The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 228: Transfiguration works well

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Boom Boom Boom! ! !

Su Shanshan knocked on the door!

In the room, a man and a woman are watching TV together.

A white-collar white-collar man is very similar to a successful man.

The women are very beautiful and have a very high rate of going back.

No matter who it is, such a match will not have any doubts.

"Open the door, we are the police!"

Su Shanshan shouted as she knocked on the door.


The man stood up and frowned slightly, "Could it be that some wind has spread into their ears, impossible!"

"It's okay, they're useless as well. It's estimated to be the usual query!" The beauty stood up and smiled, "I'm going to open the door, you worry too much!"

This time they took away the youngest son of the Hong Kong businessmen, they spent a lot of thought, and finally succeeded, as long as they took the people out, they would get 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

"It's my worrying, not to mention that we gave the child a face-lift, who would think of it!" The man opened his brows and smiled. "We can take them away from them without knowing it. The policeman is not so powerful, it is estimated that the card is now intercepted! "

The door opened!

Su Shanshan saw a beautiful woman open the door, wearing a nightgown, "Police, don't you know that it is a very impolite thing to disturb people's dreams early in the morning!"

Out of a beautiful woman, her appearance is seven or eight points, which makes people outside feel sinking. This is not a criminal at all!

Secretary Bai is also deeply concerned.

"How could I believe this guy's words!"

Su Shanshan saw the encouraging look from Ye Xuandi.

"Sorry, we are the police. A luxurious suite upstairs was escorted into the room and stole valuable things. We just came to check the situation as usual!" Su Shanshan could only put her scalp on his head. Let's go in and check! "

The beauty looked at the police outside without any doubt.



The crowd entered the room.

Director Bai also saw the white-collar man, and also noticed that the little boy sleeping in the bed was breathing symmetrically, still facing upwards, and his heart sank.

"You guys check it out, especially outside the window!"

Director Bai said to Zhao Zhengyi.

This is also a routine check.

White-collar men and beautiful women are sitting on the sofa, very calm, Su Shanshan asked what they said, and curiously explored what was stolen upstairs.



Searched in a circle, no gains!

Zhao Zhengyi compared the appearance of the child on the bed. It was completely different from the one in the mobile phone. He knew that the leather of Ye Xuan was blown up. When he went out, he won the first time without the command of Director Bai.

Director Bai also felt he was being fooled!

There is such a coincidence in the world.

Su Shanshan recorded that when they saw Zhao Zhengyi coming out, their heart was sinking, knowing that they had come to the wrong place, and the child was not here at all.

This room is not very large. The place where people can hide can be seen at a glance, and they have been checked. It is impossible to hide people. Everyone knows this.

Bai is happy!

White-collar men and beautiful beauties are easy to deal with.

Su Shanshan quickly recorded it, empty of heart.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Su Shanshan stood up.

"The cooperation between the police and the people should be!" The white-collar man smiled.

Su Shanshan was about to leave, and at this time, Ye Xuan leaned against the door of the room inside, "Wait, what's the hurry, the business hasn't been done yet!"

Su Shanshan glared at Ye Xuan, "Don't make trouble!"

Secretary Bai is also frustrated. What the kid wants to do is that the kid is not the lost son of the Hong Kong businessmen. The two people, by his instinctive reaction, are by no means criminals.

"I didn't make trouble!" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "Your methods are very good, and your qualities are good. In the face of the police's unhurried and chaotic appearance, it looks like a successful person, and the unsuspecting people really want to be deceived by you. Now! "

The white-collar man sank. "This policeman, I don't know what you are talking about. If you are slandering, I will complain to you."

Ye Xuan smiled, "I'm not a policeman, I'm just a fortune teller!"

The white-collar man was confused, and a fortune teller of this age was here to find it, which was ridiculous and angrily said, "I am so knowledgeable that the fortune teller can actually handle the case. You should go out to me now, otherwise I will complain immediately you guys!"

Director Bai's face will be dark.

"Zheng Yi, take him away!" Director Bai did not want this kid to continue to make trouble, the ghost knew what it would look like.

Zhao Zheng was overjoyed in his heart. He could finally catch you kid, Director Bai was angry, and you came to an end.

"Complaint?" Ye Xuan gave a sigh of breath, "Forget it, you played with you, you are good at cosmetic surgery, but in my eyes, they are all flaws, but for those policemen, your cosmetic surgery is quite Awesome, and what you are now is also easy to come out. It is estimated that few people who know you know your true face. It is really amazing! "


Director Bai is about to pat his head, what is this?

The two people in front of me are easy-going, what a joke.

