The Journey In Marvel Magician

Chapter 104 Chapter 104

Li Feng knew very well why Fury came to him. It was nothing but too much fog on his body. Unfortunately, Fury was also a guy with full curiosity and late suspicion.

Fortunately, Li Feng thinks he has the ability to talk to SHIELD, otherwise he will apparate when he notices Fury, so when Fury solemnly asked,'Who are you,' Li Feng smiled and turned his head and said to Stark: Before I explain the identity of this marinated egg, can I ask JARVIS to help? I want to clearly record the facial expression of a marinated egg when it changes its face."

"Be careful," Shi Stark is not a person who is afraid of big things, and he originally wanted JARVIS to scan the face of the agent that can invade his house in order to find out the other party's department, so that the group he raised can be organized. Lawyers who stay in the office bragging and bullshit have the opportunity to show off their talents.

Moreover, Shi Stark thought it was very interesting to appreciate the process of others destroying the Three Views. He immediately shouted: "JARVIS, accurately capture the changes in the facial expressions of this... Mr. Ladan." Speaking of this, Shi Stark turned to look at Li Feng, and asked curiously, "This guy is really braised egg? Did his ancestor open a restaurant? All names are the names of dishes."

Fury, who has become a bitter egg inexplicably, is very upset. If he didn't want to know what Li Shengeng said, he really wanted to draw a gun to Li Feng for a few shots.

Also, if possible, he really wants to ask Shi Stark to leave and let him talk to Li Feng alone, but this is Shi Stark’s family, or a home with artificial intelligence, no matter where he and Li Feng hid in the conversation, it is estimated that the history Stark would know exactly what was talked about.

Fury held the wine glass in one hand, patted the pistol on the bar with the other, glanced at Shi Stark who was waiting to see the joke, looked at Li Feng with a cold face, and signaled that Li Feng could explain.

Li Feng hooked his fingers at the wine glass on the bar counter and let the glass float towards him and Stark, and said, "Remember our agreement? I hope I have practiced my mouth during this time."

Fury looked at the floating wine glass inexplicably, then at Shi Stark, gritted his teeth and said, "Red carp, green carp..."

While Shi Stark was forced and guessing what the operation was, Fury bit his tongue several times to finish the tongue twister.

Li Feng said with a look of contempt: "I am almost scared by your weird tongue twister for half of my life."

After a pause, Li Feng said quietly, "I am a magician."

Fury frowned. He didn't believe a word about magician. He only knew that Li Feng had a lot of skills, Hypnotic Ability, and teleport. Now it seems that he still needs to write mind control on the information: just a man with multiple abilities. Ability? There is no record of this...

Before Fury's entanglement was over, Li Feng pulled out a long stick from a small shoulder bag and pointed to the wine glass floating in front of him.

In Fury's surprised look, the wine glass first turned into a rabbit, hopped in front of him and turned into a teapot. Under Li Feng's control, the teapot filled his empty wine glass with tea.

Fury rubbed one eye and looked at Li Feng's long stick and the shoulder bag that can store the long stick. He also looked at the tea fragrance in front of him. He wanted to call the doctor in the bureau to ask if it was something. The Hypnotic Ability technique caused him to have hallucinations.

Stark walked to the bar, curiously smelled the tea, turned around and asked, "Man, can you drink this thing? And, can you lend me that stick? I want to turn my wall into gold ."

Li Feng rolled his eyes at Stark: "Save the province, I know that all things become gold are excuses, you just want to study my long stick, but this thing is a fire stick in your hands."

"Shapeshifting has three elements. If you are not a magician, I will not explain them one by one. One of them is that the nature of the object will not change after shapeshifting."

"For example," Li Feng walked to the bar, tapped Fury's pistol shot on the bar with a long stick, turning the pistol into a scented turkey, and said, "Don't look at this turkey, no matter what it looks like. It still feels the same as turkey, and you can even use a knife and fork to cut a piece of plump chicken from this live chicken, but when you eat it in your mouth, you will find that there is no turkey taste at all except the taste of a pistol. If you insist on eating this live chicken into your stomach..."

Li Feng scratched his head and looked at Fury who was curiously holding the turkey in his hand and looking over and over again, and asked, "What is your pistol made of? Can human intestines and stomach digest it?"

In response to Li Feng’s question, Stark and Fury rolled their eyes and responded: Are your pistols fried with flour and other ingredients? Can you digest...

Fury, however, cares about another question: "What is the long stick in your hand, and can you shoot and kill after turning the glass into a pistol?"

Li Feng shook the long stick and said true or false: "This is a magic weapon, just like a transformer that can ensure the function of the voltage within a safe value. When I have stronger control in the future, this thing will be given to you. Can."

