The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 246 Sacrifice (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) 6100-charac

When Kay and the others approached the city, the monster army in the city suddenly began to mobilize, and countless monsters were organized into a neat army to move out of the city and march towards the inland area. Diana saw this scene and immediately planned to stop them, but was quickly stopped by Kay.

"Don't worry about them, someone will help stop them."

Diana and the others looked at Kay.


Kai looked at the ocean behind him and said mysteriously: "You don't think you Amazons are the only remnants of the mythical age?"

Diana was shocked, and then blurted out: "Atlantis?!!!"

Kai smiled without answering. This makes other people think about it. In Europe, the legend of Atlantis has been circulated for a long, long time ago, the legend has the name of an ancient continent, country or city-state with a highly civilized development. The earliest recorded description appeared in the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's "Dialogue", which was allegedly destroyed by the prehistoric flood in 10,000 BC.

Even in the Vatican, the Papal State, the manuscripts of ancient Mexican writings preserved (the "Vatican City State Manuscripts") and the works of the Indian civilization in Mexico that have survived to this day, there is a similar narrative: "There have been four generations on the earth. Humans. The first generation of humans is a generation of giants, they are not residents here, but from the sky. They are destroyed by hunger; the second generation of humans are destroyed by huge amounts of fire; the third generation of humans are apes, they are destroyed by cannibalism ; Later, the fourth generation of humans appeared, human beings in the'sun and water stage, human civilization in this level 1 stage was destroyed by huge waves and huge floods."

It can be said that the legend of Atlantis has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in this era of the rise of science fiction, many novels will be based on Atlantis.

Others also suspected that the Atlantis Kay was talking about was the one they imagined.

But Kay didn't want to say more, they naturally didn't ask too much. They just think Kay is a little weird, he has now concealed many issues. Kay was not like that before, he was not a mystic. He never concealed many Xin Mi in the past.

At least Ah Fu knew many secrets that ordinary people simply couldn't reach along the way. ,

But now, Kay is secretive.

But even though they are curious, they won't really ask too much. Kay tells them it is love, not telling them it is duty.

Soon, they didn't even bother to care about these things.

Because the monsters found them.

In fact, it is not difficult for those monsters to find them in a group. The humans in the entire city are already dead, but now there are a few humans walking through the city. Are those monsters blind?

This is not to blame Kai and the others, because in the current situation, it is impossible for them to sneak into the city silently. The sources of Ares’s army are varied, and like the Monster Museum, there are all kinds of monsters.

There are flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running on the ground, and even walking under the ground.

Wanting to pass through the entire city under this kind of all-round surveillance is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

Seeing a group of sheep head monsters and flying dragons running towards them, even those elite soldiers who followed Diana on the western front line trembled. No way, those monsters, they had only heard of them in fairy tales before, and they didn't know they would see them with their own eyes today.

Moreover, these monsters are not the same as vampires. The legend of vampires is actually only a few hundred years old, but those sheep's head monsters and flying dragons are not the same, and they have existed almost with the rise of European civilization.

Because the birthplace of European civilization is Greece!

Many of those monsters and legends are derived from Greek legends.

Although there was a little frustration, they had seen the world before, so when they were about to fight, they quickly adjusted their mentality. Begin to prepare the battle line methodically and start sniping those monsters.

A machine gun was taken out by the team members, and a lot of grenades and various explosives were also prepared. For them, weapons and ammunition will never be less. If they weren't familiar with new weapons like tanks, Kay could even take out a few British tanks and let them open the way.

Soon the battle started.

When the bullets swept through the monsters, causing a splash of flesh and blood, the team's morale immediately rose. The unknown is always scary, but when they discover that these monsters are actually flesh and blood, and can be killed by bullets, their fear will immediately disappear.

The physical fitness of those monsters is much stronger than that of humans, but they are not exaggerated to the point that bullets can't penetrate them.

Rows of sheep's head monsters were beaten into rotten meat by bullets. Flying dragons in the sky are a bit stronger than sheep's head monsters, but they will still dodge and retreat when hit by overwhelming bullets.

The battle did not leave mankind at a disadvantage in the first place.

But in the same way, monsters will not retreat so easily. They may have primitive weapons and poor minds, but there are two things that they are much better than humans. One is the quantity, and the other is that these guys are really brave and not afraid of death.

