I Became a Zombie

A purple halo quickly turned underground.

It didn’t take long before there was a booming sound from the underground of the cemetery.

One by one, hands with a rotten smell emerged from the soil.

Dozens of corpses with rotting bodies and ragged clothes, exuding a stench, crawled out unsteadily.

There was a whining sound from his mouth.

The girl nodded humbly, “Not bad, after all, it’s not a place to keep corpses, it’s not bad if there are so many walking corpses.”

“Woo woo woo~”

Hearing the screams of these walking corpses, the girl smiled, but immediately frowned.

“Grandma wants to join Quanxing, but she can’t be such a low-level walking corpse. Damn, my two black zombies are not allowed to be brought out by my aunt.”

“Call me nicely, I’m so mad.” The girl pouted, playing with a small temper.

“Hey, you guys will go to the nest first, you won’t be needed now.”

The girl pinched her slender waist and pointed to the group of walking corpses below.

What is strange is that the walking corpse without wisdom crawled back slowly obediently.

He took out a mobile phone from his backpack and saw that it was past twelve o’clock. The girl stretched herself, planning to go home first.

Sweeping across the cemetery inadvertently, suddenlyShe was taken aback.

In the dark night sky, under a certain tombstone in the cemetery, there was a faint red light.

Driven by curiosity, the girl got up and went over to check.

It reads: Zhang Xilin’s tomb.

The red light came out from under his tombstone. The girl took a closer look and found that the red light turned out to be blood gushing out continuously.

The girl’s face was a little dignified, and she muttered in her mouth: “Blood evil, it’s definitely blood evil.”

The girl’s body trembled slightly, recalling what she read in the book in her mind.

“Blood evil appears, flying out. Flying into the ground, not afraid of the sun, not afraid of thunder and lightning.”

“I’m so lucky, there’s actually a flying zombie in such a small place!” The girl was very excited, it was a flying zombie, and she had already developed intelligence and could speak. And the magic power is boundless. It is said that her family has a flying zombie.

It was a certain nobleman from more than a thousand years ago. Their family became the number one corpse-hunting family in western Hunan because of the flying dead head.

Even the old celestial masters of the contemporary celestial master’s mansion may not be able to fight.

Amidst the excitement, the girl suddenly felt a little frustrated: “Fei Zang, my strength should not be subdued. What should I do, should I give it to my family?”

“No, anyway, Fei Zong already has sanity, so we can discuss it.” The girl gritted her teeth and decided to take a risk by herself.

What if it succeeds?

That’s a flying head. With it, he might be able to compete for the position of the head.

Although I don’t really care about that position, it’s fun!

“Ok, deal.”

After making the decision, the girl began to prepare. All the talisman papers and bronze mirrors were taken out.

But after thinking about it, these are okay to deal with ordinary zombies, but they may not be effective at all if they are flying dead.

“What can I do?” The girl looked anxious, bit her red lips, and decided to take a risk.

Randomly summoned a few walking corpses, and the girl directed them to dig the ground.

Walking corpses have no intelligence, only some instincts. But they instinctively felt fear and were unwilling to go there.

Without saying a word, the girl directly controlled them with her thoughts.

Just like that, several walking corpses dug the ground bit by bit with their claws.

The red soil seemed to be stained red with blood, and it glowed reddish under the moonlight.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, the walking corpse has been excavated more than three meters above the ground.


A walking corpse’s paw dug into the soil, making the sound of colliding with a hard iron object.

The girl was half happy and half worried, excited and afraid.

He ordered the corpse to dig up the soil, revealing a huge bronze coffin.

The bronze coffin was engraved with dense patterns, and drops of bright red blood dripped from the cracks in the coffin.

Suddenly, a fierce evil spirit rose into the sky. Before the walking corpses standing beside the coffin could react, their bodies decayed rapidly. In a few seconds, there were not even bones left.

The girl squatting on the big pit was startled by the evil spirit rising into the sky, her face paled slightly.

“Okay… Such a powerful evil spirit. No wonder there is not much evil spirit on this mountain. It turns out that it has absorbed all of it.”

The girl’s hands were shaking slightly, and her breathing was a little short. She knew that the zombies in this coffin were raised here artificially.

