The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 181 Altar (seeking collection, seeking recommendation) is still 5000 words

"F**K! The holy urn is gone!" Coming together the next morning, the roar of Daniels awakened the entire camp.

Upon hearing this, Daniels' companion immediately ran to the box where the holy urn was placed, and as expected, there was nothing in it. This is nothing, and to make matters worse, the three Americans all feel pain in their buttocks in the morning!

The Americans were completely blown up, and the holy urn was missing. It was only a financial loss. Anyway, they didn't plan to make money this time. It would be good to save their lives. But I'm going to talk about the pain in my butt. What a shame!

When O'Connor heard this, he looked at Daniels' ass very ambiguously, and then asked quietly: "Did you really go to Mr. Hyde to apologize yesterday?"

"Fuck off! I am not! I am not a homosexual patient!" Unlike the affirmative movements that have been one after another in the 21st century, homosexuality is considered a disease in this era, and it is very despised. It's okay to be a joke, but if you really have suspicion, it will be stinky shit. It is definitely impossible for Daniels to admit.

Americans are notoriously grumpy, whether they are now or a hundred years from now. This is why this country feels like the men in this country are cowboys who like to get drunk and shoot randomly. The three Americans and O'Connor thought it was a Bedouin, so in the early morning they took a gun and planned to settle accounts with the Bedouin.

The Bedouins are not good-tempered. Their warm hospitality yesterday was based on supplies, but they never planned to let a group of Western barbarians dominate their own territory. So soon a few Americans were caught by a group of shellfish. All were surrounded by scimitars and muskets.

When Kay and the others arrived, the Americans and British were about to fight the Bedouins. Bedouins can’t tell who is American or British, while the British subconsciously believe in their cousins ​​in a strange environment, so they stand with the Americans. .

In the end, Kai used a little trick to calm down both sides by using mental pressure. This is not a terrific spell, or even a spell. It is just a simple use of mental power. In fact, neither side intends to start a fight. After all, it is ridiculous that you will be killed because of a small incident. If there is no spiritual oppression of Kai, they Maybe it was because the face was really beaten and the blood flowed into a river, but didn't this have Kai's intervention, so the two sides just stopped.

But the matter must be resolved anyway, so the two sides decided to find the chief to resolve the matter. But before they walked to the chief's tent, someone ran over and told them that the chief was dead and murdered!

Now the whole camp exploded, and a group of Bedouins almost went into flames with Kai and the others. In fact, if it weren't for Dr. Terrence Bay's efforts to stop it, the fire did not really happen.

The Bedouin desert people have no concept of "law", they only know "revenge of blood relatives." Moreover, the society they live in is called "a society without government", and blood-related clans are the basis of their society. By blood relationship, they combined their families into a synthesis clan; they combined the clan into a synthesis tribe. They united the tribes to form a tribal alliance.

The death of a chief is still a matter of a tribe. If they cause this Bedouin tribe to suffer heavy losses here, it will cause the entire tribal alliance to launch blood revenge on their group!

Bedouins are "Muru" in Arabic, which means extremely brave and good-natured. The Bedouin dared to charge for the benefit of the clan and sacrificed their lives. Perseverance, hardship and hard work are the characteristics of the Bedouins. Once all the Bedouins initiate blood revenge against Kay and them, then they will not even think about living in the desert.

These Bedouins will chase them to the end of the world!

In the end, there was no other choice but to let Dr. Terence Bay and Adesby bring a few warriors from the Asgardian tribe to negotiate in Arabic. The lifestyle of the Asgardian tribe is similar to that of the Bedouin. In addition to settling in a few oases, they are also nomadic.

Although this caused a lot of friction between them and the Bedouin, they also accumulated some friendship because of the frequent exchange of materials.

Finally, Dr. Terence Bay used the most sacred oath in the desert to guarantee that they would find the murderer, and temporarily stabilized a group of irritable Bedouins. Because the Asgardian clan wants to guard the evil places like the city of decedent, some ancient mysteries passed down from ancient Egypt are secretly passed down within the clan.

It is also relying on these secret techniques that the Asgardian clan has been passed down in the desert to this day.

