The sun is falling.

Lift off at dusk.

This continuous battle lasted for a whole day, until the sky dome was covered with stars and the light of the crescent moon flowed into the void, which would subside and come to an end.

And at the end of this day, Wang Yi’s divine body directly increased by ten percent, and the attribute value increased by fifty points in an all-round way!

This is the superiority of the divine body.

Ordinary people who want to improve their combat power need to go through countless hardships, opportunities and creation, and under all kinds of bonuses, they may not be able to increase their strength by a few points, but this divine body only needs to continuously promote awakening, which can increase its strength and strengthen its origin!

Of course, such as Wang Yi’s phaseless divine body, it actually belongs to the relatively shameless category of divine body.

Although the divine body is strong, but the consumption of physical essence is also extremely large, it can be called a huge amount, generally speaking, ordinary divine bodies fight hard for a while, the essence is exhausted, and it is necessary to rest a lot to restore the spirit, therefore, the vast majority of divine bodies although the improvement is extremely fast, but there are also certain limits.

However, this phaseless divine body does not have such restrictions.

Since awakening the divine body, Wang Yi has never worried about the problem of exhaustion, the essence in the body is almost an endless spring, constantly taking and using, as long as there is an opponent, you can constantly fight and tap the limit of the potential of the physical body!

This kind of unrestrained self-improvement divine ability can definitely be described in two words.

That’s against the sky!

Of course, because it is too against the sky and is jealous of the heavens, when it truly awakens, the phaseless divine body will also have a heavy calamity, and there is no need to mention it here.

After sweeping away many cubs, Wang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the grass.

Listening to the rolling waterfall in his ears, like a symphonic sound, his eyes saw the vastness of the starry river, like ten thousand bright lights, his bloody spirit fell, and his heart gradually became peaceful.

At this time, a discordant voice came from his ears.

“Ha, one kind of beast milk, two kinds of beast milk, three kinds of beast milk…”

The bear child sat on the side, fiddling with the bottles and jars, and after counting the numbers, flowers almost bloomed on his face with a smile, and said, “Thank you for your blessing, second brother, this time we have a big harvest, today alone, we have harvested forty-seven kinds of beast milk, which has taken a solid step for us to dominate the beast milk world!” ”

Hearing the word second old, Wang Yi rolled his eyes, did not speak, still sat and watched the changes in the sky dome and the new moon.

Put away the bottles and cans in his hand, but the bear child did not stop, approached, and said with wide eyes: “By the way, the second brother, what is going on with your flesh, I don’t feel anything after a day, this spirit is too much, right?” What kind of divine body are you? It’s strong. ”

Although the bear child is naughty, he is not stupid, he noticed this when he fought with Wang Yi before, but at that time, because the relationship was not close enough, he didn’t ask more, until now, he felt that the relationship was almost the same, so he asked.

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled, and still did not answer.

Seeing that he was silent, the bear child scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, obviously a little anxious, ran back and forth three times, and came closer to him, and replied, “Don’t you stop talking, it’s a big deal I won’t call you the second eldest in the future, so let’s trade fairly, if you tell me what kind of divine body you are, then you can also ask me a question.” ”

Receiving this message, Wang Yi’s spirit couldn’t help but be shocked, and he slowly spoke: “My divine body is a phaseless divine body. ”

“Phaseless Divine Body? What kind of divine body is that? ”

Obviously, the phaseless divine body is not famous in the world, and the bear child does not know about it, and he looks ignorant.

Wang Yi had to inform him of the efficacy of the phaseless divine body, and the bear child suddenly took a sharp breath of cold air and said in shock: “Your divine body, it is indeed very tight, it can absorb the characteristics of a variety of divine bodies, obediently, if it can really be accomplished, then won’t it be able to go against the sky and sweep everything?” ”

“How could it be so easy.”

Wang Yi shook his head, but did not agree with this view.

The strength of the divine body is indeed strong, but to be able to go to the supreme and step on the peak, it is not just a divine body can do it.

Just like Emperor Ye Tian, it is for the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, it is a supreme physique, but he is the only one in the world who is the Desolate Ancient Holy Body?

Apparently not!

There are many Dacheng Saint Bodies in the world, all of which can step into the void and smash the Great Star with one blow, but in the end, there is only one Ye Tiandi who can incarnate the strongest and suppress the heavens and thousands of paths!

Is the divine body the strongest?

Apparently not!

There is a female emperor, as a mortal body, but in the end can continue to transform, to the end, with that Ye Tiandi stepped on the supreme, overlooking the long river of years, her combat power is so strong, sweeping thousands of divine bodies!

The divine body can only allow people to surpass ordinary people and have a leading position, and if they want to truly go to the strongest place, transcend the earth, and come to the world, it still depends on people.

With so many thoughts going through his mind, Wang Yi felt something in his heart, and slowly said: “There is no invincible divine body, only invincible people.” ”

Hearing this, the bear child’s eyes lit up slightly, nodded slightly, and obviously agreed with this view.

Wang Yi paused and said, “Just now you said that I can ask you a question, for the sake of fairness, I also have a question I want to ask, what kind of divine body are you?” ”

Hearing this question, the bear child suddenly fell silent.

With a flexible temperament, he was unprecedentedly low, his eyes were dull and dishonorable, and after a long time, he said.

“I once had a bone, a bone that was called invincible.”

“However, this femur was taken away by others.”

“When I lost my bones, I was very young, I almost died on the spot, and then I didn’t die by luck due to chance, survived, and grew up to this day.”

After listening to this paragraph, Wang Yi’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he almost didn’t shout.

After taking a few deep breaths, he barely controlled his emotions and asked softly, “Who took your bones?” ”

The bear child shook his head and said, “That force, I can’t say, because that force is too strong, even beyond the extraordinary force, saying it, it will only cause disaster, I don’t want you to bear the danger, I can only write it down for the time being.” ”


“One day, what I lost, I must get back with my own hands!”

Speaking of this, the bear child’s eyes sank, his expression was solemn, and his face was unprecedentedly fierce.

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