The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 334 Crazy (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass, seeking subscri

Joe Du, a poor and hateful bastard. It is the murderer of the seven deadly serial homicides. His real name is Clyde Shelton (the name will be Joe in the future), he was born into a family of intellectuals, his parents are both university professors, and his family is well-off. At the same time, his family are devout believers. He is also very upbeat. At the age of 18, he graduated from the University of Illinois where his parents worked.

After graduation, Joe, like all young people, dreams of changing the world. So young and energetic chose to join the U.S. Army, but his fate made him a joke. He joined the army for less than two years. Because of his brilliant mind, he was favored by the CIA and became an agent of the CIA.

Joe didn't like this job, but for the benefit of the country, he chose to be patient. Joe is not the kind of agent that will kill the enemy with a gun himself, on the contrary, he is always behind the scenes. But he can always complete the task and kill the target. No one else knows how he did it.

But it was also the experience in the CIA that changed his mentality. He discovered that the CIA is not what he imagined, everything is for the national interest. Many of their actions are no different from those robber warlords, and even more disgusting.

So after working for the CIA for five years, he returned to the United States and left the CIA completely. He settled in Atlanta, married a wife and had children, and got a job as an engineer. He usually made small inventions. Those invention patents alone were enough for his family. If things keep going like this, maybe he will live his life like an ordinary person.

He no longer had the ambition to change the world that he used to get out of campus. All he wanted at the time was to live his life in peace.

As a result, the second change in his life came.

His parents were shot dead. At that time, the old couple, as usual, went out to the restaurant that had been patronized for decades on Friday night and was robbed by an addict. His parents honestly gave him the money.

But the addict was not satisfied, he fell in love with Joe's mother's pearl necklace.

It was a gift that Joe's father bought for Joe's mother when he got married, and it was of great significance. So Joe's mother struggled. It was also this struggle that made the addict's nervous nerves cut off, and he fired three shots at the old couple.

In fact, so far, the old couple can still be saved. Just send it to the hospital in time. But Chicagoans...indifference seems to have become a common label in big cities. According to Joe watching the video at the police afterwards, a total of 23 passersby passed by, but no one called 911.

This caused Joe to collapse almost instantly.

Joe's thinking began to change from that time, he began to become cynical, and more and more devoutly believe in God. Definitely, he is still normal at this time. This is probably a happy family life, giving him a warm harbor on which he can rely.

But the next blow caused him to completely collapse.

Two robbers broke into his home one night, and they knocked down and tied up Joe. Next, two robbers killed his wife and forcibly assaulted her body in front of him, and his daughter...when the police arrived, they couldn't bear to watch the child's tragic situation.

At that moment, he completely broke down. This is not the case, but the subsequent trial is even more shocking to him.

Of the two robbers, one is the principal offender, and the other can only be regarded as a coercive follower. The one who was threatened originally just wanted to shoot some money.

But during the trial, the prosecutor, for his own winning rate, violated the wishes of Joe, the victim’s family, and directly reached a deal with the principal offender. The principal offender became a tainted witness to testify against the coercion, and threw all the charges to that person, and then The principal offender was only sentenced for two years!

What a ridiculous trial this is, and what is more ridiculous is that no one thinks there is any problem with it.

Since then, Joe's thinking has undergone a complete change.

He believes that the world is sick![The Son of Man came to find and save the lost (Luke 19:10)]

【God loves the world and even gave his only begotten Son to them, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Because God sent his Son to the world not to condemn the world, but to save the world because of him (John 3:16-17).

In pain, he was completely crazy, and in this madness, he began to transform! He gained super Ability. Simply put, he was originally Mutant, but his Ability has not been Awakening all the time, but in the midst of madness, somehow it is Awakening.

He began to think that he was the savior!

Mutant has never been born with Ability, and Mutant's Ability is like a recessive gene. According to Kai's understanding, this Mutant is actually a descendant of the prehistoric Protoss. After so many years of reproduction, it is not known how many people in this world carry the Protoss gene, but judging from the time span, there are definitely many. But these abilities hidden in the body of the carrier of the Protoss gene are rarely stimulated.

In fact, many of Mutant’s Ability Awakening are strange and strange. Some people have it when they are born, some people have it after a sleep, and some people experience other things before they have abilities. In short, like Joe, and Not surprising.

