The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 206: Show stopped

Blue Ocean TV and Amaranth TV were both bare-footed and saddened to lose the high ratings of "I am a singer". I don't know how many people are unlucky because of this.

The most fortunate is Red Maple TV. The deputy director Li, who is proud of the spring breeze, has a halo of joy. Everywhere he laughs, everyone is courting him. He holds the ratings report. Like in the military parade, every key department has Wagged around.

Red Maple TV may also change before the Spring Festival. Hong Dajun has been faint in the past year. The opinions of his colleagues on the stage are very great. The call for a new director is getting higher and higher every day, especially Deputy Director Li signed with "I am a singer". After the contract, the most popular director candidate became his deputy director.

"Lao Li, come and see, your love will create a miracle!" Deputy Director Li knocked on Li Song's door.

Li Song smiled and took the report: "It was a former general!"

Deputy Director Li Haha laughed: "Xiao Yang's achievements are definitely not that small, but then again, the premiere can reach 2.8%. Is it possible that this program will eventually surpass" China Good Voice "? This is really A treasure! We must invite him to dinner! "

Li Song nodded: "You must invite him to dinner. Wait a minute. I'll call the old section. I haven't had a drink with him for a long time. It's better to hit another day than to choose another day. We are happy today. Let's have a good drink!"

Deputy Director Li laughed: "Let them pick any place, I will pay today!"

He is very happy. With the performance of "I am a singer", coupled with his brother's RBI activities in the Cultural Hall and the broadcasting system, the throne of the director is just around the corner!

"Old section, it's me, Li Song ... I recorded the program at night. After the recording, I shouted and had supper. I and Lao invited us ... who's here? CCTV Shabe ... what's he doing? All circles Li, can we see each other together? Hey! What do you mean? Can't we have supper together? Well, I personally talk to Yang An ... "

Hanging up the phone, Li Song froze for a while, and Deputy Director Li stunned: "What's the situation?"

Li Song held the mobile phone and hesitated for a while, but still didn't dial out: "They recorded the program today, and they were very busy. I said to have supper together. He said that CCTV's Shabe came and asked them to eat. They didn't have time to accompany us. . "

Deputy Director Li asked in confusion: "CCTV Shabe? What did he do ... oh I remember, he just took over" Singing China "! This is a singing draft that imitates a good voice, it must be to find Yang An to help Yes! We can meet each other, and peer exchanges are also possible! "

Li Song still put away his cell phone and gave up: "They may be in a personal relationship. Forget it, since the old paragraph said it was not convenient to meet, then don't force it, we will ask him tomorrow."

Although they are unwilling, they are helpless. Yang An is now a hot person. When I meet him, I'm afraid I have to wait in line!

Yang An is really busy and is recording the second program.

Shabei had the honor to visit the entire recording process and accompanied Yang An during the whole process. He was astonished at Yang An's ability to play "I am a singer"!

After the recording, Yang An threw his work away and took Shabe to eat supper: "Brother Sha, the crayfish is about to go out of the market. Don't hurry and eat a few times, and wait for next year!"

This time Duan Haishan, Liang Xu, and Jin Shaohua followed, and the five of them came to the small shop in the old place and found a slightly biased table to sit down. Shabei also encountered several fans who recognized him. It was only after they had to sign and take a group photo that the fans left contentedly.

Shabei wiped the saliva marks on his cheeks with a wet tissue: "Red Maple fans are so enthusiastic!"

Yang An laughed: "You are old and fresh, and CCTV's famous name is only visible on TV. It's a rare sight. You must be enthusiastic!"

The three of Duan Haishan laughed, poured wine on Shabei, and called the boss lady to bring side dishes. The ladyress was also a fan of Shabei. A lot of years ago, she praised Shabei as handsome and handsome. Can't shut up.

Shabe raised his glass and walked around, sighing: "What is CCTV's mouth? I'm going to become CCTV's stinking mouth! If I can't keep mixing, Yang An, you must keep me ..."

With sour words, Duan Haishan asked, "Xiao Sha, is there a problem with" Singing the Divine Land "?"

Jin Shaohua, also an old acquaintance of Shabei, asked with concern: "Is it because the ratings are not up to standard?"

Liang Xu felt his chin for a while, and laughed loudly: "I know, it must be Yang An's trouble!"

Shabe nodded: "The audience rating of 1.8% can only be passed, and it will not be mixed. The main reason is that Yang An was eliminated last time, which led to serious differences between the director and the mentor team. Without giving in, the show almost collapsed! "


Wouldn't it be so serious?

Everyone looked at each other, Yang An said, "I have such a great ability to make you split up? No, I think this thing is quite simple! Old section, is there a good teacher of Jiangxu Normal University when the blind voice is selected? , Or an associate professor? "

Everyone remembered: "Yes, yes, teach pop singers, academic singers."

