The King Of Passive Skills

Chapter 313 Unlimited Monster Spawn Mode

Little Secretary Fengyun was at the front, and the other guardian fighters followed, sharing part of the firepower of the demon shooters.

But there are more and more demon shooters coming from a distance.

Zhang Shan and the others must clean up more mobs as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if the number of demon shooters accumulates too much, sooner or later the guardian fighters in the front row will be overwhelmed.

The difficulty of the extreme mode is difficult here.

There is a steady stream of monsters, if the speed at which they clear monsters cannot keep up with the speed at which monsters are added.

The situation will soon collapse.

Zhang Shan opened fire with full firepower, one shot at a time, and a large number of demon shooters were knocked to the ground by him.

The other team members also attacked swiftly, and the speed of clearing monsters was very fast.

Although the demon shooter is a bit disgusting, it is slightly more fragile than other monsters.

A level 40 demon archer seems to have only a little over 10,000 HP.

Zhang Shan checked the attributes of the demon shooter.

Demon shooter: level 40, attack power 1200, life value 12000, skill knockback (passive).

Knockback (Passive): During an attack, there is a chance to knock back the enemy and cause five times more damage.

The attributes of these demon shooters are not very strong.

It should be said that it is relatively weak, it is this passive skill, which is a bit disgusting.

Otherwise, Zhang Shan himself, relying on the blood-sucking special effects, could go up and carry the monsters.

A demon shooter with 12,000 blood, Zhang Shan shoots one shot at a time, and he never needs a second shot to kill monsters.

With his attack speed, he can knock down more than three demon shooters per second.

Although the others were much weaker than him, they could knock one down in three or four hits.

In the team of fifty people, apart from seven or eight assistants, they were mainly responsible for adding blood to the guardian fighters in the front row.

Not involved in clearing monsters, there are more than forty people left, including guardian warriors.

Everyone can play output, and thousands of monsters can be cleared every minute. The speed can be said to be very fast.

"Haha, it doesn't seem too difficult."

Fengyun Yidao held the artifact battle ax in his hand, and followed the little secretary, relying on the splash effect.

With two axes down, a large area can be cut down, and the speed of clearing monsters is not slower than that of Zhang Shan.

"I'm happy now, it's still a bit early, the speed of the increase of the demon shooters is getting faster and faster, and our pressure will be getting bigger and bigger."

"I'm afraid of wool, we can clean it very quickly. We can clean up more than a thousand monsters in a minute. Are you afraid that it won't be clear?"

"That's hard to say, try to play as fast as possible."

"By the way, has anyone counted how many mobs there are on the third floor of this dungeon?"

"How do we count this? There are as many demon shooters in the dungeon as there are meters, and you can't even count them."

"We can use the speed of clearing monsters to calculate. For example, if we clear 1,000 monsters in a minute, then if we clear them in ten minutes, it will be 10,000."

"It makes sense. This seems to be a really good way. At least it can estimate the approximate number of demon shooters."

"We can think of it, and other people should also think of it. I'll go to the forum to see if anyone has counted it?"

Fengyun slashed the monster with a knife, and said at the same time.

Not long after, Fengyun Yidao said depressedly.

"I found a post on the forum just now. The player said that they played the third layer of the normal difficulty mode dungeon, and it took three hours to clear the mobs. There should be nearly 50,000 demon shooters in the entire dungeon. "

"Impossible, 50,000 mobs, that's too exaggerated."

"Is it because they play too slowly? After all, not everyone can play so fast like us."

"No, they also fight very fast. The whole team is equipped with a full set, and they can clear more than 300 mobs in a minute."

"What the hell, more than 300 can be cleared in a minute, and it took three hours to clear it. I don't believe it."

"In the normal mode, the speed of clearing mobs is much slower. After all, they have to keep moving to find monsters. Unlike the extreme mode, where they are stuck in one place, they can keep swiping, just like a tower defense game. , 50,000 mobs, we shouldn't need too long to clear them all."

"If they were able to clear 300 monsters in one minute and fight for three hours, then there might be 50,000 mobs."

"They are still playing in the normal mode. It is not certain whether there will be more mobs in the extreme mode."

"What the hell, that's not to cut until the hands are soft."

"Wait a minute, let me ask again, the guild brothers who played this copy before."

In the Wind and Cloud Guild, there are also many people who have cleared the third floor of the Demon Suppressing Platform, and some teams have passed the level.

Ask them how long it took to clear the mobs, and you will know the approximate number of monsters.

After a while, Fengyun Yidao continued.

"I asked just now. The brothers in our guild took longer. The fastest team took more than four hours to clear the mobs in the dungeon."

"What the hell, is this still a dungeon? Is this the infinite spawning mode?"

"I just hope that the number of mobs in the extreme mode is the same as that in the normal mode. If the number increases, won't it be enough to vomit?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the front row can withstand it, it doesn't matter how long you brush, just do it slowly."

"That's right, just treat it as a monster spawn upgrade."

"It's a bit uncomfortable to upgrade in the dungeon. It's better to rise faster in the Beastmaster Valley. After all, the monsters there give you a lot of experience."

"Brother, you have to think about it this way. At the end of the dungeon, there will be a boss to fight. In the Valley of the Beast King, even if you brush for ten days and a half a month, you won't see a boss."

"For the BOSS, brush it, hehe."

When they played for more than ten minutes, there were more and more demon shooters.

Although their speed of clearing monsters is already very fast.

But around them, the cumulative number of demon shooters has never been less, and the number is even increasing.

"It seems that it can't be done, it can't be finished at all."

"We seem to be a little sloppy. If you wait until your ultimate moves are cooled down, and you can rely on your ultimate moves to slow down the wave, you won't be able to finish it now."

The four big moves in their guild were used last night, except for the fire and rain in the sky, the cooling time is twelve hours.

The cooling time of the other three big moves is all 24 hours, and it can only be cooled well at night.

Now they only have one big move, which can be used, which is not enough to watch.

"Should we continue to brush? Why don't we go back, we can't beat it."

Someone in the team suggested.

"Go back to the wool, anyway, if you hang up in the dungeon, you won't lose experience. If you brush to the ground, you won't go back."

"Persist on and try again. If you really can't stand it anymore, I will enlarge my move."

After thinking about it for a while, Fengyun Tianxia said.

"Don't worry, where are you going? We can still stand it."

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