The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 634: The world is surging

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

"What, what are you talking about?" Liu Piaopiao asked curiously.

Jin Buxuan handed over the invitation with respect, Liu Piaopiao took a look, and his brow furrowed.

"Husband, this is a reshuffle of forces." Liu Piaopiao said directly.

"Well? Continue to say!" Ye Xuan said with **** tapping on the table.

"Husband, the invitation on the invitation is to discuss the distribution of treasures. In fact, their goal is very clear, and that is to re-divide the forces." Liu Piaofu explained again.

"And then." Ye Xuan questioned.

"I feel that a lot of big things will happen this time. The former Gongsun Yang may be the **** to try, including the top ten villains." Liu Piaopiao speculated.

"Yes, young master, the young grandma is right. Those people should be the head of Gongsun, Gongsun Duming sent to try to see if you are qualified to participate in it." Jin Bu took the lead.

"If not qualified?" Ye Xuan quipped.

"If you don't have the qualifications, then our Emperor Xuancheng might be facing a great crisis." Jin Buchang changed his voice.

"It turns out that I understand." Ye Xuan said lightly.

"Master, do you need me to prepare something?" Jin Buchang asked.

"No, I will go by myself, and Master Li." Ye Xuan thought of Master Li.

"Waiting outside." Jin Buxuan replied.

"Let him come in." Ye Xuan took a sip of tea.

Soon, Master Li walked in under the leadership of Jin Buchang.

"I've seen Lord Ye." Master Li said respectfully.

"You should understand, keep what you mean." Ye Xuan Shen said.

"Do I have another choice?" Master Li smiled bitterly.

"Master Li understands people, I won't say much, I just hope that Master Li can do his best." Ye Xuan stared at his eyes.

Master Li nodded, then smiled bitterly.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he came directly to take him in this time.

After letting Jin Buhuan take Master Li away, Li Yaoya sat on Ye Xuan's body.

"Husband, do you really not take us after 20 days?" Li Yaoya asked worriedly.

"No, you stay at home, the Emperor Xuancheng needs you, and the Emperor Gate, which is developing at the moment, cannot leave you and Gone with the Wind." Ye Xuan said softly.

"But." Li Yaoyao still worried.

After all, two fists are invincible, and in her mind, fewer people are going to suffer.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm fine." Ye Xuan kissed Li Yaoya's face and chuckled lightly.

In the evening, Ye Xuan came to Li Yaoyao's room. He hadn't been in Li Yaoya for a long time.

Pushing the door open, I saw Li Yaoyao just showering.

Listening to the familiar steps, Li Yaoya knows who it is without thinking.

Looking at her white skin, Ye Xuan walked directly into the bathroom.

Holding her, Ye Xuan started up / down / its / hands.

"Love me." Li Yaoyao whispered softly.

"Well!" Soon, the shy voice came from the bathroom.

After the ups and downs and the phoenix, after the joy of fish and water, Li Yaoya was lying on Ye Xuan's chest, panting continuously.

"My husband, I love you." Li Yaoya suddenly said.

"Ah, fool, what are you talking about?" Ye Xuan laughed, playing with her big white rabbit.

"Husband, if I leave you one day, what will you do." Li Yaoya asked softly.

Ye Xuan looked at Li Yaoya, and then tightened his arms tightly, said in a bully: "No, I won't let you leave me, neither of you can leave me."

"Yes." Li Yaoya squeezed into Ye Xuan's chest.

"If one day I'm gone, you have to live well." Ye Xuan didn't know what to do, he said such a sentence.

"No, there won't be such a day." Li Yaoya said eagerly.

"Fool, I will talk about it casually." Ye Xuan did not expect that Li Yaoyao's reaction was so intense.

"If one day my husband left us, I would kill all the people who opposed the husband, and then follow her husband." Li Yaoya said firmly.

"I won't let you do that." Ye Xuan smiled and turned to lie on Li Yaoyao.

It was the spring breeze once again, speechless overnight.

The next day, Ye Xuan got up early and punched in the yard.

The Emperor Xuancheng remains the same, there is no change, the only change is probably to discuss Ye Xuan yesterday.

And after the Tianji newspaper claimed, no one dared to underestimate Emperor Xuancheng, no one dared to underestimate Ye Xuan.

The sword spirit of Murong Batian in Suzaku City was being cleared. Soon, more than ten sword spirits were forced out.

Jian Qi came out of the body and shot a deep hole directly on the ground.

The isolated Jianqi has this power, and one can imagine how terrible Ye Xuan is.

"Thank you, Elder." Murong Batian said to the old man who was in front of him.

"It's okay, but Ye Xuan, how are you going to deal with it." Big Elder asked.

"Lost, I will get it back by hand." Murong Batian said coldly.

"Okay, I am the owner of my Murong family. It is good to have this kind of heart. In the past few days, you will be by my side. I will teach you that as for the job at hand, let go temporarily." Gratified.

To know that a person ’s heart of martial arts is broken, it is completely abolished.

The Murong Batian in front of him seemed not to be affected at all.

Murong Batian froze for a moment, then nodded hurriedly.

He knows that there is another way above the martial arts, that is to cultivate life.

Only when you step into that path can you be considered a true cultivator.

The elders in front of him are the masters of life-saving, and their strength completely crushes themselves.

"Thanks to the elders for their success." Murong Batian said excitedly.

"You're welcome, it's all a family, and the sky is about to change. I should have made such a decision." The elder Shen said in a deep voice.

"The world is changing?" Murong Batian didn't understand.

"Okay, I won't say much. It's useless to talk too much. You go and explain, and then follow me into the secret room." The elder sighed.

After listening to Murong Batian, he hurried out and explained what was in his hands.

This scene happened not only at Murong's house, but also at the other three famous cities.

Everyone's movements are so unexpected, so that the younger generation are full of doubts.

But since they have access to the real road to heaven, those people are not thinking about others.

No matter what age, force is always supreme.

In Tianji Pavilion, Tianjizi looked at the data in his hand and shook his head involuntarily.

"Pavilion Lord." An old man came out.

"Master." Tian Jizi hurriedly stood up and said respectfully.

"Patriarch, hasn't the information been confirmed yet?" Said the old man.

"Master, not yet, but I feel fast, it should be during this time." Tianji Zi said.

"Ah!" The old man sighed, not talking.

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