The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 237: Got on the thief ship

"I will also meet YesOrNo?"

Liu Yuxi tangled up. She did have the intention to contact these people, but everyone met for the first time and talked for less than ten minutes. She was so enthusiastic about inviting her to join the film crew, and she hadn't figured out what was going on!

Shabe laughed and said deliberately, "If Yuxi joins, I will join too!"

Liu Yuxi covered his mouth and laughed: "What the **** are you talking about? What movie crew did you join?"

Yang An told the story of "Crazy Stone" rough. In his plan, this film must be invested in production, on the one hand because of its good box office, small investment, big return, this sale is worth doing .

The second is that its reputation is very good, and the content is very close to his comedy identity. If he takes a group of friends to perform this black humorous story, it will further consolidate his comedy status in the hearts of the people of the country. People will like him to bring Come joy.

Finally, in this movie, Guo Tao, Huang Bo, and Wang Xun are all very well-known variety shows. Where is Dad going? Extreme challenges. Their performances in many variety shows are very interesting.

Of course, in this life, I do n’t know if I can find these three people. If I ca n’t find them, it ’s not difficult for Yang An to develop a few comedians with a strong sense of art. It ’s best to find them. Mind to change the script, just apply it.

Although Yang An said very much ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ 学 学 学, ww ☆ w.cfw ▽ ◆ t wonderful, but to describe the movie in words or words, it is not as good as what the eyes see. Shocked.

Liu Yuxi was very suspicious, and asked carefully: "You invited me so, wouldn't you want to sell me?"

The three big men all laughed: "You are so big, how did you sell it to you? Do n’t you have the judgement yourself? Can you be wrong in a movie in which all three of us will act?"

Liu Yuxi spit out his tongue, embarrassed and said, "Isn't someone worried yet ~ Everyone says that following Yang Geer, there is no pit, only pit ~"

Yang An laughed and gave a thumbs up: "You're right, girl, you have vision!"

Shabei and Ning Hao also laughed straightly: "It was a bit miserable to get on this thief ship, but at least there is no other harm. We are willing to be pitted, and happy to be pitted!"

The two are telling the truth. Whether it's a novel adventure or an endless stream of amazing ideas, all kinds of jokes, Yang An seems to have an indescribable magic power, firmly grasp the hearts of the people around him, everyone loves Play with him!

Yang An said, "You're only half right. In my show, the worst thing that must die is a male guest, and a female guest will get special treatment."

Shabe laughed: "I knew there was a female guest, who turned from the sleazy second-class band vocalist, turned gorgeously, and eventually became Mrs. Yang!"

Ning Hao applauded: "This example is really appropriate! Female guests will definitely get different special treatments. Although male guests die badly, they will gain more. Formosa is like this. One program made him salty. The fish turned over! "

These underdogs, you ridicule me, I laugh at you, the atmosphere is particularly pleasant.

Yang An finally persuaded: "Rest assured," Crazy Stone "is still a man-assisted play. I won't make you miserable. As for the two of them, hey, I can't guarantee it! "

Yang An was deliberately weird. Ning Hao knew the script. He was a guest doctor himself. He played less than 1 minute. Shabei was a big villain Feng Dong.

While Yang An played the thief Mike, it was no accident that he himself was the worst miserable.

"But often in the movies, the worst looks are the most funny and the most impressive for the audience, aren't they? This guy still doesn't forget to show the limelight, and he has to make a tailor-made movie for himself!" Ning Hao thought to himself With this, I feel that Yang An is becoming more and more interesting, and even the movie script is written, and it is still so.

After listening to Yang An's last sentence of persuasion, Liu Yuxi didn't think too much, and agreed with a smile: "Then please take care of a few more!"

Shabei laughed: "Very good, finally, another CCTV ally is drawn! Squid Liu, you will become the most beautiful flower in the men's gang!"

The host of CCTV is not incapable of accepting the show, especially Yang An is now in an extremely sweet love period with CCTV. Many things can be discussed. Honestly, let Yang An go to the movie channel to host the host once, or go to the music channel to do one. The concert, as long as he raised it, CCTV is highly sought after, and can be arranged at any time.

It's getting late, the movie script talks are over, Liu Yuxi leaves and leaves, and Ning Hao takes Shabe and Yang An out for supper.

The three found a hot pot restaurant that was open 24 hours a day. They were not very picky. They brought a few dishes. They were less vegetarian and more clear. They had a lively atmosphere.

After listening to Yang An ’s play, Ning Hao was particularly interested in “Crazy Stone”. Today Yang An decided the role so easily. He thought about it and asked: “Bao Shihong ’s wife, casually You can find a girl from the Academy of Films, you do n’t pay attention to acting skills, and you do n’t need to look. Liu Yuxi has some gossip and negative news on the Internet. You choose her to be the number one girl. Do n’t you worry about the rumors? ”

Yang An asked with a smile: "If these rumors on the Internet are true, do you think CCTV will let her be the host? Brother Sha, you are also a CCTV person, talk about it."

