The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 142 King (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Walking to the ancestral hall next to the palace, King Uther looked at the statues of the ancestors of the past, and for the first time calmly thought about the gains and losses of his life. He began to recall his own as a king bit by bit, and he began to reflect, is he really doing something wrong?

The matter is obviously related to the war 20 years ago. If it weren't for that war, would Nivee release Saigen at all costs for revenge?

King Uther who thinks this way constantly recalls his original intention of doing all this, in order to avenge his wife.

Maybe something is wrong...

but! King Uther thought that he was indeed a bit extreme on this point, but in other places, he was not wrong! Shouldn't necromancer be knocked down? !

Should! Their existence makes the kingdom lose its dignity, the people lose their safety, and everyone lives in fear. In that era, everyone was just a pawn of necromancer. They created countless brutal and inhuman tragedies for their own selfishness. They always released their desires as they pleased, regardless of the people's suffering.

Necromancer must be defeated!

I'm right!

King Uther is a stubborn king, even if destruction is in sight, he will not admit his mistakes, never!

"Everyone who can make swords will get weapons." At this time, Leon, the knight Uther trusted the most, walked in from the outside, carrying Uther's armor in his hand. Before King Uther was injured, the armor was taken off, and now the king is going to step on the battlefield again, Lyon must put on the armor for the king. But after Leon came in, he found King Uther looking motionless at the statues of the ancestors.

"Your Majesty?" Leon asked respectfully.

I don't know if Lyon really awakened King Uther. King Uther looked at the statue of the ancestor and asked leisurely: "Who am I? Lyon."

Leon froze for a moment, and then said, "You are our king, Your Majesty."

"Then do you trust your king?" King Uther asked.

Leon didn't understand why King Uther asked this, but he answered honestly according to his own habits.

While putting on the breastplate for King Uther, he said: "No matter life or death, my majesty, your soldiers and knights will follow you to the last moment."

King Uther didn't know what he was thinking, he just opened his arms mechanically and let Leon put on his breastplate.

"No matter life or death..."

King Uther said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Where are the sturdy soldiers and knights of Camelot? Where are the horns of victory?" King Uther never thought that one day, his kingdom would be so embarrassed, and the outer city would be despised by the barbaric Senno. The Germans broke through, and his magnificent royal city was ravaged by those filthy monsters, and he could only watch.

"They are like raindrops falling on a high mountain, or the breeze blowing over the grassland has long disappeared. The glory of the past is like the sun setting, peacefully disappearing behind the mountain and being enveloped by darkness... How did it become like this? Leon... Tell me, why did it become like this..."

Leon didn't answer, because he didn't know how to answer. He was not known for being clever and wise. He was a knight, and only a knight. He didn't know where the problem was, and he didn't even think it was a problem. Under the leadership of King Uther, Camelot's national strength is stronger than a year, and their kingdom is the most peaceful and prosperous among the nations. Although King Uther was a bit nervous about necromancer, the people's life has been going well, and even getting better.

In this case, Lyon couldn't think of why his kingdom was in such a situation.

King Uther never thought that he could get the answer from Lyon. Maybe Kay could answer his questions. He was always so calm and wise... Wait... Kay...

Thinking of Kay, King Uther's mood is even more complicated. He never knew that Kay had those abilities, nor did he know why Kay wanted to hide his power and return to him. Want to say that Kay is malicious to him and Arthur?

King Uther did not believe that although this kind of judgment based solely on feelings was the most stupid thing in the eyes of the king, King Uther still did not believe that Kay would harm him and Arthur.

He always believed that Kay was a good boy, and Kay was brought up by him and the queen. He couldn't understand the nature of this kid too much. And Kay has proven himself time and time again. If he really wants to do something, do it early. He doesn't even need to do anything, just stand by and get everything, but how does he do it?

Always work tirelessly to help Arthur and him again and again. King Uther really couldn't think of any malice in Kai.

"Why should I learn those things...Kay, you shouldn't have let you leave me back then!" King Uther's true feelings about Kay's magic are not jealous or fear, but anger and worry.

The anger is not directed at Kai, he is directed at himself. He felt that Kay’s "learning bad" was due to his own reasons. If he hadn't let Kay run away, he would not learn these messy things outside!

Although King Uther didn't know what it means to be a godfather, but the truth is the same. If he left Kai by his side back then, there would not be so many messes!

As for worry, he was worrying about how to deal with the aftermath of this matter. I definitely think about it so much now, it’s still a bit early, if he burps and Camelot finishes playing, naturally there will be nothing at all, and I will think for nothing.

But what if they survived this disaster?

How to solve this problem?

There is no way to hide the matter of Kaihui Magic, so many people are watching it. For Kai's future, he must find a way to minimize the impact of this incident.

What? You said that King Uther would turn against Kay because of this?

Don't be funny!

King Uther is a king, not an idiot! (Although he is the most idiot in the play)

He opposes magic for two reasons. One is that magic damages his interests as a king, and the second is that magic killed his wife!

Did you see it? The focus is not on magic, but on damaging his interests and killing his wife. The reason why he pursued magic afterwards was also very simple, because he had already had too deep animosity with magic users such as necromancer. Basically, it was your life and death.

He must do this.

But the question is in Kay, are there these factors?

The answer is no.

Has Kay harmed his interests? No.

Did Kay kill his relatives? No, Kay was originally his relative.

Does Kay have any grudges against him? That is nonsense.

So, why did he antagonize Kay? Some people have said, if this is the case, then why does Merlin hide in hiding? The above three points are almost the same as Kai, except that he is not a relative of King Uther.

That's because Merlin lacks the most important point, that is, King Uther does not trust Merlin at all! In other words, why did King Uther want to believe in Merlin? Why should he take his own life to bet that Merlin will not harm him? Isn't it a safer and more affordable way to kill Merlin?

The most important thing is trust. For example, Gaius can also magic, because King Uther believed Gaius would not betray him, so Gaius lived well.

In short, although Kay made King Uther's position very embarrassing, King Uther didn't care much. What he cared about was the impact of the incident. Like Merlin, others trust Merlin without King Uther.

King Uther trusts Kay, that doesn't mean that others also trust Kay. The war that year gave rise to too much hatred, not only King Uther was wary of revenge by those related to magic, but also other kings and nobles.

If they learn that Kai knows magic, then things are not good.

The thought of King Uther's head hurts. However, King Uther immediately put the matter aside, and now life and death are still uncertain. How can he have time to think about these things?

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