The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 264

Finding yourself is not the right thing to do, on the contrary, it is a bad move.

"I..., yes, I've thought it through.

No matter how bad it is, there will be no worse situation than now, and I have no other better way.

If it doesn't work this time, I can give up and stop thinking about these things."

"Yeah, it looks like you've really made up your mind.

That being the case, I'll make an announcement when I get back.

During this time, if you suddenly regret it, you can come to me again."

Lucifer stared at the girl in front of him, and did not refuse the request.

To me, it's just a piece of paper.

The end result could be hell for her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Knight King.

I am a true knight, and even my former enemies can maintain my chivalry, and now I am more confident than before, and I will move forward with you as my goal."

Bradamante did not expect that Lucifer would be so easy to talk, she was very happy.

In fact, the reason why Lucifer is so easy to talk now is because he saw that she was doing useless work.

If it does work, that's another result.

"Come on, lovely junior."

Thinking of this, Lucifer gave encouragement with a smile.

After the conversation just now, this... female knight looked at herself as if she was looking at an idol.

Well, I have seen this look many times in other knights.

"Thank you for your encouragement, I will work hard."

After a while, Bradamante left here.

There were only two figures left in the hall, at this moment Lucifer smiled slightly and stood up.

"It's really energetic."

"Does what she said really work?"

Leah spoke in a timely manner.

"It's useless.

The method just now will only push her to the deepest part of hell, but presumably what this girl wants is not to restore her identity, but to give herself a reason.

Give yourself reasons to give up fantasy.

For this, she needs to use her own hands to push herself into a corner."

Lucifer mentioned another possibility from the side.

When desperate, people are prone to do extreme things, just like Bradamante in front of him.

She knew that she might never be able to return to France in this life, but she couldn't let it go, so she accepted this ridiculous method.

"It's brutal."

"Is Leah talking about me?"

"No, I was just thinking it was hard to imagine her making such a cruel decision.

Seeing the girl just now reminded me of my former self."

Having said that, Leah sighed.

"Leah didn't have her vitality before, but your eyes are... very similar."

"Did you agree because you saw my shadow in her?"

"Well, part of the reason is.

But the more reason is to understand that this decision does not actually have any effect on her restoration of identity, and may even have a counterproductive effect.

However, Rome is really capable enough to divide the twelve knights with only a small strategy."

Although I knew before that there was a shadow of Rome in this matter, but today I discovered that Rome's strategists are more capable than imagined.

Especially when it comes to playing tricks.

It started with a letter, followed by a series of operations, successfully turning one of the twelve knights into a traitor.

Now, Lucifer somewhat understood what Semiramis meant about Horace.

Leah has a different opinion on this.

"It's not that Rome is capable, but that their king is too incompetent.

If this happened to you, Wang, there wouldn't be so many things at all."

"Compared with incompetence, or should I say, they actually care more about their immediate interests.

As a king, he is controlled by his subordinates: naturally, he cannot make a correct judgment."

Now that I know the inside story, I am even more sure that there are already Roman ghosts in France, and they have even reached the top.

The situation at that time was that a major incident required someone to take responsibility, that is, take the blame.

But that... the person who should be blamed in theory is the eldest prince in power. He has the power and naturally doesn't want to be blamed, so he dumped the blame.

And internal conflicts also need an outlet. Under this general trend, Bradamante was naturally pushed out.

What is the fact, other people no longer pay attention, they care that the matter is resolved perfectly, and they have no loss, but can make a profit.

"Will she come back?"

For... Leah's question, Lucifer gave this answer.

"Maybe, maybe not."

no.371 Medusa

In fact, Lucifer guessed wrong this time.

Because Bradamante had already returned that night, but she was not because of regret, but because of her petrified arm.

After a brief explanation, Lucifer also understood the reason for her coming back.

Although this... female knight has already made a decision, she still has a sense of justice.

She heard that there was a monster on a small island overseas, and everyone on the island turned into stone statues.

With a strong sense of justice, this... knight decided to defeat monsters for the people.

Well, a very chivalrous approach.

However, she obviously overestimated her own strength, or in other words, she underestimated the special abilities of monsters.

During the battle with the opponent, her arm was petrified by the opponent's magic eye.

If she didn't run fast, her whole body would be petrified.

After escaping back, she also tried to solve it, but no one could solve this kind of problem. At this time, she thought of Lucifer.

As for why he ran over so directly.

In her opinion, Lucifer is a real knight like her and will definitely help her.

This kind of self-confidence is probably one of the reasons why she was trapped so miserably.

"A tall woman with purple hair, with petrified magic eyes"

Lucifer instantly thought of the most suitable picture.


"I remember the legendary Medusa seems to be like this, so you met her"

"Well, I fought her in the air for a while, but her magic eye petrified my arm.

In the end, I had to escape and come back, which didn’t help everyone at all.”

In fact, Bradamante used the eagle to fight the Pegasus in the sky for a while, but unfortunately, she was defeated in the end.

Of course, this is also related to her not knowing the other party's abilities.

"You should be thankful, if you didn't dodge in time and you still have the shield in your hand, then it wouldn't be an arm problem."

Lucifer glanced at her arm, it contained a powerful curse.

I don't know why, since I came here, I have encountered a lot of curses.

The gods here seem to be very good at cursing such things, such as cursing into spiders, cursing into seahorses and so on.

"Your Majesty, is there a solution?"

"You're really not polite to me at all."

"Why should you be polite? If you're too polite, wouldn't it be very unusual?"

Lucifer didn't hate it.

This kind of female knight is familiar.

In a sense, this is also one of the manifestations that she regards herself as a trustworthy person.

"makes sense.

But even if you look at me like that, there's nothing I can do about this petrifying curse.

At best, it can only help you curb the deterioration of the injury."

After thinking about it, Lucifer said calmly.

Compared with saving people, I am better at killing people, and this point has not changed after learning Rune.

Even if it is Rune, the part I have learned so far is to isolate the curse, not to cure the curse. If it is replaced by a master, there should be a way.

"Hey! How is this?"

"Although I have no way, there must be a way to plant this person.

You rest here first, tell me the direction of the island, I will try to find her."

After thinking about it, Lucifer saw a certain follower in his memory.

I hope that when we meet you will be as amazing as when we first met.

After all, it is my childhood memory.

"Thank you.

Let Ah Fu take you there."

Bradamante said happily.


Just when Lucifer thought that a certain fake girl was here, Bradamante told the truth.

"It's my eagle."

"Leah, let's go!"

Leaving the embassy, ​​sitting on the eagle, under its guidance, Lucifer quickly found the target island.

In the sky, Lucifer lightly patted Junying's head, and he jumped down with Leah.

After standing on the surface of the water, Lucifer waved to the hawk in the sky, and then the hawk flew on the way back.

"What's up Leah"

At this time, Lucifer noticed Leah's eyes looking towards the sky.

"No, nothing.

It’s just that I suddenly feel that this magical creature is more convenient than a war horse.”

"After all, it can fly.

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