If she remembers correctly the pattern on the bronze coffin, it should be the legendary gathering spell.


There was a loud noise from the coffin, and the frightened girl’s complexion changed, and she quickly got up and took a few steps back.

She wanted to leave, but when she thought that this thing was released by her, coupled with the birth of zombies of this level, the people in the village below might suffer disaster.

Although she was terrified in her heart, the girl gritted her teeth, bit her five fingers, and formed a special mark on one hand.

Waiting for the moment when the zombie in the bronze coffin breaks through is her only chance.

Five-finger heart control is her most powerful corpse control technique, which penetrates into the souls of zombies with painstaking effort.

Because the souls of zombies are very special, after a person dies, the heavenly soul dissipates, and the earthly soul enters the earth, leaving only the human soul in the body.

Normally speaking, without special accidents, the human soul will dissipate after persisting for seven days.

This is why people often say the first seven.

However, there are always some special people whose souls stay in the body, coupled with the special geomantic omen, after a long period of time, they become zombies.

With the exploration and development of human beings, responsibilities such as exorcising corpses have come to the fore.

At first, they were not called corpse exorcists, but corpse bearers. They were mainly responsible for carrying some corpses that died outside to their hometowns.

Because the ancients had the theory of burial and the saying of returning to their hometown after death, there was a corpse-bearer.

Afterwards, people gradually discovered ways to control corpses.

In the Qing Dynasty, the corpse-carrying people were changed to the corpse-removing people, and among them, the corpse-carrying people in Xiangxi were the most important.

And the girl is Liu Yanyan, the sole heir of the No. 1 corpse exorcising family in Western Hunan.

Liu Yanyan looked at the bronze coffin nervously, her heart pounding.

Inside the bronze coffin, our protagonist Wang Yu slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the surrounding shapes, it was obvious that he was in a coffin.

Sad reminder!

Wang Yu wondered if he had been secretly tampered with by the Evil Beak Beast, otherwise how could he be so unlucky.

The first time he entered the coffin, he endured it.

Entering the coffin for the second time, Wang Yu exploded!

With a low growl, Wang Yu punched the coffin above his head with a frustrated fist.

Make a sound of “suffocation”.

He punched through the bronze coffin directly, which frightened the girls outside. hurt in heartTerrified to death, “This zombie is too fierce, it’s over, it’s dead!”


For some reason, Wang Yu became more and more angry and wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

Dragging the top of his head with one hand, Wang Yu roared, and the coffin board above his head was thrown flying.

With a jump, he realized that he was now in a big pit.

One step, jump out of the ground.

What is weird is that Wang Yu’s body naturally floats in the air, as if this is an instinctive reaction of the body.

Looking at his strange hands, Wang Yu was stunned for a moment. His hands were very fair and delicate, like a woman.

You won’t cross over to a woman, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Yu immediately touched his lower body. He breathed a sigh of relief, “Phew! Fortunately, it’s still there.”

At the moment when Wang Yu was relaxing, Liu Yanyan seized the opportunity and pushed the corpse-controlling mark to Wang Yu’s forehead.

A red light flashed, and Wang Yu was just glad that he hadn’t transmigrated into a woman, so he didn’t notice it at all.

It wasn’t until the red light was close in front of my eyes that I realized it.

It’s just that the red light was so fast that it penetrated into the center of Wang Yu’s forehead in the blink of an eye.

Wang Yu frowned, feeling as if something was controlling him. It’s just that he has a feeling that he can destroy it whenever he wants.

Therefore, Wang Yu did not destroy it immediately.

Turning her head, she looked at the girl in the white skirt standing on the ground, with a blood-red light in her eyes.

Liu Yanyan’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she didn’t succeed? It’s over, it’s over, it’s really dead this time.

The body was slightly stiff, and the girl’s face showed a mournful expression. A tear was rolling in her eye socket, she managed to escape from the family, but she didn’t expect to die before joining Quanxing.

Wang Yu tilted his head to look at the girl, feeling very strange in his heart, and said to himself, “Am I that scary?”

“This girl seems to know some special tricks. It seems that she is not in the world of ordinary people.”

What makes Wang Yu a little strange is that he has not received the memory of the original owner of this body.

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