Unfortunately, Ability's Awakening did not bring Joe any good luck, because with Ability's Awakening, his body also had problems.

He suffers from brain cancer.

Under the torment of brain cancer, the originally intelligent and rational Qiao even had problems with his originally thinking mode. He believes that he is the one chosen by God, and his super Ability is a symbol of being called! And for brain cancer, God is telling him that he must complete his mission as soon as possible. Wasn't Jesus also nailed to the cross at the time?


This is the second person Joe set up for himself.

So he started the plan, first of all revenge. He used his expertise to kill all the participants in the murder of his wife and daughter!

The coercion who was regarded as a scapegoat has been sentenced to death, but he did not allow the criminal to euthanize! He replaced the poison of prison execution with corrosive poison, leaving the threatened criminal to die in extreme pain. It is not difficult to do this. You only need to invade the Federal Logistics network and change a few numbers to change the poison sent to the prison to be delivered to him. He replaces the original medicine with corrosive poison and expresses it. Just go to prison.

As for the real criminal... that's even easier. This guy is an idiot. With a little trick, Joe tricked him into an abandoned factory, and then he was dissected live! But this does not make people pay attention to what is wrong in this world, at least these two scums are not qualified.

So Joe started to commit crimes frantically, and he buried the lawyer who defended the criminals alive. He used a cell phone bomb to kill the judge in front of the police!

Then, with a car bomb, the policemen who were investigating his wife and daughter's case went to the sky.

Finally, it was the prosecutor. Joe didn't plan to kill him at the beginning. He just wanted to make him understand that he was not revenge, but he wanted to cure this terrible world! But he can't seem to appreciate Joe's painstaking efforts. So he let the guy watch his partner be beaten into a hornet's nest by the remote-controlled firepower device, and then the prosecutor was blown to pieces by the bomb.

He originally thought that this decadent judicial system could learn a lesson! But what he didn't expect was that people just had a lively for a while and attributed all this to terrorist actions!

What's more ridiculous is that these people are obviously related to the case of his wife and daughter! As long as you are not an idiot, you can guess that everything is done by him! But he casually talked about several cases in the court and told the judge that the police had no evidence to accuse him... and then the idiot judge really released him in court!

Everyone knew that he was a crime, but for some ridiculous reasons, he was found not guilty!

Moreover, according to the U.S. system of ‘one crime shall not be tried twice’, a person cannot be tried or punished twice or more for the same act or the same crime. Even if there is new evidence in this case, or even if Joe admits that he has committed a crime in a public court, no one can use this case to try him! (For example, in the famous Simpson wife murder case, Simpson was finally arrested for another charge. You must know that after Simpson was acquitted at the time, he also published a book confessing his murder, but the police still cannot arrest him for his wife murder case)

How ridiculous this is!

He originally thought this was ridiculous, but unfortunately, he still underestimated the world. This series of cases did go viral for a while, but soon people were drawn away by other hot news...this incident was quickly forgotten.

People only think that this is Joe's simple act of revenge. This can't touch people at all.

Seeing all this, this guy is completely crazy, so he must do something more influential, more shocking, and more educational to warn the world! So he changed his face, changed his name to his current name, and returned to his hometown of Illinois.

It was also at this point in time that he encountered Mills's case in Springfield.

When he understood the whole process of the case, he planned to imitate Jesus and leave a perfect masterpiece for the world. He wanted to use the seven deadly sins to alert the world.

He did exactly that.

But now time does not allow him to proceed according to the original plan.

Last time, the policeman he met gave him a shot that seemed weird, causing a tumor in his brain to change. He has been dead soon. According to his doctor, his current situation is extremely dangerous. , May die at any time. (The modified version of the Desert Eagle originally came with mental damage, which was said a long time ago, plus Joe was originally in the late stage of brain cancer, so the changes in his condition are understandable)

It was also because of this that he rushed into the safe room of the police alone and arrested the four women.

Among them, Alexandra must die, otherwise the seven deadly sins are no longer complete. Pepper and Tracy are props, the props needed for the final sacrifice. There was just a small problem. The two women were almost exactly the same. At the time, Joe didn't have time to distinguish them carefully, so he caught both of them. As for the last little girl... it was used to threaten the policeman who injured herself.

Joe was still very afraid of the policeman. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will not be able to complete the mission given to him by God before death.


"Who are you? Who are you?"

