The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 284: The box office came out in the first week!

The little couple was arguing, and someone couldn't stand watching it anymore. A couple around 30 came to educate the two critics.

"Brother, this is where you are wrong. Come out on a date, of course, to listen to women! Do you think women love to watch the dwarves of Ironforge, and all know the history of Karazhan and Dalaran? Come, apologize, You want to see Crazy Stone ... these two tickets are for you both! "

The boy was stunned with two movie tickets, looking at the elder brother and stunned, "You give me the ticket?"

The eldest brother pointed at the back smartly: "It doesn't matter, I'll just go in line to see it, see? The line up is to buy" Crazy Stone ", and it's sold out at seven o'clock in the evening! Warcraft or a few days later, take a look Come here, don't bring your girlfriend ... "

The elder brother blinked, and turned to queue again.

The pretty sister next to me slid her mobile phone, shouted, stretched the big screen in front of the little boy, and said with a domineering: "Open your eyes and see," Crazy Stone "premiered yesterday. It was rated today on 9.7, with more than 10,000 reviewers, is this what you mean by a bad movie? "

The boy yelled, "There are so many brushes in TimeNet ..."


The eldest sister retracted the phone and stretched it out again: "This is IMDB data, can you understand English? What is the positive rate? 9.8 points can be brushed out? You can show me an IMDB and believe your evil ! "

The little boy was dumbfounded looking at the data. He also knew IMDB. He knew that foreigners would not fake in this regard. Is he really wrong?

The elder sister snorted: "I don't know how to accommodate girls when dating, and I use malicious subjective thoughts to maliciously evaluate others. It's really rude! My sister, let him go to see Warcraft, and you follow her sister to see stones!"

The little boy saw his girlfriend burst into tears and laughed. He really planned to follow the older sister and quickly grabbed his girlfriend to apologize: "Qiao Qiao, I was wrong. I was just because I was so jealous of Yang An. You brush him every day in the circle of friends. News, I care too much about you ... "

The little girlfriend is also good to coax, except that her boyfriend doesn't like her star chase, everything else is pretty good.

The two quickly reached a consensus, watching "Crazy Stone", returned the ticket to the older sister, and happily went to the end of the line.

This pair of domineering early, let several fans around Yang An quietly thumbs up to praise.

Everyone thinks it makes sense to do this. They like Yang An. As long as he is always so good, always so motivated, has no scandal, and has always appeared as a national male **** good man, everyone will like him for a lifetime, and he is willing to do it for him many things.

One ticket and two tickets may not affect the total box office income, one or two voting IDs may not affect the IMDB score, but as long as it can contribute to Yang An ’s results, fans are willing to do it, gather sand into a tower, gather together into a river, personally meager The power of Yang An will bring great joy to Yang An. This is a virtuous circle!

"good looking!"

"It's so funny, I have a smile on my face!"

"It's a well-deserved name! This fare is great value, I feel good all day!"

Several audience members joked as they walked. I didn't know how to get out from the main entrance. The security guard couldn't stop them, so they just let them go.

Fans waiting patiently in line asked: "Does the stone look good?"

"Don't spoil it, just say it looks good!"

"A little laugh?"

The young men stopped and looked at the eyes of Siping Zhoupan. They looked at each other and laughed together: "Absolutely beautiful!"

"You regret not seeing the bag!"

"One of the most interesting comedy movies of the year!"

"Remember the tears that come with a paper towel and laugh, and remember not to bring popcorn and Coke to the entrance. Many people on the scene drank Coke and laughed, it was a mess!"

"Very funny! Brother Yang is well-known and highly recommended!"

The ordinary people who have already watched the movie are more persuasive, and many fans who are lining up in the line between "Crazy Stone" and other movies seem to eat a peace of mind-don't entangle, see "Crazy stone"!

"Give me two Crazy Stones at 3pm ..."

"As early as 9pm!"

"What? Is there something wrong? Is it only noon at this time?"

"Sold out, can you buy it? If not, please go here to buy other tickets, next one ..."

"I buy buy buy! 9 o'clock 9 o'clock ..."

This person walked away holding the ticket stub and getting change. After a few minutes, the ticket office was stunned again: "What? The earliest 10 o'clock? I ... **** it! Midnight at the end, OK? Buy, I Is n’t it okay to buy? I buy 10 ... ”

The situation is similar in major theaters across the country. At first, the fans went to see Yang An's fame and found that it was unexpectedly good, or familiar comedy taste. After coming out, it was word of mouth and recommended on major movie forums. Scoring and then causing everyone to snatch.

Sci-fi and war movies don't necessarily have girls like it. Love and literary movies are even disliked by most boys. Only comedy is a type that everyone can accept.

