The King of Knights in a Different World

The Knight King of the Moon-shaped Alien World Chapter 348

Finally, there are three Valkyries who came here for onee-sama.

Then, Lucifer felt a little regretful.

Because... the protagonist played by Yulia is obviously... based on herself, and a very exaggerated version has been made. It is a kind of character whose whole body can be filled with holy light, and who is so noble that it can blind people's eyes.

Throughout the whole process, I could see Mira's expression that couldn't help but want to laugh, and Arian Hed over there also had a slight smile, and those two gods.

On the contrary... Mia looked like she was enjoying it.

But what is surprising is that it was Mary who gave the first round of applause at the end.

After the drama ended, Joan and the others resumed their original way of life, and Lucifer also began to gradually think about the next course of the war.

In Lucifer's office, Mira was teasing Lucifer with a smile on her face.

"Is it really that funny, Mira?"

Lucifer sighed, of course he understood what she was laughing at.

"How could it be, how dare I laugh at my king.

What I laughed at was just that...the knight in the drama, who combines eight great virtues, is a saint among saints in every aspect.

Alas, it is a pity that my king is not that kind of knight."

As she spoke, Mira said this deliberately.

"That kind of... knight only exists in legends and is not suitable to become a king.

Besides, Mira, if I am really like that, do you dare to sit in front of me now?"

Lucifer asked with a smile.

The perfect knight in the drama looks very perfect, but is also frighteningly perfect.

A saint without a trace of selfishness, he fights for his ideals wholeheartedly, and his morality and character are so perfect that no one can fault him.

Thinking about such a king makes me feel terrible.

"Don't dare.

If you were really like that, I would have considered running away a long time ago.

After all, there is no place for people like me in the eyes of such a king.

Sure enough, it is best for the king to be as he is now."

Mira also understood that if the king really became that kind of person, they.........courtiers would only feel terrified.

The Terror King is not human.

"Put the drama aside for now.

What do you think about the sudden withdrawal of Macedonian troops? Helen defended it well, but it was far from what Alexander could bear."

Speaking of this, Lucifer changed the topic.

According to the intelligence we just received, Macedonia suddenly withdrew its troops from Helen, and they have not lost much... troops.

In other words, it was not because of the defeat that the troops were withdrawn. This was what I cared about.

"Winter has not yet come, and Macedonia has not suffered any serious losses, and now it suddenly withdraws its troops.

There may be some hidden secrets that we don't know about.

Of course, it may also be that we are worried about moving behind and attacking."

When it came to business, Mira also became serious.

In fact, neither her network nor our intelligence network found any inside information about this matter.

"This condition does not hold true.

After all, I had a hint of offense. If he was worried about my offense, he would not attack Helen at that time.

I am more inclined to see changes in their country."

If they were worried, they would have stepped up preparations for war instead of attacking Helen.

From this point of view, my farming activities have had some effect...

"Domestic changes There are no rumors of rebellion in Macedonia, nor are there any natural disasters.

There is peace in their country."

“That’s what’s weird about me.

They are very peaceful in the country, but they suddenly withdraw their troops at this time, which is problematic no matter how you look at it.

By the way, the fleet headed by Hyperion has moved to Calais?"

"The transfer of the shipyard was just completed ten days ago, but Leonardo da Vinci came to inform him that the new warships had not been completed yet, so only the old fleet was left."

If only the fleet is transferred, the time does not need to be so long.

But the problem is that after the fleet has passed, it still needs to be maintained, and it also needs corresponding facilities to cooperate, so it takes more time.

The garrison at Calais was now under the command of Drake, while Nelson took her place at Edinburgh.

In fact, with the frontline base of Calais, Edinburgh's strategic role is no longer that great, unless you want to attack Ross from the sea.

"The old fleet was enough to deter Macedonia and Helen.

Well, wait... do you think their action this time may be related to our fleet adjustment?"

To me, this is just a simple fleet movement.

The purpose is to get familiar with the sea area, and it is far from the time to attack.

But it doesn't necessarily look like that to others.

"There is a possibility.

Before, there was only a tacit agreement between us to end the war, and there was no such thing as an armistice or peace treaty.