The sound of gunshots caused countless monsters to gather here, blocking them all around, making it impossible to move forward at all.

In the end, it was Diana and Kay who came to open the way.

"Thunderbolt!"A flash of lightning flew out of Kai's hand, instantly turning a large swath of monsters into coke. Diana on the other side is not to be outdone, she doesn't know how to use spells, but she has supernatural powers!

She jumped into the air, crossed her arms, and an orange Shockwave instantly blasted a group of monsters into the air. At this moment, a one-eyed person came out from the corner with a huge wooden stick two people high. .

Just in time Diana landed beside him.

The Cyclops didn't have any hesitation, and a home run knocked out Diana, who was not stable. Diana crashed into a building like a cannonball.


The building soon collapsed, huge amounts of smoke and rubble completely conceal Diana's figure.

"Diana!!!" Steve saw Diana being attacked and immediately planned to save him.

It's a pity that the giant didn't seem to want to give up, dragging the huge wooden stick in his hand to the ruins of the building.

"You monster, stay away from her!"

Steve raised the light machine gun in his hand and constantly fired at the giant, hoping to bring down the Cyclops. It's a pity that the Cyclops has thick skin. Although the bullets of the light machine gun can leave wounds on it, they can't really hurt it. All the bullets are stuck by the giant's tough muscles.

Instead, the pain from the bullet completely irritated the giant, and Steve did it, or in other words, he did it halfway. He successfully drove the giant away, but then his troubles got bigger. Giants usually have no brains and bad tempers. The most important thing is that they are very vengeful!

When the giant mentioned his big stick, he planned to smash Steve, the little ant that made him feel pain.


The giant roared and raised his stick, and Steve chose to escape very wisely. He didn't think his small body could hold that stick even for a moment.

But the giant's roar soon stopped, and Steve turned his head to see a large spiral sword with flames sticking out of the giant's open mouth. Without waiting for Steve to say anything, the big sword swiped at will, half of the giant's head was cut off, and then the owner of the giant sword-Kai was revealed.

"Don't leave your teammates at will, these things are not something you can deal with alone!"

Kay didn't say much. After explaining this sentence, he immediately jumped off the giant and beheaded a manticore that was planning to attack Steve!

"But Diana..."

Steve pointed to the building that Diana crashed into and planned to say something. Can be interrupted by Kai immediately.

"Worry more about yourself. Diana won't be killed so easily." Kay's voice just fell.

The ruins of the building suddenly exploded, and a red figure rushed out of the ruins and hit a giant who was lifting a boulder to throw it.


Five or six meters high, the giant weighing at least a few tons was knocked out. Before the giant got up from the ground, Diana roared and jumped to the giant's chest. The Vulcan sword in her hand struck a cold light, and the giant's head was cut open like butter.

"Do you still think she needs you to worry?" Kay pouted to Steve. Then he flew into the sky, and a sword cut through the chest of a flying dragon that was about to breathe fire. The flames that should have been sprayed out instantly burst out of the dragon's chest, burning himself into coke.

After killing the flying dragon, Kai immediately turned the target, he fell directly from the air and smashed into the middle of a group of monsters like a boulder. The huge amounts of impact force exploded the monsters that had gathered together, revealing the target that Kai wanted to deal with.

A rare monster-the snake demon! (It can also be called a snake demon)

Here to explain, the snake demon and Medusa are completely different things. Medusa is a person's name, and Medusa is one of the three sisters of Goergong. She is the only mortal among the three sisters, and the image of Medusa is not what people think of as a snakehead. That is the version modified by the Romans in the later Roman era.

The real Medusa, with swan wings on her back, no hair on her head, only a twisting viper, nevertheless, it is still difficult to conceal her beauty, as long as anyone sees her eyes, she will be distracted by her. Beauty and magic attract and lose the soul to become a stone statue.

The snake monsters are different. They have men and women, but most of them are very ugly. Female snake monsters have human heads and snake bodies. They can also use "Petrochemical", but their power and frequency are much worse than Medusa. Male snake demons are humans with bull feet. Their hair and beard are poisonous snakes. They don't know how to use spells, but they are powerful and hard to damage with swords.