Seeing Alexandra trembling with fright and tears streaming down her body, Pepper, who had a relatively strong character, finally couldn't help but questioned.

Joe raised his eyebrows and asked puzzledly.


Pepper has now gone through the initial panic, anyway, it's better to understand.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, it makes no sense. What is important is what I did?" Joe slowly took out a mass of similar clay, then glued the clay to a skull, and then looked at Tracy. And Pepper, while constantly adjusting and kneading the clay.

Pepper took a deep breath: "Well, what on earth are you going to do?"

"I want to tell the world something." Joe was still serious about his work, and his words were extremely casual.

"Then why don't you go to the media newspaper?"

"This world is no longer what it used to be. It is not enough to want people to listen to you and pat him on the shoulder. You must shock him so that they can listen to you carefully.""But the question is... what's special about you that you want someone to listen to you?" Pepper sneered, "After all, you're just a lunatic."

"Perhaps, for many people, I may be no different from all living beings. However, what I do, my work, will be very special!"

"Your work? Are you talking about killing? You don't really think anyone cares about this, do you? After two months, no one will care about your work, no one will remember you!"

Pepper’s words made Joe raise his head. He frowned and said, "You haven’t seen the whole picture yet. When I’m done, when it’s done, it will become... It will be difficult for people to fully understand, but they can’t deny it. event!"

"You're such a lunatic!" Pepper was incomprehensible. Someone expressed their opinions and actually relied on killing! This is the second time Pepper said the word lunatic.

"If you think of me as a lunatic, you will be more comfortable, so feel free, just wait until the end, you will find how great what I did." Joe shrugged.

Pepper stared at the lunatic in front of him, as if trying to kill him.

"Fake squid! You lunatic! You are a pervert! You crap @¥@¥%¥……"

Susie has been silent since she was arrested, more silent than ever, especially after learning from this neurotic mouth that her mother was killed by him, Susie did not speak any more. Until now, the swear words in her mouth almost make Two women with higher education couldn't stand it, but Susie didn't care about it. She desperately cursed in the dirtiest and most vicious language she could think of.

Joe looked at Susie with pity in her eyes.

"I don't expect you to accept my opinion, girl. I have no choice, I was chosen."

Susie didn't listen to any words from Joe at all, she just wanted to vent.

But Pepper was afraid that Joe would hurt Susie, so he immediately diverted Joe's attention. "If you are chosen, that is to say, chosen by God. But if you are forced, then why do you enjoy it? I have heard the police say that you treat torture as enjoyment, which is not like what you just said. Yes, isn't it?"

"I don't want to be unhappy in it, just like you don't want to be with me, do you? But it's not wrong to enjoy work alone. I don't deny that I have a desire to make guilty people suffer."

"You are just killing innocent people!"

"Innocent? Are you kidding? That fat man, he provides drugs for Victor! He also works for Victor! Do you know what the job is? Robbery! Killing! Drug trafficking! That guy is doing everything! He also provides Victor for him. Funds! Only Victor, the poisonous bug, can hire that bastard lawyer! By the way, the bastard lawyer, all Chicago police should thank the lawyer I picked. He has been making money with conscience all his life, and he is full of lies. The land... helps rape, rape and murderers go unpunished."

"What about the others?"

"Who are you talking about? Is this a woman who falsely testifies and ignores an innocent victim? Or the pedophile and homosexual, all-wicked poisonous insect? Don't forget the slut who led countless girls astray?" Sorry to Susie: "I'm sorry, it's a bit ugly, I shouldn't have said that to her mother in front of a daughter."

When he finished speaking, he stopped looking at Susie, and then said to Pepper.

"Only in this fallen world can I say that they are innocent. This is my belief. We can see capital crimes everywhere. On the streets, in every home, we tolerate it, because it's no surprise that it's no big deal for us. Tolerate from morning to night. Now it’s different, I set an example, the world will explore my behavior... research, follow, forever! Don’t ask me to pity those people, ma’am, I will not mourn them, just like the world absolutely Will not mourn the evil place of Sodom!"

(Sodom, the sin city destroyed by God in the Old Testament)

Pepper sneered: "Aside from being a madman, you are also an arrogant man! You actually said you did the same good deeds as God? You are blasphemy! God will only spit on you!"

Joe shrugged: "So you won't understand me. I was chosen. God is just borrowing my hand to do what should be done."

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