Seeing this vampire who looked exactly like the famous martial arts star in his previous life, Kay couldn't help it. Asked in Chinese: "Wing Chun?"

Zhen was surprised. The ghost in front of him not only knew Chinese but also knew Wing Chun.

"Je Kwon Do!" But Zhen is really not born in Wing Chun, but she also has roots. Jeet Kune Do was originally born out of Wing Chun. By the way, there is also Bruce Lee in this world, but others are not movie stars, they are real martial arts masters. The Jeet Kune Do created is also a well-known martial arts genre, which is very famous in Hong Kong's southern Guangdong generation. What's more interesting is that the Chinese superstar of his previous life did not die young, and now lives in Hong Kong.

Strictly speaking, Zhen is the grandson of this martial arts master.

Perhaps because of Kai's Chinese and knowledge of martial arts, Zhen has a faint desire to communicate.

"Have you practiced martial arts?"

"Bajiquan, Jinmen Baji." Kai's master is indeed from Jinmen Baji. His pedigree can be traced back to the ‘magic spear’ Li Shuwen, and he can be regarded as an orthodox child of Jinmen Baji who cannot be more orthodox. Kai said that it was a bit of a loss. He did follow Master to learn boxing, but he didn't get it in the door. At that time, he was not interested in this. His parents asked him to learn boxing just to strengthen his body and he didn't plan to actually go here. Way. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is not considered a Jinmen Baji Chinese.

"It turned out to be the person in the passage! Fortunately meeting!" Zhen clasped his fists and saluted according to the rules, clenching a fist in one hand, holding a fist in the other, and closing it to his chest—right hand inside, left hand outside, left fist and right palm. This is also exquisite. There are two types of fist holding ceremony: left palm and right fist and left fist and right palm.

Left palm and right fist: People who practice martial arts are more ruthless than palms. They use their palms to hold their fists to avoid their sharp edges. They use their left and right hands to hold them naturally and have a degree of tightness, which is common in martial arts. Fold your hands and sway slightly in front of your chest. Naturally, it should not be too strong or too high. This is "Jibai".

Left fist and right palm: Contrary to the previous one, it is a "fierce worship" that does not respect the other party, which is almost like mourning the other party.

Obviously he meant that there must be a match between the two.

Just before talking, all the wounds on Zhen's body healed.

Seeing this scene, the little bit of sympathy that Kai had had in the same way disappeared immediately, and he reacted, this guy is a vampire! That's a ghost fellow!

Seeing the contempt and disgust in Kai's eyes, Zhen was not angry, but stroked her body obsessively.

"Look at this body, how perfect it is. It is not afraid of injury or fatigue. I can use it at will, even if I practice martial arts 24 hours a day, I can regain my energy in just a few minutes. For humans, is there a more perfect ability than this?"

As she said, Zhen raised her head, her eyes shone brightly, and even the whole person's emotions were a little excited.

"It's this feeling, constant progress, constant progress, and there will never be the despair of stagnation! Did you know? Back then, I discovered my limits, how desperate it is. I practiced martial arts desperately, wanting Become stronger, but they told me that my ability is only so much, it is impossible to improve. I will grow old, I will be injured, and then I will start to regress until the dying year, and finally I can only look sadly one by one. People who are weaker than you are better than you! I don’t like that feeling. I want to become stronger, stronger, and never stop becoming stronger! So I choose not to be a human being!"

Kai's expression was disgusted and angry from the beginning, and gradually became speechless and even disgusted. Kai couldn't see anything that a martial artist should have from his face. He was not practicing martial arts, but being trained by martial arts! A slave dominated by power, this kind of person is regarded as the most despised among martial artists.

What does he consider martial arts? A tool to show off? How did this guy worship his teacher in the first place?

And now, he is even more crazy. Showing off nausea as pride, if Kay had been like him in the first place, it is estimated that his master would have come to clear the door long ago. This kind of person is of no use other than abuse of violence.

Seeing the change in Kai's expression, Zhen felt annoyed for a while. Why are these people always so staid and inflexible? Isn’t the purpose of martial arts training to be the strongest? What happened to him becoming a vampire? This is just a way to become stronger, just like practicing boxing every day!Why do these people always look down on him? Obviously, as a human being, one day will become weaker. In that case, why can't you find another way out? Isn’t it good to be immortal?

"Come on! Let me tell you what is powerful!!"

Words are always weak, Zhen intends to use reality to tell this ghost, what is powerful!

Unfortunately, Kai is no longer interested. Indeed, at the beginning, Kai was indeed prepared to follow the rules of martial arts practitioners and use his fists to win the game. This is a respect for his fellows. But after this guy made a series of Second Form 2 comments, Kai lost interest, feeling that if he really hit him, he would actually insult him.

So something like this happened. Zhen had already done the starting position for Jeet Kune Do, but suddenly found that the opposite hand had taken out a grenade, and then threw it over.

"You don't follow the rules...Ah!!!"

