Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Zhang Man took the people and left Xiaoyao Villa.

Did not go back directly.

On the nearest mountain, you can see the Xiaoyao Mountain Villa not far away, in the towering woods, lush.

"Little Man, there is a problem in that place!"

"As soon as I came out there, there were fewer elements between heaven and earth!"

"It's abnormal, what the **** is going on!"

"It can't be said that we feel wrong!"

Colleagues standing in the pavilion, you said me sentence by sentence, your eyes are inseparable from the Xiaoyao Mountain Villa below. If you haven't experienced it yourself, how can you know the special feeling of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa?

Zhang Man was also particularly shocked.

Perhaps others do not know the meaning of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa.

But when Zhang Man came up, he finally remembered one thing, this place should actually have another name-Dongtianfudi.

That ’s right.

Zhang Man from Yanjing is also a member of the ability group, and he knows many secrets.

That's why after coming out, Zhang Man always feels like she has forgotten something. After she climbed the mountain, she realized that she came here, that's a blessing.

The legendary existence.

The most surprising thing is that such a blessed place appeared in the downtown area of ​​the East China Sea, which is really incredible.

Zhang Man went to the heaven and earth in more than one place.

However, compared with this, the gap is not so large.

It looks like Xiaohe and Dajiang.

Zhang Man couldn't wait to practice in Xiaoyao Mountain Villa. I believe that in a very short period of time, his level will be upgraded, and it will not be impossible to become an S-level or even a double-S level in the future.

In the world of abilities.

A / level abilities are actually the primary strength of the master.

S-level abilities, mid-master.

The double S ability, the late master.

The master of the three S-level abilities is complete.

As for the Grand Master level abilities, the title has also changed to become the Grand Master of abilities.

Zhang Man is now a B-level ability, all of which is capable of manipulating the mind. She has been to heaven and earth, and the elements of heaven and earth absorbed are far less than the speed of this Xiaoyao Mountain Villa.

This is definitely a shocking thing.

Zhang Man was originally to investigate Master Huang's affairs, but the current situation is completely beyond imagination.

"This Xuan Xuan must be suspected. My proud mind investigation has all failed. It seems that I can only change the way!" Zhang Man made up his mind.

"You are buried in your heart today!"

Zhang Man told his colleagues.

Once the news of a heavenly blessing spreads, the entire East China Sea will be restless. After all, no one can refuse the temptation of a heavenly blessing.

That is where any warrior will be intoxicated.


That night.

Xiaoyao Mountain Villa is quiet.

In the middle of the night, a figure quietly sneaked into Xiaoyao Mountain Villa.

"Ye Xuan, you definitely can't think I'll sneak over!"

The dark shadow was wearing a night suit, and I didn't know where it was obtained from, but I could see that the figure was quite good.

This man is exactly that Zhang Man in the daytime.

After the failure of the psychic investigation, Zhang Man became curious about Ye Xuan. Even after going back, he arranged someone to investigate some predecessors of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa and got a surprising news.

This exciting place turned out to be a haunted place before. I do n’t know how many years it has been deserted. Many people died in this place.

But now, Zhang Man can't believe it is true.

However, after only a few months, this deserted place can be renovated and become a holy place that all martial artists dream of. It is really unbelievable.

Zhang Man guessed that this place was itself a heavenly blessing place, which was just obtained by Ye Xuan, such as solving some troubles and so on.

As for making a hole out of thin air, no one can make it.

China's first God of War is not enough.


Zhang Man carefully released the mind detection.

"I found you!"

Ta Xue and Xiao Hei do not sleep at night, keep patrolling, really quiet, and do not know that they appear behind you.

Zhang Man now let go of Mind Detection and found them in the first place.

Zhang Man was very impressed with these two things. They are absolutely dangerous. As long as they are solved, the rest will be simple.


Zhang Man's Mind Detection can cover a range of 100 meters.

This is the largest scope.

Within this range, Zhang Man has powerful abilities, such as hypnosis.

Treading snow and Xiaohei are very powerful, especially the former is still the bloodline of the wild beast, but after all, the excitation time is not long, the mind is asleep, and there is no sign of the trick.

"Great, I am the best!"

Zhang Manxing was elated.

Without these two guys, Zhang Mang breathed a sigh of relief. As for Ye Xuan, it is not useful in any way. A man's skin is better than a woman's, it's awful.

Sleeping in my heart, I want to wake up at least tomorrow morning.

Zhang Man approached the building.

Mind detection is launched.

Zhang Man saw the situation in the building.

On the first floor, there is a young couple, a soul sleeping in the past and falling into a deep sleep.

On the second floor, Zhang Man saw Ye Xuan, the guy who made her feel terrible.

"Sleep the mind!"

Once again the soul of sleep is shown, and only a peaceful breath remains in the building.

"There must be something in this guy's body, otherwise it will be impossible to stop my soul moves!" Zhang Man was completely relieved, "I know there is treasure in this guy!"

It is a rare thing to be able to stop her mental moves.

Zhang Man came here at night, just to make sure, fortunately, as expected, this Ye Xuan is not so powerful, and her mental moves are still strong.


Zhang Mang swaggered into the building.

A random glance, Zhang Man came upstairs, opened Ye Xuan's room, saw Ye Xuan in deep sleep, and turned on the switch next to it.

The room lit up.

"Ye Xuan, you are very proud during the day, but you can't think of it at night!" Zhang Man was smug and proud, "Pretend to be 13 in front of my powers, you are really amazing, Miss Ben has cleaned you up in a sleep!"

Zhang Man vented a bit and began to search Ye Xuan's room.

Ye Xuan's room is very simple, basically nothing, at a glance.

Zhang Man still checked it carefully, but it turned out that he couldn't find anything. He couldn't help being dumbfounded, "This bastard, there is nothing in the room!"

Unwilling to reconcile, Zhang Man checked it again. She suspected that there were secret rooms in the room, and those who said something might be hidden inside.

After working around for half an hour, Zhang Man was completely disappointed.


Ye Xuan lying on the bed smiled, "This little girl is quite interesting!"

Since refining the storage ring, Ye Xuan has put all valuable things in the storage space, and there is nothing more reassuring than putting it on his body.

At least in China, it is the whole world. At present, there should be no strong men who can defeat themselves.

Ye Xuan is quite confident.

Zhang Man came to Ye Xuan and glanced at Ye Xuan who was sleeping.

"The little white-faced guy is a little bit handsome!"

Zhang Man looked at Ye Xuan's face and came up with a weird idea. He was quickly crushed by himself. "Bah, bah, what am I thinking about, this guy is obviously a bad guy!"

After thinking hard, Zhang Man decided to search for something on the bed.

So, I searched along the bed and found that there was none.

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