Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

This sight made Murong next to him completely dumbfounded.

Especially when Jian Qi passed through Gongsun Yang's body, the kind of blood beads he brought out all covered his face.

He reached out and touched the blood on his face, and put it in front of his eyes. It felt a little warm.

"This, this." Murong stuttered completely.

Not only Murong Cong, but all the people beside him were completely dumbfounded at this time.

Who would have thought that Ye Xuan would be so fierce in his shots and so determined.

There is no time for remediation at all, so I knew Gongsun Yang's life in a flash.

And the sword spirit exploded by the tokens made the nine wicked men fighting Ye Xuan shrink their necks involuntarily.

"I said, no one can go." Ye Xuan's attitude is very clear.

As soon as these words came out, those who watched the excitement took a breath.

They previously believed that Ye Xuan taught Gong Sun Yang and Murong a little less than him at all, because he was too powerful.

One White Tiger City, one Suzaku City.

The details of the two famous cities are unfathomable. If Ye Xuan's brain is not a problem, he will definitely not offend.

But now, they have rejected the kind of conjecture they just had.

It seems that in Ye Xuan's eyes, the two famous cities are like two larger cats.

Tianjizi over there saw this and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, Gongsun Yang and Murong have always been in trouble, he certainly knows what is going on, otherwise he will not come to dissuade him.

Originally, he thought that his appearance would at least make Ye Xuan awake. Who knows, he still kills decisively, without a little hesitation.

The person behind Gongsun Yang is naturally the helm of the White Tiger City, the Gongsun family.

And it was his father, Gongsun Duming.

Otherwise, the top ten villains will not appear, and Lin Feng, the fast knifeman, will not join in.

The only person who is not surprised is probably Jin Buchang and Li Yaoyao.

The two had a deep understanding of perhaps Ang.

In Jin Buchang's eyes, there is nothing that Ye Xuan dared not do, just like he was before, Ye Xuan did not care about it at all.

Think about it, the Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

What kind of person is it to destroy the existence of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

Regardless of human nature, it is only said that the things stored by the Sihai Chamber of Commerce over the years are very large.

It can be said that it is more than enough to gather a group of people for a while to establish a famous city.

However, in the face of such a large interest, I still did not dare to help out.

But Ye Xuan dared, one person, monopolizing so many people, just to save the gold without changing.

In Ye Xuan's words, since you met, you can't see death.

The original Jin Buchang also believed that Ye Xuan was for his money.

Although there were some conflicts, Ye Xuan saved his life after all.

Afterwards, Jin Buxuan was willing to exchange half of the supplies from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce in exchange for Ye Xuan's life-saving grace.

But Ye Xuan smiled and left.

It was not until later that I discovered that I underestimated the person in front of me.

From the establishment of Emperor Xuan City, to Emperor Gate, to now, Ye Xuan did not mention this matter.

During this period of time, Jin Bu also recognized Ye Xuan.

He has repeatedly proposed the hidden wealth before handing in the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, but Ye Xuan refused with a smile.

"That belongs to you. The **** enmity in you still needs these supports. Besides, I don't need those things at all."

This was Ye Xuan's original words, and it was very touching to make Kim not change.

Since then, Jin, who has always been unwilling to be a person, has completely worshipped under Ye Xuan. is the best proof. In these times, Kim doesn't use the remnants of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce before, combined with that huge wealth, in just a short time, he created a super intelligence network.

Ye Xuan said nothing about this.

But now, Ye Xuan killed Gongsun Yang, so in the eyes of Jin Buchang it is so natural.

Those who dare to stand in front of Ye Xuan have no second path except death.

This point, Jin Buchang already understood.

Therefore, he is willing to become the butcher knife in Ye Xuan's hands.

Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, Jin Buchang smiled faintly: "Lin Feng, I will give you a chance, as long as you surrender to our young master now, I can plead for you, otherwise, I blame me for being fierce."

Lin Feng, who was opposite, had played dozens of rounds with Jin Buxian, and he clearly understood that the fat king general in front of him had been keeping his hands, otherwise the two would have been fighting each other for a long time.

This will hear Jin Buchang, Lin Feng turned his eyes to Ye Xuan over there.

"I am in charge of the kindness of Director Jin, and I am not the kind of ungrateful Lin Feng. Since I promised to **** the two sons away today, I can't say anything." Lin Feng, the sharp knife player, said in a deep voice.

When Jin Buxuan heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Feng was moved, but he could not violate his morality.

This is Jin Buchang's guess, and of course, it is also a true portrayal of Lin Feng.

"That's good, then I won't keep my hand." Jin Buchang chuckled a little, and then his hand moved faster.

As for Ye Xuan over there, this will look at the remaining nine evil people over there, ignoring them at all, but walking towards Murong leisurely.

"Don't come here, don't come here." Murong was scared and stupid from now on, and he kept going backwards, repeating such a sentence in his mouth.

"Don't go?" Ye Xuan mumbled, but his feet did not stop, but stepped out step by step.

"Ye Xuan, it wasn't me who wanted to come, it was Gong Sun Yang, it was him, he lied to me." From this, Murong would directly betray the dead Gong Sun Yang without any sense of guilt.

"Really, it seems that you are also a victim." Maybe said playfully.

"Yes, I am also a victim. I beg you, don't kill me." From then on, Murong gave up his rack and asked for mercy.

"Beg me? Then kneel." Ye Xuan said lightly.

When Murong heard this, he would kneel down on both legs.

But the last point of self-esteem in his heart was struggling with the last.

Watching Ye Xuan's movements, Master Li couldn't stand it.

"City Master Ye, let Murong Young Master." Master Li sighed.

"Release? Why do you depend on you?" Ye Xuan looked at Master Li over there with his eyes squinted.

"Don't forget, you didn't get rid of this matter, and you will be here in a moment, don't worry." Ye Xuan said playfully.

"Ye Chengzhu, you let the Murong prince, the old man is willing to take his hand and catch." Master Li said lightly.

"Shut your hands?" Ye Xuan mumbled, and ignored Master Li.

I saw him turning to look at Murong Cong in front of him, and said with a somber face: "Kneel down, or die."

This sentence seemed to overwhelm Murong's last straw.

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