The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 551 Bad intentions (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) first,

"My former colleague," Logan said.

"Oh, that's the bastard special team you were talking about?" When Kay and Logan met in the new century, he told Kay about his experience over the years. So Kay was impressed by this incident, and Logan's evaluation of this team composed of Mutant can be said to be very poor. The commander is a bastard, and the team members are also bastards. In short, every good word.

"Logan! You leaked our information!" Stryker was unusually angry. It is necessary to know that their organization that is not seen in official documents and specializes in dirty work is not visible. Once it is not known by the public, it means that they must disappear. Whether they are anonymous or killed, then look at the above. People's mood. This is absolutely unacceptable for Stryker, who is on the rise of his ‘career’. "You are treason!"

"Come on, Stryker, we all know what this team is like, treason? Go and sue me!"

Originally it was an organization that couldn't see the light. Once exposed, believe it or not, Logan will never be the first to be convicted of treason.

Stryker's face sank and looked at Kay. He knows that Kay is not easy to provoke, but he can't care about his wealth and life.

He needs Kay's explanation.

"Look at me for what? I know more national machines than you think. You are a shit!" Kay is definitely impossible to be fooled. Stryker's true identity is nothing but a colonel in the military. This identity is I really can't let Kai raise much fear.

Stryker took a deep breath. Try to keep yourself calm: "Mr. Wayne, you have also served in secret U.S. military forces. You should know that our existence is necessary. The United States leads the world. It is impossible to rely solely on fair and honest means. Sometimes, it is dirty and filthy. The things that need people to do, and we exist for this. We are also working for the country!"

Stryker tried his best to beautify himself. Perhaps when he was young, Stryker did think so, but he knew that he didn't know when he had changed. He is not so much working for the country as it is for himself. For their own hatred.

He wants to kill Mutant!

For this purpose, he can do nothing, including his own conscience.

He thought that Kai was the same as himself, so he planned to use the righteousness of the country to fool Kai.

In fact, if it could, Stryker would want to earn Kay under his command. After all, a soldier who can fight like this is definitely a good pawn.

Unfortunately, is Kay so easy to fool?

It's not that Kay saw through Stryker, after all, he and Stryker are not familiar. What really makes Kai dismissive of him is... Kai is a Chinese at all!

It is totally funny to use the national justice of the United States to fool you.

The reason why he joined the U.S. military at the beginning was entirely because it was possible to kill people reasonably and legally by participating in the U.S. military.

"I'm not interested in your little mess, I know, Logan is my friend. The reason why he settled here is entirely out of trust in me. So here, he is covered by me! Understand?"

Kay's words were very impolite, but Stryker was helpless.

As a police officer, Kai knows very well how much authority the so-called mysterious departments have, and knows that these departments are even more restrictive!

Don't think that a mysterious department is really awesome. As long as you take out your documents, you can make people who see the documents tremble with fright. This is absolutely impossible in a normal country. The United States has paid attention to the balance of power since the founding of the country. The purpose of the separation of powers is to prevent power from being concentrated on one person or one department. The separation of federal power and state power is also because of this. The U.S. military is considered the largest force in the United States, but because it is the first force, it is vigilant by almost all political forces in the country, and the military's power is closely monitored!

Especially in the country, the military does not have any law enforcement powers at the local level!

Stryker may be able to fool an unseen local sheriff to do things for them, but it is definitely not in the form of direct orders.

Because it's illegal.

And a local police, as long as they don't want to, can completely ignore any military orders.

What's more, Stryker is just a temporary worker, it is impossible to represent the military at all.

So no matter what Kay does, Stryker can't help Kay in front of him.

"Victor, he's completely crazy. He will find you sooner or later, Logan." Since he knew he couldn't please, Stryker didn't intend to stay longer.


Seeing Stryker and Agent Zero leave together, Kai always feels that things are not that simple.

Simple reasoning, can Victor really make Stryker so scared?

The answer is obviously no!

Victor really wanted to be so good, he and Logan wouldn't hide in the first place. After all, no matter how powerful Victor is, he is only a soldier who can only fight hand-to-hand. Have you ever seen a heavily armed special unit afraid of an ancient warrior? You must know that Victor and Logan have basically no other supernatural powers except for Transcendent Rebirth. At best, they are indestructible and very capable.

Other...There really is no Ability that can crush modern weapons.

So why does he have to let Logan return?

"Be careful with this guy, Logan. His purpose is not pure."

"I definitely know." Logan's code name is Wolverine, only the wrong name, and never the wrong nickname. Although he has no Telepathy Ability, he has the Beast-like intuition, and he can feel Stryker's maliciousness hidden in the depths.

"That's good." Kay patted Logan on the shoulder. "Why do you want to continue drinking and see who will get down?"

"Haha, come on!" Logan laughed.

Logan was actually very gloomy in the past, but since Kay put that magical seal on him, he has gradually experienced the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of ordinary people, which made his personality a lot more cheerful. The most intuitive feeling is drinking!

Logan was not drunk before.

His Self-healing factor allows him to fight against all abnormal states, and being drunk is also an abnormal state.

It won't be anymore, he can finally enjoy the feeling of being drunk.

This also gave Logan a sign of becoming a drunkard.

Had it not been for him to have a girlfriend who was a fan of Deadman, it might have become like this.

As for Victor...Kay and Logan are both players who can do nothing but never force them. It is just too much for them to persuade Victor with their mouths. It's amazing to meet Victor and beat him until he changed his mind.


At about four o'clock in the morning, Logan finally finished drinking.

In the past, although Logan was not drunk, maybe alcohol still had some nerve paralysis effect on him, so he has always used alcohol as water, resulting in a very large amount of alcohol. If it hadn't been for this silly bastard Kay, most people wouldn't be able to drink him.

Kay and Juggernaut take Logan home together.

The main thing is that Kay doesn't know where Logan's new home is.

So someone needs to drive it.

Logan and his girlfriend live together. They are on the mountain, on an unusually secluded hillside, with a small waterfall and lake beside it. The environment is very beautiful, but it's too remote. His house was built with the help of a group of workers and Juggernaut, a strong man. The house is not exquisite, but Logan and his girlfriend Kaiya are very carefully decorated, which makes this house, which is almost made of logs, very much. Warm.

But the same sentence, this place is really special.

The tank drove, Kay was in the co-pilot, and Logan was lying dead in the back seat.

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