The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 135 God's Gift (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

"What are you going to do?"

Kai looked at everything in front of him, shuddering in his heart. These three guys are really cruel, not only cruel but also poisonous. Playing with souls no matter where they are is an extremely evil act, not to mention these three guys playing with the souls of thousands of people at once!

You know, these souls detained by them have lost the qualifications to return to the hometown of souls, and become an alien that can only linger between life and death for eternity.

But having said that, Kay still didn't understand the reasons for these three people doing this. Just to create a bunch of ghosts? This thing is commonly known as a ghost. If you say it is powerful, it is actually like that. It's okay to scare people. But it's just too much to say that you want to use these ghosts to deal with Camelot. If nothing else, these things are even hot. Afraid, what can you do? And these things are all shackles, they are simply man-made. Once they lose their three magic power maintenance, at least 99% will dissipate.

Kai doesn't understand why the three of them are so thankless, do they want to scare him to death with these things? They should not be that stupid.

Facing Kai's question, Sai Gen and the others did not answer. Instead, Sai Gen was very interested in observing Kai's current form.

"I can feel the powerful power in you, but this power is not the same as our magic. What is this? A newly invented spell?" Sai Gen is a necromancer, although he is a cruel tyrant, he is a necromancer. The attributes have not been discarded. He is full of interest in any novelty. Necromancer was originally a profession to study all the mysteries in the world.

Kai looked at Sai Gen, but in the end he didn't hide it because it was unnecessary.

"This is not a spell. If it is really counted, it should be regarded as a gift from the gods." Kai did not lie, it was his second form. The armor on his body is actually only an extension of his body. In Kay's opinion, this thing is more like an ability or an ability.

Remember that Kay once participated in the power struggle of the ancient Egyptian gods? In the civil war of the Egyptian gods, Kai helped the Egyptian god of the sun Ra and now the pharaoh Horus defeat the rebellious god of desert and war Set.

After that war, the sun god Ra gave him three gifts in order to thank Kai for his help.

The first gift is the ‘primary water’ that appeared before. This gift can offset a fatal injury and is definitely a rare treasure.

The second gift is his second form.

Here we are going to talk about the strangeness of the Egyptian gods. They are different from the Olympus gods and the Asgard Protoss. They don't have Asgard's barbaric physical quality, and they don't have the in-depth study of the power of the Olympus gods. What they have is the second form.

Their second form is very special and has a lot to do with their priesthood and Ability. For example, Horus, the god of the sky, turned into a golden giant with an eagle head and wings on his back, while the god of the desert, Seth, was a black giant with a crocodile head.

Transfiguration Ability of Egyptian Gods are all born, and any Egyptian God has Transfiguration Ability as soon as he is born. This kind of transformation Ability can increase their strength and agility, and their bodies become as strong as steel.

The third gift was the core of divine power. After the god of desert Set was killed by the god of sky Horus, the sun god Ra gave the core of divine power of Set-the flame of the desert to Kai. Transformation of the Egyptian Protoss Although Ability can make them stronger, it does not give them too much supernatural power. Only those gods of the main god level can have the core of divine power, for example, the core of divine power of the sky god Horus is his eyes.

His right eye is related to the sun god Ra, symbolizing the sun. His left eye is the mirror eye, symbolizing the moon. With these eyes, he can see any place in the world, any person and thing he wants to know. At the same time, his eyes also represent the blessing of the gods and the supreme sovereignty.

But if there is no core of divine power, it is just an ordinary Egyptian protoss, that is, a little more powerful soldier, there is nothing special. Once Horus was snatched by Seth's eyes, which caused his divine power to diminish and almost became a useless person.

Set also captured the power cores of other gods, and installed these power cores on himself like loading pendants. Combining the power cores of these powerful gods, Seth defeated the sun god Ra and once killed him.

The second and third gifts Ra gave Kay are complementary. In a sense, Kay is the god of war and desert in Egypt. His second form was also designed by Rashen according to Kai's wishes. A lion burning with golden flames!

It’s a pity that Kay doesn’t seem to fit with Set’s core of supernatural power. He neither likes deserts nor is he keen on warfare, so he can’t play as powerful as Set, but it’s enough for Kay. The core of supernatural power is given to him. The benefits are enough.

Perhaps because of this, the sun god Ra will be so generous.

Sai Gen is very interested in this. The Celtics also have their own philosophy about gods. Although they don't worship the gods as much as other civilizations outside, they are also very respected. The old religion tends to worship nature, and gods are all incarnations of nature.

Although everyone believes in the existence of gods, since ancient times, no one has seen gods. This is why the heirs of the three-phase goddess have such a high status in the old religion, because they are the only recognized blood of gods.

Sai Gen is actually very interested in the three-phase goddess, and necromancer has a strong desire to study. But the problem is that the status of the heir of the three-phase goddess is so special, even if Sai Gen was originally a bold person, he can't take action against the heir of the three-phase goddess. This is related to many things, the most complicated of which is the issue of faith. Don’t think that necromancer has no faith. On the contrary, necromancer’s faith is more pious, because the old religion was originally the origin of magic.

Without necromancer, he would ignore the old teachings, not to mention that nowadays, the heir of the three-phase goddess is a lone seedling of Morgaus. If he is in trouble and perishes, he himself can't forgive himself. So research in this area has always been suppressed, but now the appearance of Kai gives him a glimmer of hope.

"God? Have you seen the gods? What kind of existence are the gods? What are they?"

Kai looked at Sai Gen coldly, and did not answer. Just answering that sentence is enough to save face, they are preparing for war!

Sai Gen's interest in research was not diminished, and he talked a lot about it for almost three minutes. Let's not talk about Kay now, even Nivee and Morgoss are impatient.

Please, big brother, use your heart!

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