The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 434: Comparison of ratings in period 2

According to the requirements of Shanghai and Shanghai Guangwen, Enron Film and Television submitted "Good Voice of China", "I Am a Singer" and "Running Brothers" to compete for the "Best Reality Show" award, and submitted "Being Sincere" and "Deformation Meter" to compete for "Best Variety Column "award, and" China on the Tongue "competition for" Best Documentary ".

Enron Film and Television Entertainment Co., Ltd. made all the big-name programs, and the Magnolia Organizing Committee was overjoyed. This is a great publicity!

Everyone knows that Yang An participated in the Golden Eagle Award two years ago and only won the [Best Host Host Award]. The golden eagle was scolded by Yang An's fans. It was also from that session that every time The Spring Festival Gala for awards has been criticized, and countless netizens have proposed to increase the variety show genre programs. Otherwise, no one in China can compete for the Spring Festival Gala.

However, this year's Golden Eagle still has not increased the variety show review. The organization of the Golden Eagle Festival is the China Art Circle and China TV Artists Association. These traditional and old associations still need an adaptation period for newly emerging variety shows. The results were obtained, so this year's Golden Eagle Award was rejected early by Yang An, which was boring.

The Magnolia TV Festival's organizing committee was excited and began to plan how to maximize the use of the news of Yang An's joining to attract attention and compete for the entertainment headlines.

The opportunity to wait for the Magnolia Awards organizing committee came quickly. On Tuesday and Tuesday, CCTV broadcast the second episode of "Running Brothers" and "Super Challenge", and the ratings records of both sides changed again.

In the second episode, the ratings of the running man exceeded 3.95%, which was an increase of 10% over the first episode. His reputation was very good, especially the ability of Peng Yuyan's stereotype, so that the audience ’s worship of him reached the first high, and the marriage at the end Suspenseful suspense was left in the competition. Countless viewers left messages on the official website of the man, looking forward to watching the third episode of the show.

And the second episode of "Super Challenge" has a ratings of 3.01%. You know, the first episode of the first episode is 2.994%, and the second episode is only 0.5% higher than the first episode!

Xuanhuang Entertainment, after seeing the ratings, broke 3%, but there was nothing to say. The chairman once again convened the company's senior management to look for problems.

The chairman did not believe this data and asked: "The theme of our second episode is" A World Without Thieves "! Now that something is wrong with the baby Wang's family, how can no one pay attention to our program because of the overwhelming news? Is the promotion inadequate? ? "

The following responded: "The promotion started from last Friday night, CCTV one, two, the major video networks, entertainment portals, we have all put in the publicity."

The chairman asked, "Why doesn't anyone care? Do you think this topic is offensive?"

Pete Chen explained: "It's not disgusting either. Other TV stations are doing similar social topics. Our company's" Gold Medal Mediator "program also selects guests similar to Baby Wang's situation, and the social response is very good. And CCTV itself targets Wang The baby's property division has made a special program. We just choose the humble little theme of "No Thieves in the World". It is not a problem of audience dislike. "

"You're not, that's not, what's wrong? Answer me! I want you to use farts!" The chairman almost exploded. This group of people, even the foreign turtle elite team, don't know shit!

"Here are the charts of ratings fluctuations!"

The chairman shouted, and the subordinates took the wave chart, and the comparison looked.

"Running Brothers" is a linear pattern, which basically rises smoothly and orderly. The highest is ten minutes before the end, and the lowest is in the middle of the advertising spots. This picture will certainly be praised by industry insiders because This is the most stable situation of ratings, indicating that from the beginning to the end, old users are firmly attracted, new users are constantly increasing, and the viscosity is particularly high.

For the "Super Challenge" pattern, the highest instantaneous audience rating was at the beginning of five minutes, reaching 3.45%, followed by a linear decline. During the period, with multiple advertisements, it became a step-down graphic, each time it was played. Advertisements, the audience passed away a batch, the audience rating will slowly decline during this period, play the advertisement, and then drop, until the end, only 2.4% at the end.

"Pitt, how do you explain? Ah? Haven't you been in business for 20 years?" The chairman no longer knows the business, and knows that there is something wrong with this graphic!

Pete Chen's scalp was numb, and hesitated for a long time: "According to my previous experience, in fact, during the continuous broadcast process, the slow decline of ratings indicates that the viscosity of the audience is relatively high, which is not a problem of the attractiveness of the program ... only advertising During the period, it almost fell in the form of steps, and the problem lies here ... Is there too many CCTV advertisements? "

"Why do running men also have ads, but they continue to rise?"

Pete Chen was speechless, and the whole room looked at each other, and finally the propaganda department congratulated the ship and said cautiously, "We found a special phenomenon here. When our program airs every Tuesday, as long as the advertising time is up, The number of real-time discussion posts on the Internet will suddenly increase. Some people compare us with running men. After the advertisement ends, the ratings will be the same ... "

The chairman asked with a black face: "You mean, Yang An deliberately sent sailors to hack us?"

