The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 186: Disaster of Blood

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Deputy Director's Office!

"Director Lin has an accident!"

Deputy Director Lin is thinking about being promoted to get rich.

"What are you panicking for? Look at what you look like. Here is the police station!" Deputy Director Lin reprimanded his subordinates, which is his favorite thing to do.

"Director Lin, all of us who interrogated Ye Xuan were injured!"

After some rebuke, the subordinate said.

"Injured?" Deputy Director Lin was speechless, the trial individual could be injured, what is it, "how hurt?"

"Ye Xuan hit it!"

"Reversely, dare to beat someone!" Deputy Director Lin remembered this person Ye Xuan, did not deal with this person, how did he stubbornly wind up his family, how to promote his fortune.

Deputy Director Lin passed by himself.


In the interrogation room.

"Don't move, sit down!"

At the door of the interrogation room, five policemen stood aside and stared at Ye Xuan.

From the interrogation to the present, several of their colleagues have been injured.

This was either a broken leg or the broken arm, bad luck, and a broken head, which happened unconsciously, as if hell.

"I told you all, this place is not good!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "You guys, just don't listen!"

The several policemen who had interrogated Ye Xuan before did not dare to come, but these few were also worried that Ye Xuan had run away, but they did not dare to get close. It was really a wicked thing.

"Is this place really bad?"

A policeman watched his neck shrink around, and after a gust of wind, they all started to tremble.

"I think you guys, if you're still here, it's probably bad luck. I'm telling you that you've encountered a bad luck ghost. I won't be anything else. I will look at each other. For example, now you are very bad Okay, there is a plague of blood! "Ye Xuan continued to flicker.

He did all the injured policemen.

He was the eighth Xuan Emperor, who got a policeman to show off his power in that round, and he dared to use violent means. Isn't that just looking for a fight?

"Blood Disaster!"

These policemen were originally courageous, and what happened in the interrogation room was so surprising.

Ye Xuan said that they subconsciously wanted to go out, fearing to continue, and it was their turn immediately.

"I said why was it so bad to go out today, it turned out to be bad luck!"

"Master, what to do!"

"We don't want to be plagued by blood!"


The policemen at the door were panicking!

It's terrible to break your hands!

As for whether it was Ye Xuan's suspicion, they didn't do it. The second thing was that they all looked at it. Those colleagues in their room were unlucky in this room.

"You went home early today, nothing happened!"

Ye Xuan said seriously.

"Then I will go home from work immediately!"

"Yeah, it's too dangerous!"

"I don't want to lie on the bed /."


He was about to leave the interrogation room.

This place is too bad.

"What do you want to do!"

"It's time to work now!"

When they left collectively, Deputy Commissioner Lin, who was on the official stand, came, and he was upset when he saw the subordinates who were about to leave.

"Director Lin!"

Several policemen dared not look squarely at their heads.

Deputy Director Lin glared at everyone and walked into the interrogation room. They did not walk, nor did they walk. They tried to speak several times, and finally shut up.

"You are Ye Xuan!"

Deputy Director Lin looked at the record. He didn't have a word, and he was in a bad mood.

"Yeah, I am Ye Xuan!"

Deputy Director Lin didn't like this Ye Xuan very much. He still didn't care about him in front of him. Don't I know he was the Secretary.

"Ye Xuan, you are so brave to kill someone, but you are not frank!" Deputy Director Lin shouted at the table.

"Am I killing? Is there evidence!" Ye Xuanxiao asked, "Don't talk nonsense without evidence, my deputy director Lin!"

Deputy Director Lin most dislikes the words "Deputy Director", as long as whoever said it is definitely unhappy. Ye Xuan's words undoubtedly made him very unhappy.

"What do you guys do while standing, but you can't interrogate this guy!" Deputy Director Lin glanced disappointedly at several policemen.

"Director Lin, the evil gate in this place!"

"We don't think it's suitable for interrogation today!"

Several policemen stubbornly.

Deputy Director Lin was furious, "What do you guys say, you are the police? I'm optimistic about this place, how can you be evil, it is clear that you don't want to do anything, do you want to go home!"

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes to Deputy Director Lin.

"Deputy Director Lin, this place is really bad, I think you should listen to it!" Ye Xuan said seriously.

Deputy Commissioner Lin hummed, "Here is the policeman. Our policeman is a **** boy. There is nothing wrong with it. I don't believe that the police station will be a place of evil!"

Ye Xuan chuckled towards Deputy Director Lin, "Is it true, I think you will soon be plagued by blood!"

Deputy Director Lin is going to give Ye Xuan a bitter taste.

In the police station, I dare to talk back to myself, I really don't know whether it is ignorance or courage.

"Hahaha, funny words, do you think it's possible!" Deputy Director Lin despised. When I pulled the chair off, I was ready to sit down. As soon as I sat on the chair, there was a click, and one leg of the chair was broken. In this sitting, Deputy Director Lin fell out, and subconsciously, he hooked the table with both hands, and even people Together with the table, hit the wall together.

Deputy Commissioner Lin stared at Venus on the spot, which was not over, and the table also fell down. With a loud noise, the bulky table directly hit Deputy Director Lin's legs.

"Ah, my leg, it hurts me!"

Deputy Director Lin was screamed by the table, his head hit the wall, and blood appeared.

This is really a catastrophe!

"Director Lin, are you okay!"


The policeman at the door was completely panicked.

Ye Xuan's eyes were full of worship and fear again.

It's really a plague of blood!

Deputy Director Lin was completely dumbfounded. He was really being talked about by the other party. This guy is too powerful.

"Still do nothing, call 120 immediately!" Deputy Director Lin growled.

Several policemen came up, removed the table, and helped Deputy Director Lin to leave.

Just arrived at the door, Deputy Director Lin saw the Director coming.

"Deputy Director Lin, what's wrong with you!" The Secretary also saw Deputy Director Lin.

"I accidentally fell!" Deputy Director Lin smiled bitterly.



"Then go to the hospital quickly!" The chief said.

Deputy Director Lin was terribly painful and didn't want to know how the Secretary came, now he wanted to go to the hospital.

"Ye Xuan, are you okay!"

In the interrogation room, Zhang Xuedong came in to see Ye Xuan and couldn't help but feel relieved.

"It's okay, okay!"

Zhang Xuedong said towards the middle-aged man next to Guozi face, "Secretary, your police station will not do anything anymore. Ye Xuan, who knows, how could he kill people, without evidence!"

The secretary wiped the sweat, "Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured that this matter is definitely a misunderstanding. What are you still doing, and you have not opened the handcuffs for Mr. Ye!"

A policeman immediately went up to open the handcuffs.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry, the people will not do anything. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen next time!" The director kept paying the courtesy, and in his heart, deputy director Lin, who had caught Ye Xuan, hated and died.

Ye Xuan and Zhang Xuedong left.

The director personally delivered it to the door, and when they left, they immediately fell into one face.

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