The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 688: I squatted and laughed

Faced with everyone's doubts, Wang Baoqiang chuckled and pulled his head back: "I saw the text message and wondered whether Teacher Zhang Guoli was underfunded or owed people's debts. I think Teacher Zhang Guoli can't help but help. I There is no money. I borrowed this money from a friend. When the filming is finished, I will pay my salary again. "

Everyone was in full respect, and couldn't even tell a joke. Looking at this short little man, there was a mixed feeling in his heart.

"Good man, really frank, true hero!" Xiao Yueyue patted Wang Baoqiang's shoulder and encouraged.

"This is a good man who has a good report, Baoqiang you are amazing!" Shen Teng also applauded.

"Being more sincere and less conspiring will make the world a better place," Yang An said with emotion.

But a group of people retorted: "Just the old driver, worrying about others digging for you, is it your fault?"

Wang Baoqiang was the richest, with 41 and 667 texts. He took a dozen double-treasured banknotes, with odds and zeros, and various denominations. Before returning, he asked embarrassingly: "I have so much money, crossing Can I buy a house and land to marry my wife? "

The director laughed: "Below, assign your status based on each of you's deposit amount! Wang Baoqiang, you can become a Shaolin disciple!"

Wang Baoqiang, a disciple of the Shaolin folk, stunned: "What? I'm a Shaolin disciple? I was originally a Shaolin disciple, OK?"

Everyone laughed and applauded: "Protect the strong nature!"

"The world martial arts came out of Shaolin! Those who had the most deposits went to Shaolin Temple to become monks!"

"Nice, this is a good identity, it sounds great."

After receiving a tag of "Shaolin Temple" from the director, Wang Baoqiang grinned: "This is what made me return to my old profession ..."

"Hai Lu, you can get tickets for Wudang School!"

Hailu came by surprise, but hesitated when receiving the card: "Are there any female disciples in Wudang?"

"Yes, aren't the Wudang factions all Taoists?"

"Female Taoist? Haven't heard of it?"

The director said: "In orthodox Taoism, the male Taoist is called the main road, and the female Taoist is called the Kun Tao. The Wudang faction is also a branch of Taoism and does not forbid the female Taoist."

Hailu didn't know what the big screenplay was, but only temporarily accepted the Wudang brand.

Shen Tengdao: "You are not willing to be assigned to Wudang faction? Or I will change with you later?"

Hai Lu smiled and said, "If you are assigned to the Emei faction, I'll trade with you."

Yang An leaned on Shen Teng's shoulder and raised his hand: "No need, Shen Teng likes to play with little nuns!"

"Screw you!"

In the hesitation, the third place Huang Xiaolei received the tag of "Emei School", which was really like her heart, smiling happily: "I have dreamed of a heroine since I was a child, Emei School, all female nuns Hailu, otherwise you do n’t go to any Wudang faction, come to Emei faction to play with me? "

Hai Lu put out her tongue, dare not make this request to the director.

The director announced: "Shen Teng, Yanpai!"

Shen Teng protested loudly: "Director, I applied for a martial arts change! Otherwise, Hai Lu entered the Emei faction, and I replaced her into the Wudang faction. The Hui faction was too weak. How could Wudang faction be so fun?"

I originally thought that this request would definitely not be agreed. I did not expect that the director and the director team discussed it with each other. The six guests looked dumbfounded: "Can they really change the martial arts?"

"This shows that there is no script, good thing!"

"I am so stupid, what should I say for Wudang, I will go to Shaolin too!"

"Men go to Shaolin, women go to Emei!"

"Xiao Yueyue, you want to be beautiful, you have zero deposits, maybe you can't even enter Huashanyu!"

Soon the director agreed: "Huang Xiaolei and Hai Lu entered the Emei faction, Shen Tengjin went to the Wudang faction, Wang Baoqiang entered the Shaolin faction. Xiaoyueyue and Yang An ... because they did not have deposits and had a bad attitude, they were full of distrust in the Space Time Administration Sense, so they have no martial arts to enter, they can only become ordinary people! "


A group of people laughed indifferently. Yang An and Xiao Yueyue stood in a crowd, and you looked at me, I looked at you, and my eyes were helpless.

"I ... laugh ... no more ..."

"Would you be so miserable? Forgive me for smiling so happily so I deserve you two words!"

"I thought it was one of the six martial arts. Who knows that they have a bad attitude, not even martial arts!"

"No way, I squatted and laughed for a while, I really couldn't do it ha ha ha ha"

The group of friends fell down the rocks beside them, touching Xiao Yueyue's head, saying "Brother's Day sad and smooth", patted Yang An's shoulder, said "take good care all the way", and then stood by the side!

Xiao Yueyue looked at the director and was about to cry: "Director, can't you change it?"

The chief director shook his head, and Yang An pretended to be angry: "Isn't it 30 years old Hedong, 30 years Hexi, isn't it just ordinary people? Your six major factions are great? Wait for me to reverse!"

