The duel between Liang Bing and Hua Ye (3)


Su Mali stood by Hua Ye’s side, and in front of him were his subordinates who had already lined up.

Looking around, there is no end in sight.

“Wang, I think that Liang Bing is not easy to deal with. In fact, there is no need to be so anxious…”

Hua Ye: “Su Mali, do you have no confidence in your king?”

“No, the king’s ability is obvious to all.” Su Mali explained.

“Don’t worry, I will win this battle!”

Patting the armor on his chest, he felt the powerful power in his body, as well as the black hole engine that had been modified by Karl.

His self-confidence burst instantly.

What about Morgana? It’s not like she hasn’t fought before. Except for the micro-wormhole technology, he didn’t see anything powerful about it.

When he subdues Liang Bing this time, he will go back to seek revenge from Angel Yan and the others…

Su Mali said again: “King, I think we still need to guard against Hexi and the others. It will be troublesome if they engage in a sneak attack when you are dueling with Liangbing.”

“Hehe…” Hua Ye’s face was gloomy: “It’s fine if they don’t come, as long as they come, I promise to let them come and go.”

“However…” Hua Ye nodded as soon as the voice changed: “What you said is not unreasonable. It is indeed necessary to prevent Hexi and the others from leading people to sneak attacks. So, this time I will go to fight alone. I am leaving. You are the supreme commander here, and I will hand it over to you when the time comes.”

Su Mali said in surprise: “King, you are going to risk yourself, absolutely not.”

“It’s not that exaggerated.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve already talked to a guy, that guy is interested in a person, he will hide in the dark, waiting for the opportunity…”

Su Mali frowned and said, “Wang, is that person trustworthy?”

Hua Ye sneered, “Don’t worry about this, he has no other choice. He has no choice but to cooperate with me.”

“By the way, that little girl named Qiangwei, don’t let her die. If she dies, Liang Bing might fight me desperately.”

“Don’t worry, Wang.”

Su Mali said: “I’ve provided her with good food and drink for the past few days, so she won’t die.”

Staring at Hua Ye’s back, Su Mali took a deep breath. In the past few days, since King Hua Ye came back from Karl, his aura has become stronger day by day.

He didn’t know what happened, but he had a hunch that the situation was developing in an increasingly unpredictable direction.

It’s a pity that he has no ability to manage these things.

He only hates himself for not being strong enough. If he was strong enough, things would not have come to this point.

After a few days.

Kunsa planet, in the ruins of Kunsa.

The agreed time has come. When Liang Bing stepped onto this planet again, everything in front of her gave her a sense of time.

The yellow sand everywhere has already covered up the civilization that once existed on this planet.

It’s hard to imagine that a super civilization that can rank among the top ten in the known universe once appeared on such a planet covered by history.

It is also the birthplace of demons…

While walking, Liang Bing recalled.

When did she have a disagreement with her older sister Kesha?

The time may be too long, and she has somewhat forgotten it.

Came to a place similar to an arena, surrounded by buildings made of mud, forming an oval shape.

The cold ice is sparse. Remember this place, it is the arena for the evolution of demons, elimination and selection.

The weak die, the strong live!

As long as you stand on this stage, you will die or I will live.

At the same time, not far from Kunsa planet, Demon One is hiding here.

Ato and other demons, most of them are former fighters here, and most of them are reborn.

They have complete memories.

They have special emotions for this planet.

They put their right hands on their hearts to remember that time.

Actually, Liang Bing is also very nostalgic.

Regardless of the demons under her command, they are all recruited from the earth, but almost all of them are reborn demons.

They are all dead warriors of Liang Bing, who were reborn by her planting the genetic chain of the dead and endowing them with new life.

Basically, she didn’t take away the demons transformed from the earth itself.

In other words, those demons transformed from the earth itself are not considered loyal fighters at all in her eyes.

They just bowed down because of the power of her cold ice, and because they needed the power of God that Morgana bestowed upon them.

They are not pure depravity, they are not yearning for pure freedom.

They are more like ambitious people, all they want is power in their hands.

So, before leaving, Liang Bing didn’t take them with her.

She deliberately stayed on Earth, she knew that without her presence, they would be defeated one by one by the Xiongbing Company.

It’s not that she didn’t give them a chance.

It’s a pity that when they heard that Liang Bing gave up on the earth and went to other galaxies, they had hesitant expressions one after another.

Liang Bing couldn’t help but want to laugh now.

Anyway, the opportunity was given to them, so it’s no one’s fault if I don’t know how to cherish it.

In the future, when she left, the communications she left behind were also fake.

She knew that the earth would not allow the existence of demons, so those demons must die.

Subordinates, the old subordinates are still easy to use.

In Liang Bing’s hands, there is the gene chain of each of their demons, which is completely synchronized with the will and memory of each of them.

It was because of these that she was able to resurrect these dead demons in a different way.

Carl NengyanFind out the soul, and voluntarily give up the physical body, and exist in the soul body.

Then, as Karl’s former classmate, Liang Bing, they were still good friends at the time, and she and Karl also discussed soul science.

Some of Liang Bing’s ideas were also partly influenced by Karl.

When she was studying at the Super Theological Seminary, she and Karl accidentally discovered that living beings have souls, and these souls are related to the gene chain.

The soul is not a whole body, but a special energy hidden in the genetic chain.

They once did an experiment.

The content of the experiment was to cut off the arm of a creature.

They will find that when the gene chain in the arm is magnified tens of thousands of times, some mysterious light spots will appear.

And these points of light are defined by them as the light of the soul.

They found that after the arm was cut off, the mysterious light spots inside would gradually disappear over time.

Later, another experiment was done.

Randomly killed a few creatures and discovered a major research result.

That is a special gene chain that exists in the brain.

They discovered that after the death of a creature, all the mysterious light spots in the body parts all condense to a gene chain in the brain.

For the sake of experimentation, Karl even divided this genetic chain into two parts, cutting it in half.

Fuse one of the gene chains into a small insect.

And as time went by, they were surprised to find that after the other half of the gene chain dissipated.

In just over ten days, the genetic chain that was integrated into the small insect has swallowed and replaced the original small insect’s genetic chain.

And the behavior of the other party is not like a small insect at all, but more like the original creature.

They boldly speculated that that genetic chain is actually where the soul really resides.

This is how later, the devil can be reborn now.

Liang Bing has taken out some of the soul gene chains of these demons’ subordinates. Once these demons die, she can also use the remaining genes to fuse them into a weak creature.

The gene chain will devour it, and finally complete the act of resurrection.

And during this, the memories of those dead demons will also start to wake up, this is something that Liang Bing doesn’t even understand.

As for later, Liangbing lived tens of thousands of years and was chased and beaten by Kaisha, so there was not much time left for research.

There is no doubt that Karl is definitely better than her than playing with the soul.

Next, facing the battle with Hua Ye, Liang Bing didn’t panic at all.

Sometimes, no matter how frightened you are, it’s useless.

In the past tens of thousands of years, she has seen too many lives and deaths. Even her general, A Tuo, has died twice.

She understands a truth. Sometimes, living requires a kind of courage.

A person who is not even afraid of death, why is he afraid of living? !

To be honest, she had already made up her mind to die a long time ago.

It’s a pity that she survived every crisis.

I don’t know if this is luck or misfortune.

When he set foot on this planet, a trace of uneasiness began to appear in Liang Bing’s heart.

That kind of feeling, like once she stepped here, it was impossible to get out alive.

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