The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 532 Rest (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) Second, ask for

In the end, the argument between Booth and Kay was fruitless.

At the same time, after this incident, Kay also understood Booth, a special agent of the FBI, who was a big five and three rough, and he was really heartbroken.

"How on earth do you endure him?" Before sending them off, Kaiser couldn't help but asked Xiaogu this question.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Gu looked at Kai in surprise.

"Isn't every man like this?"

By the way...what is your misunderstanding about men?

Kai was planning to have a meal with Booth and then take them to the airport by himself. But when they had just finished their meal, a phone call forced Kay to leave first.

For this situation, Booth expressed his understanding, and Xiao Bone... well, Xiao Bone wouldn't have any extra thoughts about it at all. In fact, in the concept of this female schoolmaster, farewell is a rather unnecessary thing.

The reason why Kay leaves so quickly is because of one thing.

His express is here!

"So when will he wake up?" Kay asked an emergency worker.

"It will be done right away. He was originally okay, he was just caught anesthetic. The person who made them like this is very measured and the dose is very good. There will be no side effects on them." The first responder has already started. Pack up things and prepare to withdraw. After all, there is nothing wrong with the patient. If it is an ordinary person, they will take a responsible attitude and take the other person to the hospital for a full-body examination. But these people...

As Kay was talking to the doctor, Norman opened his eyes in a daze.

When he saw the gate of the police station and the people around him, he closed his eyes subconsciously. He felt that he must have opened it in a wrong way. But I opened my eyes again and found that this is not my own illusion! It's really the entrance of the police station!

Several of Norman's younger brothers also woke up one after another.

But most people just fell apart.

"Yo! Bastard, you finally woke up." At this time Kay finally saw Norman. So he stepped forward and made a move, Roar.

Seeing Kay, Norman hated his teeth.

"You got us here?"

"Well... an enthusiastic citizen." Although Norman was right, Kay couldn't admit it.

The last time Kay found Guzman in Hannibal's vest, he really didn't know that Guzman had hidden Norman. He just intends to get some useful information from this guy, such as his unknown supplier.

Unexpectedly, there was unexpected joy. Under the torture of the hounds, Guzman almost shuddered out of the mess he did when he was a child. Not to mention the bastard Norman. After all, it was Norman who threatened him with evidence of their trade, and he helped Norman hide. At that time, he was going to die himself, naturally it was impossible to protect Norman's bastard.

So Kay inexplicably knew where Norman was hiding.

After that, things were simple. Let Batman, a good friend of the people of Los Angeles, get out, slip this guy out of the underground sewer, and pack it to the police station.

Kay didn't say anything to Normando, and directly asked the police officers under him to handcuff these idiots and throw them into the detention room. Now they have time to interrogate him slowly.

"Boss... The director is looking for you and let you go there." The Pill God mysteriously walked over and whispered to Kai."What's the matter? Do you need to be so careful?" Kai said with a smile.

"The director said... let's not say anything, just say that Norman was captured by ourselves." Dan looked around and found no reporters, so he whispered.

"What?" Kay didn't expect that his director would have this kind of harassment, and he was actually striving for merit on Batman.

"That's what the chief said." Dan shrugged, obviously he didn't approve of this behavior.

Kay returned to the police station with an unbelievable look. Are the current police so depraved?

"Boss, do you really want to do this?" When Kai sees Dustin, he immediately pretends to ask.

"If you don't do this, tomorrow the media should laugh at our police again." Dustin said bitterly.

Indeed, due to the emergence of superhero one after another in the media recently, the attitude towards the police is getting worse and worse. It even appeared to cancel the police Roar. After all, with a stronger superhero to protect the city, the police seemed a bit redundant.

If you say definitely, most people will treat him as nonsense. But this is undoubtedly a great harm to the prestige of the police.

Therefore, both Dustin and the top management of the General Administration tend to let Batman disappear in this matter.

