The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 408: Huang Jianxiang commentary

"Huang-Duanzi" is an online program that Yang An specially planned for Huang Jianxiang and Liu Yuxi. They both have a 6-person choreography team, both of them are professional sports professionals. They make sharp comments on world sports, mainly football and basketball. During the Olympic Games, they will also adapt to the situation, tell some sports anecdotes, analyze the truth of things, talk about sports gossip and so on.

The two moderators, uncle Huang Jianxiang and little girl Liu Yuxi, just sat on the sofa and talked like a regular chatter. The editors would organize the topic content according to the theme. Huang Jianxiang interrupted the conversation, Liu Yuxi was selling cute things beside him. Tacit understanding is one of the important members of the network program department of Enron Film and Entertainment.

This time the live broadcast of the two was moved to the host of the Macau Stadium. Huang Jianxiang saw the familiar environment and couldn't help but sigh: "I went abroad with CCTV to do a live broadcast. In the 1998 France World Cup final, I sat At the scene, I saw France beat Brazil 3: 0 with my own eyes. After another year, I watched "Gambler 1999" again, and I really wanted to meet such creative Hong Kong people. Are Hong Kong people here today? I must be good They have fun! "

Everyone laughed around. If these words were heard by the Hong Kong star football team, they would definitely be unwilling and would yell: "This black pot, we don't memorize!"

But it's too late, because Zhang Jiahui is also here today, so they have to carry it!

The fourth running game of the running man is the longest recording unit. The 15-minute show of "Huang-Duanzi", they have to say something special, not only coincide with the running man's lens, but also have their own characteristics. Become a running men's tidbit, so as to achieve the best publicity effect, by running men's high ratings Dongfeng, diversion to their shows.

Liu Yuxi watched the running men's team's appearance list, and laughed out loud: "Uncle, look, everyone you want is here!"

Who did Huang Jianxiang see? Zeng Zhiwei from Hong Kong went up, so did Zhang Jiahui and Huang Ribo, and the mainland was the two brothers Li Yi and Li Tie. In addition to the two girls who run the male side, plus the game black hole Jin Dabao, all six others.

"Goalkeeper is Wu Yanzu! How can I tell this?"

Huang Jianxiang thought about it: "The most handsome goalkeeper in the history of world football? Yes, he was born in basketball. I can draw him to the Golden State Warriors."

The director's commentator's side is still preparing. On the court, players gather to line up.

Zeng Zhiwei comes from a funny star. He is about the same height as Jin Dabao, but he has a lot of skills in kicking, playing midfield, and guest winger. Zhang Jiahui was arranged by the production team coach, and he intentionally tied a hood to imitate? Of course, Ronaldo, the forward in Gambler 1999!

Li Tie, who can't run away, is a back waist. His good brother Li Yi and him form a double core in the back line, which can ensure that the running men's team will not lose the ball.

The rest are laymen, and they are thrown forward if they are physically fit. Peng Yuyan and Zhang Yishan are in the midfield and forwards, while Yang An and Shabe are sent behind to play defense.

The production team is also good enough. The coach said: "Today is a performance match. There is no limit to the number of substitutions for the men's league, so you can run as much as you can. When you are tired, you can replace them. We have more than ten substitute members who can fight on wheels. It ’s really impossible. We can play another game tomorrow night. Real Madrid will come to Hong Kong to play a commercial game tomorrow. Our production team just contacted them. Tonight, we can rent some of their stars to help. "

Can even invite Real Madrid stars!

The men ’s running team all laughed. This show is really interesting. It seems that the Macau men ’s show team is not willing to stop without burning the Macau stadium.

The Macao team has also been instructed by the authorities. This is a commercial game. The opponents are all stars who have not cooperated with the practice. The Macao team is only half of the main force. Let ’s be happy together and leave wonderful shots for the male star team. Just play a wonderful match.

Obviously, the first election of the running man in Macau will definitely bring much help to the Macau tourism industry, and the Macau team will not refuse this request at all.

Dinner was eaten very early, and everyone stayed on the pitch until the audience entered, the team continued to warm up, and the show began to record.

On the broadcast station, Huang Jianxiang and Liu Yuxi have already put on their headsets, with scattered materials in front of them, and started broadcasting: "Good evening, everyone, friends. This is the Macau Stadium. Welcome to the online talk show" Huang-Duanzi "for you. The first live broadcast of the "Brothers" star alliance team, and the friendly match between the Chinese Macau team. Regrettably, how are you feeling? "

Liu Yuxi clenched his fists and smiled excitedly: "Very excited! Because I saw a famous name in the camp of running male stars!"

Huang Jianxiang held up: "Who is it?"


Huang Jianxiang exclaimed: "Extreme! Let me see, why is there a parenthesis behind Ronaldo's name, 1999?"

At this time, the post-production will definitely add the shot of "Gambling Man 1999" Zhang Jiahui. The classic jersey covered his head and ran to celebrate the victory, but hit the goalpost, which definitely allowed the audience to relive the classic and laugh on the spot.

