The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 535 Witch (people take care of patients in the hospital today, two thousand words will be su

Because there was a serious conflict and the guns were fired, all the people involved in the incident had to go to the police station to take notes. definitely because of Kay’s high reputation within the police system, the police station is also willing to give some workarounds. People who are not directly related to the case can make a transcript directly on the spot and go home. Only those directly involved in the conflict need it. Enter the police station to make a transcript.

For this reason, Bu Lois, Kim and Garley were all taken to the police station. As for the black people who illegally held guns, threatened the personal safety of others, illegally consumed illegal drugs, etc., they definitely were thrown directly into jail, waiting to be released on bail. The definitely premise is that someone is willing to pay them bail. After all, their fool, Karl Dun Wickley has been barred from bail for serious crimes such as assaulting a police officer and intent to murder.

The matter was clear and clear, there was nothing to question, and there were witnesses everywhere, so the transcript was quickly completed.

Lois took Jin home, while Garley looked a little at a loss. It can be seen that this girl has entered the police station for the first time in her life. At Jin's request, Lois planned to send Garley back. But Kai stopped him.

"Gary, I'll take you back."

Kay smiled and walked to Garley. Seeing Kai, Jiali took a step back instinctively, which showed that she was afraid of Kai. But then Jiali plucked up the courage and nodded in agreement.

Kay did this, definitely not for picking up girls. After all, she is still a child. The real reason Kay did this was Garley.

Jiali is a good girl, there is no doubt about it, from the descriptions of others, and the introduction of Jin. In addition to being introverted and not very good at communication, Jiali is a good student. Although his academic performance is not ideal, he is a good boy who abides by the law. It's like every class always has that kind of hardworking and inexistent classmates, but generally speaking honestly.

But there is a very bad power in her.

Very bad.

Part of the reason why Kay handled the scene so simply and rudely, and handled the girl named Chriss so simply and neatly, was partly because Jiali was steaming with a power that made Kay feel heart palpitations at the time.

Kay is sure that that is the power of a witch!

Even this power is stronger than the power in Morgana.

Kai could feel that when Jin was pushed away to protect her, the power in Garley was in danger of running away. Then when those guys took out their guns to threaten Lois and the others, that power reached a critical point.

If she didn't stop her at that time, Kay estimated that the scene would soon be full of corpses.

Kai felt that he couldn't turn a blind eye to this power. After all, the Awakening of the witch's power was often accompanied by rampage. This was also the reason why people were so afraid of witches in Camelot. Because their Awakening is often accompanied by disasters.

Kay drove Jiali to her house.

Jiali’s home is in an old neighborhood, a middle-class neighborhood where whites and blacks live together. Blocks of American-style single-family apartments, although the surface is old, are not so dilapidated. The lawn is not very trimmed, at least it is covered with greenery. The grass is full, and there are cars parked beside the road. The quality is uneven, but every household has cars. At night, public security is quite good, and there are pedestrians on the road.

It's much better than those black communities.

Jiali didn't speak much in the car, or she didn't dare to speak much. She looked at Kai, a little hesitant to speak.

She is really not good at socializing, but that doesn't mean she is stupid.

Kay was very interested in what she was doing... how do you say?

In short, she could feel that Kay was always paying attention to her. She is not the kind of self-confident girl, she doesn't think it's her appearance or something that attracts Kay. This made her feel very uncomfortable, because she was not the kind of child who was paid attention to. From a young age, as long as others did not bully her, she felt thankful. She never thought that one day she would become the focus of everyone's attention.

In fact, Kay was also a little embarrassed by the child's attention from time to time.

He could feel that the child was a little wary of himself, as if he would do bad things to her at any time.

So Kay simply talked about the matter. He also doesn't like to play mystery, after all, the person concerned should know about this kind of thing sooner or later, it is better to know earlier.

"Are you curious, why are you so concerned about you?"

Kay spoke suddenly, making Garrie look like a frightened rabbit. After shaking his body, he shrank to the side of the car door.

Kay ignored her, but continued: "You should be able to feel that you are different from others, right?"

Carrie became more frightened. She naturally knew that she was different from everyone else, but this did not bring any positive emotions like pride to Carrie. She always thought of herself as a freak, and because of this, she was so inferior. .

"Don't be afraid, I am not malicious to you, I just want to help you."

A new witch is very dangerous if no one is guided. The most obvious example is Catherine. She is the most typical witch who has not been able to guide her correctly. Her power cannot even be controlled by herself. It is also because she is lucky. Her power is more seductive rather than direct killing. Otherwise, the runaway of power will not only hurt others. People will eventually let her rest and die because of violent walking.

"Why?" This is the first time Jiali has spoken to Kay.

Kay organized the language, and then said to Jiali: "Because you have a great ability!"

Then Kay stopped the car and looked at Garley seriously.

"Listen, Jiali, your ability is very powerful, but also very dangerous."

"So... Am I a freak?"

"No! Definitely no!" Kay was surprised that the girl thought of herself like this: "It's not your fault, you...just can't control those powers."

"So... what the hell is that?" The people in front of him had already known his greatest secret, but instead let Garrie let go, not so scared.

"Witch, you are a witch."

"So what my mother said is right... I am a cursed witch." Jiali was very sad because her mother was a devout believer. She learned of Jiali's strangeness a long time ago. So she thought it was a curse, so her mother had always been very harsh on her.

"No, no, no, the witch I'm talking about is not the kind you imagined." In Western society, witches have never had a good reputation. In fact, in the era of Camelot, the witch had no good reputation, but Kay naturally couldn't say that. Anyway, it was all ten thousand years ago. Apart from him, no one in this world probably understands what happened ten thousand years ago, and he couldn't help but say.

"This is a gift! In the ancient Celtic concept, witches are children of nature. They represent nature. They are loved ones."

The old sayings from the ancient Celtic era above are indeed true, and Kay did not lie completely.

"All you need is guidance so that you can control that power, otherwise..."

"How about the other?" Jiali wanted to know.

"Hurt others and hurt yourself." Kay chose to tell the truth at this point.

At this time, Kay saw that the door of the house over there opened, and a woman who looked a little nervous came out.

"I'm home, Carrie. I need to talk to your mother."

"No! My mother can't accept the fact that I am a witch. She is a devout believer." Jiali knew her mother well.

"Oh... I think I understand. Don't worry, I'll get it done." Kai said confidently. Although huyou, Kai is not a professional, it is really not difficult to humiliate an outsider who doesn't know how to do it.

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