-ranging relationship.

Harvey saw Kay look at him, and immediately said: "This is not my relationship, it's Nestor's. His family's relationship is very broad. This is also our sincerity. We only hope that you can think about it after this matter. My proposal."

Kay nodded: "I will consider it."


About thirteen hours later, Kay and Lois appeared at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. They enjoyed diplomatic courtesy and were exempt from customs inspection. Walking out of the special passage, a man in a suit was waiting for them at the exit.

"Hello, my name is Tommy. Nestor has already called me. I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you Tommy." Kay said with a smile.

Soon Tommy handed a briefcase to Kai. Kai opened it. It contained several documents and two certificates.

"These documents and certificates can help your activities in Paris. But if you are caught... these things are forged, and we will not admit it. I hope you can understand. After all, you are a private action and we can only provide this help. "

These documents and documents belong to the US intelligence agency in France. With them, both Kay and Lois can be regarded as US intelligence agents for the time being. Definitely this thing is just fooling people, there is no legal effect, it is okay to fool the French police, but once the other party conducts the verification, they will immediately show their cowardice.

However, this is enough.

Kay nodded, and only asked one question: "Did you find the person named Peter?"

"Definitely, our people have been staring at him, but we don't have the right to arrest or question him, so you can only do it yourself." Tommy motioned to a black man not far away, and he nodded, then Looking at Kay and Bu Lois.

After Kay and Bu Lois thanked Tommy again, they followed the black man to the exit of the airport.

Bu Lois asked at this time: "Who is that Harvey?"

"The Chief Attorney of New York City." Kay didn't hide it.

"What did he ask you to consider?" Bu Lois saw it. The reason Harvey was willing to help was because he wanted Kay to agree to them. Lois had always wanted to ask before, but when he saw that Kay didn’t care, he didn’t say anything. But now, Lois discovered that the guy named Harvey could actually ask the American intelligence officials in France to help. It was not small, and the other party spent such a lot of effort, it must not be easy to ask, so Bu Lois finally couldn't help it.

He was a little afraid that Kay would pay too much.

"It's okay, they just want me to go to New York."

Kay said indifferently. Although his interest in going to New York is not too great, but the favor is already owed, and it is not unacceptable to promise them.

Lois opened his mouth. He always felt that it was not that simple, but he was not a good-spoken person, so he could only keep this favor in his heart silently.

Soon they were led by the black man to the airport exit. The black man looked at them, then gestured to a handsome man, then nodded, and then went into the crowd and disappeared.

Kay took out his mobile phone and compared the photos. It was the kid.

"It's him. We will hijack him and get in the car later, and find a quiet place to try it slowly."

Although Lois is very anxious, his high professionalism prevents him from affecting his judgment because of his emotions. They are in Paris, France. Although Kay is a policeman, they have no law enforcement powers. Strictly speaking, they are civilians. Even if they have some documents, it is better not to attract official attention if they can. That would be very troublesome.

Kay and Bu Lois walked towards the man separately, in a posture of outflanking left and right.

Just as he was about to approach the man, he suddenly saw a black man winking at the guy named Peter not far away. Then I saw Peter carrying a backpack and walking towards a blond girl who had just got off the plane and seemed to be going to take a taxi.

Seeing this scene, the two of Kai are basically sure that this guy and Jin's kidnapping can't get rid of the relationship!

Kay motioned for Lois to let him follow Peter, while Kay walked towards Peter's black associate.

Kay was holding a map, as if he was lost. When he walked to the black man, he bumped him and knocked over the coffee in his hand.

This made the black man furious, and grabbed Kay to beat him.

Kayze pretended to be ignorant and pushed the black man."Man, I think we can talk privately." During the push, Kay had a hand in his pocket with a gun in it, and Kay pressed the gun against the waist of the black man.

That guy was obviously not a young man. After being robbed, he immediately realized that he was threatened.

"What do you think?" Kay said, pushing the muzzle again.

The black man was sweating. He didn't dare to say anything, he could only nod his head.

"Very good." So Kay took him to the bathroom not far away. In the eyes of outsiders, this is Kay taking the black man to deal with the soiled clothes.

Less than three minutes after entering the bathroom, Kay walked out in a relaxed suit. Kay looked around and found that the man named Peter had not left yet. He was talking to the blonde beauty before, and Bu Lois was not far away. Place.

Kay nodded to Lois, then walked towards Peter.

Peter is really good at teasing girls. With just such a little effort, the two people talked and walked out of the airport. When Peter suggested that they could share the toll in the same car, Kay And Bu Lois drove him from left to right.

"Hello, Mr. Peter, right? You are suspected of being involved in the two disappearance cases. Come with us." After saying that, regardless of the beauty, he got into a taxi while holding Peter, and Peter looked dumbfounded. , His first reaction was that a group of his own people had been discovered, but he immediately realized it, no, this is especially France, how can the French police speak English?

France is also a magical country. Although the Gallic roosters are not as good as before, the world power has never been willing to let go. They are still very proud inside. They look down on the United States and the United Kingdom, so the real French hate English. Yes, not to mention that the police in France are notoriously poor. How can they be so service-minded and speak English with Peter specifically?

Peter started struggling immediately, but the next moment, his mouth grew like a fish thrown ashore, his eyes were round and convex, and there was no sound in his throat. It turned out that Kay got his ribs down, which almost made Peter's heart numb.

Kay immediately showed his credentials to the taxi driver.

Although it is fake, it is enough to fool people.

"Drive! This is a secret arrest. This person is related to national security. I hope you can keep it secret, otherwise my colleague will find you."

The taxi driver nodded quickly and drove immediately. There is no doubt that Kay is a fake, it is that Kay's momentum is too scary.


The taxi stopped at an alley, and Kay and Lois took Peter to the depths of the alley.

"Do you know this girl?" Bu Lois took out Jin's picture.

Peter dared not admit it at this moment, and shook his head hurriedly.

"I don't know, I'm just a tourist, I don't know anything."

Bu Lois and Kay looked at each other. In the end, Bu Lois stayed behind. Kay walked to the entrance of the alley and took out a cigarette to light it. About ten minutes later, Kay dropped the second cigarette butt and walked back to the depths of the alley.

It has become a Shura field, and there are bloodstains everywhere. That Peter is lying in a trash can covered in blood, the walls around, the ground is full of blood.

Judging from the look of this guy, it is estimated that he will almost be scrapped. Although Kay didn't know where Lois served before he retired, he probably guessed that it should be the secret field team of the intelligence department.

"How? Did you ask anything?"

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