The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 272

Legend has it that it is the place where the gods live, and mortals can't set foot on the kingdom of God without being summoned.

All the people who tried to go up the mountain in the past ended up getting lost halfway, and many even died.

People on the ground can occasionally see the dancing flames on the top of the holy mountain through the clouds.

Legend has it that whenever the holy fire is lit, it means that the gods will send down the oracle to human beings, and the people of each city-state will ignore it...

Whatever you are doing, you will agree to a truce, and hold this celebration together.

This attendance was not considered an official state visit, but Lucifer still saw more than 30 kings from almost all the city-states in the huge open-air venue of the Olympic Committee.

Headed by theseus, king of Athens, and Leonidas, king of Sparta.

On a tall altar in the distance, the two kings jointly sent the holy fire to the altar.

They passed the flame into the fire platform and announced the official start of the meeting.

As a distinguished guest, Lucifer felt a little bored watching it.

The current Olympic Committee does not have as much ostentation as I remember, and the opening is very simple.

You can even start the game directly after the opening.

While the heroes were competing below, Lucifer and the...kings naturally sat together and chatted.

Lucifer also probably knew these......... kings.

Except for a few younger kings, Lucifer didn't pay much attention to the other kings.

Because they are not capable enough to get their attention.

The preliminaries are being held in various competition venues under the high platform, through which unqualified people are eliminated, and then all the finals will be held in batches in the last few days.

The champion will be crowned with a crown made of laurel leaves by the king himself.

"His Majesty the Knight King seems to have something to say."

Theseus came to Lucifer and said with a smile.

This... middle-aged man who looks like he is in his thirties has more wisdom than vitality.

"No, nothing.

I just feel that the festival in front of me is more like a banquet than a game."

Lucifer responded with a smile.

The following is just a simple division of the playing field, nothing else.

Athletes sitting on the ground resting can be seen everywhere.

Many people even brought their own alcohol and competed while drinking.

"This grand event is our hymn to the gods. The rules of the game will only cool down the enthusiasm of the heroes."

Theseus explained why.

The Olympics these days are more of a ritual than the competitive games I remember.

In order to respond to the mood of the gods, the more lively the ceremony, the better.

"That's why, the banquet is not enough... lively, and the gods will not be satisfied."

"In Britain under the rule of His Majesty the Knight King, people respect order. Now you may think that Helen's ceremony is very chaotic."

Seeing Lucifer's flat reaction to this, Theseus said.

Regarding this, Lucifer did not feel that some eyes were being attracted by the pair of enemies below.

Well, enemy.

"It's so confusing that I can't say it, but occasionally I feel like it's too much.

For example, the two below, it’s really no problem if this happens at the festival of the gods.”

Following Lucifer's gaze, Theseus also noticed a sword technique in the distance.

Liveliness on the playing field.

There, the famous hero Jason was bombarded by Medeafar.

"Jason did it to himself."

To this, Theseus just said lightly.

The grievances between those two people are not only him, but the whole Helen knows.

Jason cheated the ignorant girl's heart for the treasure, and after getting the treasure with the girl's help, he decisively kicked the girl away.

Well, it's a story called scum.

In fact, if it wasn't for Jason's personal relationship, there would have been a hero ready to punish him.

Instead of being like now, only Medea hunted him down.

Others subconsciously kept away from these two people when they saw this scene, and pretended not to see it.


Everyone on the field tacitly paused the game, and the field will be vacated for them.

There are even some melon eaters nearby who are betting on whether Jason will be chopped up.

Obviously, Medea has improved so much compared to three years ago, Jason can only run away.

"It's weird, it's weird too.

Why did Medea appear in the sacred Olympus Games, you weak limbed witch, you don't have any sports abilities at all."

Jason was running away at this moment, shouting loudly.

His appearance is very funny, and he can't see his former heroism at all.

But that's not too much to ask of a man being chased by explosions.

It's good to be alive after all.

Medea's magic beam lifted a layer of skin on the ground, and it would definitely be uncomfortable if it hit someone.

"Of course it's because I know that you will definitely appear here. You like this kind of showy occasion the most. You must come to this Olympus conference.

Fuck me, scumbag.

What you have done to me, even if you die a thousand times, it is not vent the hatred in my heart."

The witch flying in the sky opened her cloak, and countless beams of light fell down again.

All she has to do now is kill the bastard down there.

"Wow! It's dangerous, you crazy woman, do you want to kill me?"

"Just killing you is not enough."

Facing the witch in the sky, Jason had no choice.

Not to mention that he is not an archer, he doesn't even have a bow and arrow now.

After thinking about it, he can only use the intellectual warfare that he is best at.

"Damn it, I knew you were a vicious woman, so dumping you was the most correct decision in my life."

After avoiding several attacks, Jason decisively turned on the mocking mode.

He originally wanted to use this method to lure Medea down, but obviously, he thought in the wrong direction this time.

"Vicious! Who do you think I am like this because of! Don't jump around like a monkey, stand there and die a hundred times for me."

Medea held up her staff, and a dozen magic circles appeared in an instant.

This high-speed oracle aroused the audience's amazement.

"Nice job! Made the bastard!"

A passer-by who had a grudge against Jason yelled enviously.

"Yes, kill him!"

Another yelled "We support you!"

...For a moment, these........The audience who had stopped because of the suspension of the game directly supported Medea.

"Bastards, what are you talking about! You... despicable guys, don't think I don't know, you want to see me killed, and then have one less competitor.

I won't let you do what you want, swordsmanship.

The first laurels must belong to me."

Jason yelled as he ran.

Then, Medea's voice came from the sky again.

"You're not going to save your life to play.


"Who's going to stand there and call you.

You wait, I'll get help right away."

no.381 Coronation Battle

Soon, the following farce finally came to an end.

Jason did not find his helper in the end, because there was no bow and arrow competition today, and Hercules did not come.

After losing this most powerful foreign aid, he originally planned to go to Atta.

But unfortunately, before he asked for help, Atta shot three arrows at his feet as a warning, and under his desperate eyes, this... hero disappeared from people's sight in a flash.

Regarding this, Lucifer was somewhat dumbfounded.

"This guy has not been killed until now, it should be thanks to his escape."

Seeing the scene just now, Lucifer suddenly felt that Jason had focused all his talent on running away.

"If Jason puts his cleverness to practice hard, his achievements will not stop there."

Theseus also smiled.

He also spent some time on the Argor.

For this captain, he can only say mixed things.

Jason has the ability to be a hero, but at the same time, his shortcomings are also obvious.

"No matter what his achievements are, it can't change the fact that he is a scumbag. It seems that he can only get along well with Helen."

"Will Jason be caught in prison in Britain?"

"It depends on what he did.

If it's just a pure empathy, then abandoning it all the time, it can only show that this person has a problem with his morals and is a scumbag.

The laws I make don't touch him."

Lucifer said calmly.

The law never controls the heart, nor restricts the mind.

But it is precisely because the Dharma cannot be touched, so the individual's self-learning of "reason" is extremely important, otherwise it will only lead to the soul falling together.

"I thought His Majesty the Knight King would definitely catch him and throw him in prison, or send him directly to hard labor.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty was unexpectedly enlightened."

"His Majesty Theseus praises you.

The law can only be used to regulate people's actions, and it is the spirit contained in the soul of a person who truly does not want to commit a crime.

Just like what I said just now, if he is simply empathizing with someone else and abandoning him at the end.

This can only show that there is a problem with his character, but if he is cheating money and sex, it is another matter."

"If you think about it carefully, it seems that he fits both."

"That would be so sad, and I sincerely hope he stays with Helen."

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