The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 312 Reasons (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) 4300 words fo

"What to do?" Portman and the others naturally knew that Kay would never touch drugs. They spent five years with Kay in the special response force and knew Kay too well. They sometimes find it difficult to understand why Kay hates drugs so deeply. After all, in the United States, the tolerance for drug use is actually very high. In universities, many students will take big #Ma and think it is a fashion. Even many states have begun legislation to legalize marijuana.

But Kai is different. No matter what kind of banned drugs, there is only one end to him, which is destroyed. Over the years, all illicit drugs that have been seized have been burned to the fore. For this, the South American drug lords once spent a lot of money to kill Kai. The results of definitely those idiots are not very good, many of them were killed by Kai himself. All in all, Kay's attitude towards drugs is extremely rejected, let him steal drugs? Totally impossible.

"What do you mean?"

"Those gunmen," Portman said.

"Cold!" The guy they caught was just a guy, except for this mainland news, he didn't know anything else. Kai didn't know how many gunmen there were, nor did he know the details of those gunmen, even he didn't know when those gunmen would come. Don't know anything, what can Jean Kai do?

Kai waved his hand to let others do something, and walked slowly back to his office. He has his own plan.


Night fell quickly, and Ocaro, the police chief of Wyndham City, returned to his home, feeling exhausted.

He now feels that he shouldn't have grabbed the credit at the beginning, and shouldn't even participate in this mess.

Ocaro is now only forty years old, and being able to become a police chief of a city at this age definitely has a promising future. But he himself knew how many catties he had. He was able to do this because of a single person, who is in control of Wyndham City, or the controller of the entire eastern part of Minnesota, John Dutton.

The Dutton family is the oldest family in northeastern Minnesota. Since Minnesota officially joined the United States, the Dutton family began to operate ranch in Minnesota. Although so many years have passed, the family has had several ups and downs, but now, the Dutton family is under the leadership of the contemporary owner John Dutton. Already sitting on the largest ranch in the United States, he owns more than 4 million acres of land, which are spread across the entire northeastern part of Minnesota, and many of the land around Wyndham City are owned by the Dutton family. The Dutton family also lives in the northeast of Wyndham City.

Because of the Dutton family's generations of business, their family ties are spread throughout Minnesota, and they are the largest contributor of campaign funds to the Republican Party in Minnesota. As a family residence, Wyndham City cannot be let go by the Dutton family.

From the mayor to councillors, the city has received funding from the Dutton family. The reason why Ocaro was able to climb to the position of Wyndham Police Department chief before the age of forty was naturally related to the Dutton family. Ocaro's father, Ocaro Sr., used to be an employee of Dutton Farm. About thirty years ago, when the Dutton family expanded aggressively, there was a conflict with the local aboriginal tribes. Old Ocaro was shot and killed by the Indians in that conflict.

Since then, Ocaro has been taken care of by the Dutton family.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is definitely a good thing. It shows that the Dutton family treats their subordinates very well, and those who sacrificed for their family will be well taken care of. But in the eyes of the person involved, it is not as beautiful as it seems on the surface.

Especially now the head of the Dutton family, John Dutton was originally a very, very powerful person. Although Ocaro has become the chief of the Wyndham Police Department, in the eyes of the old Dutton, Ocaro is still a member of their Dutton family and a subordinate of their family!This makes Ocaro very uncomfortable. A police chief has actually become a farmer's subordinate, or the kind that is on call. The police in the entire police station will only listen to the words of the Dutton family's eldest son, Li, and have no respect for him as the real chief.

This kind of life makes Ocaro very depressed. He is only forty years old. He doesn't want to be idle all day long until retirement.

Ocaro thought about resisting, just think of the power of the Dutton family... Ocaro decisively chose to follow his heart. So he thought of another way, which is to transfer away.

Wyndham City is the private land of the Dutton family, and they naturally don't want such a useful chess piece as Ocarlo to slip away from their hands. So Ocaro can only choose another path, which is to make big news and get himself promoted.

