The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 315 Political Games and Hannibal (seeking collection, seeking monthly pass) 5600 words seeki

The next morning, when Kay took a nap and came out of the police station's office, Minnesota, no, the entire United States should have been shocked.

Heavy news one after another!

The first is Wyndham, Minnesota. This is a small city. In a small city that few people care about in the United States, a huge amounts of scandal broke out. The head of the local police station in Wyndham stole himself. Stole the seized accounts-a batch of 227 kilograms of drugs!

According to the news broke by the media, a sergeant of the police station inadvertently found clues while investigating the loss of exhibits. He discovered that his immediate boss, the chief of police of Wyndham City, stole from the exhibit room for a long time. All kinds of stolen goods, and then sold, at least more than 30 million US dollars in profit!

The police in a small city actually embezzled more than 30 million U.S. dollars. This kind of case, even if it is in America, is a terribly groundbreaking case! What's more, this case also involved a batch of 227 kilograms of drugs that had just been seized! ! !

This burst of news directly dazzled the Minnesota state government. In particular, this scandal broke through the United States and spread to the world!

The governor of Minnesota issued a statement overnight that he would severely deal with the scandal and hold all relevant responsible persons accountable to the end. Even the state legislature has begun to question the deputy governor in charge of police affairs throughout the state. Maybe the deputy governor needs to bow down and step down.

But the climax was not over. Soon after the governor issued a statement, according to the latest police information, there was evidence that the Indian chief of Minnesota was involved in the case, because the news of the drug entry was the Indian chief giving the Wyndham Police Department. Director's!

According to Ocaro, the former Wyndham Police Department chief, the drugs are now in a secret location in the Indian Reserve.

Then came more lively.

At about 12 o'clock that afternoon, the state police rushed into the Indian reservation on horseback. Then the Indian Chief Thomas and his Indian soldiers also rode on horses with guns and started dealing with the state police! (State police have mounted police)

Public opinion exploded immediately.

These years, racial issues have become politically correct, and the issue of treating Indians is actually more sensitive in the United States than blacks. No way, black people are just slaves, but Indians... Americans almost killed Indians back then, and the skinning order was rated as the most evil law in the United States. Therefore, the United States has always given great preference to Indians.

For example, the Indian reservation system (this system was not a good system at first, but was later modified to become a system to protect Indians). For example, Indians can ignore the laws and regulations to open casinos. For example, any property that enters the Indian reservation belongs to The Indians, etc., a series of incomparable preferential laws.Now the state police rushed into the Indian reservation with live ammunition, which immediately caused a storm of huge amounts of public opinion.

A group of leftists began to criticize Minnesota wildly, believing that they are new-age racists and are almost on par with Hitler. On the other hand, a group of people chose to support what the Minnesota government did.

This group of people is really not racist, on the contrary, they support the law. The Indian Reserve does have a lot of autonomy, but it also belongs to the sovereignty of the United States! The laws of the United States also apply there. Even if it is a country within a country, it must follow the basic laws, right?

And when it comes to such a big case, if the state government just sits idly by, then all 275 Indian reservations in the United States will become extra-legal! Only then will Indians be discriminated against by the entire American society!

The views of both schools seem to be extremely correct, but no one can persuade the other, so there is a chaotic battle.

But do you think this is really because two groups of people are boring and spray each other?

Definitely not, there are deep interests behind this. These two groups of people represent two major interest groups. Many people in the United States have long been dissatisfied with the preferential treatment of Indians.

At the forefront are the Dutton family and Chief Thomas!

Yes, Ocaro was arrested and prosecuted so quickly, and even spread throughout North America overnight, is it really because of a sheriff's revelation? Give me a break. Behind this is the Dutton family pushing. That night, after Kai learned what happened, he knew that he wanted to prove his innocence. The fastest way was not to find drugs. The clues at the scene were checked by the Wyndham City Police and the Narcotics Enforcement Bureau, but they didn’t get anything. Kay feels that he won't be rewarded even if he goes out.