And what Kay saw was the female snake monster.

These female snake monsters don't choose close combat like males. They prefer to hide in the distance and use their bows and petrified rays to fight.

When Kai appeared in front of the female snake monster, the female snake monster immediately panicked, and her first reaction was to run away. For female snake monsters, close combat is the worst choice, although they have good melee abilities.

The reason why Kay chose her is entirely because for those humans who don't have spell resistance, she is much more dangerous than other monsters.

But when she just turned around, Kay grabbed her tail. Kay lifted her tail and pulled her back, and grabbed her by the neck.

The female snake demon knew that she could not escape, so she immediately used her petrified light, and saw her eyes suddenly emit dazzling white light. As soon as the white light touched Kai's body, Kai's golden body began to turn into grayish white.

That is the reaction after petrochemical.

The female snake demon was overjoyed, she actually managed to get such a tricky enemy, which would allow her to be rewarded by Ares.

But before she smiled, a big spiral sword split it into two.

"No one told you that petrochemical light is used by everyone?"

After receiving the gift of Ra, Kai originally possessed extraordinary spell resistance. The petrified light of the snake monster is indeed very powerful, but for him, that thing can make his body a little ugly. It has no effect outside.

"Ha!!!" On the other side, Diana was holding the sword of Vulcan and let out a hearty roar, cutting down the enemies in front of her one by one. When the last Minotaur was clamped by Diana's neck with her legs, After Jianzhi's forehead pierced, the surrounding monsters had been cleared.

Only one male snake monster was left, and he was captured by Afu and Steve. They kept shooting around him with hot weapons, and then seized the opportunity to throw twenty grenades on his head before blasting him unconscious.

Diana untied her mantra lasso and bound the male snake demon.

"Tell me, snake monster! Where is Ares?!!!"

The mantra lasso immediately emitted a golden light. Under the power of the lasso, even if the male snake demon resisted hard, he still couldn't hide the answer Diana wanted.

"The master... is... in the center of the city..."

Before he finished speaking, the male snake monster used the last trace of his strength to control his mind. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he used the poisonous snake on his face to bite his neck fiercely. The toxicity of the snake monster is no joke. A monster with a height of more than three meters turned into a pool of pus and blood in just a few seconds.

This scene caused several people to back away again and again, for fear of getting a little bit of venom, this thing was more terrifying than poisonous gas.

"Okay, let's go. The monsters will be around again soon."


While Kai and the others were fighting and marching towards the city center, the villain actor, Ares, was drinking a little wine and watching their performance.

Ares loves war and loves war. He generally does not take a stand on war.

He has never cared much about who wins and loses in the war. It is naturally the strong who wins, and the strong can get his attention and love. So don't look at him running around in the various battlefields of World War I, in fact, he himself didn't really interfere too much.

In addition to targeting Ludendorff, even so, it was because Ares felt that the Germans did not have many chances to win in this war, and might even lose the war soon. So he must give some support.

It was him who whispered in Hindenburg and Ludendorff's ears when dealing with the Russians on the eastern German battlefield, so that they could block the Russian attack and win victory after victory. After that, Ares whispered in Madame Viper's ear again, asking her to invent mustard gas and other poisonous gas.

But that's all. The Germans will definitely lose. This was destined before the war began. The differences between the two sides of the war are too great. He never wanted to change this result in the past. The only reason he did it was to make this war longer and more tragic.

It is the same now. He also holds this view for the battle of Kai's group.

Although those monsters are his servants, it doesn't matter. The essence of war is never the result of the war, but the process. It is these processes that make Ares stronger. In fact, not only Kai, but even the mortals who followed Kai brought great joy to Ares.

The first element of a warrior is strength, and the other is determination!

Ares likes those who walk on the battlefield with a mortal determination, because that is the essence of war!

"Come on, please me, let me see what level you mortals can achieve."


I have to say that Ares is really a terrible boss. It's like an RPG game. The Lord of the Devil always hides in the deepest part of the castle, and then sends his own hands from weak to strong to deal with the protagonist. Even the standard four kings under the Devil's Seat will be honestly placed in the east, west, south, north, and east. Directions.

Anyway, it is to send experience to make the protagonist stronger, and finally hit the devil's lair ‘Gameover’!