If there is such an opportunity, I believe the Dutton family is also willing to help. After all, Ocaro is their people, and promotion of their own people is also a means for them to expand their influence. Although Ocaro wanted to get rid of the Dutton family, he never planned to turn his face with the Dutton family. He just wants to run his own business, not to be a marionette and a living stamp. So if he can, he also wants to use the influence of the Dutton family.

It happens that drug dealers have been rampant since this time. He just wanted to get a big vote so that he could be promoted. For this reason, he found a reservation for the new Indian chief, Chief Thomas, who is a strong man, extremely wealthy in operating a casino, and ambitious at the same time. He wanted to take back the old Indian land that was taken over by the Dutton family, and at the same time expand the Indian territory in order to expand his business.

It is a pity that Old Dutton is also a strong and stubborn person. He often said "In America, no one will share land with others!"

He always believed that the Dutton family could only buy land and would never sell their own land. As a result, Thomas and John Dutton clashed fiercely, and even alerted the governor to mediate on several occasions.

If it can, Ocarlo doesn't want to get involved with Thomas, it means betrayal. But the problem is that although the Dutton family has great influence, in the final analysis, those influences are also on the official side. This is not very helpful to Ocaro, at least not to his plan.

Thomas runs a casino, and the casino is a natural place for money laundering. Thomas’ casino is no exception, so Thomas knows a lot of information that many people don’t know.

Ocaro made a deal with Thomas. He promised to give Thomas a post-mortem report that had been destroyed by John Dutton, and Thomas gave him information.

Thomas had the words to say, he gave Ocaro information.

That is Old Earle's intelligence.

But the problem is that Ocaro messed it up!

With the help of the Guardian police, he caught Earl and seized 227 kilograms of banned drugs! For this credit, he didn't even want his face, and put all the credit of others on his head. Seeing that things were moving in the direction he wanted, things started to go violently at this point.

What a peculiar drug is lost!

227 kilograms of drugs are lost! That's 227 kilograms! Let's put it this way, Shark O'Neal weighed only 154 kilograms when he was the heaviest in the NBA... Think about it.

Such a heavy object was actually lost under their noses.

Ocarlo was stunned at the time. If this is pursued, he should not think about his promotion, or think about where to find a new job after he leaves. It is more realistic. So Ocaro pitted the Guard Town police again and threw out the Guard Town Sheriff as a scapegoat.

In fact, even Ocarlo knew that it was a bit far-fetched to throw this incident to the Guardian Sheriff, but he had to do it again. So this guy was very thief and let the news out, letting the people on the underworld know that the goods were taken by the Guardian Sheriff. He is confusing, intending to attract the attention of others.

And Kay, don't want to be scammed.

Definitely, Ocaro doesn't know how effective this method is, at least it can buy him some time. But another trouble has come before us, the autopsy report!

Thomas wants that autopsy report!

For Thomas, what about Ocaro, he doesn't care, he has fulfilled his promise, and now it's Ocarlo.

But for Ocaro now, this report cannot be handed in! He has no idea of ​​meritorious promotion now. His biggest wish now is to rely on the power of the Dutton family to keep his position, otherwise he will really be a chicken fly.

According to the original idea, he made great achievements, then operated for a while, and left Wyndham. By then, the struggle between Thomas and the Dutton family would have nothing to do with him. By then, even if the Dutton family knew that he had betrayed them, they probably wouldn't bother to trouble him. This autopsy report was enough to hurt the Dutton family's vitality.

But now he can't leave...

Ocaro is having a headache now. He is thinking of a way to find a way to break the game before being torn apart by Thomas and the Dutton family.

He walked towards the living room while thinking about these and none.

But immediately he realized that something was wrong. The house was too quiet. It was only nine o'clock, and it was impossible for his wife and children to go to bed so quickly! Out of a policeman's vigilance, he immediately pulled out the gun from his waist. Move gently to the living room.

The living room is very dark and there is no light on.

"Hello, Director Ocaro." Suddenly the lamp on the side of the sofa in the living room was turned on, and a man in black sat on the sofa, pointing at himself with a silver desert eagle in his hand. Due to the lighting of the desk, this person's appearance is still hidden in the dark.