If you really want to talk about it, Batman has the best attitude towards the police among the bunch of superheros that have emerged recently. He generally doesn't mess up very much, and he likes to hand the criminals to the police instead of solving them directly by himself like the Chicago Three Heroines and Hannibal.

This is also the confidence that those above will do

They think Batman shouldn't be angry about this.

"Then what if Batman comes out to clarify?" Kay asked pretendingly. "At that time, we will be even more embarrassed."

"Not so." Dustin definitely knew that it was possible. According to the psychological test of Batman by the profiler in the bureau, Batman shouldn't be the kind of superhero who likes to show off. Definitely, this is more of a comfort, they are betting.

"Okay." Although Kay also enjoys being in the limelight, he doesn't want to run out to clarify this little thing.

The next question is simple. The little trouble Norman has done is already well-documented, and the interrogation is just a circumstance. What's more, let the police department have time to bargain with DEA.

That's right.

The police station wants to use this to exchange benefits with DEA.

Norman has been arrested, this matter is not settled, there is room for manipulation, although DEA ​​does not have the ability to reverse the case for Norman, it is impossible to do it for Norman even if it has. But how to pull DEA out of this matter to the maximum, but there are ways.

However, there is one biggest problem in the middle. That is, the Los Angeles Police Department must cooperate.

This requires an exchange of interests.

This is what the big guys need to consider.


"Norman was really caught?!!!" Matilda exclaimed excitedly.

Norman has always been Matilda's heart knot. After all, she saw him kill her whole family with her own eyes.

"Yes, I promised you. He will get the retribution he deserves." Kay said without guilty.

But when Kay said that, Matilda gradually sank.

"What's wrong?"

"He will go to jail, right?"

"That's definitely, and don't think of it in this life." Kay said very decisively. After all, the bit of trouble he did has made DEA lose face, and now he still has a lot of benefits for the Los Angeles Police Department. In this case, DEA can't make Norman feel better, even if it's for exasperation.

"But... my family can't survive... why is he qualified to live?"

Kay's first reaction was that the boy was so hostile. Just think about the things she has experienced and her original character, and it is understandable that she thinks so hard. She is not an ordinary twelve-year-old child.

Thinking of this, Kay touched Matilda's head.

"Trust me, Matilda. Going to jail is no better for him than death to go there."

Matilda raised her head and looked at Kai suspiciously.

"You know, those guys who stay in jail hate the police the most, and a black policeman is even more hateful. They will take your place and entertain the bastard Norman."

Kay also heard a little about the ecology in the prison. Norman and them are scumbags, but the prisoners don't think so. DEA who sells drugs goes to jail, fearing that it will not last long.



Kay talked with Matilda for a while, and suddenly Matilda asked abruptly: "Can I still see Leon?"

Kay was stunned for a while. Nodded helplessly: "If you want, you can."

Matilda nodded and was silent for a while before saying: "Leon is a good man. Only he accepted me that day. He taught me how to survive and how to protect myself."

Kay nodded, agreeing with Matilda's words: "But my dear, he killed someone. And more than one. So... everything will be fine."

"Then where should I go? I have nothing but Lyon." Matilda asked with tears.

"Definitely no, dear. You are still young, and your future is bright. You will meet many people, many people who care about as much as Leon. In fact, I have helped you find someone who is willing to take care of you."

Kai didn't plan to discuss this topic with the child so early, but looking at the helpless girl, Kai decided to talk to her anyway, which is related to her future. The reason why she relies so much on Lyon is more of fear, fear of an uncertain future.

Matilda looked at Kai in tears.

Kay slowly wiped away her tears, then changed to a soft tone and said, "Remember the policewoman who protected you?"

"Yeah." Matilda nodded obediently.

"She wants to adopt you."

Kay said directly. Kay has already talked to Chloe about this matter, and she doesn't have any hesitation about adopting Matilda. After all, Matilda is indeed not an ordinary child, and it is difficult for an ordinary family to integrate her. Chloe, who had experienced the assassination with her, was confident about it. What's more, Chloe is really not short of money. Not to mention the money that her Hollywood star mother left for Chloe, the fluctuation of Stark Group's stock price some time ago also brought Chloe a lot of wealth.