How could it be so easy!

Send a few words to the Navy to blacken the ratings down step by step? Then do n’t you do a TV show, see who is upset, and send the navy to the gang, is n’t it better than any competition?

The water army is just an excuse. In fact, everyone knows it well, or because their content is not attractive enough. The audience watched their show and discussed it on the Internet when the advertisement was broadcast. Compared with the running man program, everyone discarded it. Already.

He Jianchuan saw Pete Chen's wink. At this time, the chairman's anger must be transferred, and he must not raise the issue of his program. He nodded hard: "It is possible ..."


The chairman patted the table and stood up, angrily, "Director He, you collected Yang An's black materials. Since he dared to hack me, I dare to find someone to rule him! In addition, don't stop there, I will use other The way also works for itself! Don't blame my counterattack too much! "

He Jianchuan's face became unsightly instantly, black material, black hair, how could he have these evidences? Didn't just say it casually, help Pete Chen to change the topic, and then hurt himself.

He hurriedly winked at Pete Chen, but the latter was also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. He could not protect himself. The content of the program was problematic and not attractive enough. The "Super Challenge" had to be changed!

After the meeting, He Jianchuan came to Pete Chen's office, and the two sighed with regret, and even sighed that the boss was too difficult to serve, and it was not easy for the migrant workers.

Pete Chen helpless: "Lao He, I can only say as much as I can about the program. The third Hengdian album has been filmed. Is it a matter of life or death, or can you only watch the audience ’s feedback? You must cheer for it From the running man's side to our super challenge. "

He Jianchuan sighed: "If the audience listened to me, I wouldn't be so embarrassed. This Yang An is also true. The second and first phases are almost completely different in style. You can watch his third phase preview. It's related to the second issue, but it must be a completely different warm style! What exactly their production team thinks, I can't wait to dig them all up! "

Pete Chen blinked: "If you have the chance, you can try it!"

It would be nice if the Yang'an team could dig it over easily. That's what the ship said. Unless Yang'an fell and Enron went bankrupt, don't think about it.

The quality of the program can't be improved one day or two. If you want to see the effect of the comeback in a short period of time, you still have to start by cracking down on Yang An.

He Jianchuan summoned a group of Wang Chusheng to analyze carefully how to narrow the gap between the two sides.

He said: "idbm and Douban score, these two pause for a while, there is no effect, Chu Sheng, do you have any channels over there? Did you find out about the Cape Forum?"

Wang Chusheng stiffened his head and said, "I checked it, it seems to be a violation of the edition rules and was deleted by the on-duty moderator. I want to find it, but the Cape Forum has more than 50 on-duty moderators every day. Delete ours. Word-of-mouth is usually not good. It is estimated that Yang An had found a relationship and paid to delete these posts. We have no one at the Cape Forum. Others don't pee us at all ... "

He Jianship was very open-looking: "The Cape Forum was already very strong ~ ~ The background is very hard."

Wang Chusheng continued: "The hawker asked me, 50,000 yuan is guaranteed to fire, and the post will not be deleted. If you delete the post, he will pay the original price, what do you think?"

What He Jianquan now wants is action. He has money and a big wave of his hand: "Keep doing it, you can find someone to keep an eye on it, you go down first. Xiao Zhang, how about you?"

Xiao Zhang is a young man in his thirties, a native of Zhongjing and a man of Jingcheng's style. He speaks with a terrifying voice: "You can meet at any time to discuss it in detail, Director He, or I will ask them tonight. Go to heaven and earth? "

When I heard it, it was heaven and earth, and He Jianship had a little pain. The local consumption was too expensive. Although he could afford it, he still needed to give a red envelope to the judges after the meeting. One meeting may not be enough. Zhang and himself, the consumption of four people is probably 100,000 yuan smaller, and his funds are not endless.

Xiao Zhang saw his hesitation, his muscles twitched on his face: "It's okay for the nightclub, I think it's a good place, I'm afraid you won't look down on it!"

Mary is next door!

He Jianchuan scolded people, the loyalty nightclub is indeed luxurious, and the reputation is also good, but just last month just severely rectified, the high-quality lady walked a lot, who dare to go?

"Just go to heaven and earth!"

He Jianchuan had pain, and opened a note for Xiao Zhang to take away and went to finance to pay.

In the evening, Xiao Zhang drove his own big rush and personally sent the two judges over. He Jianship greeted him outside the hall. The two met and went directly to the private room to tell the story. Satisfied, he actually put forward a request that made the ship quite embarrassed-they wanted to find female college students to accompany them.

He Jian's bow is about to blow up! (To be continued.)

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