Seeing the desert eagle in the man's hand, Ocaro raised his hands cleverly. Let's not say whether his gun is faster than the other, just talk about the situation of his wife and son now, he still doesn't know! If the other party has an accomplice, he will shoot here and kill the others over there... so surrender is the best way.

"Hey, buddy, you don’t want to be wanted for killing the police? If you want money, I can tell you the safe password. I only ask for my family’s safety. I can give you anything, that’s Women and children, they should not suffer from all this."

"Tsk!" Facing Ocaro's upper road, the visitor seemed unsatisfied. "Director Ocaro, don't worry, I won't move women and children, I'm here to look for you."With these words, the man finally emerged from the shadows, and the light hit his face, making Ocaro feel a bit nervous.

"Kay! You..." Ocaro originally planned to reprimand Kay in a just and awe-inspiring way, but when the words reached his lips, he couldn't say anything... What he did himself, he knew very well! When he and his police officer accused Kay in front of the Narcotics Enforcement Administration agent, he never thought that this incident could be hidden. He just didn't expect that Kay would appear in front of him in this way. This is not a good phenomenon.

A person who was wronged by himself, sneaked into his house in the middle of the night and pointed a gun at him. Could it be that he was just chatting with him?

"It seems that you already know why I came to you. Well, Mr. Ocaro, tell me, why frame me?" Kai knocked Erlang's leg, put the desert eagle on his thigh, and tapped lightly. .

Ocaro opened his mouth, and finally said in a quiet voice: "I think... we can communicate this issue in a more peaceful way. You are also a policeman. You should know what it means to enter a house at night and threaten a police chief with a gun. Charge."

"No, no, no, Mr. Ocaro, I'm still in the Garder Town Police Department's office. So what you said is not true. The Wyndham police will only come to such a conclusion tomorrow. Last night, a gangster broke in Yes, the head of the Wyndham Police Department robbed his home, and then happened to ran into the head who was going home, and then the head was shot and the criminal was at large. Well, everyone is a policeman, you should know that I can pretend to be a perfect scene, and more Besides, I still have a perfect alibi. So Mr. Ocaro, please keep it simple, tell me why, and then let me clean up this ridiculous charge."

Kai looked very relaxed, he didn't even take the gun that Ocaro had thrown on the ground.

But Ocaro didn't dare to pick up a gun on the ground, he had already retelled Kay's combat effectiveness perfectly at the same time. Although he thought it might be an exaggeration, it should be true that one-to-nine and wiped out all nine gangsters. With such combat effectiveness, Ocaro didn't think he could be faster than the opponent.

"I...I think this is a misunderstanding. I can make it clear to the Narcotics Enforcement Administration. I don't think we need to go to this point." Kai's words are really scary. He made it clear that he was going to kill himself and then pretend to be a murderer. case.

"Mr. Ocaro, although I haven't used violence so far, it doesn't mean I am stingy with violence. Why bother, let everyone relax, okay?" Kai didn't want to make fun of him. He stood up directly, the muzzle was on his forehead. "Tell me why."

When a person is angry, arguing, and unable to hold on to himself, it is actually not scary, especially for the police. But when a person tells you in a very calm and even relaxed tone that if you don't do what he says, you will die, that's when you really have to take it seriously.

Because that means he understands what he is doing very well, and has a complete plan and thinking.

Simply put, that means he is ready to kill!

So Ocaro explained everything very honestly.

"Tsk...what's all this bad thing?" Kai didn't expect that he would be wronged so many twists and turns. However, he doesn't care much about these things. What he cares more about is, since it is not specifically directed at him, then who stole the drugs? "What about the drugs? Who on earth stole those drugs?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, those drugs were taken away in the material evidence room of the police station! I really don't know!"

"Well, I have to change my suspicion. Good luck, Mr. Ocaro, have a good dream."

Hearing Kay say this, Ocaro almost died of fright! He thought Kay was going to hit himself. Then his eyes went dark and he didn't know anything.

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