Some kind of parallel world.

Garden complex, in a small apartment.

“Ah, finally finished a book.”

Internet writer Wang Yi let out a long breath and stretched out, his expression lazy and scattered.

Eighteen years old this year, he is one meter seven or eight meters tall, born with a resolute face, a strong figure, in the outside world, he can also be regarded as a handsome young man, can attract the attention of many women, but unfortunately …

He is an orphan and a virgin.

In fact, there is a secret that has never been known, that is….

He is a crosser.

The world that Wang Yi crossed over is not much different from his previous life, the level of science and technology is not much different, the country is also Huaxia, American imperialism, Dongying and the like, except for the title, the other gaps are not much different.

Well, there are always some unusual places, after being awkward for a while, Wang Yi also adapted, and his first thought was naturally to think about how to survive in this world.

In his previous life, as an ordinary person, Wang Yi really had no expertise in addition to reading novels, so his first idea was to copy novels and gain a future.

However, here’s the problem.

The online literature of this world is quite monotonous, only martial arts are in charge, and there are no fantasy fairy novels at all!

As an orphan with no background, Wang Yi thought about it seriously, and for the sake of safety, he still chose to copy martial arts novels and try it first.

Although he has little talent in literature and no talent for writing, the high-quality plot of the novel still attracts many fans, so he has earned a family business.

And just when Wang Yi finished writing a book, he felt that his pen power had greatly increased, and he was ready to open the door to the fantasy world for this world, an online news instantly swept the whole world!

The virtual online game “Fantasy World” is about to be released to the public!

A game company that suddenly appeared proclaimed that this online game uses virtual reality technology, which can link the game through the game headset and game warehouse, which is extremely realistic and almost indistinguishable from the real world, and, more shockingly, this game claims to inherit the ability in the game to reality, can promote reality, and improve the human ability in reality!

As soon as the news came out, the entire network was like a stone thrown into the water, instantly boiling!

Countless people left messages on the Internet.

“Groove, really fake? Can in-game abilities be carried over to reality? What kind of online game is this? The latest technology? ”

“Fantasy world? What is a fantasy world? How come I haven’t been exposed to this word before? ”

“It’s incredible, isn’t it? Is it false propaganda? What kind of technology this company has come up with, it’s simply inhuman! What about the government? Hurry up and give a word? ”

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and many people will be skeptical and want a suitable response from the government.

The content of this news is really incredible, it is unbelievable!

The government’s answer was.

It’s true.

For fear that the public will not believe it, the government also added that if it does not believe it, you can try it yourself at that time.

As soon as he said this, countless netizens immediately shouted.

“Such a statement, it seems that it must be true!”

“Hahaha, it’s actually true? It seems that the time has come to change your destiny, as a game master, how can you miss it? ”

“It’s time to change the sky!”

And when Wang Yi saw this information, the whole person was stunned for a while.

Fantasy world?

“Wouldn’t you?”

He muttered in his heart, flipping his mouse and searching for information about the game.

Surprisingly, I don’t know what kind of thoughts the game official has, “Fantasy World” released not much information, to sum up, there are only a few four pieces of information.

First: the specific world background is unknown, which is very different from the ordinary martial arts novel world, but it has extraordinary powers beyond ordinary people.

Second: the cultivation system is very secretive, and it is only known that there are three titles: mortal, trainee martial artist and martial artist.

Third: After the game is opened, the comparison between the real world and the game world time is 1:3, in addition, there is a half-month novice period for everyone to familiarize themselves with.

Third: the power is unknown, the strong do not know, even how many peak characters in the game are not very clear, at present, for the time being, only know that there are Yan Emperor, Barren Heaven Emperor, Ye Tiandi, Galaxy Lord several peak powerhouses.

When netizens saw this, they didn’t feel too surprised, they just thought that the game official was very pitted and didn’t reveal any information at all, but when Wang Yi saw this information, the whole person was confused.

Others don’t know the twists and turns in it, how can he, as a traverser, not know what it means?

“Yan Emperor, Barren Heavenly Emperor, Ye Tiandi, Galaxy Lord…”

“In a world where everyone doesn’t know anything about these people, not even their names, how can they be in this game?”

“This… What exactly is the game? ”

Wang Yi’s heart was horrified, an inexplicable heat surged in his heart, he felt that his body was trembling slightly, and some blood-boiling sentences inexplicably sounded in his brain.

“Pick the stars with the sun and moon in your hands, there is no such person as me in the world!”

“I am Hongmeng, controlling all living beings!”

“When the yin and yang are in turmoil, stain the sky with my demon blood!”

Such a world, really arrived?

Also, the name of this “Fantasy World” game….

In-game abilities can feed back into the magical power of reality….

“There must be a big problem behind this game!”

Wang Yimeng gritted his teeth, couldn’t help but take a deep breath, his eyes moved up, and then looked at the name of the game company.

Fantasy World Inc.?

In this world, it was the first time he saw the name of this company, which he had never heard before, and it was like popping up overnight!


And what does it mean?

Wang Yi pondered for a moment and shook his head again.

Forget it, you don’t have to think about these questions in your heart for the time being, because no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to get an answer, and the most important thing now is this game.

Fantasy world?

In this world, who can understand better than him what is called the fantasy world?

Coupled with the names of those fierce people, this properly gave him a cognitive ability beyond ordinary people!

Thinking of this, Wang Yi’s heart beat faster, his mind floated, and he couldn’t help himself.

As long as you think about the divine energy that explodes stars at will, immortal life is in sight, as a mortal, how can you remain calm?

“Hahaha, the time has come to run, it seems that the time for me to develop has finally arrived.”

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