Shabei also shook her head: "Yu Xi's reputation in CCTV is good. She hasn't heard anything particularly serious. She is a frequent spender of sports channels. So many eyes are staring at her. She doesn't dare to sway in private life! More Besides, she has ambitions and will never settle down in the profession of host. She wants to be a star. In this regard, she is a bit like me! "

"I am most afraid of people who have no ambitions, Brother Sha. I appreciate your ambitions, and you are doing well for your ambitions!"

Yang An changed Faer's compliment, and Sabbe hid high-fiving, "I still understand my brother!"

Yang An smiled: "I know a little Huadan, Liu Susu, and Brother Hao know her? She is the female guest in my first issue of" Jiang Hu Xiao Tan "."

Ning Hao nodded. The actress who became popular in the past two years seemed to have risen from the movie "Marriage of a Man and a Woman" two years ago. He asked, "I heard she's about to marry a wealthy man?"

Yang An nodded and said, "She's still doing her best! But before she became famous, she also relied on news hype and other hype. Two years ago, she could also find a snapshot of some of her hype news. Last year she took three. The drama is now about to become a four-star actress, and then the big master behind her has used a lot of power to wipe out all her negative news online, so who knows her past now? You see Liu Yuxi, Weibo has only 800,000 followers, not even a fraction of us, and all fans of Sports Channel. She has ambitions and wants to be popular, so it's not difficult to understand! "

Ning Hao sighed: "Sadly, many female stars in the entertainment industry like to hype before they become famous, shortcuts!"

Speaking of some gossip inside the entertainment industry, the three have their own feelings.

Shabei is new to the entertainment industry, but he is covered by Yang An and Ning Hao. In addition to the CCTV host and the image of the old hen, he has his own aura of justice, which is very resistant to some dirty things in the entertainment industry.

Yang An is clean and self-contained, he has not been too deep, he has been in the opera and ballad circles, and also chooses to cooperate with decent old men in the shows, also because he does not want to get in touch with some peripheral women.

Ning Hao is an old driver. He was mixed in the director's circle, but in front of Yang An, he did not dare to be too pretentious, and automatically filtered part of the content. He intersected with Yang An and Shabei, and talked about serious matters. .

Today, this time, the three of them became closer. Just after the end of the first season of the old hen, Yang An invested, Ning Hao started, everyone starred in the show, and finally, happy to count the money.


After the second issue of "The Great Challenge" was broadcast, CCTV once again stood on the cusp of public opinion.

This time, mainstream media began to seriously comment on the meaning of reality shows.

Zhongjing Youth Daily published a commentary article "Social Impact Brought by Stars": "Starting this year, more and more TV stations will turn their attention to variety shows in the star reality show mode. Moving to the outdoors, in essence, this is not much different. The audience is still watching these stars in the show, but the content of the show ~ ~ The major TV stations are completely different. "

Three typical programs are selected in the article, and the name of the place is not evasive: "... Shenzhen Satellite TV's" Star Challenge "chose outdoor expansion. Stars and ordinary people compete together on the same stage, instilling the concept of national fitness, which is worth promoting. "Star Challenge Show" abandons the shortcomings of indoor programs, and under the guise of outdoor sports, it actually uses a series of plotting arrangements that step on the red line, such as star privacy, body parts, and scandal hype to attract the attention of the audience ... "

Dongshan Satellite TV really stepped into the minefield this time. The first Sanya special edition has netizens counting time. For 90-minute programs, there are 30 minutes for inserting commercials and 20 minutes for built-in soft advertisements, with 70 minutes remaining. There are 20 minutes of nonsense and introduction to the rules of the game. The content of Zhenger Bajing is only 50 minutes. The 35-minute lens focuses on the female star's chest gully, thigh roots, bikini, hemisphere.

In the second period, they converged a little, still using a lineup of three men and three women, changing a group of model guests, playing field games, letting female models toss and toss in muddy water, bathing in close-fitting shorts, running in the water , Specializing in shooting the female model's tired panting, bending down the collar that hangs down at rest, which is the best way for their photographers.

"... The best demonstration is CCTV's star reality show" Amazing Challenge ", which can bring laughter, thinking, and emotion to the audience. CCTV was not recognized by young audiences in the past, but after the two episodes, more and more More and more young people like this style. Although some guests' behaviors are controversial, this is the true appearance of stars. The actions of the stars have deeply affected the audience's outlook on life, world outlook, and values. Come, Dried this bowl of chicken soup! "


PS: 35 o'clock in the morning, don't look at the new chapter V, thank you. (To be continued.)

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