The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 321 Mutual Aid Association (seeking collection, seeking monthly pass, seeking recommendation

Police station office.

The atmosphere in the police station was very bad these two days.

These police officers did not enter the police station through formal channels. To elaborate, they were all Kay opened the back door and let in. At that time, in order to combat Hamilton, the gang leader, Kay had to kick all the policemen who colluded with him out of the police station. But Kay can't be a polished commander, right? So Saji was asked to recruit all the brothers he trusted.

This was the first prototype of the Guardian Police Station. After Hamilton was defeated, Kay recruited another group in the town. In other words, none of the police officers in the police station had any relevant experience before.

These people have only been police officers for seven months from March to the present. Most of them have not yet reached the one-year training period, and they are not even qualified for the police examination... they are all auxiliary police officers. To put it bluntly, it is a civilian!

They simply can't adapt to this sacrifice. In their view, the police is just a job, just like a supermarket cashier or a farm cowboy. They just go to work and get paid.

Death... Many of them have never thought about it. But now they have seen the sacrifices of acquaintances they had been with each other day and night, and the impact on them can be imagined. They are still civilians...

Definitely, Kay has solved the identity problem of the five sacrificed police officers. They were buried as police officers. Kai also gave the compensation they should be paid in accordance with regular police standards. With insurance and the like, basically their family members received adequate compensation.

This is the only thing Kay can do for them. This makes some people feel a little more at ease, but not much, just a little bit. To be honest, compared with dedication, Americans really can't compare with Chinese. They pay more attention to themselves. This can't say who is good and who is bad, everyone has their own ambitions.

Now some people have started to make resignation reports. In this regard, Kay did not hold back much.

What can I do? As they think, the police is just a job. Although the salary for this job is good, it will not make them joke about their lives.

It’s also strange to say that the number of police officers who died in 2007 in the United States was only 127. In Minnesota last year and this year, only three police officers were killed, two of whom were in a car accident while chasing the Speeding Party. ...Only one died of fighting with a gangster.

In a small town like Kejiade Town, five policemen died... it was worth the two-year death quota in Minnesota.

Since Kay came to Jiade Town, it has become an area with a high incidence of vicious incidents. Kay himself thought he was poisonous.


At the police station, Saji walked in with a sad face. Kay, Portman, and Blob are all foreigners, not as good as Sage. He is a local, and most of the police officers are his friends. It can be said that, whether it is psychologically or from the perspective of other people's resentment, Saji is the most stressed.

"Brother, how is it? Is it okay?" Blob asked with concern, looking at Saji's haggard face.

If Kay is just out of responsibility and depressed, he can be relieved by psychological adjustment. But on Saji's side... In short, Saji's time has not been good.

"It's okay. Everything will be fine." Saji wiped his face, cheering up. "Head, can you tell me what is going on now, right?"

Kay didn't tell the truth to other people, because the truth was too much, and most people wouldn't believe it. And those who really believe are too troublesome. So Kay did not disclose the information he had obtained. But Saji and the others have seen those assassins with their own eyes, they are definitely not ordinary people!"Those killers...should be here to kill me." Kai said truthfully.


"Madefak!" Saji vented and hammered down the table fiercely. "Who the hell is it? Let's go find them now!"

"Hmm..." Kay made a very weird expression. "This... a bit difficult."

Sage was a little strange. "how?"

"Because we don't even know where they are..."

"What?" The topic turned slightly, and Saji didn't know the situation at all.

"Remember the Chicago case?"

"Just what massacre case?" The others were a little strange, why did they suddenly get involved in this.

"This assassination, I always feel that it is related to this case."

The other three immediately stood up and looked at their boss in surprise. They are scared.

To be honest, when this case happened, they did doubt their boss. After all, the Luton family had just threatened their boss, and he died that night... But going back, they all knew that the boss had stayed at the police station that day. Therefore, this suspicion was dispelled.

But now that Kay himself said this, it is hard not to remind them that this case was done by his boss.

They have known Kai for several years, and for the first time they knew that Kai has a habit of cannibalism. No way, the Chicago massacre is so famous that even now, the media is still operating overwhelmingly. Especially the Chicago media, they actually regarded this case as a big hot spot, a crazy hype.

The suspects have been listed hundreds of people by their bastards. They definitely have no real evidence. They are all nonsense and rushing for popularity.

Unexpectedly, rushing to rush, there are really those who are not long-eyed actually began to admire this so-called "Hannibal", the Chicago police recently notified three imitation crimes, and countless phone calls confessing that they are Hannibal. Nibal.

Right now, the name Hannibal really went out of the movie and rushed to the United States. Under the exaggeration of the media, Hannibal has become a murderer and ogre who kills people and supplements food every week.

"Why are you looking at me... those are done by the hounds... don't you know if I can eat people?"

The three of them sat down awkwardly. Didn't they have never seen what a hound was like? But at first thought, the boss actually released those two things...too cruel! Say you are not a pervert? ! !

They are just making a fool of themselves, and they are not going to seek justice for a bunch of Mexican drug dealers. It can even be said that if you really want them to start, although it is not as cruel as Kai, it is not much better.

"Then...what does it have to do with this assassination?" Saji asked again.

"Then you mean, except for the Luton family...who wants my life so free these days?"

In fact, Kai can't figure out that the Luton family may be a great power in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of those who have experienced life and death, it is just like that. To put it bluntly, it is a group of gangsters, can they have this Ability to instruct such a powerful killer? Don't be funny, it's really like this, the United States has long been the world of Mexicans.

"Indeed...what's the source of those assassins?"