It's just that there is a trace of confusion in the eyes of white-collar men and beautiful women.

This is their biggest secret, and the result was broken by this guy. How could this be possible.

"I don't know what you're talking about, please go out now." The white-collar man said angrily.

Ye Xuan turned around and walked into the room. "It seems that the coffin is not tearing anymore, then I will help you, for example, wash the face of this child, I believe everything is clear!"


White-collar men and beautiful women suddenly started.

Very fast!

When he rushed to the door, Zhao Zheng was kicked and flew as soon as he came back, and the other policemen were almost the same. At the blink of an eye, they lay on the ground in a hurry, wailing in pain.

Director Bai finally came back, and all the policemen who came with him fell to the ground. The remaining two didn't know what to do.

"Director Bai, they are gone!"

There were no two people outside the corridor.

Director Bai is still digesting the news. He never imagined that these two people were actually criminals. If it was not Ye Xuan's last sentence, they would not be in trouble.

Ye Xuan came out holding the baby.

"Look, is this right?"

The person is still that person.

But now the situation has completely changed.

"Yes, it's him. We found it!" Su Shanshan was excited and looked at it seven or eight times. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it.

This child turned out to be the child they were looking for.

Director Bai has heard of Yi Rongshu and never thought it would be so realistic, making it difficult for people to see clearly. Almost, they missed the opportunity.

"Master Ye, thank you!"

Secretary Bai came over and said gratefully, he was secretly glad that if he didn't think this person was extraordinary, it would really be a big deal, and he could not sit down as a deputy director.

Ye Xuan lazily said, "Thank me for what I do. Today's biggest hero is Su Shanshan, Director Bai, do you think I am a fortune teller, is it okay?"

Director Bai looked more and more comfortable with Ye Xuan.

What a good boy, wrong, master!

"Su Shanshan, you have made great contributions!" Director Bai said to Su Shanshan.

Su Shanshan shook her head again and again, "Director Bai, I am not a hero, Ye Xuan is!"

Director Bai laughed, "Who knows that criminals will hide here so cunningly without you. You are a hero, and your friends have said it, so don't refrain from it. Well, you will see the leader with me!"

"Several of you go to the hospital to check yourself. Captain Zhao, it's best to keep it in your heart today, and you!" Director Bai's sharp eyes swept away.

Zhao Zhengyi was kicked, and until now he still has pain all over his body, as if falling apart, and now his mind is blank.

That kid really found the youngest son of a Hong Kong businessman!

Those two are really criminals!

It's incredible!

"Director, I understand that I will not talk nonsense!"

If such a big thing is spread, the police station might drop a big hat that won't do things, and the impact will be bad.


"Be sure to send Master Ye back!"

Director Bai arranged for someone to send Ye Xuan back, and Zhao Zhengyi volunteered. Now he knows very well that Master Ye helped solve the case. That is one step to the sky.

What Ye Xuan said before was all true.

Zhao Zhengyi was also afraid, but this is the master. Why was he so stupid at that time? I already knew that it would be good to follow. Now that it is all right, I have no credit for it.

Being remembered by a director, Zhao Zheng was all hairy when he thought about it.

"Director, I promise to send Master Ye back safely!" Zhao Zhengyi now wants to perform well.

"Master Ye, this is my mobile phone number. When things are over, sit down together!" Director Bai took out a card with only one number on it.

Ye Xuan was also polite, received the card, "No problem!"

Director Bai is also convinced by mouth!

Although the person ran away, it was not so perfect, but finding a young son was more important than anything.

"Thank you, Ye Xuan!" Su Shanshan said, "I invite you to dinner at night, you have to enjoy your face!

Ye Xuan pretended to be surprised, "Sue police invited me to dinner, then I should go back and dress up well, so as not to be told!"

Su Shanshan rolled her eyes, "Look for a fight!"


How does Secretary Bai say this, Ye Xuan is too lazy to care, he believes that Secretary Bai will not talk nonsense, Su Shanshan's credit must be some, and also great, maybe next time he meets, It ’s an ordinary policeman. The leader did n’t show it. That ’s really kind.

Zhao Zheng took Ye Xuan personally to the fortune-telling street.

"Master Ye, I was offended before, I'm sorry!" Zhao Zhengyi lowered his head. "I have nothing to do with Su Shanshan. A beauty like Su Shanshan can only be worthy of Master Ye!"

"I know I'm wrong!" Ye Xuan smiled.

"Master Ye, I know I'm wrong, I have no eyes, I'm targeting you, really, I know, I won't dare anymore!" Zhao Zheng was sweating all over.

"Okay, look at you brave!"

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