It's an ultraviolet grenade, some samples Blade left for Kay. For ordinary people, fart is not useful, at most it is dazzling, but for vampires, and an idiot who strips his shirt off for the sake of being cool, that's another matter.

Zhen...Push on the street.

Zhen also wanted to use his own speed to kick the ultraviolet grenades into the air. Unfortunately, Kai had already done the advance measurement. When Zhen just moved, the grenades burst into strong ultraviolet light, and then he turned into fly ash. NS.

Sadly, this guy did not expect to die, that the enemy he was looking for was Kai. Definitely more sadly than this is that Kai didn't know from start to finish, and he killed Zhen's brother...

"" Just when Zhen was turned into fly ash by ultraviolet light, Blob just arrived. This simple and honest man of Russian descent was a little uncomfortable with unruly sneak attacks on his boss.

In his impression, his boss has always been a tough guy, and if others challenge him, he will definitely accept it. Unexpectedly, this time...

Kay took off the sunglasses he had just put on, and said disdainfully: "Blob, have you heard an old Chinese saying?"


"Since ancient times, righteous and evil have never been balanced. To deal with evil spirits, there is no need to talk about the rules of the world."

Blob looked dumbfounded. It was difficult to translate this sentence. At least Kay couldn't translate the essence, so it sounded weird, but at any rate the meaning was expressed.

"Who said this?"

"Exterminator too." Kai told Blob this way.

"Extinct... nun?"

With a twitch of Kai's brain, he translated Shitai into a nun, and Blob became even more confused.


When Kay walked into his home, he could hardly recognize it as his home. The furniture and furnishings of the house were all pushed by Dean and the others to the door and window. The things here are all left behind by the Mexican drug lord family. Although those guys have no culture, they are definitely rich and very rich. So many of the furniture and furnishings in the house are antiques. One of the cabinets is from Spain in the 17th century. Antiques from the Booth dynasty. At this moment, this cabinet has been sifted into a sieve.

This is nothing, anyway, Kai doesn't understand this stuff, there are so many things older than this in Kai's King's Treasury. What really made Kai feel the pain was that his set of brand-name fishing gear was still not spared...I don't know who was thrown into the corner by anyone, and it was completely useless.

"Kay!" Dean and Sam saw that Kay was just about to call Roar, but they didn't expect to be one step faster than them, a beautiful figure with a crying voice, pounced on Kay like a wind.

Kai caught Kelly who fell into his arms, and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms a little unnaturally.

"It's terrible! Those vampires almost rushed into my room!" But Kelly was not at all uncomfortable. Instead, she acted pretentiously as a frightened little girl. If it weren't for her details, she deliberately pretended to be delicate this time, maybe she could really bluff people. Only Kai knows how she is acting like a baby. In fact, she is complaining. Kai has always really treated her as a little girl. She is telling Kai in this way that she can also fight instead of hiding in the house like a fool. Can't come out.

Seeing Kelly's appearance, everyone who knew the details had a cold expression. There is a saying that Kelly's acting skills are really bad, and those who don't know why the demon hunters can't tell that she is deliberate.

Especially Matthew, almost lost his attitude, he began to see a vampire peeing scared by Kelly. In the past, Matthew's impression of Kelly was probably a rich, beautiful, and silly college student, no different from ordinary girls. He didn't know until today that in this room, he was the most normal person in the police station.

The demon hunters didn't know who Kay was, so the reaction was not particularly big. But for Blob, their eyes are full of vigilance and respect. Demon hunters are marginalized people in society. They don't care about order, so in many cases, strength becomes the only universal criterion. They were very impressed by Blob's bravery before. But because of this, they are also very wary of Blob.

This is an occupational disease of the Demon Hunter. In fact, this is all pretty good. If they knew Kelly's details, they would have drawn the gun long ago. The concept of the demon hunter has always been so extreme. After all, the objects they hunted were not brainless monsters, many of which were more cunning than humans. In order to prevent themselves from being deceived by those aliens, many demon hunters hold a simple and rude belief, that is, "If you are not a race, your heart must be different, and you would rather kill the mistake than let it go."

Seeing the expressions of several demon hunters, Kai could only comfort the ‘feared’ Kelly in embarrassment, while letting Blob re-seal his Ability.

Seeing that the Blob gradually became a normal person, the expressions of the demon hunters were obviously relaxed.

Sam saw this and immediately gave Bobby a wink and asked him to take the other demon hunters to the aftermath. Kelly's state, they were also a little afraid of being known by other demon hunters. It was not that they were afraid that the demon hunters would be unfavorable to Kelly, but... they were afraid of the bad luck of those demon hunters.

In today's society, fewer and fewer people are willing to abandon everything and follow the path of the Demon Hunter. Any sacrifice of a demon hunter is a loss to the entire group of demon hunters.

"Sorry, Kay, we didn't expect this to happen. We will be responsible..."

As soon as Kai heard this, he immediately interrupted: "Come on, you are all poor, and today's bill has at least six digits, and you can't afford it."