Huang Jianxiang started to introduce: "The running star striker Zeng Zhiwei! This player has a strong explosive power and breakthrough speed, does not keep his hands, and is good at shuttles in the crowd. As long as the ball is passed to him later, note that it must be On the ground, he must be able to tear the Macau team's defense and enter the penalty area! "

"... Look at the members of the lower back. This is the famous net red Li Yi. He once won the Golden Globe Award and Mr. Football. He was hard-working and hard-working, his explosive power was better than his skill, and he successfully copied the ten classic free kicks in history. Netty hits the peak of his personal football career! After retiring, he became a network celebrity. For the time being, he is a professional prophet emperor. After the octopus Paul returns to heaven, he and squid Liu are called domestic prophets. What do you think about Yu Xi? "

Liu Yuxi was almost mad by Huang Jianxiang. She wore a blue jersey, covered her mouth and smiled: "Don't dare to be afraid, I dare not compare with the emperor's predecessors."

Huang Jianxiang reached out and slapped Liu Yuxi's jersey cuffs: "I said your jersey is quite chic, which team is it?"

Liu Yuxi laughed: "Macau team!"

Huang Jianxiang stood up to stand up: "Yes, there is no need to broadcast the game today. The male star team beat the Macau team by a big score. Everyone can go home early and wash and sleep!"

Hearing this stalk, Liu Yuxi was lying on the commentary and couldn't laugh up, squid Liu was like this. Whoever wears a jersey during a match loses. This is the iron law, so she will never wear a male star team today. Jersey.

Joking about this, Huang Jianxiang went on to introduce: "Partnering with Li Yi is another famous midfielder Li Tie, Asian Makelele, with bug-like wave ss, endless physical fitness, and the only one that can scare Brazil The Chinese star who is frightened by the team is the first player in China to lead the run with a pass. His personal consciousness leads all teammates, leading to frequent passes to the no-man's zone without teammates to respond, calm mind, clear outlook, believe Today he and Li Yi can form the insurmountable defensive barrier of the Star Alliance! "

Liu Yuxi just sneered, Huang Jianxiang took care of her, and gave her the rest of the star introductions: "There are some entertainment stars below, so you can introduce them!"

Introducing the running male star, Liu Yuxi uses a completely different style of entertainment gossip. This is also her positioning in "Huang-Duanzi". The hostess does not need too professional knowledge, can she compare with Huang Jianxiang? She just needs to diverge her thinking, expand her association, and combine the content of the entertainment and sports circles.

For example, introducing Wu Yanzu, Liu Yuxi laughed, "He is the most handsome sportsman in history. He has super jumping ability, outstanding three-point ability, and rich experience in playing basketball. Teacher Huang, do you have anything to add to Wu Yanzu?"

Huang Jianxiang pretended to think about it: "Don't leave Wu Yanzu after school. I am a **** fan of Griffin. I want to challenge you!"

Liu Yuxi hid his mouth and laughed: "I know Wu Yanzu is a **** fan of Draymond Green. One of you supports the Golden State Warriors and the other is the Clippers. This is really an old enemy!"

In the playoffs a few years ago, the Warriors Draymond elbowed the Clippers Griffin, and they hit each other. Two **** fans met ~ ~ Isn't it crackling?

Huang Jianxiang said two more words of nba, and suddenly woke up: "What are we talking about? Today is football, have you finished your introduction?"

Liu Yuxi continued with a smile. When commenting on Shabei, he boasted: "Brother Sha is the best swimmer on the field. From now on, his personal resume will definitely be added with the title of" Famous Football Player "as a title achievement. Party, I believe he will be very proud! "

"There is also Yang An as the defender. The national male **** is also an all-around player. There is almost nothing he can't. Did Mr. Huang ever see him play hang gliding?"

"I've heard that last time I talked to him, he also said that he would take a skydiving license in the future!"

"That must be cool ... the bench seat is introduced below ..."

The two cooperated very well. The preparation time of ten minutes passed and the game was about to start.

The stadium in Macau can accommodate up to 16,000 spectators. Today, we saw local news from Macau, and over 20,000 ordinary citizens from Hong Kong, Macao, and Zhuhai Shenzhen, but only 13,000 tickets were sold for security reasons.

In the star show, the protagonist will always be the star. This time, Jin Dabao, Guan Xiaotong and Liu Yan, the three of them had their brains wide open. They picked up the microphone and took the lead in playing waves.

"Running man! Running man! Running man!"

Jin Dabao waved his hand, shouted with the audience behind him, and then pushed up abruptly. The crowd started, and the audience cooperated very well, while chanting the man in the audience, while setting off a huge wave around the scene.


All three were excited, and the cheering footage was broadcast on the live big screen, which aroused the cheers of the audience again.

Such a big scene is no longer under the control of one or two of Yang An. He can only wait patiently for the whistle to start playing officially! (To be continued.)

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