"The director of our program team is very optimistic about him, thinking that he will definitely get a mentor to turn around. He has very good singing skills, but the voice is really not good. In the end, the director did not turn around and regret to leave."

"I gave him a 30-second introduction when I edited it, and there were no criticisms on the Internet."

"There are a few other very good singers who haven't filmed the mentor. We didn't even show it on our show. It's okay! So it doesn't matter to eliminate famous singers!"

Shabei pointed at Yang An helplessly: "But these people are as famous as him?"

Yang An said: "It doesn't matter if I'm not famous. What kind of film is cut? With the director's hands, you really can't do it. Cut out all the scenes I appeared! Is it so tangled?"

Shabei said: "Chi-chi did not want to cut you off, and only clashed with the mentors! Some leaders in the stage believed that all three parties were responsible for this matter. Chi-chi did not promptly remind, accounting for 40%. 40%, you ... you change songs temporarily, 20%! "

All four broke out and knocked on the table to protest.

Yang An couldn't help crying, pointing at himself: "Hey, hey! What's the matter with me? I'm a performer on stage, oh, it doesn't work properly? Am I playing the wrong thing?"

Jin Shaohua stopped Yang An and waved his hand: "It's not that simple, because it involves the power of the director and mentor who leads the show. This is a matter of principle. It's not that you cut it off. CCTV's approach is too familiar to me. The only solution to this is-the show is off! "

Shabei was deflated and drunk with a sip of wine. Yang An accompanied him to the glass with a smile, and they drank.

Duan Haishan yelled: "It sounds like the director wanted to force the mentor to follow the script. The mentor was unwilling and worried that there was negative news from the outside world, so Xiaosha couldn't be a man in the middle.

Shabe sighed: "I have already turned my face. After recording the show that day, I don't know which audience revealed it and also took photos secretly, so now I want to deny and want to say that Yang An can't do without it. We are already standing in the air of public opinion. , Can't escape. "

Yang An took out her mobile phone to go online and searched for the keyword "Yang An + Singing the Divine Land". Sure enough, I saw a few snapshot webpages and deleted them when I clicked in, but more relevant content was displayed. This message quickly appeared in the circle of friends. Spreading, CCTV couldn't control it at all.

After the incident, there was only one kind of ending. The singing group of "Singing the Divine Land" was under tremendous pressure. Five mentors were criticized by peers. The program carefully created by CCTV is likely to die.

Yang An was a little embarrassed: "This ... I'm really sorry, I shouldn't promise you to play."

Shabe waved his hand: "Although the stage said that you are responsible, but I do not agree that you are participating in the real race, there is nothing to blame, the instructor has also exercised the corresponding authority, it is not bad to not shoot you, the director did not remind, he also That ’s right, because he should n’t have interfered with the game. But that would be wrong, because your identity is too sensitive! "

Oh, all blame Yang An for being too famous?

The crowd raised their wine glasses in silence, feeling sad for Shabei. In this case, the blood mold was really poured.

Yang An laughed: "I finally decided to make a transition, but I was confused. Brother Sha, would you take the opportunity to break away from CCTV and mix a variety show with me?"

Sabe laughed at himself: "If I lose my CCTV host status, who else knows me?"

At Yang An's wedding, Shabe drank too much. When talking about Ziyi, he kept repeating this sentence.

Yang An felt that he was miserable. He clearly had articles on the chest and abdomen, graduated from a famous school, and had a good knowledge and eloquence. However, he was almost hit by a woman and almost lost his confidence.

Now he is inadvertently disrupted the show, ruined a show, and even suffered a ruthless blow to his career. This year, Shabei can be rated as the worst male artist.

Yang An winked at Duan Haishan. The old Duan immediately understood and said with a smile: "Xiao Sha, one year ago, Yang An gave me a small field service to carry the machine. Who knew him then?"

Liang Xu Xinshenhui ~ ~ followed the make-up: "I didn't hear the name Yang An until the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time he was going to sing. I arranged it for him. I think this guy has a good song and can sing. That's called a rotten! "

Jin Shaohua was included in the team by Yang An during the period of good voice. Of course, he had to speak for the new boss: "Xiao Sha, we are also old acquaintances. The CCTV brand is loud, but the work is really aggrieved. It ’s very disturbing to be incapable of doing anything. It ’s better to go to a place and do a show with Xiao Yang. Which of Xiao Yang ’s programs has a low ratings?

Yang Andao: "Brother Sha, let's do this first, see how CCTV handles it, my side is your back road, let's do it!"

Shabei took the bottle directly and said dumbly, "Done!"

Drunk is the easiest to get drunk. Today, Shabei let go completely, Yang An was not restrained, and both of them drank high.

The next day Shabei woke up at the hotel and was about to call Yang An. The phone rang and it was Chi Jun.

"Chi Dao, Yang An and I will be back this afternoon ..."

"Why come back? You don't have to come back! No show today!" (To be continued.)

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