Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Ye Xuan didn't start.

Zhao Wuji went up first.

As a master master, I have long wanted to meet Master Hong Men Bai Shentian for a while. He did not want his master to think that his strength was not good, especially when he saw the master's divinity.

Others don't know what that is.

But Zhao Wuji's expedition to the group book, I really saw this introduction.

Flying sword!

Flying sword that only the fairy can master.

This is completely different from the warrior's mouth spit flying sword.

The guru can breathe a breath at close range, killing people, or cutting things. It is terrifying, but the distance is too short, ten meters is far away.

This also requires strength to support.

The flying sword is different, but it is a long-distance killing, no one has time to resist, and the real killing is invisible.


As soon as Bai Shentian came up, a set of fierce punches, covered by Thunder's true energy, Zhao Wuji was the opponent. After three punches, he was retreated and his whole body became numb.

This is the terrible horror of Thunder.

The slightest arc invaded the body, paralyzing the flesh, and if the battle lasted for a long time, who could withstand such an attack could not withstand it at all.

It is normal that Zhao Wuji is not an opponent.

Bai Shentian never regarded ordinary guru as one thing.

After retreating Zhao Wuji, he stared at Ye Xuan, "You still come alone, kill my disciples, you will pay the price tonight!"

"An illegitimate child, why not!" Ye Xuan smiled, "If I were you, I would get out immediately, and I wouldn't join you, it wouldn't benefit you!"

Bai Shentian burst into flames.

This bastard, if you do n’t say the words ‘illegitimate’, you will die.

Bai Shentian came over with a slap, and the air was full of crackling voices.

That was Thunder's voice.

Ye Xuan is in a position where his body feels a little bit of numbness. The other party is really skilled in using Thunder's true energy.

It's a pity that this kind of thunder is really no threat to Ye Xuan.

Congenital bodies are not so good to shake.

Ye Xuan shook his figure, avoiding the thunder attack, and rushed to the front of Bai Shentian, kicking over.

"you wanna die!"

Bai Shentian has never seen such a courageous person. I really think that your flesh and body can bear the destruction power of your thunder. This foot will certainly be scrapped.

Thunder's body is really qi, that is famous.

When the idea came out, a sudden pain spread all over the body.

The thunder crashing around Bai Shentian, the whole person also flew a dozen meters away.

"I was kicked off!"

Bai Shentian's entire mind was blank, but he was so angry with Thunder's body protection, how could he be kicked by a foot, this shouldn't be.

"Good physical fitness, I don't know how many feet I can carry!"

Ye Xuan came up again and kicked on Bai Shentian's body. Wow, La Thunder's body protection collapsed again. The building behind him was kicked out of a big hole, and cracks were all over the building.

"Go help Brother Bai!"

Lin Yueshan saw the situation was not good, immediately went up to help.

Wuhen also turned into smoke.

Bai Shentian's defeat was so complete, completely unexpected, that was Thunder's true energy, when was it so unbearable, that Ye Xuan's strength was too powerful.

Going down, Thunder's bodyguard collapsed.

How hard it takes, I dare not imagine.

Body protection Qi is the strongest defense of the guru. It is because of the protection of the body Qi that the guru is so powerful. I have never seen anyone kicking the body Qi.

This is still a hair!

Lin Yueshan is also strong to hold back the uneasiness in his heart. Among the three, the most powerful one is Bai Shentian. Thunder's true energy can destroy everything, but now he is kicked by someone.

This feels too bad!

Ye Xuan's innate body, power overbearing, what kind of body protection Qi is the same, one foot is broken, this is not Ye Xuan's full shot.

"You guys lie down too!"

Bang! !

Lin Yueshan's body protection collapsed, and a large mouthful of blood spewed out. He fell out tens of meters away and could not get up for a while. The whole body seemed to fall apart, which felt very bad.

"Hey, it's lost!"

Ye Xuan kicked another guru in the second leg, but was avoided by someone. "It's a little interesting!"

Whizzing! !

Two dark green cold lights crossed in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan blocked it with his hand.

"Hahaha, Ye Xuan, you have been poisoned by me. See how you carry it!"

Wuhen smiled happily.

As an assassin, he has been killing people with a dagger. The poison on the dagger is still unsolvable and highly toxic.

As a master, Wuhen's overall strength is not very strong, but he has always been proud of his speed and rarely fails.

It is quite proud of being able to kill such a powerful guru.

The injured Bai Shentian and Lin Yueshan both showed joy.

Just be poisoned.

The traceless poison is terrible. Even if they dare not try it, they are extremely overbearing and they will die.

Ye Xuan slapped.

Retreating without traces, such as afterimages, "Ye Xuan, don't have to struggle anymore. The more you struggle, the greater the chance of a severe poison attack!"


With a loud noise, Wuhen burst like a ripe watermelon and burst into a blood mist.

"My person hates the use of drugs most in my life. I'm glad you broke the ring!"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The happy Bai Shentian and Lin Yueshan, the smiles on their faces also stiffened and turned into terrifying fears.

"No trace ~~ He was shot dead with a palm!"

"This ~~~ 这 ~~~"

The two shivered in fright.

Too cruel!

The slap shot killed the master strong, this scene is too shocking.

The master is difficult to kill, it is recognized by everyone, unless it is carefully ambushed, otherwise the master is strong and wants to go, whoever can stop it.

But now ~~~ Ye Xuan's performance is too brutal and violent.

I slapped a guru in one palm, and it was horrible except horror. I had never seen it before.


"Are you disappointed!"

Ye Xuan smiled and came in front of Lin Yueshan.

"Ye Xuan, you can't kill me!"

Peng said, Lin Yueshan was kicked and flew out. When the man was still in the air, Ye Xuan reached the front of him and kicked again. Lin Yueshan flew out again, and the whole person moved back and forth like a ball.

"Yes Shao, I was wrong!"

"Don't kick, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Lin Yueshan vomited blood while begging for mercy.

Being kicked around in the air is not a comfortable thing.

Ye Xuan became a ghost. He kicked Lin Yueshan as a ball. The terrible speed and precise power control were really scary.

There was fear and panic on Bai Shentian's face.

"This is the strength that Grand Master only has!" Bai Shentian shivered, "How can I provoke such an enemy!"

Peng! !

Lin Yueshan fell next to Bai Shentian, his eyes wide open, dying.

"Don't ~~~ kill me ~~~ I was wrong !!!"

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