The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 274: got the wrong person

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Xiao Family Villa.

Wrong, it should be Xiao Minghai Villa.

Xiao Minghai's life had been quite good, especially after the last birthday party, one of his heart problems was finally removed, and his eldest daughter was healthy again.

All kinds of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have been swept into the garbage pile all the year round.

Disappointed again and again, Xiao Minghai seemed to feel that his eldest daughter's condition would not be better, and for a long time, it became a heart disease.

After the birthday party, Xiao Minghai feels like he is dreaming every day. His daughter is really good. He is not dreaming. Everything is true. In his heart, Xiao Minghai is very grateful to Ye Xuan, if not for his shot He does n’t know how to deal with his eldest daughter, even if the rich one ca n’t cure his daughter, what's the use?

That time was Xiao Minghai's happiest time.

The smile on the eldest daughter's face finally recovered.

He didn't like his little daughter to go crazy, but now he also has his eyes closed. If he didn't play crazy outside, how could he know Ye Xuan as a magician.

Xiao Minghai really wants to thank the little daughter.

However, Xiao Minghai was very unhappy recently. After the eldest daughter recovered, all the sons and daughters of the East China Sea came. Today is not this, tomorrow is the one. Everyone wants to be the son-in-law of the Xiao family.

At the beginning, Xiao Minghai was still very happy. After a long time, it was uncomfortable, and all kinds of miscellaneous guys came. What does that mean?

Especially in the last half month.

The Lin family of the first family in the East China Sea, the son of Lin San came to the door non-stop.

If it is someone else, Xiao Minghai can still refuse. After this person is the son of Lin's family, it is not easy to handle things.

Today's Donghai Lin family sits firmly in the No. 1 position in the East China Sea. Outsiders don't know their strength. The Xiao family knows. After all, the first family is not that simple.

Ye Family and Su Family are strong, but they can't overwhelm Donghai Lin Family.

Xiao Minghai didn't dare to offend Lin Sangong under the circumstance of last resort. Every time it was ambiguous. He was also heard about who Lin Sangong was.

Especially in the recent incident, Son San became a joke.

Knowing that the other party was going to pit him, he just jumped in, and turned into a big joke.

The third son, Lin, even let out his words. If anyone competes with him for Xiao Yuxin, it will be his enemy.

As soon as the news was released, the elder brothers who were still interested in Xiao Yuxin did not dare to go one by one. There was no need to learn about the three sons of Lin for a woman, which was very, very uneconomical.

Mr. Lin came to Xiaojia Villa more diligently.

"It seems they are back!"

Son San Lin smiled.

"Dad, we are back!" Xiao Yuxuan ran in first, holding a big baby in his hand.

Mr. Lin doesn't like Xiao Yuxuan very much. This girl is too bad to pay attention, but she can't do anything. Once done, it is a joke to pass it on.

Last time at the auto show, Mr. Lin was told by the family afterwards that he dared to go out for more than ten days at home.

"It turns out to be a little aunt, this big doll is good!" Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"Of course, this is from my brother-in-law!" Xiao Yuxuan said deliberately, "Dad, you let the kitchen people cook a few more dishes. The brother-in-law and sister are still taking things out, and they will come in later!"


Both Xiao Minghai and Lin Sanzhen were stunned, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

The former Xiao Minghai immediately rejoiced, "Your sister is really too, bringing her boyfriend back, so tell me anyway, this is a sudden attack!"

Xiao Yuxuan groaned in coordination, "Dad, I also just learned that my sister's possession is so good!"

Son San Lin's face became somber, and then returned to normal.

"They come in!"

Ye Xuan held two big dolls and covered most of his body. Xiao Yuxin's face was red and he took the other hand and walked into the villa hall.

"Dad, I'm back, Master San, you are there too!"

Xiao Minghai was also curious as to who his eldest daughter was.

Mr. Lin has been staring at the person behind the big doll. He wants to see who is so brave and dare to soak up his own woman.

How long has it taken for someone to leave their words in their ears, and they are simply impatient.

"Brother Ye, just put things here!"

"I'm here, just two big dolls!" Ye Xuan put the two big dolls on the sofa.

"It's you!"

After Ye Xuan put down the big doll, Lin Sangong swish and stood up, staring at Ye Xuan with death, "You are so brave, you dare to come here!"

Last time, son San Lin looked for someone to deal with Ye Xuan. As a result, the person invited was unreliable. He came back with a pig's head in his face.

This can make Lin Sangong very angry.

A guy who didn't know where he came from, dared to pretend to be a ghost in front of himself, and didn't clean up the other party well. The people in the circle thought he was afraid.

Unexpectedly, the second meeting will be in this situation.

The woman she loves is holding hands with each other.

This guy is dead.

"Why don't I dare to come!" Ye Xuan chuckled, "Uncle Xiao, I'm so embarrassed to be a guest!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiao Minghai saw Ye Xuan and had no opinion. Ye Xuan, that's a magic doctor, an expert. Until now, many people have asked him for a number, "Sir Lin, do you have any misunderstandings!"

Xiao Minghai is very talkative and impartial.

Ye Xuanxian said, "Uncle Xiao, who is this person, and I tell you, this guy is not a good person. Last time at the auto show, he shouted 500 million Huaxia coins to buy a super run, but in the end he ran like this. People, it ’s better not to get to know it. People are joking about it. It ’s 500 million to buy a luxury car. This cowhide is too big, and the buyers are happy! "

Son San is about to vomit blood.

This man is too shameless.

Actually directly in front of Xiao Minghai.

If it weren't for you to pit me, Ben Shao would be deceived, absolutely nothing.

Xiao Minghai pretended not to know, "Mr. Ye, would you admit it wrong? This is Mr. Lin, the third son of the first family in the East China Sea. He said that if he bought 500 million yuan, how could he not get it out, there must be someone fake!"

Son San did not lose his face.

Especially in front of Xiao Minghai.

These days, he has played like a good boy.

"Ah, the Lin family of the first family in the East China Sea, in this way, it really seems to be wrong!" Ye Xuan reached out his hand, "Fortunately, I will!"

Lin Sangong clenched his teeth and stretched out his hand. This face could not be lost. "Actually, I also recognized the wrong person. You are not that person, sorry!"

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