The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 474: Why are you so stupid!

The stadium is also generally open to ordinary citizens with all kinds of equipment. Today, the swimming pool temporarily closed the shallow water area for children. The museum arranges staff to isolate the passage between ordinary customers' bathrooms and the pool to ensure that ordinary swimming citizens cannot enter or leave Affects program shooting.

But because a large number of filming teams entered in advance, people were still curious to see and sound.

Especially the variety show fans, when they saw the staff wearing R-shirts, they all shouted in surprise. They would rather stand by the wall in the deep water area of ​​the standard hall, step on the rest bench, and watch it behind the high glass, just to see for themselves. See the recording scene.

More enthusiastic fans continue to please the security guards, begging to ensure that they will only sit and watch by the pool of children's shallow water. Be a quiet beautiful man and never enter the water, but these requirements have been politely rejected by the production team.

At about 10 am, two commercial vehicles drove over. Many fans who had heard the news had gathered at the stadium entrance. Many boys took off their T-shirts, and temporarily wrote down the name of their favorite bean with a black water-based pen in the blank. He raised his head and shook, shouted their names aloud, and screamed excitedly.

"Mr. He ~~ Are you recording a running man today? Did you really start recording? It is really the top team PK!"

"Yang An ~~ You are finally here! You are so handsome ~"

"Ah ~~~ Hu Ge Hu Ge, look here and here! Hu Ge I love you ~"

"Yan Bao !!! Yan Bao !!!"

In the face of enthusiastic fans, the artists of both teams are very friendly, and they will also high-five with roadside fans when entering the venue, causing even greater screams.

"Zhang Yishan! I love you!"

A high-pitched voice came, and Zhang Yishan, who was standing beside Teacher He, burst into tears with excitement, pointed to his chest with excitement, and said to the people around him, "See, my fans! I have fans too!"

Teacher He and others laughed. Zhang Yishan looked around. The tall girl was 100 kilograms, right? Why is the face plate so big? The air in front of my forehead looks so awkward? Is there a big gold chain on the neck? Oh my **** ... is this really my female fan?

Zhang Yishan was so disappointed in his heart that he almost didn't want to see it, but the girl stared at him and shouted excitedly: "Zhang Yishan ~~ I love you so much! Why are you standing by the happy family? Your betrayer has begun to act again Are you excited, I ’m so excited!

The spectators also found this out, and all screamed.

The betrayer ... Mr. He and others laughed with low hair, walked strangely, Zhang Yishan was bleeding in his heart, and on the surface he was pretending to be indifferent, high-fiving with the fans, and walked into the passage dimly.

After entering the swimming pool and changing to the one-piece swimsuit, the two teams entered the shallow water children's area one by one. They saw a huge rack placed in the middle of the pool, which was exactly the same as the horizontal bar rack in the community's elderly activity center. Jump up and grab the horizontal bar, then move to the other side for training arm muscles.

The children's pool is only a quarter of the size of a standard pool, with an average water depth of about 1 meter. The horizontal bar rack is nearly 4 meters high. All steel frame parts are wrapped with a special thick sponge to prevent the artist's head or vital parts from hitting it. Erected in a deep water area of ​​1.3 meters deep.

"In the second round of the game, the horizontal bar PK, the rules are very simple. Both teams have a floating pad to step on. Everyone launches an attack on the horizontal bar rack. The team that fell into the water wins. This round has three wins and two wins."

Upon hearing this, Teacher He screamed and complained again.

"It's a power game again!"

"I knew that we would choose Peng Yuyan!"

"What about good fighting wisdom? How can men's shows be all about power?"

Upon hearing this, the running man really disagreed: "Fighting? We are not advising you! Come here, Yang Geer can kill you all in one second!"

"Who said that the running man wins by strength? Jumping rope just now, is the agility right? Underwater split beans, is the dexterity of the mind? Our team also has physical strength, Xiaotong, Dabao, physical fitness are very weak, we win In teamwork, how can we say that all strength wins? "

"Are you going to Yan Bao? It's OK to give you a chance to change people!"

Li Weijia was very polite when he was running a man. "What a real change? Peng Yuyan is OK, you come here, Brother Hu!"

Brother Hu stood up and asked with a smile: "Who do you want me to change?"

Li Weijia froze, yeah, who wants to come over, and who will change for himself? For Zhang Yishan? This is not to use Zhang Yishan as a rag!

For Du Hitao? Du Hetao cursed, he couldn't open the mouth.

In exchange for that or Wu Xin? What does this make them think?

Li Weijia suddenly felt that she was stupid. What kind of substitution request did she make?

Teacher He hurriedly rounded the field and said: "No need to change, we can see the true strength on the horizontal bar! Remember the war books that everyone wrote before, everyone has a goal, stare at them! Happy family, must win!"

"It must win!"

The six joined hands and shouted in unison.