Even if this film is not so funny in the eyes of some people, but fans like it are all satisfied, can see a funny man help in the movie, more or less can make up for the regret that you ca n’t see “Great Challenge” .

Perhaps Yang An himself did not expect this result, he thought that it was 50 million box office income at most.

Unexpectedly, in the first week of release, the box office exceeded 70 million!

This data made the cast actors ecstatic!

The calls one by one to Yang An were all crying with joy and congratulations.

Ning Hao was the first to call and choked with sobs: "This is my director ... the first commercial movie ... thank you ..."

Yang An smiled and comforted a few words: "Well, when the time is over 100 million, you come to Hongfeng to organize the celebration party!"

The second time Shabei called, he laughed three times first, and then asked the core question: "How much can I get if the box office is over 100 million?"

Yang An cursed: "Talk about money with your mouth open, vulgar!"

Shabe grinned: "Did you open your mouth to talk to you? I'm so poor that I can't open the pot, can you give me a million?"

Yang An couldn't help crying: "You go back to the contract and count for yourself!"

The contract clearly stated that the theater line divided the money according to the proportion, and the remaining cost was less than 10 million, and the rest was all profit.

Guo Tao and Huang Bo are both third-rate male actors. The men's gang is brotherhood. Liu Yuxi and Huang Jianxiang are friendship guest appearances. This time, Yang An treats them equally. The main purpose is to improve the cohesion of small groups. The income is evenly divided according to ten people. In that case, minus the miscellaneous and fall into your own hands, which is 20 million, and each person has 2 million.

So, the crew members are praying that the higher the box office, the better!

Xiaodongbei and Zhou Jinci called and they both sighed and didn't know what to say.

Xiaodongbei only took a long time to say a word: "When I make a movie, I earn millions of dollars. What other sketches do I play ..."

Zhou Jinci was a little apprehensive: "Yang Yang, will this money be too much? I don't know how to use it ..."

Yang An laughed: "You buy a house, a car, get married, your sister is married, your parents are old-aged, and most of them are local money, do n’t you spend it?"

Li Jingtian, who was far away from Baodao, called: "Yang brother, the box office is so high, I played in less than five minutes, and it feels very hot! You can stay for my share, as well as the event funds. "

Yang An laughed: "In fact, you acted very well. The brother in Bali turned into a chubby girl in the stone, with superb acting skills, and fans received rave reviews! Two of the most popular photos about you online are two Zhang, one is a girl diligently holding a rose flower in your mouth, and the other is you holding a baseball bat to get out of the car and hit someone ... don't you want to pay dividends? Then I really do n’t give it! What kind of you You have to buy a house and a car, and you have to pay for your brother's living expenses. "

Li Jingtian smiled happily, he just liked it, relaxed and happy, without much psychological burden, he felt like his family in the men's gang.

Although Guo Tao and Huang Bo finally called, they were the most emotional.

What is a third-rate actor?

Guo Tao and Huang Bo two and a half years ago were in the role of a movie, earning three or five thousand yuan. The performance of a TV series is not based on episodes, but based on playing time. A TV series can be overjoyed with 10,000 pieces. Just do it, hang Weiya, dive, fall from high altitude, ride on horses as cannon fodder, charge against explosives, and don't blink in the eyes when I meet the mire.

Before participating in the Golden Eagle Festival, the remuneration of the two did not exceed 20,000 yuan, and the monthly income was quite unstable. However, as long as there was an opportunity, they would be willing to go without money, just to show their faces.

After being named by Yang An on the Golden Eagle Festival, Guo Tao's salary rose a few thousand yuan, but Huang Bo was still half dead because he hadn't made it public.

Now a "Mad Stone" has just been released for a week, and the box office dividends can be seen to exceed one million ~ ~ How can this not make them ecstatic?

Overjoyed with great sadness, Guo Tao cried with his wife at home, Huang Bo went home, kneeling in front of the ancestral spirit card.

The fate of both of them has changed because of Yang An. Although they should be the ones who should thank Yang An the most, they were also the most cautious before finally calling over.

Yang An blocked the mouths of the two with the same words: "Don't thank me. These are all due to your hard work. If you have to thank you, come and join my program. Let's work together!"

Guo Tao and Huang Bo could not hide their loyalty, but Liu Yuxi was embarrassed to call and she sent a text message: "We have enough dowry money."

Yang An laughed, so good!

On November 13, "Mad Stone" was released for two weeks, and the box office reached 120 million, which shocked the movie entertainment industry.

On November 29, Yang An's carefully prepared serious marriage and love show "If You Are the One", it premiered on Ziyu TV again, causing another uproar and arousing heated discussions in the whole society! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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