Relying on Dr. Terence Bay’s secret technique, a group of people quickly found clues. Someone did sneak into the chief’s tent. This person did not seem to have any anti-reconnaissance awareness and left some clues on the scene, the biggest clue, It was a gold coin found from the chief's carpet.

"It's a German!" The reason it is so easy to find the suspect target is because this gold coin comes from the German Reichsbank! The above is printed clearly in German, and even the production time is available.

Everyone in the team knows why the Germans are here. Don't forget, Gregory never gave up the Book of the Dead!

After finding the clue, Dr. Terence Bay immediately found the chief's servant and asked him to explain whether anyone had looked for the chief yesterday. The servant was reluctant to say at first, but in the face of the persecution of a group of clansmen, he could only tell the story that someone had called the chief yesterday.

It turns out that in order to get a reward, the chief actually violated the tradition of the Bedouin and attacked the people in his tent. In Bedouin tradition, those who can live in their own tents are either friends or relatives, and they must not do harm.

Now the Bedouin is a bit embarrassed, no wonder the servants were reluctant to say before, it was too shameful. Bedouin has no laws, so tradition is particularly important. This is the basis for maintaining Bedouin heritage.

The servant didn't know what happened after that. After the servant stole the blood of the holy urn and the three Americans and gave it to the chief, he was asked to go home by the chief and was never allowed to speak about it.

The murderer hasn't been found here yet, and the three Americans breathed a sigh of relief. Their ass hurts not because of that...

It was the servant who stunned the three Americans with drugs in order to get a little blood, and then used an awl to pierce them directly on their buttocks. Perhaps it was the servant’s wicked taste. The piercing place was a bit of that, so It caused this misunderstanding.

The servant's words made the Bedouins very embarrassed, but it also proved that these people did not act on the chief. It's the enemy of this group of people. Although the chief was embarrassed, he couldn't die in vain, so a group of warriors of the tribe decided to initiate blood revenge!

Although they don't know who the enemy is, they can definitely find the enemy as long as they follow Kai! Because Dr. Terence Bay said, the people who killed the chief are still in the desert, they are here to find something.

Faced with the thugs who came to the door, everyone discussed it, and it seemed that there was no reason to refuse. Now because of Gregory's blending, the situation has become complicated in an instant. They do need a group of manpower, and in the desert, camels are the best means of transportation.

Although the all-terrain tanks are very useful, if they run out of gas or break down, they are like scrap, so they still need to rely on camels.

The group decided to fix up for another day and set off with fifty Bedouin fighters tomorrow. As for why we didn’t set off right wasn’t the butt trouble of the three Americans. The servant apparently had a special interest in that place, and he was too hard. They had to take a rest and get some medicine, or the position could be possible at any time. Rotten. Kay and they can't leave the three Americans behind, they are still very important.


That night, in a dim cave, Gregory led a group of people and Immortal waiting for someone at a six-pointed star altar. Evelyn was handcuffed and held to one side. The girl was also very hearted, and she was not worried at all, but looked at the six-pointed star altar in the middle with great interest.

After about a few minutes, a masked man in a German army uniform walked in with a holy urn and a few handkerchiefs with blood.

Seeing the holy urn, Imerton was immediately excited. No matter what Gregory thought, he used magic to snatch the holy urn from the mask man. The mask man was obviously not happy about Immortal’s actions and did not see his actions. Two sharp blades protruded from his arm.

The mask man’s aggressive behavior immediately angered Immortal. The dead body didn’t care about the covenant with Gregory. It opened his mouth and roared at the mask man. The roar turned into Shockwave in the air. The masked man directly rammed into the rock wall.

Faced with this kind of attack that could kill ordinary people, the masked man pulled himself out of the broken rock wall like a okay person, and then raised his sharp blade to rush towards Immortal. He had long wanted to try , See if this mummy can be killed!

"Enough!" Gregory roared and made the masked man stop. Gregory turned his head to look at Immortal, and said sternly: "Mr. High Priest, don't forget the deal between us! We are equal, and we are not your servants. You must give us the respect we deserve. !"

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