So he thought of another way, that is to find the Dutton family directly. Ocaro betrayed the Dutton family and got involved with Thomas, and he also had a vital autopsy report in his hands!

An autopsy report after an Indian was killed.

According to Ocaro’s guess, the Indian was killed by Keith Dutton, the youngest son of the Dutton family and the favorite son of the old Dutton.

This involves the previous fight between Thomas and Old Dutton. Thomas wanted to retake the Indian land from the old Dutton, so he sent someone to destroy the old Dutton fence and let the old Dutton cattle into the Indian land. According to the law, property on Indian land belongs to Indians.

Thomas wanted to bully the old Dutton with his cattle. At first, Thomas didn't want to completely fall out with the Dutton family. He was even willing to exchange interests and make money together with the Dutton family. But the problem is that the Duttons are too stubborn. They can only buy land, never sell land.

So Old Dutton didn't even plan to talk to Thomas. Since the Indians didn't give it, they snatched it back. So Lee Dutton, the eldest son of the Dutton family, took people overnight to snatch the cattle back. It is a pity that the Indians are not good at stubborn, so a fire broke out that night.Lee Dutton was killed, and the same Indian was killed.

This time Thomas and Old Dutton were completely torn apart.

However, according to the autopsy report, the Indian was not killed by Lee Dutton at all. The bullet holes on the Indian were very special. Five bullet holes formed a circle in the left chest, and the forehead was shot headshot. Typical battlefield killing tactics.

It just so happened that Lee Dutton's younger brother, Keith Dutton, retired from the Navy SEALs and received the Medal of Honor. What's more coincidental is that Keith Dutton lives in the Indian reservation and he married an Indian woman.

The bullet in the Indian's body is not the bullet in Lee Dutton's gun. It is very easy to accuse Keith Dutton, as long as you take his grab and do a bullet mark identification. With the death of Lee Dutton, Keith Dutton became the most suitable heir to the Dutton family.

So in order to protect Case, Old Dutton directly cremated the dead of the Indians and Lee. Even the coroner was manipulated by Old Dutton and lost his job. The only thing that can be called evidence is this autopsy report that should have been destroyed!

As long as Thomas gets the autopsy report, he will be able to overthrow the Dutton family on charges of racial discrimination and judicial interference.

American politics has its own rules of the game. There are certain things that can be done but cannot be said, and the above two are what can be done but cannot be said. In fact, in a real elite circle, the above two things are done by people who do the above two things, but once they burst out, it will be a big deal.

So when Kay arrived at Dunton Manor with the report, old Dutton almost had a cerebral congestion.

So there was Ocaro's experience.

And Ocaro's status is not enough to make old Dutton so violent, old Dutton's real goal is Thomas, he wants Thomas to shoot himself in the foot! So public opinion suddenly became a big issue.

Although Thomas is a bit tenderer than the old Dutton, he also has an advantage, that is, he is an Indian.

So even if it fell in the wind, he also set off a public counterattack.

But as far as it seems, Thomas is indeed at a disadvantage. In particular, he led people to prevent the state police from entering the reservation to collect evidence. Not only did the state government lose its face, but it also made it hard to find a ghost in its heart. Although the law depends on evidence, popular support does not need it.

Freely witness this kind of thing everyone can.

The most innocent of them belonged to the state government... They really didn't do anything. They didn't even do the state police raid on the reservation... It was the old Dutton. Although he is not a good person, it can even be said that he has violated both the U.S. Constitution and the Criminal Law since the Dutton family has been able to develop to this day. But you want him to gather 227 kilograms of drugs overnight, it is really difficult for him. So he simply made a bluff, let Thomas make a mistake himself, and buckled the pot firmly on Thomas.

If Thomas had put the State Police on the reservation, Old Dutton would have been sitting on wax instead.

It can be seen from here that Old Dutton is ruthless in the end.

Kay is naturally happy to eat melons. Whether it is Ocaro or Thomas, or even the Dutton family, they are not good people. He is very happy to see these people biting dogs.

The other people in the police station don’t have to patrol and sit in front of the TV to eat melons. Although they are also police officers, what do they think about the police in Wyndham... Anyway, they would be happy to see the police in Wyndham unlucky. of.

