The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 160: Zhang Yasi's Lost

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Red-sleeved glamour women's company, from the original obscurity, has now become the most potential company in the East China Sea!

As the president, Zhang Yasi became a big man in the East China Sea circle. With several magical cosmetics in his hand, he quickly became popular. In less than two months, he took 80% of the East China Sea market share.

Ye Xuan came out of the elevator and saw several young people, dressed in extraordinary clothes, holding roses in their hands, and almost suspected that they had come to the wrong place.

"When is it so popular!"

Ye Xuan remembered that when he came last time, the company did not have so many people.

Several people holding flowers also noticed Ye Xuan who came up. It was really the air on Ye Xuan's body that was very floating, which made people feel bright, and it was hard to think about it.

Especially after the battle between Li Yaoyao and Liu Piaopiao recently, the breath of the body is more outstanding, whether it is a man or a woman, there will be a reaction at first sight.

"This brother, you are also chasing your sister!" One of the handsome young men asked with a smile.

Ye Xuan found it very interesting. It seemed that the other party had misunderstood and said, "My girlfriend works here!"

The handsome young man twitched his eyebrows, "Congratulations, now the girls here are delicious, and all of them are flowery and jadey. By the way, who is your girlfriend, maybe I still know it!"

"Just like him, what kind of sister can you meet, and now who doesn't know the girls of the charming women's company, they are the best!" A round young man not far away chuckled.

Since the cosmetics of glamour women became popular, the company that had been deserted suddenly became popular. Many rich disciples came to the news.

Ye Xuan smiled at the young man, "My girlfriend is Bing Qingya!"

Go inside the company!

"There is one who knows nothing!"

The chubby young man was gloating.

The security guards at the door of the company were not kidding. I didn't know how many people wanted to go in, but they were all thrown out. Even the bodyguards were not their opponents.

Ye Xuan walked to the door of the company, and the security guards stood up, "Boss, you are here!"

The chubby young man widened his eyes and suspected that he had heard it wrong. Is this little white face the boss of the company? What a joke.

Ye Xuan didn't pay attention to the outsiders, and walked directly to Zhang Yasi's office, pushed his hands, and walked in.

"No one knocked on the door, who let you in!"

Zhang Yasi wore an OL uniform, buried his head in writing, did not raise his head, and directly shouted, quite powerful, this is the company's own momentum after the company is famous.

"Sister IELTS, you domineering female president, more and more domineering!" Ye Xuan sat down on the sofa next to him, laughing and laughing.

Listening to a familiar voice, Zhang Yasi looked up and saw Ye Xuan. That unique breath made her feel different every time. Looking at Ye Xuan, she was slightly startled, "Big boss, you are really a ghost!"


Bing Qingya stepped in and hurriedly pushed through the black high-heeled shoes. When she saw Ye Xuan for the first time, she couldn't help but exclaimed. She hadn't seen Ye Xuan for days!

Looking at Ye Xuan now, I always feel more and more tasteful, is this really masculine?

"Qing Ya, I haven't seen you in a few days, you are beautiful again!" Ye Xuan took Bing Qingya's jade hand, and the whole person fell into his arms.

Zhang Yasi looked at the scene in front of her, and for some reason, she felt a trace of loss in her heart. She felt ridiculous about the ideas that came up, and hurried down her thoughts.

"Big boss, you are so open to love, this is to envy the dead!" Zhang Yasi smiled.

Ye Xuan had a thick skin and didn't care about Zhang Yasi's words. Instead, she was Bing Qingya or a girl. She had a thin skin and broke free. "Don't do it, I'm still at work, OK!"

"Okay, okay!" Ye Xuan didn't continue to be in danger. Bing Qingya, "I think our company's performance is getting better and better. We all come to the rich disciples outside!"

Bing Qingya pouted, "They hate to die, but fortunately there is a security guard left by Brother Ye, otherwise it would be messy!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Why, someone is making trouble!"

Zhang Yasi shook his head, "There have been one or two times. Those rich second generations are smart. Knowing that our company's products are good, I want to come up with a beauty plan. For example, your girlfriend, that is the key target!"

Bing Qingya glanced at Ye Xuan, and hurriedly explained, "Brother Ye, I can't look down on them. I lean on the house one by one, I know nothing about it, I know that I am playing tricks!"

"With them there, you can rest assured that no one will make trouble!" Ye Xuanqing found them, and cultivated a little, that is, a high security guard.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Yasi told Ye Xuan about the company's income.

In just two months, the profit reached more than 200 million Chinese dollars. Listening to Zhang Yasi's meaning, this is just the beginning. It will not be a problem to break the 200 million profit next month.

"I plan to buy a few more production lines, what do you think!" Zhang Yasi asked. After all, Ye Xuan didn't come very much. Some things just happened to come out and talk.

"In fact, you can decide for yourself, and I am responsible for the key raw materials!" Ye Xuanzhen didn't care about this. If it wasn't for the shares that Zhang Yasi gave him, he wouldn't be the boss.

"You!" Zhang Yasi said on his mouth, sweet in his heart, "This is a hundreds of millions of transactions, easy to say!"

"Sister IELTS, I can trust you!"

Ye Xuan threw a word and took Bing Qingya to his office.

"Wow, is that the big boss!"

"So handsome!"

"I really want to give the big boss a baby monkey!"

"Don't be crazy!"


When he returned to the office, Bing Qingya was flushed, and the words of the employees outside were clear.

"I blame you!" Bing Qingya blushed and punched Ye Xuan in a mess. "Now they all know that they are dead!"

"You are my girlfriend, what a shy thing!" Ye Xuan hugged Bing Qingya and kissed her on the face, letting her sit on her lap.

"Have you missed me!"

Ye Xuan spent a long time with Bing Qingya in the company.

At noon, the two went out to eat a lover set meal, bought a bunch of roses, and ate some tofu before Ye Xuan left the company.

When leaving, I handed over to the security guard, a few symbols, available at critical moments.

Their strength is good, but once they encounter the Dark Realm Warrior, they can't eat it. The match with Fu Lu is different, and Ye Xuan can come at a critical moment.

This is just in case

The Yanhuang team.

As the young man in white appeared at the airport, his news arrived at the Yanhuang team for the first time.

Tie Jun looked at the news of the young man in white, his face worried.

"The storm is coming, a master disciple!"

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