The entire Feiyun City was in chaos in an instant!

At this time, it was originally in the middle of the night, everything was silent, it was the moment when most of the residents cultivated and recuperated, only some players and idlers wandered around, and the movement was quite small, however, because of the appearance of the bear child, the whole city woke up from the slumber on the spot, and the sound boiled to the extreme!

“The bear kid is coming? Obedient! ”

“Why is he here, it’s over, it’s over, it’s over, it’s going to turn the sky again.”

“Last time when Tianjiao was born, this bear child was born, and he had already turned over a lot of people, and now he is here again, I don’t know how many things to provoke!”

The residents shouted and shouted, and the depth of the resentment was hidden in every word of the conversation.

A shout swept in all directions and reached Wang Yi’s ears, making him touch his chin, look at the child next to him, and raise his eyebrows: “It seems that your fame seems to be a little big.” ”

The bear child rarely showed an embarrassed expression, smiled, and said, “You don’t actually blame me for this, who made me famous here?” After all, I’m not a native here. ”

A four or five-year-old child, no matter how genius, is just a child, being praised by such a child as the first in Tianjiao, and he is not a local, how can Feiyun City have light on his face?

Therefore, everyone in this city regarded him as a tiger, which was also somewhat normal.

Glancing at the bear child’s expression, Wang Yi couldn’t help shaking his head and chuckling, waved his hand, stopped talking, and led him into the city.

Until this moment, the people of Feiyun City, who were shocked, realized that it turned out that the bear child was not just alone, in addition, there was another person who came with him.

And this one …

When everyone saw his face, they were stunned on the spot.

This is the Heavenly Emperor?

How did he get mixed up with this bear child?

Did they know each other?

For a while, all kinds of speculations jumped out of people’s minds, and the ideas were strange and difficult to summarize completely.

That night, the behavior of Wang Yi and the bear child walking together surfaced on the game forum, causing waves again.

“What’s going on? What did the first person in this game think and how did he walk with children? ”

“Maybe it’s a coincidence?”

“By chance? There are only two people walking together late at night, and it is too reluctant to say two words, right? ”

“Hehe, according to my opinion, this Heavenly Emperor seems to have a relationship with this bear child, and moreover, this relationship seems to be not shallow.”

The players are obviously not stupid, and soon come to the conclusion that Wang Yi and the bear child have hooked up.

And the reaction of the vast majority of players to this inference is…

Laugh out loud!

“Hahaha, this Heavenly Emperor is really funny, right? If I were him, at this time, the friends should be recognized by all kinds of Tianjiao, even the legendary invincible divine body, so as to ensure contacts and build a good foundation for the future, a five or six-year-old child, what is the need to make friends? ”

“Yes, I don’t know what he is thinking, five or six-year-old children, who don’t understand anything, just have some talent, what benefits can it bring?” In this case, he actually formed a friendship with the bear child, this is a brain twitch, right? ”

“Hehe, I think the Heavenly Emperor is too inflated, thinking that he is now the first person in the game, so he can play at will? He didn’t understand the situation at all, that bear kid took the first place in Tianjiao in Feiyun City, not only the player’s face was dull, but the game characters didn’t treat him very well, he thought that he could be kind at will at this time? Gee, this matter, I’m afraid he made a big mistake! ”

The players laughed.

The players shook their heads.

They all made remarks, concluding that the Heavenly Emperor’s move was chaos, even if there were a few people who were relatively calm in their brains and could think about the meaning of the Heavenly Emperor’s move, and after thinking about it a little, they all shook their heads, and they also felt that the Heavenly Emperor’s move was unreasonable.

How much can a five- or six-year-old child be worth?

Is a normal person knows, what to do at this time, dare not do anything, but this Heavenly Emperor acted against it, he really thought that this game was opened by his family?

This Heavenly Emperor is estimated to suffer a loss.

Countless people secretly shook their heads and had this judgment in their hearts.

And just when these people were frantically discussing on the Internet and expressing their own ideas, on the other side, Wang Yi had already fought with the bear child.

Of course, this kind of competition is not due to infighting, or the harassment of someone who can’t bear to ask to go together to find the beast milk, but just for friendly discussion.

In Flying Cloud City.

An extremely wide inn clearing.

In the middle of that clearing, heavy sound waves stirred, and the wind of fury swept wildly.

The mighty qi wave rolled up a violent momentum, swept the floating dust and danced, and in this turbulent floating dust, the two figures intersected with each other, fighting continuously, the speed was so fast that the figure was blurred, so that people could not see it clearly!

On the side, several genius warriors of the Xiao family stared at this battle, their faces were as dull as wood carvings, and they were already stunned in place.

This gap is really too big.

Just as bystanders, watching the competition between Wang Yi and the bear child, these genius warriors also perceive the terrifying destructive power between the two sides, put themselves in the position of hypothetical, if they face an opponent of this level, I am afraid that the other party only needs to punch out, they can’t even dodge, even if they will die on the spot!

Recognizing this almost unattainable gap in strength, the Xiao family’s genius warrior’s face couldn’t help but be surprised, his heart moved slightly, and his awe for Wang Yi became deeper and deeper.

After exchanging hands for a moment, Wang Yi suddenly dropped to the high speed, stood on the ground, waved his hand, and said, “Stop!” ”

As soon as it fell, the bear child froze.

Wang Yi waved his hand and said, “Didn’t you say that you want to compete in martial arts?” What’s going on with you, always hitting me on the knee and doing? ”

The bear child wrinkled his nose and defended dissatisfiedly: “I wanted to attack your face, but my height is so tall, if I punch down, I can only hit the knee, what can I do?” ”

“Well, you have a point.”

Wang Yi thought for a while, then nodded and said, “Let’s stop here today, eat first.” ”

When the bear child heard that he was going to eat, he immediately cheered, jumped up, and ran out happily.

Looking at the performance of the other party’s child’s heart, Wang Yi smiled lightly, but did not rush to leave, but stood in place.

“After this big battle, I should have gained something.”

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