Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

A secret base on the outskirts of the East China Sea.

A black Yueye car hurried into the base.

"Mr. Ye is here?"

Yue Ye's car had just stopped and met Captain Tie Jun, who had met several times. He was waiting with a few people. When Ye Xuan got off the bus, he greeted him.

I heard that Ye Xuan wanted to come in person, Tie Jun was initially prepared to refuse, but later thought, or ordered his men to bring Ye Xuan over.

Since the last time that the mysterious brother Ye Xuan appeared, the Iron Army has arranged for people to investigate Ye Xuan. The information that can be investigated has stopped five years ago.

Tie Jun finally believed that Ye Xuan had entered an ancient Wuzong gate.

Only the ancient Wuzongmen can be a strong like Tianba.

"How is Li Yaoyao!"

Ye Xuan asked at once.

Tie Jun slightly sullen his face, "We have invited a master of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as it is accompanied by Mr. Ye's premium Aoki Shenshui, it should be able to save yaoyao's life!"

Ye Xuan frowned, "Then it is still in a dangerous state!"

"Take me over and let me see for myself. Although the super green Aoki Shenshui works well, it may not necessarily save lives. The bronze armor is not so good to deal with. You are really brave, so dare to deal with it , It ’s almost the same as finding death! "

"Why don't you know the strength of the copper armor!" Said a member of the Yan and Huang clan standing behind the iron army. "It's capable. You have to deal with it!"

It is naturally uncomfortable for an outsider to accuse them of the Yanhuang team, Huaxia's highest team.

The iron army was shocked. In fact, it was the first time he met such things as the copper armor. He was originally going to kill the iron armor. Who knew that if he was promoted, if he did not respond quickly, they would have to be the whole army Annihilated.

For Ye Xuanneng to utter the copper armor corpse, it seems very clear, it is really shocking.

"Okay, say a few words!" Tie Jun stared, "Mr. Ye, please!"

At this time, the Iron Army didn't want to say anything, everything happened. The only thing for the Iron Army was to rescue Li Yaoyao and didn't want to see her in trouble.


The Yanhuang team's base is underground.

Ye Xuan was not interested in visiting. Under the leadership of the Iron Army, he came to the third floor underground, outside a ward.

There were several members of the Yanhuang team standing at the door, all injured, not very serious, and waiting very anxiously.

"team leader!"

Tie Jun nodded slightly, "What's the situation!"

"Master Gu, haven't come out yet!" A team member shook his head and said.

Tie Jun is very worried. Master Gu is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. He is very good at this aspect. He is also a designated master of the Yanhuang team of the East China Sea.

"Master Gu, come out!"

The Iron Army was about to send people into the super green Aoki Shenshui, and saw a pale old master coming out of the rescue room.

"Master Gu, how is yaoyao!" Tie Jun asked busy.

Master Gu is sixty years old, and at this moment, Meiyu was all tired and shook his head hard. "Captain Iron, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Yaoyao's injury was too serious, I tried my best!"

"Li Yaoyao can't die!"


The members of the surrounding Yanhuang team sat on the ground.

"Hey, you can't go in!"

Master Gu just finished speaking, and a figure rushed in.


In the rescue room.

Li yaoyao is still in leather and leather pants, but at this time he is bloody.

It was Ye Xuan who rushed in!

For Li Yaoyao, Ye Xuan's emotions are very complicated. At first, he thought that he was going to complete a task. He was not so worried. In the villa, he absorbed the spirit of the world and was not far from the dark energy.

"Mr. Ye, there is no hope!"

The Iron Army came in from the outside and said hardly.

The ability of the ancient master. The Yan and Huang teams were visible to all, and he said he tried his best. It must have done its best.

"To shut up!"

Ye Xuan shouted, "Who said Li yaoyao is dead!"

Right after coming in. Ye Xuan checked Li yaoyao with his spiritual consciousness. Although his breathing and heartbeats seemed to stop, he still felt faint fluctuations.

Such fluctuations can only be noticed by those who are immortals such as Ye Xuan.

"What, save!"

The iron army was shocked, "How is it possible. Yaoyao's breathing has stopped, his body is still dead, and his heart is affected!"

Ye Xuan came to Li Yaoyao.

"Close the door and go out, forbid anyone to come in, otherwise, Li Yaoyao is really going to die!" Ye Xuanli said.

Tie Jun hesitated for a moment and believed Ye Xuan.

It is better to believe in Ye Xuan than to believe in the mysterious sect behind Ye Xuan. Maybe there is some secret technique, maybe Li Yaoyao can be saved.

The Iron Army intends to give it a go.


The iron army just came out.

Master Gu heard the movement, "Captain Iron, what I heard just now, did something happen!"

"Come here, keep here, no one is allowed to enter!" The Tiejun suddenly ordered.

Everyone didn't understand it, or they immediately put on alert. Hold the door.

"I invited an expert, maybe. Yaoyao will have a ray of life!" Tie Jun said.


"That's really great!"

Whether they can succeed or not, they will be happy as long as there is a ray of vitality.

Master Gu also stood up, "Who is coming, I want to go in!"

"Master Gu, I can agree to other things, but this thing. I can't promise you!" Tie Jun refused. "The man's origin is mysterious. As long as Master Gu knows, he has a chance to save Li yaoyao. "

Master Gu also knew he was wrong.

"As long as Li Yaoyao can be saved, we are waiting outside!" Master Gu still hoped that someone could save Li Yaoyao.

Only this opportunity is slim.

The corpse poison of the copper armor is very terrible, and it has penetrated into the heart and flesh and blood, even if the Da Luo fairy came. You may not have that ability.


"If you die, who will give me benefits in the future!"

Ye Xuan didn't dare to take it lightly, and came next to the sick chuang, tore all the clothes of Li Yaoyao apart, and the peculiar leather jacket and leather pants suddenly broke into pieces.

This is why Ye Xuan let Tie Jun leave.

Can't watch it.

Li Yaoyao was perfectly presented in front of Ye Xuan.

It's just that at this time, the bright jiao body was all covered with blood, besides, there was a trace of black gas, which was constantly infiltrating.

The most obvious thing is that the location of the xiong mouth has left a big wound, and a trace of black gas is constantly emitted.

Li Yaoyao's situation is very serious.

Ye Xuan immediately took out the water of life and gave Li yaoyao a drop. This is the essence of heaven and earth. He secretly rejoiced. If he did n’t keep it, he would be dumbfounded today.

A drop of life water went down, and Li Yaoyao's pale complexion had a touch of ruddy, which was soon covered with black gas.

"It's really going to cost me today!"

Ye Xuan fed three drops of life water.

"come out!"

Stretching his hand, Li Yaoyao burst out a trace of black gas, all of which fell in Ye Xuan's palm, condensing constantly, as if to form a black ball.

Although the bronze armor is very powerful, it is not enough to see in Ye Xuan's eyes.

With one palm, **** the black mist out.

These black qi are corpse qi, this is just the first step, can not let Li yaoyao's situation deteriorate.

All the black gas was absorbed, and there was no black gas in Li Yaoyao.

This is not enough!

Ye Xuan took out a palm of Fulu from the storage ring, and with a light drink, Fulu turned into a fire and burned on Li Yaoyao.

"Ooooooooooo ~~~"

Black air continued to fly out of the injured heart.

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