In the afternoon, the major TV stations here were still arguing about Minnesota's affairs. On the other side, even more shocking news broke out in Chicago!

The police there finally discovered the tragedy of the Luton family!

There were more than 70 people in a manor, and only a bunch of young ladies were left dead. This group of young ladies were frightened by the movement outside that day and did not dare to leave the room all night. When they walked out of the room tremblingly the next morning, they were shocked by five on the spot, and the other young ladies were also frightened and incontinent.

By the time the police arrived, it was already past ten o'clock, and the policemen who arrived first at the time were all frightened by the horrible situation at the scene. It is said that two other police officers suffered from psychological problems due to the strong impact on the scene.

Chicago is not a rural place like Minnesota, it is an international metropolis, and both media scent and transmission rate have come up with several grades.

Less than three minutes after the police arrived at the scene, the desperate reporter followed.

The police who arrived first made a mistake because they were shocked and let the reporter into the scene of the crime.


All in all, in the afternoon, the entire United States was shocked by the pictures taken by reporters!

Outside the manor house, all the gangster bodyguards with guns were killed by one blow, without exception. Although this can make those professionals fearful, it still has less impact than normal people. But the picture inside the house... Fortunately the TV station has a big size.

But just listening to the host’s language introduction is creepy. Two other hosts spit out during the live broadcast, and all they saw were unprocessed photos...

Now that little trouble in Minnesota is nothing, and the hot spot has shifted.

When it was time for dinner, some details were revealed.

I have to say that the big city is the big city. The reporters' investigation Ability is really strong. They not only learned the details of the Luton family but also interviewed the surviving young lady.

A drug dealer group from Mexico has recently developed rapidly in Chicago. It is related to almost 15 murders and disappearances, and there are also many violent cases. At the same time, there are more than a dozen gun shooting cases... In short, the Chicago police almost got caught that day. Collective scolded autism.

By the way, riots broke out in Chicago that night.

It is still in Nancheng. The black people in this place like to do things very much, and there have even been 30,000 gangsters in the world.

This time, the black people's reasons are very strange. They protested that the police did not protect their safety... This is discrimination...

Nima...a group of gangsters felt that the police did not protect their lives... This kind of thing can only happen in this magical country. Although it was a protest, the style of painting changed as soon as the parade started. Numerous black gangsters ran to smash and rob the shops. Robbery, assault, and shooting in the city increased by 70%!

Closer to home, talk about homicide.

According to the police's preliminary inference, this is a premeditated gang vendetta case. No useful information about the murderer was left at the scene, no fingerprints, no footprints, no DNA residues, even the monitor was destroyed, and the entire monitoring room was completely destroyed. They didn't even know how many people were the murderers.

The police only learned that in the beginning the murderer used a sharp weapon less than fifty centimeters in length to kill. The murderer had an extraordinary understanding of the human body. Every blow was immediately fatal, and the victim would not have any joy, and it did not leave. Give the victim any time to help himself.

Outside the house, all the victims showed no signs of resistance.

Inside the house... the police can't even guess what weapon the murderer used to kill those people. The police can only guess that the murderer used a chain saw to make the scene like that. What is even more horrifying is that the internal organs and many body tissues of the victims in the house have disappeared, and even in some places, the police also found some residual human tissues similar to those after chewing...

Murder, corpse abuse, cannibalism...

There is no doubt that this is one or a group of extremely cruel and perverted murderers!

Then a few young ladies appeared on TV, and they shivered in front of the camera. According to their confession, they have all seen the murderer.

According to their description, the murderer was about 1.92 meters tall and wore a very elegant suit. He spoke politely and had no accent, but his voice was low and extremely magnetic, and he did not feel ferocious or perverted.

And he is a handsome guy!

But the reporter and the police asked them to give a portrait of the murderer and there was a problem. Almost everyone gave a different answer. If they hadn't had the same confession before, the police and the reporter suspected that these young ladies were really enthusiastic and gave false testimony.