Saji nodded, and ruled out all the impossible, and the remaining one, no matter how ridiculous, is most likely the truth. But Saji was still a little curious about the way the killers were, too wild. Others dare to chase cars with their legs, and they are so good at avoiding bullets.

"About this..." Unexpectedly, talking about this Kai's face became even more weird.

It turned out that those killers came from an organization called the Mutual Aid Association. Mutual aid associations can basically be said everywhere in the United States. For example, there are many kinds of mutual aid associations and drug rehabilitation associations. As the name suggests, the mutual aid association is an association that helps each other. In this process, everyone will share feelings, emotions, opinions, experiences, measures, and effects to help everyone solve one or For many common questions, the previous answers have already introduced the relevant concepts very comprehensively, so I won't repeat them here.

Most of these mutual aid associations are non-profit and can be regarded as an organization full of positive energy.

However, a mutual aid association that produces killers is obviously not the kind mentioned above.

This mutual aid association has a long history. It is said that this mutual aid association was originally formed by a group of ascetic monks. About three hundred years ago, a group of ascetic monks who practiced asceticism in the deep mountains of northern Italy discovered a mysterious language on the loom. According to the blind spots that were not woven in the linen woven by the loom, a hundred zero was determined. And 1 (binary), and then converted into letters to form a person's name.

At first the ascetics didn't know what these names meant, until they discovered that everyone who had a name was a very sinful person, and each of them would cause disaster. If you don't stop them, then these people will bring more and more killing and hatred to the world.

So the ascetic monks thought it was God's will to them, and they called the Roar loom as the "Loom of Destiny". And around this loom, formed the earliest mutual aid association. They will give the name to the loom, and then they will kill, saying that this is fate and an order they must execute to maintain the stability of this world.

What's more nonsense is that they really have some special abilities as if they have been blessed by God. For example, they can speed up their heartbeat to make their heartbeat tens of times that of ordinary people, thereby obtaining abnormal dynamic vision and unparalleled exercise Ability. Anyway, normal people can never do this. The average person's heart beats so fast, it exploded early.

In addition, they also have a kind of Ability that sounds very awesome, but it's just that, arc shooting! Simply put, it is to make the bullet turn. It is said that some powerful mutual-aid killers can make the bullet draw a circle.

Isn't it awesome?

But Kai feels that this thing... is useful? Can't a straight bullet hit Deadman? Do you have to have an arc trajectory? He felt that this Ability had no practical effect except to pull the wind a little.

It may also be Kay's high-sightedness.

In short, when Kay got the information from that sniper's spirit, he looked dazed. I always feel that this guy has been fooled by the cult.

There are so many cults in the United States.

Also the loom of the fate... This loom is so awesome. Why did World War I and World War II happen? Had Hitler's name never appeared on the loom? If the loom is so powerful, then their mutual aid association could completely kill Hitler while he was still a painter in Vienna. That's not difficult.

This might prevent World War II from happening. But the problem is that this world still has Hitler, and Hitler still launched World War II.

"Is there really that stuff?" Blob asked stupidly.The other three people squinted at the past, this kind of thing is unreliable. According to the intelligence obtained from the sniper, this mutual aid association is indeed capable of acting chivalrously, but they are all murderers or other criminals.

This is definitely very powerful, it can scan criminals.

But the problem is, that's a destiny loom! Destiny! Couldn't the goals given be taller? For example, what role can influence the international situation is really not good. South America, the Golden Triangle, and the Golden Crescent are full of drug lords and warlords who have harmed the country and the people. Why have they never heard of anyone running to assassinate those people?

Even those people have the news that they don’t need that shit loom to convey it.

Are those murderers more harmful to the world than those drug lords?

This is a logical flaw.

"Then...head, you didn't get the specific information of the mutual aid association from that guy's mind?"

Saji understood what Kai meant. Kai and the mutual aid association had no grievances, and the mutual aid association would find Kai somehow. To say that Kay will harm the world in the future...not to mention that Saji doesn't believe it, even his dog doesn't believe it.

Who was the big villain who destroyed the world and went to the country to be a little sheriff?

That being the case, then only the Luton family can have a relationship with Kay. Now that the Luton family are all dead, if they want revenge, it seems that they can only go to some kind of mutual aid association.

"No. The sniper named Mike is just a newcomer to the Mutual Aid Association. They have not yet become a full member. They have very little confidential contact with the Mutual Aid Association. They don't know where the Mutual Aid Association’s nest is. They are trained by a woman named Firefox. The woman told them that unless they complete the assessment and become full members, they will be brought back to headquarters. So I just said that we can't find their place."

Saji nodded, not surprised. A mysterious organization like the Mutual Aid Association is naturally impossible to casually tell its headquarters to outsiders. How else can it be kept secret?

"Then what do we do next? Don't let it go?"

"Forget it? You want to be beautiful! They came to kill me and I didn't have time to settle with them, and now they are killing our brothers! I will definitely find them out, and then..." Needless to say. Everyone else understands.

"Over there, what do you mean?"

"I remember you had an older brother working for the FBI?" Kay said, looking at Saggy.

There are five brothers in the Saji family, almost all of whom have served as soldiers. Two of them are still in Afghanistan and Iraq. The remaining two brothers, one in the Delta Special Forces and the other formerly in the 75th Ranger Regiment, later retired and joined the FBI as special investigators. They have been active on the east coast.

"Hobbs? Yes, he did get into the FBI."

"That's good, you first contact him to see if he can find out something. I will also go to Major General Hawke and General Colton to see if they have any information."

In special operations, in addition to being able to fight, intelligence work is also indispensable, so Kay plans to see if there is any news from the Special Operations Command.

"Okay! I'll call Hobbes now!"

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