The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 249: : Justice is executed!

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"Stop! You criminals!"

The door of the convenience store was pushed open again, and William, who had the word "good man" written on his face, stepped in, pointed his right hand diagonally at the two gun-wielding robbers, and shouted righteously: "Put your gun out of that gentleman's face. Move away, or I'll smash your ass!"

The four people in the convenience store looked at William who suddenly appeared in confusion, as if something was wrong.

The female clerk began to inhale, making her chest bigger. It's not uncommon to have been robbed a lot, but today is very different.

It's rare for a robbery to crash a car, and now there's another... eh, wait! Why is this guy so handsome!

"f**kyou! Say it again! Huh?" Another robber pointed the muzzle of his gun at William, to see if he dared to be so arrogant!

Where is the fool, read more blood comics!

"Do you want to pretend to be a superhero! Dare to **** gun!"

Even though the muzzle of the gun was only two meters away from his chest, William did not panic at all, and there was even a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, "Wrong!"

At this time, his heart was full of passion, and he actually encountered criminal acts. In Batman's comics, such criminals are just the simplest tool for practicing.

Before you get the battle suit, practice with these little minions.

The handsome lines are already circling in my mind, and the tall and straight figure must be handsome and compelling at this time. Batman can become a superhero after continuing to commit crimes for several years!

Then he! Williams can too!

"I'm not pretending to be a superhero, I'm a superhero, crime has to be cleared, right..."


The shotgun spit out a tongue of flame, knocking William out of the convenience store.

"Idiot!" The masked robber sneered, then pointed the gun at the female clerk.

When the female clerk saw that the robber had really killed someone, she nodded desperately in fear, pulled out the drawer of the cash register, handed it to the masked robber, and then raised the French military salute.

The robber opened the black cloth bag and poured all the money into the bag. Through the mouth of the bag, you could see that there was already some money in the bag.

Before they came here, they had already robbed several places, and they only robbed the change that was not easy to be detected. The convenience store was their best target.

The black man raised his hands high when the gunshots rang out, squinted his eyes, and pretended he didn't see anything.

"Come on, we're going to the next house! Those notes are coming too!"

"The note is here, just kill them! Ha!"

The masked robber put money and some small snacks into the bag, and said some terrible words with impunity.


When they were about to finish their business, there was another loud roar from the convenience store door, and then the store door was pushed open again. William, who was nothing, had a fearful expression, and then his eyes were fixed on the two ghostly masked robbers.


After a loud shout, William jumped up and slammed his right fist into the shotgun in the hands of a masked robber.

The gun was flattened, and the masked robber pulled the trigger subconsciously. As a result, the shotgun exploded, and his arm was bloodied by the burst barrel.


"OMG!" Seeing this scene, the female clerk immediately squatted under the counter, and the development of the matter had gone beyond her comprehension.

Why is that person okay after being shot, is he "Su Paba"!


The two robbers were punched in the chest respectively, and their bodies flew upside down. I don't know how many ribs were broken in their chests.

After the two fell to the ground and vomited blood, William picked up the intact shotgun and pistol. These guns can still be sold for money, should they be considered legal income? perhaps?

After doing this, he came to the cashier counter and smiled wildly to the female clerk lying on the ground: "Beautiful lady, I have subdued the robber, you are safe!"

When the female clerk heard the words, she stood up cautiously. Seeing the miserable condition of the convenience store, she nodded stiffly, "Okay... Okay, thank you sir, can I... Can I call the police?"

Call the police? !

The smile on William's face disappeared, and he ran away the next moment.

This person wants to call the police, he can't be found, let's go and sell the gun first!


When William began to figure out how to become a superhero, John has also completed the three-point success in the convenience store rush, and reaped hundreds of dollars.

After getting the money, he couldn't resist buying some marijuana and medicine from old friends.

After using it, I feel nothing at all...

He didn't believe in evil, and he used it for more than ten days at a time, but his body still didn't have any reaction!

Drugs are useless, he goes to the red light district!

As a result, the girl sucked for a long time, but she didn't respond. It seemed that the following was just a useless decoration!


On the overpass, John collapsed and threw the medicines that had not been used up into the river, roaring up to the sky.

His source of happiness is gone! Without that kind of happiness, what use is the money he grabbed!

Without that kind of happiness, he can't even find the meaning of life!

Losing his short-term goals, John fell into a period of confusion in his life. Although he once thought about how wonderful his life would be after quitting drugs, when he really quit, he fell into even greater confusion.

What am I living for? What should I do next? What am I doing now! ! !

Is there anyone to answer his question!


Ignoring the strange eyes of passers-by around him, John raised his **** and gestured towards the sky continuously.

The panic and confusion in his heart made him extraordinarily irritable. He waved his fist and slammed the bridge, breaking a section of the railing in three or two strokes and threw it into the river.

"Damn it!" Nearby passers-by saw John so fierce, and they were afraid to avoid it.

At this time, a police car stopped by the bridge with its flashing lights on. Two fat police officers got out of the police car and pulled out their pistols.

"Okay... that madman in front, turn around and put his hands on top of his head! You are suspected of sabotaging official business, and we will arrest you!" The fat white policeman raised his pistol and aimed it at John, with an irritated expression on his face. expression.

It's these **** who are making trouble again, and this time they directly demolished the guardrail of the bridge. God knows why they are so restless!

Hearing the piercing siren and the somewhat familiar voice, John turned his head viciously and cursed, "You like catching black people, don't you! Ha! I've had enough of your discrimination, come on! Shoot! !"

Naturally, the two policemen would not give John a chance to make headlines tomorrow. After loading the pistol, they shouted according to law enforcement procedures: "Stand where you are! Put your head in your hands! I only repeat it three times!"

"**Your mother! Shoot!" John's mental state is very His expression is very frantic, and he is banging his chest while walking, as if he is telling the two policemen Shoot him in the chest.

"Second warning, stand still or we'll shoot!"

Naturally, not to be outdone, the police issued a second warning.

But the result was still the same, and John continued walking slowly, like a furious chimpanzee.

Then, the police fired, and the magazine was instantly emptied within three seconds. The crowd around the bridge exclaimed, and the mobile phone kept pointing at John.

John was shot more than a dozen times, and he only took two steps back, and he couldn't see the feeling of being hit by a pistol.

When the sound of the firing pin sounded, the fate of the two policemen was doomed!

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