The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 105 True and False (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

"Fake? Impossible! I saw it with my own eyes! The queen told me personally, this can't be wrong!" As soon as Arthur, who had calmed down, heard this, he immediately became excited.

But I didn't expect someone to be more excited than him when he said this.

"Iglein is still alive?!!!" King Uther grabbed Arthur's shoulder in excitement and asked with flushing face: "Tell me, Arthur, Iglein is really alive?!!! "

Arthur was a little confused by King Uther.

It was Kai that pulled King Uther away.

"Uther, calm down, Iglein is dead. We all know this."

"But..." I have to say that King Uther really loves Queen Iglein, and he knows the truth best. But even if there is a glimmer of hope, even if it is elusive, he also hopes to be true.

"No, but Uther, Iglein died long after Arthur was born. This is a fact."

After that, Kay stopped talking about this topic with King Uther, and people could not come back to life after death, let alone people who had been dead for more than ten years. He looked at Arthur: "Your mother, Iglein, died more than ten years ago. How could she tell you those words herself?"

Arthur swallowed and said hesitantly: "It's Morgaus..."

Arthur explained all the causes and consequences.

It turned out that after Arthur was defeated by Morgoss that day, didn't he agree to a request? Before Morgos left Camelot, she told Arthur that her request was for him to be tested by her three days later. But Morgoss did not tell Arthur where to find her, nor did he tell him what the challenge was.

Then Arthur was placed under house arrest by King Uther, and Merlin helped him escape.

They left Camelot and walked aimlessly. As a result, Arthur horses could find their way by themselves and took them all the way to a big lake. On the opposite side of the lake is a huge amounts of waterfall. Nothing is seen around. Nobody smokes.

Just when Arthur and Merlin felt that they had found the wrong path, Arthur's horse went straight into the lake water uncontrollably, but the horse did not sink, but walked on the surface of the water. (When I saw this scene at the time, I thought that the show would be performed like this, but in the end, the horses were wading through the water...the crew was so poor that they couldn't even make a good special effect)

They passed through the waterfall, passed a huge amounts of cave below the waterfall and came to a very secret castle, and they saw Morgauss.

Then Morgos gave Arthur a test. She asked Arthur to put her head on the guillotine and hold the decapitation axe by herself. Arthur also hesitation, but the glory of the knight allowed him to fulfill his vow, and he put his head on the guillotine.

In the end, Morgoss did not cut off Arthur's head, but told him that he passed the test. As a reward for the test, he will be rewarded-to see his mother.

The loss of his mother after birth made Arthur long for his mother since he was a child. With such a good thing, he definitely agreed.

They held a ceremony in a dreamlike room where Morgos summoned Arthur's mother, the dead soul of Queen Iglein.

At least Arthur thought so.

Later Iglein told Arthur that her death was because King Uther wanted an heir, so she deceived Iglein. King Uther knew that the use of magic to create an heir required a price, but in order for his kingdom to continue, King Uther chose to sacrifice Iglein.

Iglein told Arthur that King Uther was her murderer. And in order to cover up this secret, he pushed all this to magic and began to strangle the magic. Those who were killed by King Uther because of magic were innocent, and they were killed because of King Uther's selfishness.

This dirty water is really level, because most of it is real, but the cause and effect has been distorted. Someone has said that the best lie is always nine true and one false. That's it right now.

Was King Uther fighting magic really because he was afraid that others would know his crimes?

No, because it was not King Uther's own will at all. From the beginning, the two women, Iglein and Nivee, made their own decisions. Although King Uther was able to follow the boat in the future, it would be too partial to say that all the responsibility belongs to King Uther. At least King Uther never knew that the price of giving birth to Arthur was the sacrifice of Iglein.

This incident was only the fuse of the magic war, and the real cause of King Uther's strangulation of magic was more complicated than this. The simplest proof is that Camelot is only one of the Celtic nations. How many nations can participate in the strangulation magic?


It's just that the degree of participation of each country is different, but indeed all countries participated in this witch hunt in BC.

So the question is, how did King Uther manipulate all countries to do this together?

The answer is that King Uther does not have this Ability. In fact, those countries are voluntary. King Uther just started. The reason for this phenomenon is also very simple, that is, interest. Magic is not evil, which is certain, but human hearts are never kind.

What a person can do with the power, a little less naive person will think of it. Therefore, do not think that necromancers are all good people. In fact, most necromancers are not good birds. They control power, despise nobles and royal families, oppress the kingdom and the people, and make money. It can be said that it has caused popular grievances.

No matter the common people, nobles or kings were very dissatisfied with necromancer, it was not until King Uther raised his troops, so everyone began to respond, which led to the magnificent magical war. In order to avoid the persecution of the necromancer, the nobles coveted the wealth accumulated by the necromancers, and the kings coveted the wealth accumulated by the necromancers.

Otherwise, only King Uther would have a fart!

All in all, the truth told by the so-called Iglein is completely nonsense.

"That's not Iglein!" Kay said very confidently.

King Uther sat on the throne, his eyes were dull and he didn't know what to think, but he didn't refute Kay's judgment. What happened back then, he knew best, how could Iglein say such unqualified words?

"But... I saw it with my own eyes..."

Arthur was still preparing to refute, but was interrupted by Kay's wave.

"You can't fake what you saw with your own eyes? Did you meet a witch on the first day? How can you be sure that what you saw was Igle and was not a witch-made vision? Just because the witch let you go? What about you? Sure, isn't her goal to be Uther from the beginning?"

There are too many flaws in this matter, and Kai doesn't know where to start complaining.

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