Fury squinted his eyes and said, "In other words, if you lose this stick, your Ability will drop a lot?"

Upon hearing this, Li Feng guessed what the other party wanted to do. He rolled his eyes and put the long stick aside, turning himself into a Fury appearance. After a few steps back, he dragged a blazing fireball with one hand and said, "I know you want to." Steal my magic weapon, but I have to remind you that I only need some magic tools to practice before I have mastered it, but this does not mean that I can't practice it, and..."

Feeling the heat of the fireball in front of him, Fury cut his lips and interrupted: "You know, you remind me of Talos like this."

Pointing to his head, Fury said quietly, "I don't know if you still have an impression of Natasha Romanoff. I don't know if you accidentally or deliberately. You once told her that you didn't want to see me when you were weak, so now... Your strength...very strong?"

If Li Feng hadn’t become Fury, Shi Stark might not understand what Fury meant by inexplicably talking about Talos, but now he heard that Fury was referring to someone in this world who could become someone else at any time. He speculated wildly: What if that Talos becomes his appearance? ......

Shi Stark: "Who is Talos?"

Feeling speechless, Li Feng understood the meaning of Fury’s words and still suspected that he was an alien. While thinking of the chief scientist of the Skrew people, he ignored Fury’s eyes and said, “A group of green-skinned aliens living in the earth’s orbit. People, among them, there is a guy who used hammer wrenches and other tools to transform an airplane into a space fighter overnight. I think you and him must have a lot in common."

"Earth orbit?" Shi Stark asked in confusion, and whispered, "I always thought I was at the pinnacle of my life. There is nothing I can't know, but now it seems... first a group of magicians, and then a group of aliens. People? Can any of you return the beautiful earth in my mind?"

While wondering how to keep Shi Stark's alien affairs secret, Fury noticed that Shi Stark described magician in a ‘group’ of units, and squinted his eyes and asked, “There are many magicians on earth?”

Li Feng spread his hands and asked, "Otherwise? Without the inheritance of magician from generation to generation, where do I go to learn spells? Will I just imagine it out of thin air and then cast it out of nowhere?"

Noting that Li Feng can cast spells through learning, Fury took a deep breath, rubbed his forehead and asked, "What are the requirements to become a magician, and where are you usually?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Put away your careful thoughts, they are busy defending the earth, so they don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"My duty is also to defend mankind," Fury pointed to himself, and said, "Maybe we have many common languages. Or give me a phone number to contact me." At this point, Fury looked at Li Feng and asked Said: "Then you, why aren't you busy protecting the earth, and how do you magicians usually contact? Do you rely on the phone? But I found out that you have never bought a phone or paid a fee to the communications company."

With a hand drooping on the bar, Li Feng thought for a while: If you want to get gems, you have to join the Avengers team. Anyway, Fury will know some of his old bottom...

Li Feng shook his head and said, "I won't tell you about the group of holy place magicians. As for me, you can understand it as a wild magician. This is also when I had no power or strength behind me, I didn't dare to have much to do with you. s reason."

"To be honest, this gives me the feeling that you know me, but I don't know you exist." Fury shrugged and smiled: "You don't provide other magician accommodation. I can hardly believe that you are a magician. Maybe as I guessed before, you are just an alien with special abilities..."

Fury looked at Stark and said, "It's like Talos can copy the recent memory of the transformed object in addition to the shapeshifting ability."

Li Feng spread his hands and gave a "believe it or not" expression, then looked at Fury with a smile, and shouted, "Kreacher, give me a piece of French fries."

On the side, Stark, who is quietly acting as an audience, didn’t notice that Fury was warning him to put away his curiosity, otherwise not only would aliens become himself, but he would also be aware of recent memories, but... Fury didn't know enough about Shi Stark, which properly aroused Shi Stark's more exuberant curiosity.

It’s just that Stark also understands that the gadgets made by visiting aliens are different. This is a new, unknown, and huge field. At that time, if you don’t learn any technology, you will be infected with the alien virus first. It's not fun anymore, so Stark still knows that his curiosity should be restrained for the time being before he has a good defense mechanism.

But... Stark looked at Li Feng: Here is a magician who can go back to the past. What if something happens to him? ......

After thinking about it, Shi Stark finally nodded to Fury, saying that he understood what he meant. As for Li Feng’s time ability, Li Feng is his father, and he will help him all the time and free of charge. Moreover, he is still thinking about Li Feng’s time. I have said what does the'time' I want to get from my hands mean, which makes Li Feng always vigilant.

Now, let’s take a look at Fury's expression when Kreacher is on the stage: I guess it must be funny...

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