After scanning the game forum, making sure that there was nothing to pay attention to, Wang Yi suddenly felt hungry, so he cleaned up, walked out the door, and prepared to find a place to eat, and then get a good night’s sleep.

He has struggled in the game for too long, and his spirit is extremely tired, and although the game warehouse has many benefits and can play multiple effects, it is not omnipotent.

Walking out of the apartment door, it was already midnight outside the door, the moon was hanging high in the sky, the light was shining, most of the restaurants were closed, the lights were down, and only some late-night food stalls were still operating.

After finding a familiar food stall, stepping in, ordering a few side dishes and a bottle of beer, Wang Yi sat down and waited for the food to be served.

At this point in the middle of the night, there are always night owls who come out to find food, and right next to him, a group of young people gathered together, looking like college students nearby, men and women, talking and laughing, talking about chores.

And what they are talking about is the game “Fantasy World”.

“Lying groove, the progress of this game is too slow, I played all day today, and the proficiency of several basic skills has only reached more than two hundred, which is really slow.”

A young man with glasses sighed softly, and his tone was understated, as if complaining.

When this voice came out, several people next to them were shocked in their hearts and quickly exclaimed.

“Lying groove, yes, you have actually practiced more than two hundred, and I have only practiced more than one hundred!”

“What city are you?” Is it okay to take me with you? ”

“It is estimated that no, this fantasy world is very large, there are actually more than 10,000 cities in total, the players are randomly assigned, if you want to encounter this, I don’t know how difficult it will be, hey, it seems that you can’t hold your thighs.”


For the compliment of his friend, the glasses young man who pretended to be successful smiled, glanced at a delicate-looking girl next to him, and felt that it seemed that he had not pretended enough, coughed lightly, and said: “In the game promotion, it is said that the improvement of the game character can bring about changes in the body in real life, I originally did not believe it, but now I believe it, I now feel that my body has become a little stronger.” ”

When this sentence was spoken, it immediately caused another exclamation.

“Really fake? So powerful? ”

“Such an exaggeration? Can you feel it now? ”

“Let’s show everyone a little!”

Under the coaxing of everyone, the glasses man coughed lightly, and suddenly with a force, the muscles on his arms stood out, and the lines were very distinct, causing a wave of admiration, and even the beautiful girl was smiling slightly, as if she was marveling.

Looking at this scene, Wang Yi secretly chuckled, and his heart moved slightly.

Young people love to show off, this is normal, plus some of the girls in that group of people are really good-looking, want to show off in front of the girls they like, this is also a common human feeling, just…

“Because of this game, reality has faintly begun to change.”

His heart moved secretly, and he couldn’t help but think of the black words said by some netizens on the Internet, saying that he would become a flower picker, a gangster boss and the like, and couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“The sudden expansion of power will certainly make desire (harmony) indulge, and in the coming period, society will probably become turbulent, and I don’t know how many things will be born, alas, eventful.”

Thinking about the future, the waiter brought the meal and beer, and Wang Yi picked up the beer smoothly, touched the bottle mouth casually, and poured it vigorously.


With a soft sound, the originally sealed bottle cap opened!

The waiter, who was still a little lazy, was thinking of taking the bottle opener to open a beer, and when he saw this situation, his eyes widened when he saw it, and he said in a trembling voice: “Sir…”


Wang Yi looked up at him, and before he realized what he had done, his palm subconsciously squeezed again.

Under the force, the nature changed, and the hard bottle made of steel skin was curled up when it landed, and it was directly pinched into iron balls!


Glancing at the bottle cap that was pinched into an iron ball, the corner of the waiter’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly smiled like a flower, and said respectfully, “Please sir enjoy it well, if you feel that the meal is not good, we can help you change it for free.” ”

“Oh, okay.”

Wang Yi nodded, did not pay attention to the things in his hand, threw them away casually, and began to drink by himself and officially started eating.

Under this throw, the iron ball clanged, like a small ball rolling down, just rolled to the other side of the table, and was seen by the group of college students who were touting the men with glasses.

When he boarded, the noisy and boiling voice suddenly stopped.



There was a dead silence.

After a long time, someone took a deep breath, and the sound of inhaling the cold air came faintly.


Everyone’s gaze shifted abruptly, looking at Wang Yi, who was eating happily, the glasses man stared, and then looked at his arm, suddenly retracted, his face was blushing, and the delicate goddess also opened her lips slightly, and her moist eyes were full of incredible emotions.

What is invisible pretense?

This is called invisible pretense!

Without saying a word, casually grab iron into a ball, this is a real fierce person!

“This Nima is the true god.”

Someone whispered, looking faintly excited.

Because the two were not familiar, although these college students were excited in their hearts, they did not go up directly to ask questions, so Wang Yi ate this meal very quietly, and after a windy meal, he ate all the meals.

After paying the bill, Wang Yi didn’t realize what he had done, and glanced at the college students who were dodging in his eyes, feeling a little strange, but he didn’t have the heart to pay attention to them, so he floated away.

“When you go back, get a good night’s sleep, and then fight again!”

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