Did they never think of a lion fighting a rabbit and killing the protagonist with a full blow?

At least Kai didn't understand what Ares was doing. Knowing that Kai was here to stop him, he sent soldiers to deal with him. I don't know what I think.


The battle was extremely fierce from the beginning. Although Kai tried his best to avoid casualties, Kai was not omnipotent. Casualties still occurred. The soldiers who should have enjoyed their due glory and treatment after the war fell on the battlefield.

Even the several specially selected Asgardian and Bedouin warriors of Kai's were all killed. Now only four people can follow Kai and Diana.

The Logan brothers, Ah Fu and Steve.

Steve has been able to persist until now, completely beyond Kai's expectation. Let the Logan brothers leave it alone, Ah Fu is a person who has been baptized by the Holy Grail, and his physical fitness has long surpassed ordinary people. It's not surprising that he can persevere.

But Steve... he is completely mortal.Looking at the sun that was already setting west, Kay finally stopped.

"It's almost time!" The others looked at Kai, wondering what he was going to say.

Kay did not explain, but opened the'door' again.

As a group of orange fireworks turned, a circle appeared, and the opposite of the circle was the Nautilus! Some of the Nautilus crew are still looking at the portal.

Steve and Logan were both stunned. They don't understand why Kay did this.

"You go over, the next battle doesn't belong to you anymore."

Afulang gave a moment, and then took the lead to cross the teleportation. Steve hesitated and stepped over. But before stepping over, Steve suddenly reacted. Why didn't Kai use this spell to save the wounded soldiers back?

And what is the meaning of their battle? If Kay only needs Diana, then why bring them?

But in the end Steve didn't ask.

It was the Logan brothers' turn. They were also miserable, but fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

"I'm about to see Ares, I said nothing is possible to leave at this time! I must meet that bastard! I want to see that bastard thing! Ask him why he killed so many people?"

Victor was the first to be unwilling. He has now accepted that they are descendants of the gods. In his opinion, since the gods created mankind, why should they allow mankind to bear these disasters. If the gods really hate them, then why create them?

Logan didn't speak, he lit the last cigar, and then looked firmly into the distance.

Only Diana looked at Kay, as if she had found something. In the end she couldn't help it anymore.

"Kay... did you deliberately?"

Although Diana didn't say it clearly, Kay knew what she wanted to say.

"Yes! This is a necessary sacrifice. I asked them before I left, so I was not afraid of being sacrificed..."

It was Diana's fist that greeted Kay.

This made Logan and Victor a little confused, what is the situation, when it's the end of the Boss, they actually have an infighting.

"They obviously...should not sacrifice here." Diana said with red eyes.

"In order to confuse Ares, I must do this. Otherwise, more people will die." Kai touched his beaten cheek, not angry.

At this time, Logan and the others also understood a little bit.

"You mean, you took us, just a cover?"

Victor's tone is very bad, no one likes to be fooled.

Logan is rather calm. He understood that Kay must have his own reasons. Kai and everyone have no grudges, and he doesn't need to cheat them. If Kay really wants to deal with them, wouldn't he do it himself faster?

But Kay did it anyway, and that can only show one problem, and that is that it is necessary for him to do so.

"For what?" Logan asked.

"Have you seen the army that left? Our opponent is not only Ares, we must ensure that that army is also eliminated. Otherwise, the world still cannot escape bad luck!"

After Ares' plan is completed, the greatest enemy of mankind is actually no longer Ares. If it is only for Ares alone, bringing other people is simply a burden.

The biggest enemy of mankind right now is precisely the army under Ares!

After all, how many people can be killed by Ares alone, but his endless army is different. Even if each of them kills only one person, the number of deaths caused is an extremely large number!

"So our sacrifice is meaningful?"


Kai doesn't like this. Sacrificing a small number of people for the safety of most people is never a simple multiple choice question.

Kay did plan to deal with Ares with Diana at first. But Ancient One told Kai that they must attract Ares's attention! Keeping his gaze firmly attracted, the only way to give time to Kamar-Taj's plan.

Ares likes to see fierce and tragic battlefields, so Kai must give him what he wants.

In other words, those soldiers were sacrifices to Ares from the beginning! ! !

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