They may have felt that the movement of the fleet was a harbinger of an attack on Macedonia."

Just as Lucifer and Mira were thinking about Macedonia's intentions, the knight outside the door sent another urgent document.

After the knight left, Lucifer opened the official document and began to read the contents.

His expression gradually changed from the initial relaxed to serious.

"What's wrong"

Facing Mira's question, Lucifer didn't say anything. He directly handed the document in his hand to Mira.


"This is it! The Roman army is beginning to gather in the west and south."

Mira's expression also became serious.

Both sides of the southwest are now British territory, and the purpose of the Roman legions gathering here is self-evident.

"It seems they want to take advantage of the fact that I have not fully restored France.

Nero's fire thought that all his enemies had been burned, and he thought there was no problem internally, so he planned to send troops to Britain."

Lucifer was not surprised when he heard the news, but smiled.

"Her timing was good."

“It can only be considered good.

The best opportunity before was when we attacked France, but she obviously missed it.

If I were allowed to completely absorb the whole of France, and then attack with Ross, Rome would also become: dangerous.

Now Nero has become forced to take action."

If Nero does not take action now, Rome will face a flanking attack from Russia and Britain, and Rome's current situation may be very dangerous.

Not to mention there was an Alexander in Macedonia.

Hmm! Alexander, could it be... "What else did you think of?"

"Recall Lungominiad immediately to prepare the Blue Silver Knights and the Holy Wing Knights.

Macedonia’s changes are problematic.”

Lucifer thought of a certain possibility and his expression changed slightly.

no.466 Conspiracy

A few days before Lucifer received the intelligence, in an abandoned castle on the border between Macedonia and Rome, there were Aristotle of Macedonia, Seneca of Rome and Richelieu of the Papal States.

Each of the three parties came here with some guards. They represented the forces behind them and were holding a three-party meeting here.

The person taking the lead this time is the Pope, but obviously none of the leaders of the three countries will come to such a meeting, so it is conducted by an agent.

The will of the three of them represents their respective countries.

The castle has been heavily guarded by three types of knights, and a barrier has been set up on the outside. This is a top-secret meeting.

The dilapidated hall was temporarily decorated, and a square table was placed in the center, with three people sitting on three sides.

"Thank you both for coming. This time I represent His Majesty the Pope..."

Richelieu was about to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Seneca.

"Just omit the boring opening remarks. I'm not interested in your Pope's thanks."

"I agree with Seneca, our time is precious, and it is better to get straight to the point."

Aristotle also nodded.

They weren't invited here just to hear this... nonsense.

They all have their own goals and don't want to waste time.

"It seems I'm not welcome."

Richelieu said with a wry smile.

"Rome has never welcomed the church. This is tradition."

Seneca said with a smile.

Yes, it is a tradition established since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Rome had suffered the disaster of theocratic interference and was more wary of the influence of religion than any other country.

Their method is direct expulsion.

"Although Macedonia does not reject the church.

But Your Excellency Archbishop, this does not mean that we welcome the Church.

Just explain your purpose of coming and where that thing belongs."

Aristotle also said at this time.

"Since both of you are here for the treasure, I will go directly to the topic.

About the most precious treasure—the location of the eternal curtain.”

"Don't wait: we formed a coalition and are now revealing this news?"

Seneca said sarcastically at this time.

The Pope used the treasure as bait for only one purpose, to allow Macedonia and Rome to form a coalition to defeat Britain.

The reason why the Pope made this decision is that the Papal State has been having a bad time recently.

Although it barely survived the two big countries, it could be destroyed by Britain or Macedonia at any time.

Originally, the Pope could think of a way just like this, but recently because of the laws implemented by Lucifer, many missionaries he sent to the original France were arrested, and the charges were illegal fund-raising and gang fraud, which are very common in Britain. This is a crime that has never been heard of in other countries.

In the Pope's view, they were clearly collecting tithes normally, but they turned into illegal fund-raising because they did not announce the purpose, or used false purposes to commit fraud.

This is the blasphemy of God.

Faced with this situation, and more and more believers in France are now running away from life.

This makes their lives even more...sad.

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