This is not to look down on them, but to tell the truth. The vast majority of witch hunters have no fixed income, just take Dean and Sam for example. The two brothers have no source of income other than stealing credit cards and dean playing cards to win some money. Normally, both of them eat fast food and live in cars or cheap motels.

Letting them take care of the six-figure bill is a joke.

"Um..." Sam was a little embarrassed. On the contrary, Dean doesn't care at all. He can't afford it anyway, and he can't solve any problems if he doesn't. It's better to look at it.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter, I don't need this money." Kay really doesn't care about the money. What he really cares about is that Nima vampires have come to his house. This is definitely not the case. NS. Kay wouldn't care anyway. The reason why the vampire would retaliate everywhere was because he was committing genocide everywhere in Chicago, which made it so. "What's really important is that we have to give these bastards a little bit of color!"

As soon as Dean heard this, he immediately refreshed. He likes this kind of thing!

With that, Kay took out a note with an address on it.

"Tomorrow night there will be a batch of weapons and equipment designed to deal with vampires will be shipped to this address, Sam, you will take someone to receive it. I will also find someone to collect information on these vampires, and strive to give these guys a ruthless night. of!"

This shipment was provided by Blade's adoptive father Abraham Whistler, but it was not bought in Hannibal's name, but Kay directly approached Phil and asked him to contact him for help. Kay hasn't been so stupid enough to expose his connection with the identity of Hannibal.Anyway, what Kay brought out was real gold and silver, Phil just contacted him, it was not a violation of the agreement with the Vampire Presbyterian Church.

As for intelligence, I can’t find S.H.I.E.L.D. But this kind of thing does not have to be S.H.I.E.L.D.

Remember the voodoo gang?

Kay had killed a lot of the backbone of the Haitian Gang, and he was a small favor to the Voodoo Gang. Just use it now. This group of people's intelligence Ability is still very powerful, they can even figure out the details of Kai, there is no reason to find a group of vampires in the city.


The next day, Kay will go to work normally. As for the aftermath, you really don't need to worry about it. Some people will cover up the truth. Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D or the power of vampires, they don't want things to be exposed. So Kay was not affected at all the next day, and there was absolutely no news about the shootout last night in the Chicago media.

It's just that when Kai approached the office, almost everyone looked at Kai with a strange expression.

Especially the "Bad Boys" duo, Marcus and Mike. The bad boy is the nickname that these two humbly put together for them, and they also have a theme song, but it is a pity that Kai can't appreciate it.

"Kay, brother, you can't do this!"

"What?" Kay couldn't figure out what happened to these two guys. Since the last time Kay rescued Marcus' sister Sidney and found out that she was a DEA undercover agent, these two live treasures have been rare recently. Appearing at the police station, I didn't know what they were up to. I didn't expect to see it today, so I was confused.

"For me, for me." Marcus pushed Mike away, ran to Kay, raised his head (Marcus is not tall, only one meter 7), with a serious face. Kay said, "Man, Kelly is a good girl, you can't do this to her."

"Yes, yes! That's what I meant." Mike quickly pushed Marcus away and hurriedly said: "You already have a girlfriend, so don't worry about it. I know that being found by a woman in the police station will make You are embarrassed, rest assured, as your good brother, I will help you deal with it. All you have to do is tell me the girl’s name and phone number. Trust me, I am professional!"

"Go away, you JY bastard, I saw that girl first! It should be me who wants to go!"

"You should stay away. You are married, do you remember? If you don't want Theresa to be shot in the ass, just give me the chance!"

"Fuck, I'm not as nasty as you. The reason I say this is to stop you, a playboy! Don't forget, Sidney's account, I haven't asked you to settle it!"

Kay started to have a headache again, these two goods are too noisy.

"Hey! Hey! Can you guys be quiet first, and then tell me clearly what is going on?" Kai can only stop them quickly, or the ghost knows where they are going?

"Kay! You are finally here!" At this moment, a familiar voice spread from the direction of Teresa's office. When Kay turned her head, she saw Diana standing pretty at the door of Teresa's office.

"Diana, why are you here?"

Teresa walked out from behind Diana and gave Marcus and Mike a fierce look. The two of them simply lost the face of the Chicago Police Department! They talked too loudly, as if for fear that others would not be able to hear it, Teresa and Diana heard them all in the office...

"Ms. Diana came to communicate with the police about the security of the joint exhibition three days later. Kay, next, you come to receive Ms. Diana." After finishing Teresa looked at Marcus and Mike, snarled viciously. Said: "You two! Get out of my office! I have something to ask you!"

Marcus and Mike first glanced at each other, then turned their backs to Kay, gave him a middle finger, and then walked listlessly to Teresa's office. Recently, in order to keep Sidney away from this dangerous undercover job, the two of them volunteered to Teresa to take over Tapia’s case, intending to get Tapia before Tapia and Sidney get in touch. . However, after so many days, there is still no progress...

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