The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 204 The Sarajevo Event (seeking collection, recommendation, and subscription)

Anna Sui followed Baron von Grossmann, except that she had nowhere to go, but also wanted to realize her ambitions through Baron von Grossmann. She has never been willing to be just a dispensable vase. She has always had greater ambitions. This is true of being a princess for Seti I, and the same is true of seduce Immortal.

After she knew that the world nowadays had changed drastically, her mind began to alive. Egypt? Now it is a poor and backward place, constantly being exploited by foreigners, even if it is ruled there. She has no intention of doing any country building, she just hopes to be able to master a strong country that can allow her to do whatever she wants.

And Germany is the best target at this stage. This country is powerful, one of the most powerful countries in the world, and more importantly, it is a military despotism! The Kaiser has extraordinary powers in this country.

Compared to the British republican politics, Germany is undoubtedly the most ideal place for her. Anna Sui's thoughts were simple, she only needed Baron von Grossmann to take her to the Kaiser, and everything would be logical! Men conquered the world, women conquered men, this has been the case since ancient times, and Anna Sui didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Definitely, she would not think definitely thinking that the Kaiser would meet her so easily and follow her advice. She had to show enough Ability for the Kaiser to think she was useful, so that other things could slowly unfold.

So she found Baron von Grossmann and asked her to bring herself to Germany. It's just that she didn't expect that the way she thought of realizing value was so peculiar.

She was caught by a group of scientists and constantly experimented on her every day. This group of fanatical science madmen will not have any pity for her, they are pursuing the truth and science. So since these days, Anna Sui always regretted it every time she thought of Emerton. If Emerton had been there, it would be great. She will make these people unhappy.

However, Baron von Grossman did not ignore Anna Sui, he kept drawing cakes for Anna Sui. She also stated that she is very important to them, and once Level 1 is over, she will have the opportunity to meet the Kaiser.

In this way, Anna Sui, who is controlled by the Xiuli Society and has nowhere to go, can only accept various experiments called experiments, which are really tortured days.


On the beach of Alexandria, Egypt, Kay sat on a beach chair, quietly watching the distant warship leaving the port, feeling very comfortable.

Sun, beach, leisurely afternoon.

Kai has longed for this kind of life in his previous life, but never enjoyed it, not for anything else, just because of poverty.

Now that he is free and rich, Kay will naturally not treat himself badly. Compared to London, where the smog is severe, the beaches of Egypt are definitely paradise. I really don’t know what the legendary Caribbean beaches look like for later generations.

But it is estimated that this kind of life will not last long. A few days ago, people from the Templar Church came over again. This time they gave Kay a task that he couldn't refuse.

A human tragedy happened in Serbia. Do you remember where the Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Feidi was assassinated?


The fuse that caused the outbreak of World War I has happened again.

The Bosnian River outside Sarajevo has become a river of blood. Sarajevo was burning, the skyrocketing flames lasted for five full days without extinguishing the meaning, the billowing smoke obscured the sky, gunshots could be heard in the city, and the corpses were removed from the corpse truck on the banks of the Bosnia River in the suburbs of the city. Throw it into the river. It even caused congestion in the river at one time.

The Sarajevo massacre that shocked the world suddenly broke out without warning.

Afterwards, Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire blamed each other. Serbia accused the Austro-Hungarian Empire as the murderer.

Although we are at war now, everyone is a civilized country at any rate. If you fight a war, you will fight a war. If you play a massacre, it will be too much. And Serbia also pointed out very bitterly that your Austro-Hungarian Empire can't beat me!

The fact is also true. As soon as the war began, the Austro-Hungarian Empire went up with a wave of A, intending to quell the Slavs’ national liberation movement and allow Serbia to surrender.

It turned out to be a good idea, but the fact is that the Austro-Hungarian army was beaten out of Serbia twice. Later, if the German Marshal Mackensen led the Austrian, German, and Russian coalition forces to help 600,000 people, the Austro-Hungarian Empire might have to be compromised. In Serbia's hands.

But even if the entire territory is occupied, Serbia still does not surrender. At this moment, it is fighting guerrillas with the Germans and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Now that something happened in Sarajevo, they definitely jumped out first, pointing to the fact that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is retaliating, and then calling on all Serbs to revolt.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is also very dumb, because this shit slaughter has nothing to do with them! Now that is their homeland, they eat too much to commit massacres on their own territory?

The Serbian region was originally the old problem of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The ethnic composition of that region is complicated and all kinds of doctrines prevail. A little spark can cause the whole area to explode. The Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot rely on the German brothers to stabilize the situation. Trouble yourself?

So the Austro-Hungarian country blamed Serbian radicals for doing it. In an vain attempt to destroy the stability and harmony of my brother's country.

Anyway, Austria-Hungary does not know who did it, so throw the pot to the Serbs first.

But in the end, the impact of this incident is really too great. Sarajevo was originally the focus, and now there is such a thing, countries around the world are naturally very concerned. Even the Holy See and the Anglicans participated in the investigation.

But the results of the investigation made everyone angry. The tragedy in Sarajevo was not caused by humans at all. It was the tragedy caused by the civil war between vampires, in which the vampire's old enemy werewolves were mixed in it.

This discovery made the Holy See and the Orthodox Pure Church both nervous. (The Purity Society is an organization within the Eastern Orthodox Church that is equivalent to the internal affairs committee of the later Soviet Union. It is an extremist organization, but it does not do radical actions. They only maintain the purity of the Orthodox doctrine and are ultra-conservative. At the same time, they also bear the same responsibilities as the Templar Church. )

Soon both sides began to send people to plan to deal with this matter, but unfortunately both failed, and both sides suffered heavy losses. As a last resort, we can only ask for help from other organizations in the world. The British side is very positive about this. The government hopes to have a good relationship with the two major religious organizations, thereby affecting the international situation.

But this matter is too much. This may be the largest vampire action since Van Helsing killed Earl Dracula more than a hundred years ago, causing the vampire to silence. In addition, the British can only find foreign aid.

So this troublesome matter came to Kay's hands.

Naturally, the British would not speak of their own little ninety-nine, but would ask for the good of mankind. Kay did not refuse this, not to mention, the vampires beat each other and caused disasters to hundreds of thousands of innocent people. This incident is impossible to justify here!

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