Economically, Chloe can fully afford it, and she also likes children very much, so there is no problem at all!

Matilda was stunned, and then she thought about everything the policewoman did to protect her that day. This gave Matilda a little confidence."Is she really willing?"

"Definitely! She likes you. She thinks you are the bravest child in the world. In fact, if it weren't for me, I would have adopted you. Who wouldn't like a strong child like you?"

After all, Matilda is only a twelve-year-old child, no matter how precocious she is, there is no way to change this fact. Matilda felt warm subconsciously when she learned that the policewoman who was desperate for her was willing to support herself.

But she immediately thought of Lyon again.

She felt that Lyon was put in jail, but she was thrown into a new family, which was very unfair, which made her feel betrayed.


"This is what Lyon said he hoped." Kay was actually unwilling to let this kid get too much contact with Lyon. After all... That one is a killer! Can you imagine this grandson teaching a twelve-year-old child to put a bomb on someone's house? Now Matilda got it smoother with a gun than with a pen.

"He hopes that you can go to school, read and study like a normal child, and maybe give it to your boyfriend. When you graduate, you can wear a beautiful dress and dance with the best boys in the school."

Matilda laughed as she listened, but her tears couldn't stop streaming.


For the next two months, Hannibal had been active, but the murders had been reduced like before. He began to purify the high-level gangs with a goal, in order to achieve the purpose of disintegrating the organized gangs. But recently, Hannibal decided to stop.

Now in the Los Angeles gang, the legend about Hannibal has been circulated everywhere.

In the legend, there is no specific information about him, there is only one ‘Ghost’.

Some people say that his relatives were mistakenly killed in the gang's gun battle, that's why he hates those gang members so much.

Some people say that he is the avenger who crawled out of hell.

There is even more outrageous, saying that he is the government's secret weapon and the executioner of the government's "human removal plan."

Well, someone really believes this. After all, Americans.

[The Americans also believe that Bill Gates is the culprit of the new crown, and that the virus was released by Bill Gates, saying that Bill Gates was the apostle of Lucifer, in order to establish an anti-Christian system and become the God of the new world. Committed to the human removal plan, leaving only elite humans. Then Bill Gates launched this global epidemic and predicted the virus at TED a few years ago. Then through this virus, they implanted nanochips in the vaccine to track you and control you. (I almost laughed when I saw it)]

But I also blame Hannibal for being too weird every time he commits a crime.

There was nothing but tortured and dismembered corpses at the scene. There are no fingerprints, no bullets, no traces of fighting. Therefore, this legend has been rendered more mysterious and terrifying, like some American horror legend, circulated in Los Angeles gangs.

It's a pity that the person who speaks is not sure, and the person who listens is also not sure.

There are many criminal gangs in Los Angeles, but they can't resist Hannibal's bloody cleanup, and they all target the hardcore members. These missing backbones have reached thousands of people at the bottom of the gang associated with them, and the turbulence brought about by this is not small. It took more than two months for the cleanup operation. If we continue to do it with such an efficiency, at least one third of the backbone of the gang in Los Angeles will disappear next year, and more than 5,000 people at the bottom of the gang will lose their direct leadership.

However, it is estimated that before that time, the gangs in Los Angeles will have a big riot. Even if the gangs are in conflict with each other, and even if there are heavy casualties, the winners or the gangs that reap the profits will take over the site and restore the underground order. For those of you below, it is not bad, that is, change the boss and continue to discuss life.

Hannibal's clean-up action directly wiped out the backbone, but the sheep were completely herded. There is no one on them! This will cause the chaos to continue for a long time.

Even recently, the underground forces in Los Angeles have begun to become more and more chaotic.

If Hannibal does not stop doing things in this situation, sooner or later there will be a big mess.

Kay made Hannibal's vest appear to fight crime, not to destabilize and cause greater turmoil.

So he can only let Hannibal disappear for a while.

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