Step on the circular floating board, and with the whistle, the game starts.

In the running men's camp, Jin Dabao, the shortest stature, stood at the front, and he was ready to launch an attack.

He bent his legs slightly and jumped forward. He meant to catch the horizontal bar, but because it was too short and the rebound force given by the floating board was not as great as the ground, his hand was a few centimeters away. He slammed into the water.

The audience laughed, and all the onlookers laughed, pointing at Jin Dabao who laughed at the water.

The happy family almost fainted, and the running man was awkward and speechless, what a ghost!

Shabe roared: "Dabao, what are you doing? Are you a suicide attack?"

Yang An also couldn't laugh or cry: "Dabao, you thought you jumped into the water and splashed them, and they would be scared? It doesn't make sense for you to sacrifice this way!"

Jin Dabao leaned his head out of the water, wiped his tears, and grieved, "..."

The crowd around the children's area were all laughing and laughing, this product ... Everyone is really speechless to him!

With the lessons from the previous car, everyone was careful to get up. This time, Teacher He got on first. He jumped carefully, hung on the horizontal bar, and moved forward step by step.

Li Weijia also came up to form a striker with Teacher He.

Hu Ge and Shabei came out of the running man's side. The four approached, their bodies began to shake and sway, kicked each other's body with their feet, and wrapped around each other's waist. Due to physical reasons, basically after a few interviews, you tangled me I hook you up and both of them will run out of energy and fall into the water together.

There are two women and two men left in the happy team, and Yang An, Peng Yuyan, and Guan Xiaotong are left in the running team. No one dares to act lightly.

Yang An yelled, "Zhang Yishan, come and fight!"

Zhang Yishan grinned, and stooped to prepare to jump up: "I've been waiting for this day! Go away ..."

Just when Zhang Yishan was about to jump up, Du Hitao, who was standing behind, suddenly thought of something, stepped on the side of the staircase and climbed up, leaving his feet off the floating board.

Originally, the floating board was balanced on the water, but when the big fat man lifted his feet, Zhang Yishan, who was standing in front of him, quickly lost his support. This jump was not as good as Jin Dabao just now, and he left the floating board no more than 10 cm. Going straight into the water, even taking Wu Xin and Xie Na almost lost their balance and fell into the water, scaring the two women to hurry to embrace the two posts on the horizontal bar.

Another stupid thing!

This time, even the director group could n’t laugh. Teacher He and Li Weijia, who were standing in the water, were about to collapse: "Du Hitao, look at your stupid thing!"

"What are you leaving?"

Du Hitao was still very excited. Standing on the stairs and watching everyone asked, "Did you not notice? Why don't you climb up? You have to hang the horizontal bar below, you are not tired!"

"What to climb! Zhang Yishan got you out of the water!"

Wu Xin and Xie those two girls screamed, left and right, and Du Duotao was repelled. The yoke saw Zhang Yishan in the water, and then he understood what happened. He bit his hand and made Surprised, I don't know how awkward to laugh!

Seeing Du Hitao's approach, the three of Yang An also stepped on the horizontal bar and climbed from the top.

Du Hetao took the two women to the side ~ ~ Six people twitched and tore on them, scratched their fingers, tickling, Yang An and Peng Yuyan could not move Du Hetao's heavy body, but I was embarrassed to both Started, Yang An was first tickled off the water.

The rest of the battle was much simpler. Du Hitao took advantage of his physical strength to lie on the horizontal bar stairs. He restrained Peng Yuyan with two hands and prevented him from supporting Guan Xiaotong.

After Xie Na and Wu Xin jointly pushed off Guan Xiaotong, Peng Yuyan was also cruelly embraced by the two women. It was so cool. Two idiot girls hugged his neck from behind and the other hugged his waist from the front. It seemed that he was eating his tofu while taking the opportunity. He didn't dare to move his arms, for fear of hitting his chest, touching his legs, etc., and was finally pushed into the water by Du Hetao.

In this round of competition, the happy family saw hope of winning.

The running man's side has a shadow. Due to the gentleman mentality of female guests, they can't let go. It is impossible to push Guan Xiaotong as a shield. But the other side also has two girls, can't win!

The most important thing is that this is not tearing the nameplate on the land, but tearing the nameplate to control her, directly pushing Xie Na into the corner, knocking her out three or two times ... Ah, it is reaching out to tear off her nameplate, No problem at all.

To deal with Wu Xin, it was even easier for the men to run. When hiding at the corner of the corner, he jumped out and screamed. Wu Xin would definitely be scared to squatting on the ground. They ripped name tags!

Everyone thought in their heads, but at this time, they were in the water and accidentally shoved and attacked the vital parts of the people. The audience watched it!

Two consecutive rounds were attacked by the opponent, and the running men were pushed into the water neatly, and there was no way to lose.

The total score is 1: 1, and the game has to go to the third round. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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