But all the young ladies admit that they really can't remember the specific appearance of the murderer. The police suspected that they had suffered too much and had psychological problems. They also urgently sought help from a psychologist.

But whether it is Hypnotic Ability or conversation, the answers obtained by psychologists are surprisingly consistent.

These girls did not tell lies, they did come into contact with the murderer. At the same time, they also experienced some minor cognitive impairments.

This is why the girls can't remember the murderer's appearance.

But the cause of cognitive impairment has become a mystery. After psychological counseling, they found that these girls were indeed frightened, but these frights were not directly given to them by the murderer!

Several psychologists even speculated that the murderer hinted at them with Hypnotic Ability.

But the question is, how to solve these Hypnotic Ability hints, they don't know, they can only try a little bit. Several psychologists even thought this was a very worthy research topic, so some psychologists began to organize people to conduct research on those little sisters.

But this is useless to the police. What they want is clues! What the little sisters said before is not a clue at all.

The police knew that the murderer was temporarily: male, about 1.92 meters tall, well-dressed, elegant in speech, suspected of having a higher education, suspected of having deep research in psychology, and being selective about the target (since he has never harmed him) Those little sisters can see), the murder weapon is a melee cold weapon, proficient in fighting and assassination, calm to bold, psychologically distorted, cannibalistic, and arrogant.

Although it seems that there are many descriptions, the question is whether Mao is useful or not.No evidence, no witnesses (the little sisters have the equivalent of no), no motivation, ignorance of the modus operandi, etc...

The police are very frustrated, but the media is going to climax.

No way, decedent are all drug dealers, and many of them are illegal immigrants and wanted criminals! This kind of person tells the truth, except for the Virgin Mary, everyone else will secretly applaud even if they don't say it.

Plus the above information.

The media immediately fetched it and gave the murderer a nickname.


This nickname soon spread throughout the United States, and even made Anthony Hopkins become popular again. Well, Mr. Huo has always been well-known, not really popular. But because the murderer and his masterpiece "The Silent Lamb" are very consistent with the characteristics of Dr. Hannibal, so by the way, the topic of Mr. Huo soars!

The old man chose to be silent about this, this thing is really not a good thing.

But the media doesn't care about this, they are now crazy to operate the real version of Hannibal, and even what they can do is to make such murderous remarks under the influence of the movie.

The man who did it had to ask the agent to issue a statement condemning the murderer's cruelty, trust the police, and even donate money to the Chicago police, such as Bala Bala.

But the old man is not a loss. Recently, the Hannibal series of films are very popular, and the sales of video tapes have been brought up. This dividend is also a big gain.

At the same time, Netflix and heavy taste lovers HBO have announced their plans to launch the Hannibal series of American dramas at the fastest speed.

For this reason, several TV stations have begun to grab Hannibal's right to adapt.

Similar projects have also appeared in Hollywood film companies.

All in all, it was very magical, except for the hapless dead, everyone else started the carnival.

But Kai is a little depressed...Although he has selfish motives, he can be regarded as killing harm for the people, but in the end he has turned into a pervert!

What's so special about Hannibal...Isn't that a joke.

He didn't do that disgusting scene!

But there is no way to tell others about this. Did they look strange in his eyes without seeing Saji?

Anyway, Kai has made up his mind and killed him. That is not what he did! He has a perfect alibi!

But someone knew that Kay could do it.

That's the little fat Russell...

No one knows about Kay's duplication Ability. Except for Little Fatty, Kay used this Ability to save him and Sammy and sent them to the hospital.

"Listen, little fat man, you are not allowed to say anything about this! Otherwise, I will beat you to amnesia! Let your IQ stay at three forever!"

When the little fat man found his office, Kay's hairs stood up. This little fat man was too lively and always had some whimsical ideas, so Kay could only threaten him viciously.

definitely, it's useless. The little fat man knew that Kay would not hurt him.

"Yes, but I have a condition!"

Sure enough...Kay knew that was the case...

"Say!" Kay said almost gritted his teeth.

"Tell me what human flesh tastes like? Is it delicious?"


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