The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 165 The Brit's Conspiracy (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Just as King George V kept beating Kay on the sidelines, Pastor Dalton on the side was observing Kay's expression in secret and analyzing Kay's attitude. It turned out that their original idea was useless at all.

Pastor Dalton, although apparently a pastor of the Anglican Church, in fact, his identity is extremely complicated. First of all, he is the teacher of George V. Not only King George V, but also Prince Albert, the younger brother of King George V who died young, was also a student of Dalton. At the same time, he was also the private priest of the royal family and had a very close relationship with the royal family.

Secondly, he is also the head of the Templar Church.

The Templar Church is an organization with a long history in the United Kingdom. Its predecessor can be traced back to the time of Emperor Alfred the Great. At that time, it was only a knight organization, used to secretly protect the safety of the royal family and Christian missionaries, and maintain Anglo-Saxon Human dominance. Then it gradually evolved into hunting down those supernatural creatures hidden in the dark.

Finally, he also served as the head of the royal intelligence department. Although the royal intelligence department does not appear to be part of the government's order, it has strong connections with regular intelligence departments such as the MI6, and even has the right to command those intelligence departments.

Precisely because of such a complicated identity, although Pastor Dalton is insignificant on the surface, in fact, both the British aristocracy and the British government have a pivotal position.

As early as a week ago, Dalton learned about Kay's situation through Catherine's report. Since then, he has begun various consultations and plans for Kay's emergence with some core government personnel.

The appearance of Kai is definitely not just the resurrection of a historical figure for their ruling elites. Behind Kai, they saw huge amounts of benefits.

First of all, the wealth in Kay’s tomb is of great significance to the current British government.

The outbreak of war was something the British government had anticipated long ago, and they have also made a lot of preparations for it. Including armaments, including fiscal reserves. But after the war broke out, the British government discovered that their preparations were useless. They didn't expect the war to go to the present level.

The British government seriously underestimated the scale of the war, and did not have a clear understanding of the severity of the war before the war.

When the war broke out, Britain's fiscal reserves quickly evaporated, and the British industrial system was not enough to support the war's consumption. So in order to ensure the smooth progress of the war, Britain had to turn to the United States for help. This quickly turned Britain, the largest creditor nation in the world before the war, into a debtor nation.

It can be said that the UK lacks everything now, but gold is the most lacking. Because during the war, paper money is useless at all, and others only accept gold! Without gold, the most basic materials such as British arms, food, medicine, coal, etc. will be affected.

The war caused a rapid increase in British demand for American materials and commodities, and stimulated the prosperity of the American economy. More importantly, the gold reserves linked to the pound sterling quickly flowed to the United States. (At this time, the UK still has a gold standard)

Such consequences are extremely serious and may even affect the position of the pound sterling in international settlements.

So that lot of gold owned by Kay is extremely important to them. Although they have not yet estimated the amount of gold that Kay owns, according to Catherine's description, this lot of gold is definitely more than the current reserves of the Bank of England.

Secondly, the value of Kay originally is also very high.

As the war progressed, the Entente and the Allies had been doing everything they wanted. All kinds of tricks that can be put on the stage have been used for a long time, and the secret tricks are endless. By now, the German side has begun to break through the bottom line.

Remember Ludendorff's Viper Commando? This is the effort made by Germany to break the game.

According to the intelligence of the British intelligence agency, this so-called commando is not a biological and chemical force at all, or that this force does not rely on biological and chemical weapons to influence warfare. The information returned from various sources shows that the Germans have begun to make contact with the ancient dark creatures in Europe.

For this reason, the Germans and the interests of their ally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were disregarded. Since this time, the southern region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has become a carnival ground for various dark creatures. Vampires, necromancers, werewolves and various dark creatures began to appear frequently in Eastern and Southern Europe.

If the Germans or those dark creatures are individually placed in front of the Allied Powers, the Allied Powers will not be very scared, especially those dark creatures, which can only hide in the dark for so many years, and they can't make waves at all.

But the problem is that if the two add up, it will be different. The combination of Germany's industrial and technological strength and dark creatures makes the Allies scared even thinking about it. Therefore, in order to contain such a combination, the Allies must take countermeasures.

In fact, the countermeasures have already begun. Since this time, the Allied Powers have had a very positive relationship with the Holy See. The Holy See cannot tolerate the rampant dark creatures, so they are willing to cooperate with the Allied Powers. At the same time, the Holy See is also very happy to bring together Italy and the Holy See. Secret negotiations began between the Allies.

But no one has too many countermeasures. So there was the development of Kai's tomb.

It's just that the result of the development greatly exceeded the expectations of the British side. Unexpectedly, Kai is really alive!

Even more unexpectedly, Kay's strength is so powerful. According to the assessment obtained in Catherine's report, Dalton and the government leaders hope Kay can be used by the British government.

To put it bluntly, they both want Kai's money and want Kai to be the knife in their hands.

However, from the current situation, things are not as smooth as they thought. Kay has no interest in the British government's solicitation at all.

"The royal family and the people hope that you can lead us against tyranny at this moment!" George V Bala Bala said a lot, but the core meaning is actually only such a sentence. Definitely, this sentence is still very watery. What led them to fight tyranny, shit!

If Kay really stands up and wants to lead them, it is estimated that they will be the first to stand up against it. Kai has led the people to resist tyranny. What are they doing? Led by Kay? Stop dreaming.

Kay doesn't like this kind of falsehood, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand. Kai's rich experience has given him enough wisdom in life.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty the King. After you have said so much, I still haven't been able to hear what this war has to do with me. Although I am sorry, I still have to say that you may be because of those legends, right I have some misunderstandings. I am not a savior, nor did I intend to be a savior. I only fight for my country, but now... my country has disappeared, and there is no reason for me to fight."

When Kai said this, although he was lost in his heart, he unknowingly had a thought in his heart.

That is to go back to China.

He used to work hard and wanted to return to the East, but in that era, the road to the East was blocked by mysterious power, which made his wish to return to his homeland fail. But now it's different. Although Kay still doesn't know how the situation of the ancient eastern continent is, from the words of Courtman and the others, he knows that that ancient country has already been in contact with the outside world.

After learning about this situation, Kai wondered if he could return to China. Although the time is a bit early, according to the history of parallel time and space, this is the darkest era in China. If Kai goes back, maybe he can still make a little contribution to the country he loves so that this time Huaxia is not experiencing those darkness, so it may rise earlier and faster.

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