The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 130 Dragon Slaying (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

It may be that the hatred dazzled his head. Kangora did not dodge these crossbow arrows. Instead, a dragon cart crashed directly against the crossbow arrows and rushed towards the tower. Dragon's skin is very tough, and ordinary hand crossbows are basically useless for them. Only the crossbow arrows of those giant ballistas can shoot through their skin, but the damage is still limited.

Kangora hit a number of arrows, but there was no fart, and he rushed towards King Uther with an unabated trend.


Kangora hit the tower, and the huge amounts of impact threw several knights off the tower. King Uther was also hit directly by this huge amounts of impact. Before King Uther got up, Dragon clawed on the outer wall of the tower, and the head of huge amounts of stretched towards King Uther.


A scorching dragon's breath blasted toward King Uther. Just when the Dragon's Breath was about to burn King Uther to ashes, several royal guards who protected King Uther rushed to King Uther holding a large shield. This indeed saved King Uther, and shield separated the dragon's breath, so that King Uther was not harmed by the dragon's breath. But this also took away the lives of these loyal guards, and shield's defense was not enough to guarantee that they would not be harmed by the dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath passed quickly, only a few seconds, but these few seconds were enough to burn the guards into coke.

King Uther didn't have time to sorrow the sacrifice of the guards. At the moment when several guards fell, he stood up from the ground with a long sword and pierced Dragon's eye sockets fiercely. King Uther did not act like a fifty-year-old man. On the contrary, he was extremely agile. Although Dragon reacted, he was stabbed in the cheek by King Uther.

The long sword made of keel slammed a full 30 centimeters under Dragon’s eyes. The hot dragon’s blood was sprayed on King Uther’s face like money-free tap water. The high temperature of the blood burned King Uther's skin red, but King Uther didn't care. Instead, he drew his long sword and planned to give Dragon another one.

But Kangora is not real Beast, he has a brain. After discovering that King Uther was holding a dragon-slaying weapon, Kangora immediately opened his wings and flew. King Uther was also pushed away by the air current brought by Dragon's flying.

Dragon rushed to the sky. He didn't run away, but planned to change his strategy. He has recovered from the rage he had just now, he is Dragon, not Beast. The desperate rush to fight humans like the one just now obviously does not take advantage. Although his body is strong, his hand-to-hand combat seems to have a great advantage, but in fact, King Uther is not without counterattacks, at least the damage caused to Dragon by the dragon-slaying weapons in their hands is not bad at all.

The sword that King Uther gave him just now was enough for him. Even though the wound is not big for Dragon’s huge amounts of body, the problem is that the wound will not heal in a short time. On the contrary, it will continue to bleed. If there are more such wounds on the body, even Dragon will not suffer. live. If the wound is in the vital part, it is even worse.

So close hand-to-hand combat, which seems to have the advantage, is very risky. On the contrary, if Dragon is opened, Dragon's advantage is quite obvious, don't forget that he can fly!

Being able to fly is great.

Kangora soared into the sky and disappeared into the night sky, but everyone was waiting in a tight line, without any slack, they looked for Dragon's figure everywhere, but found nothing. In the night sky, there were only waves of dragons, but no trace of Dragon could be seen.

Under a bright moon, Dragon spread its wings and broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and everything on the ground seemed to be under the shadow of Dragon's wings.


Under the organization of the knights, the soldiers lighted the arrows of the crossbow and shot them when Dragon approached. As if agreed, when the soldiers prepared their crossbows, Dragon swooped down the city, covering the sky with great momentum, covering everyone's hearts like a haze.


With an order, countless flaming crossbow arrows shot towards Dragon.

Kangora looked at these toy-like things and didn't bother at all. I saw that the wings that he had put away because of the dive suddenly stretched his wings to the maximum, which suddenly reduced the speed of the dive, as if hovering in the air.

The arrows fired by the crossbowmen have been calculated in advance, and the distance between the arrows and the Dragon has been calculated. But Kangora suddenly decelerated, causing the lead to fail, and all the arrows fell through.

When all the arrows fell through, Kangora flapped his wings again and continued to dive toward the head of the city!


When Kangora swept across the city, a breath of dragon followed. The soldiers either hid under the battlements to resist the dragon's breath, or they were burned into coke by the dragon's breath.

After a dragon's breath made meritorious deeds, Kangora once again pulled out a large arc in the air and dived from another direction, just like a bomber, ravaging the defenders on the city wall wantonly.

Fortunately, at this moment, the hunting dragon crossbow was ready to be completed again. But this time, the three dragon hunting crossbows did not shoot at the same time, because the Dragon's mobility is too strong, and it is very likely that Dragon will avoid them when shooting at the same time.

So this time, the three dragon hunting crossbows fired separately.

First, the ballista on the city wall locks Dragon, forcing Dragon to move towards the shooting range of the three dragon-hunting crossbows. Although the damage of the ballista to the Dragon is limited, if Dragon is shot by the ballista's crossbow in a high-speed flight, the consequences will be very serious, so Kangora can only be forced to move.

When Dragon enters the shooting range of the dragon hunting crossbow, a dragon hunting crossbow shoots immediately. The timing of this strike happened to be just after Dragon’s dodge bolts. At this time, Dragon had just finished the evasive movement. The air movement inertia was greater. It is very difficult to overcome the inertia and make movements immediately. Although Dragon was originally a Flight creature, yes. The inertia of air movement is very familiar, and many incredible things can be made, but there are still some influences.

Dragon obviously pays attention to the movement of the Dragon Hunting Crossbow. The moment the Dragon Hunting Crossbow is launched, Dragon immediately made an evasive action. Although the action is a bit delayed, thanks to Dragon's super-high physical fitness and Flight Ability, Kangora is still good. Can escape the blow.

However, this blow was not originally a killer move, the real killer move was the two dragon hunting crossbows at the back. After Dragon dodges the first dragon hunting crossbow to the limit, the other two dragon hunting crossbows were launched almost at the same time, and the shooting point also blocked the left and right sides of Dragon, which blocked the dragon's dodge space to the maximum extent.

"Roar!!!" A painful dragon roar resounded across the sky. Kangora was hit by an arrow.

It has to be said that even though humans have such shortcomings compared to other races, humans are not strong enough, nor do they naturally use magic, let alone dragons, which are inherently powerful. But human beings are the race that can sum up learning experience most in the entire world.

Take Dragon Slayer as an example. Just look at the strength comparison between humans and Dragon, and at a glance, humans are basically killed by Dragon. But the reality is that humans are about to kill Dragon. The reason is that humans have a stronger ability to learn and summarize.

In the war with Dragon, mankind summed up a set of very effective methods for Dragon.

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