"Cut! Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when talking big"

"Go back to ancient times without a penny, wait until you stand firm!"

"Okay, okay, you can go through, change clothes!"

After the six of them changed their clothes in the locker room next to each other, they all laughed.

Huang Xiaolei and Hailu wore Han skirts, half-sleeved upper bodies, combed buns, ladies swords in their hands, and a standard chivalry dress.

Wang Baoqiang is a disciple of the Shaolin folk, so he doesn't need to be shaved, but a cloth towel is wrapped around his head, and he really looks like a short, thin man.

Shen Teng's appearance is the most special. The flamboyant robes are tall and hairy, and personable. Sure enough, the Wudang School is extraordinary and really particular about it!

Ordinary people Yang An and Xiao Yueyue made their final appearances. When they came out, they made the four heroines and girls laugh a lot. Compared with the four of them, these two are really the hardest, wearing patches. The clothes were torn and rotten, the shoes were not very good, and the holes in the thumbs of the feet were seen. The main thing was that the two were tall and short, thin and fat, and they looked very happy.

"Fat head, thin head!"

"Yes, yes, I am about to say this! This pair is really amazing!"

"You two are really cool, really, brother wants to take off this robe."

"Come here! Take off! I've been waiting for you, take off!"

During the trouble, I only heard the director shouting, "In order to do special effects, I said that the beginning of the crossing, and then everyone jumped up together, put a poss in the air, you will be lost in the later period, you know? Ok , Ready! The space-time administration channel has been opened. The river and lake world of "Yi Tian Tu Long" at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. "Let's cross it" for the first time, now it starts! "


Six people disappeared out of thin air. They collectively traveled to the era of war in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. This is a derivative copy of real history. It contains many familiar heroes, including Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min, Zhou Yiruo, Green Wing Bat King, and White Eyed Eagle King , Extinct Master Shi, Yitian Sword, Dragon Sword!

It was less than 9 o'clock after filming this section. Under the direction of the on-site director Zhang Guoli, the staff stepped up and acted collectively.

The first is the arrangement of the aircraft. The fixed aircraft has been arranged in the rivers and lakes city behind. There are a total of seventy fixed aircraft in the streets, bridges, and major schools, and half of them are controlled by the gimbal. Four deputy directors guard the PTZ monitoring software and can adjust the angle of their positions at any time.

Then there are group performances. More than 200 group performances are basically students selected from the China Beijing Film Academy and Chinese Opera, and part of them are brought by Zhang Guoli, who is familiar with group heads, and with lines, they can also show face Part of the group, the scale of the entire theater is no less than the filming of "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview".

As the staff prepared, the chief designer of the film and television base came over and explained the general situation in the city to six guests.

"Jianghu City is a small miniature of rivers and lakes. First of all, let's look at this three-story street, namely Folk Street, Residential Street, and Guanfu Street. Among them, darts, tea houses, post houses, and other institutions are concentrated on Guanfu Street. The sub-rudders of the martial arts lakes and cities are distributed in different places in the city ... "

The chief designer said very meticulously, and everyone quickly understood that this is a condensed version of ancient Chinese map, which brings together the sects of the north and the south, and allows the crew to easily divide the sphere of influence at any time ~ ~ Design the script To select the shooting area.

Zhang Guoli deserves to be a big director. A group of professionals handle this matter, and he has a well-organized arrangement. He is very efficient in scheduling.

After everyone had a rough idea, the gates of Jianghu City opened and the crossing officially started.


Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

There are poetry in the rivers and lakes, wine and flesh, chilled green peaks, handsome chivalry, beautiful girls, and gorgeous stories far more exciting than the real world.

Freedom of life, joy of battle, romantic enthusiasm of children in rivers and lakes everywhere, all generous and discriminating against evil, rivers and lakes have fulfilled all our dreams, rivers and lakes have always been linked to feelings, is our pursuit The spirit of Tian * is the ideal world for us to fight against swords and horizons and march to justice.

Six people walked side by side. As soon as they entered the city gate, they saw the inner moat and the arch bridge. On the arch bridge, there were small vendors hauling cars, young girls watching the scenery, and old children playing with children.

More and more ordinary people are walking around them, carrying the sellers, the little daughter-in-law who picks and picks, the mountain people who carry the dried wood, the farmers who push the carts, and the fresh fruits and vegetables on the carts. It's quite tempting to get up. The old farmer also intentionally took a break beside the six, rubbing his sweat, snorting and buying and selling, which really grabs the camera.

Six young men who entered the rivers and lakes stood on the arch bridge and looked at the scenery for a while. Shen Teng suddenly sighed and walked in front of the crowd. He exaggeratedly gathered up the clouds of hair, and arched, "There is no banquet in the world. Masters, girls, let's just stop there! "

Girl man ...

This group of people laughed and couldn't stand upright! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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