The phone was successfully unlocked, and the desktop background pattern was a beautiful girl who looked very pure. Yang An opened the SMS box at the place of interest. There was only spam. He then opened WeChat and opened his eyes.

"Wow! The deceased should have run away, and ... the medical representative?"

Yang An noticed that many WeChat friends and customers are doctors, as well as pharmaceutical companies. Recently, among the chatting people, the first one is a girl's head, called Mo Mo, with more than a dozen chat records.

"I will take you to the train station this afternoon."

"Do not you have to work?"

"Just say the business is gone!"

"Hee hee, you get the salary from the boss, and you drive the boss's car. Will the boss deduct your bonus if he knows you're seeking for personal gain?"

"Go for the fire and dance for you, do not hesitate! Besides, I earn 10,000 yuan a month for the boss, and he will not blame me even if he knows it!"

"you are great"

"Dine together at noon, old place."

"Uh-huh ~ Bye ~"

Yang An thoughtfully: "It seems that the deceased is still an excellent salesman. He earns 10,000 a month, and the commission is estimated to be tens of thousands. The boss also prepared a car for him. This woman named Momo should be the deceased. She ’s a girlfriend, and the desktop background is also her picture. It ’s a coincidence that the password was unlocked. The deceased came here at this time [.quu. She got on the train, but who is Jia Xiaoming who took the train at 7:14?

He turned it over again briefly. I did n’t see Jia Xiaoming in the WeChat friends list. It may be changed to an nickname or a note. Yang An did n’t have time to go through it one by one. The main thing is because of these. The evidence was faked by the group, so he could only see the clues that were useful to the case, maybe even this WeChat software was copied by programmers.

Yang An looked at the call record again and threw his thighs excitedly: "At 11:49, the deceased called Xiaoming in the address book, and the call lasted 4 seconds. At 1: 3, Xiao Ming called in for 18 seconds. . Is this Xiao Ming Jia Jiaming? What are they talking on the phone? What is their relationship? "

The mystery is getting bigger and bigger, but the puzzle is getting clearer and clearer. Yang An suddenly thought of a key question. Opening the briefcase, there must be more evidence here.

"Sure enough!"

Yang An looked at a pile of physical evidence, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her mind became clearer and clearer.

The first is a business card holder, a thick box, and at a glance you know that this is the true identity of the deceased.

"Zhang Luren, the business manager of Paradise Pharmaceuticals, he is the victim. That's right. Those who run the business will not bring dozens of other business cards, but may be their own."

Yang An wrote this conclusion in the investigation report, and opened the exquisite crocodile leather long wallet at hand.

There is a stack of cash in cash, more than RMB, there are seven or eight gold cards in various banks, there are multiple bills, refueling invoices, the top is an invoice for lunch at noon, and a double seafood lunch at Golden Kowloon Hotel, the amount is 488 yuan The checkout time is 1: 3.

"I didn't find the car key. He didn't find it in his bag. He didn't see the four pockets of his jeans. He didn't see the inside or outside of his clothes. Wechat chat confirmed that he had a car and a company car that could reimburse the gas card. It is not possible to take a taxi to take his girlfriend to the train station, then there is only one explanation, and a third person is present. The third person brought them in. This person is the driver and may be the real killer. "

Yang An breathed a sigh of relief, unlocked a mobile phone, and almost spelled out the 13 graphics. This detection difficulty will be greatly reduced. If other people ca n’t unlock the mobile phone and only see the contents of the briefcase, I ’m afraid why the dead will come. The train station is not clear, it is absolutely confused and can only be guessed.

In addition to the business card holder and wallet, there is a third thing, a tablet wrapped in a beautiful shell, pressing the h key, prompting for a password, Yang An has not dealt with for the time being.

The fourth thing is the medicine bottle for heart disease. The bottle mouth is open, and there are a dozen pills in it, which should be taken by Zhang Luren himself.

"Zhang Luren had a heart problem. When he died, he twitched. He was holding the heart. His mouth was still bleeding. It seems that the drug caused an acute heart attack or something. Find the weapon, and then mix the coffee with highly toxic drugs. It should be the weapon ... yes, yes, I remembered, the girl who almost hit me seemed to say something about the coffee she just bought? She was a hint! "

Yang An looked around and looked right, and saw a big brand coffee shop on the right. He collected all the evidence. For the time being, he ignored the tablet and went to the coffee shop to investigate.

The coffee shop is not large, with a business area of ​​about 3 square meters, an outside window opened at the door, and a waiter stands behind the counter.

Yang An looked around. At this time, about seven or eight minutes had passed. The news that a person died in the waiting room had spread. Many people were watching the crowd around, and the passengers who were unknown were all there. Staring at that, the same is true of the shops operating next to it, with a few staff members standing at the door and looking around.

Yang An thought for a while, took out Jia Xiaoming's ID card, and showed it to the clerk at the window outside the coffee shop: "Please ask me, have you ever seen this man here to buy coffee?"

The clerk in the hat recalled: "I was a bit impressed. He bought two cups of coffee, he was about the same height as you, and he was wearing a hat. By the way, he also opened both lids and asked me to add another one. Sugar cubes. "


Yang An smiled, took the empty coffee cup of the deceased in his hand, and the clerk nodded, confirming that it was their product.

This is a very interesting setting.

Jia Xiaoming ’s ID was placed in Zhang Luren ’s jeans **** pocket. Most people do n’t have the courage to move a “corpse”. They have a high chance of missing the ID and the ticket, so the group arranged a girl to almost hit the guest. , Coffee sprinkled all over the ground, prompting "the coffee I bought", just to let guests come here to find clues.

The clerk ’s answer was also interesting. Yang An came with the ID card, so the clerk said that she had met Jia Xiaoming. If other people did not get their ID card, they just came here to inquire about the news. The clerk ’s answer was another, similar to “Yes "A man in a hat bought two glasses" and other vague answers, such as giving vague clues, leaving plenty of room for guests to imagine.

The principle of this setting is not to give everyone an absolute dead end. How much evidence you find and how many clues I answer is a flexible reasoning game.

Yang An left the coffee shop and was very excited to introduce the camera: "According to my reasoning, Zhang Luren's car may be broken during lunch, so he called Jia Xiaoming for help, and Jia Xiaoming drove the two to the train station. Zhang Luren The ID card and ticket in his pocket may be Jia Xiaoming's agent Zhang Luren to help pick up the ticket, then Jia Xiaoming came over to buy coffee, took the medicine, gave it to Zhang Luren, and finally left the waiting room in a mess. I still have some doubts, Jia Xiaoming is Is he a colleague? Or other friends? What is Jia Xiaoming's motive for killing? What is the hatred and the need to kill? Momo drink the coffee without the medicine? Did she die? If I didn't guess wrong, the answer must be in the tablet. Hiding! "

In order to determine the crime process, Yang An first came to the security room.

It's still empty here, and the security guards all leave their posts to watch the excitement outside.

Yang Anxi laughed: "It's irresponsible to deduct the bonus of this group performance!"

You can hear what Yang An said on the monitoring channel. The director and screenwriters are laughing. They ca n’t help it, so the security guard is here. How can you make it easy for Yang An to see the monitoring of the railway station? Half an hour of investigation is not enough!

Yang An found the surveillance video in front of the coffee shop and quickly turned back. Sure enough, he saw a person wearing a hat buying two cups of coffee.

Tracing back and forth, the whole process is restored.

Jia Xiaoming handed Zhang Luren his ID card. After speaking a few words, Zhang Luren left and helped to get the ticket. At this time Jia Xiaoming started chatting with Momo, but Momo seemed very unhappy, Jia Xiaoming was also emotional. Walking around, the arms were waving a lot, and the two seemed to have an irreconcilable dispute.

Before Zhang Luren returned, Jia Xiaoming gave up his argument and bought two cups of coffee. He opened the lid and asked for sugar. Before that, he had an action to take something out of his pocket and put it in poison.

When the coffee was sweetened, he turned around and saw Zhang Luren coming from a distance, so he picked up the phone with one hand to answer the phone ~ ~ and handed a packed coffee cup to Zhang Luren who came on the way Even if he forgot to get his ID card and ticket, he hurried out, Zhang Luren called with his ID card and ticket, and did not stop Jia Xiaoming.

After Zhang Luren sent his girlfriend out of the pit stop, he took a few sips of coffee and walked out. Soon, a tragedy occurred.

Yang An was very happy. Except for the motive for killing, he should have found all the answers. There is only one tablet below that has not been unlocked. He tried to press the h key and prompted for a six-digit password.

He recalled, not too impressed, but the video in the monitoring room should explain everything, most likely it was the murder of two men and one woman, and it was an impulsive crime.

Ulla, Ulla!

The big broadcast lira sounded the alarm: "Time is up! Please leave the scene!"

Yang An held the investigation report folder with a smile, and left the waiting room smartly. Waiting for him outside was the "Star Detective" team. The director greeted him in person. A group of people smiled and applauded to him: "Good job!"

Yang An bowed back and forth: "I was scared to death just now, but you did a good job, thank you!"

The assistant greeted him, and the director laughed, "Go to rest first, and the next artist is coming soon."

The next artist entered the station 1 minute later, this one was called to Zhongjing somehow, did a trivial thing, and somehow Shaibe who returned by high-speed rail!


ps: Thanks for the reward of "only here", add one more. The lumbar vertebra has been plastered better, and it is still relatively comfortable now. However, I don't know which day I will drive a long distance to do something. Come and go for 1 kilometer. It is estimated that it will take two days. I will say it in advance. I do n’t know exactly which day, it may be less updated. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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